Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 18, 1909, Image 8

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CUi rluid at the Iod"Ptidwuc
Public School Friday, June It. KtoiU
radt-a and promotion card wt I-
aiKsl Tuesday, June IS. The chMln(
rerrlae mere held at tn Indepvnd
tac opera house Saturday evening
at which th fulloin program waa
1"8odc of the Roes"..rtrt Urade
2 Recitation. Only a nn'
Lavelle Hewitt
it Dntif "In Blossom Tliuo
Second Grade
4 Flag Drill.... Twenty Little tilrla
6 Sons. "UfDile Evening ltree"
Third and Fourth Urd
t Recitation. "The Loalng Ban'
Charlie Calbreath
7 Song. "Little Lauimle
Sixth Grade Ulrla
nialniMi "IVhate on NeWioa-
pers" Fifth Graca
Song. 'The Public School Will
Mk l' Trim Americana".. ..
Siith Grade Boya
10 Dialogue. "Deaf I'ncle Zed' . .
Eight Grade
Caet of Character
I'ncle Zed. a rich man.. Wright Ellia
urm i-irih.r hi brother'a wid
ow Gretchen Kreamer
Jaaette, her daughter.. Muriel Boyle
Don Pedro, Janet te'a lover
Victor Seeley
Tim i Janette'a 1 Claude Boyle
Jack ) brother ( Joseph Eaton
Lucy, the maid Bertha Collins
11 Spring Song," double duet....
Seventh Grade Girls
12- lDrama. "Merchant of Venice"
Tenth Grade
Caat of Character
The Duke of Venice. .Maurice Butler
Shy loci, a rich Jew.. Dean Baughman
Antonio, a merchant of Venice...,
Ruby Earhart
Bassanlo, a friend, husband like
wise of Portia Krieda Mosemau
Gratiano, friend of Antonio
William May
Salonio, friend of Antonio
Beulah Bramberg
Portia, disguised as a Doctor of
LaWS , .... Marie cnurcr
Morinea HisplltSpd "&S
lawyer 8
liUuwiso nf Cratiano
' Genevieve Cooper j
Clerk.... Flore"ce ,Fero
-Instrumental Duet. .. .Marie Jones
H Oration. "The Fate of the In
dians," Bessie Hartman, Presi-
dent of Eighth Grade
15 Presentation of Diplomas to
16 Song Eighth Grade
Eighth and Tenth Graces
The song of the roses was by 11
Httle girls of the first, grade. Each
girl carried a large pink rose and
ang a simple little song very sweet
ly The flag drill was given by request,
It being so appreciated at a former
The debate on newspapers was
Interesting. Each character wore and,
used language of some fifty years
Four boys of the tixth grade, rep
resented Italy. Sweden. Germany and
the United Slates sang the "Public
Schools Will Make Us True Amer
icans." The oration. "The fate of the In
dians " was well delivered by the
president of the eighth grade class.
This class put on the dialogue: "Deaf
Uncle Zed" in which Uncle Zed
poses as deaf while at the home of
his brother's widow until he found
out their true disposition toward him.
Then he took his departure, leaving
his fortune to the maid his speal:
Ing tube to his niece.
The strong part of the program
was the trial scene from the "Mer
chant of Venice". This was very
creditably given by the members of
the high school.
Diplomas were awarded to wventy
eeven eighth grade and six tenth
grade pupils. Principal R. W, Kirk
In his address earnestly urged these
graduates to continue their school
work and hoped to have an eleventh
grade class in high school next year.
R is a sad sight and sorrowful one
evervone whose patriotism would
seek to invest higher citizenship to
Jjehold young men so reduced in im
becility that in their drives on the
highway and streets they allow them
selves to give vent to profane and in
decent language. Listen to them,
when on their return, a half hour lat
er, too drunk to sit up or drive.
It Is again the old story of demon
alcohol. The condition grows worse
through the many intoxicants which
'are now flooding the country and
-which anyone can get by answering
the circulars which are sent out by
Illegitimate dealers in intoxicants in
Portland. Here is a case in which the
postal laws should be invoked severe
ly against such advertising being sent
through the mails. Often such lyaun
a. thrown hv the wayside ana
ii , tho n-flvsifie ana i
picked up by the weak minded who
end money away In answering it
that is sorely needed for the care of
defenseless families of children. But
to jjswr :' the Htsuaz- of Cain of
old: "Am I my brother'a keeper ." We
aoswr yea; eapeclally hre tntf
U not the irtreagth of relmnrr.'
Although ManuMMJtk tut enough of
trouble of her oo, yet e are kIJ
to note that thoe were not Mo
mouth youut men. They wre un
known, coming In from the North.
Do belong to be t.roprau
cauae? No:' but v believe lu tn
honor and well being of the people
aad ublic
Good Story la Klllei
The question Of what constitute
ae of a public character that
Intended to quench the Inaatiabl
cravtori of the dear public wa
broutcbt forcibly home to ua thle wee
when two Of the prominent cltlienu
of Independence, men enjoying posl
tlona of public truat, ao far forgot
themaolvea as to become Involved in
a flrtU encounter while In the courae
of transaction of public businaea.
The affair happened last Tuesday
evening and It la reported that for
a abort time there waa a rough house
and that blood actually flowed.
Through the solicitation, however
and special request of a delegation of
Drominent citliena the Enterprise
withholds the names of the partici
pants and passes up the affair with
out comment. This is done with re
luctance, however, since It has been
harged that the Enterprise has not
been printing much good news.
H. C. Seymour, County Superln
schools was a
pleasant visitor at the Enterprise of
fice this week. He came over to
confer with Prof. R. W. Kirk, prin
cipal of our schools, on matters look
ing to the Interest of the schools
here. He reports that nearly all the
schools have closed for the summer
and savw that in almost every in
stance contracts that have reached
him so far this season call for the
Fall and Winter term to begin In Oc
tober. During a conversation rela
tive to the development ana in-
nrosperity of the public
schools of the county, Mr. Seymour
the Cna8
E. Hicks Real Estate Co. on the mag
nificent reference made by that firm
relative to the schools of Polk coun
ty In their booklet recently issued.
He says it is a wonder to him why
mention of the school advantages of
the county are not more often made
in descriptive circulars sent out by
real estate firms.
M endence Reader Knows
' .. WeM
There is a way open, to convince
the greatest skeptic. Scores of Inde
pendence people have made it possi
ble. The public statement or tneir
experience is proof the Uite or wiucu
has never been produeecT before in
Independence. Read this case of it
given by a citizen:
Zed Rosendorf, merchant, Main bt.,
Independence, Ore., says: "For ten
years I was troubled with kidney
complaint and finally became so bad
that I! was forced to walk in a stoop
ed position. My kidneys were dis
ordered and on account of the fre
quency of the secretions, I was forced
to arise almost constantly during the
night. Often I would have to sit up,
Koin nhln to lie in any eomfort-
hi0 nnition. My limbs became
ti thora waa a nuffiness
SWUiieil V"V. V- Mr t
i,noth eves. I doctored and tried
everything but received no ieu u.j-
til I finally hear or uoan s rvmnej
Pills. They helped me from the first,
j t m tndav free from Kidney
aim " J - , .
complaint. I believe there is nouiws
in the world for kidney trouble equal
to Doan's Kidney Fins.
For sale by all dealers, rnue
Foster-Milburn Co. .Buffalo, New York
inta fnr the. TTnitpd States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Here Are Some Bargains
There was a good attendance at the
rlance in the opera house last night
for the benefit of the base ball club.
For sale or trade High-class par
lor organ in good condition. Enquire
at Mrs. Neeley's in North inaepen
dence. Will trade for young stock of
any kind. W
To make your new Spring tailored
Suit fit properly you need the new
long style corset. We have the new
est shapes ln-the best make. Con-
key, Walker & Lehman.
New up-to-date caskets and coffins,
burial robes, special line of trim
mings for Catholics, G. A. R. and
secret orders obtained from H. H
A large delegation of our citizens
will accompany the ball team to
Dallas next Sunday. What our boys
will do to the Dallas, crowd will be
something awful.
E. Lipton, one of the' hustling real
estate dealers of Corvallis, stopped
over in this city for a few hours on
I Monday while en route to Falls City
from which place ne recenu lev.
j t0 corvallis.
Pntn t,... our ad venders.
13 acre mlha from AltaNy,
a.r In appl, beat cartel aU
yuutk orchard. Splendid iniprv
nMiUm Rolling land. Price 11'
Ttnua: $210 down, balaix at
per cul Inierwiu
acrea, uU from ndpiidin
well fenced aud with beH tit I
oraventeula. All but U rr
cultivation. Good buildlnga nd out
bulldloM. One of tht good pl
near the town, tlfc) an acre.
IU2 acre 1 Willi front tlueua Vlata
Orchard of 100 treeaofbitt varie
ilea. : acrer in cultivation. Good
improvement. Price $3klH.
acrea 4 milea from Monmouth. 1
from railroad; 1W acrea la cultlva
tlon. Good Improvement. A good
buv. Price 18000.
IT acre 1 tulle from town; 10 cre
In cultivation; upland tiled; fruit
trees: other Improvements. Price
X77 acrea 10 mllea from independeuc
150 acres In cultivation. Thla I
another of the good burl. Will tell
at $50 an acre.
S3 acrea bottom land near Iudepend
ence. Best land there la and for
ale at S4000.
28 acres Joining city limits and a snap
for aom poor man. All In cultlva'
tlon. $3000.
160 acrea 1 mllea from Lincoln in Polk
county. A good piece of land at
$33.50 an acre.
600 acres 4 mllea from Dallas; CO of
It In cultivation. The best deal in
Polk county. Will sell now for fZO
an acre.
i35 acres, almost all In cultivation at
$40 an acre.
i acres mostly in cultivation. 64
miles from Independence. $3200 or
will sell Va with buildings for $16.'i0.
75 acres, 50 in cultivation; 10 in
timber; young orchard. A good buy
at $40 an acre.
50 acres, 40 in cultivation, good nous
and barn. 7 miles from Albany. A
good buy. $80 an acre.
82 acres, 30 in cultivation. 5 acres
of best varieties apples in bearing.
Very rich land. $75 an acre.
277 acres, town 5 miles; 250 acres in
cultivation; all fenced and cross
fenced. Al piece of bottom land
at hill land prices. $50 an acre.
20 acres, about 4 miles from Indepen
dence; $600 barn and well; fenced
with woven wire; rich sandy loam
soil 18 feet deep; ten acres in wal-j
nuts and peaches 3 years old;
worth $250 an acre. Price $125 an
47 acres, 20 acres under cultivation, j
House, bare and family orchard; lb
acres hops and hop house. Five
miles from Independence. Bargain
Good 'crop will pay for place. Price
$2650. Terms'.
10 acres, ' all in cultivation; 7-room
house almost new; frame barn,
wood house, wash house, chicken
brooder and incubator; young orch
ard; acre in strawberries and
raspberries. An ideal home. 3
miles from town. Farm implements
and stock with place at $2650.
102 acres, one mile from town; 45
acres under cultivation; orcnara,
dug well; 25 acres timber, balance
pasture; new modern 7-room house
and good barn and fences. Terms.
Price $3800.
135 acres, 2 miles from town. ou
black loam, richest kind; fences
woven wire. A splendid piece at
half value. Price $55 an acre.
240 acres, 1 mile from town. DP
black soil: 8-room house; barn; a
wind-mill, tank, etc. Price $72.50
an acre.
190 acres, all bottom land. 115 acres
under cultivation; 75 acres in past
ure. Enough timber and wood to
pay for clearing. Finest kind hop
fruit land. Price $15,000. 70
acres in hops.
31R acres in Douglas county, 4 mlies
from town. Good house, barn and
orchard;runnlng water on place;50
acres In cultivation. Price $35 an
111 acres, 2 miles from town; unctc
cultivation: 4-room house, good con
dition; barn 30x50; hop house; an
abundance living water; ash grove,
2 or 3 acres; orchard. Price $9000
216 acres bottom land, 1 mile from
town; will divide to suit purchaser.
Richest kind of bottom land; fence
with wire. Box house; barn. In
other sections this land would sell
at $500 an acre. Price $35 to $135
an acre.
1080 acres, In Sherman county, 11
miles from Grass Valley. 700 acres
under cultivation, remainder past
ure: fenced; good improvements.
plenty of Water; 6-room house; barn
granary; smokehouse; wood shed;
cellar; blacksmith shop; telephone
Price $20,000. $7000 down, balance
half crop payments, 7 per cent in
terest. 615 acres, 5 miles from town. Rich
black soil; well drained; 6 livin?
pringt, 35 arr eulilaUa;
bouw; a good l-ara aud oibrr lui
prvttiutttia. I nc I.UOU. One of
(be beat buyt la !t)li rouniy.
20 a r-a T tulle from r'd'.
Polk tounty. 17 cr cultivation,
bottom land; baani), barn, orchard,
bay trtp Hue lib l'l' l
$2500. Tertua.
acn. i. u-tl t'lim ion; neailjr
all tn cultlvatloa; aoll ery rlh
rl rum nn.iM', "' " -
orchard; ( acrea of timber. Itil
li rum bn iM , ln and family
$2100, Term
11 atr. If. iu talUtallon, balanm
Uiiiber and pasture; rich garden
land: young orchard In bearm
grape and awaK trull; atm, ban
and other outbuilding; on roua
read aud rural route; ble
All.nv kud ludcBeliUcuce. I'rli
0 an acre.
110 odd acre bulU'tu land for alt
$10,500. Uil.
144 acrea 4 mil) frt' Moaaioui
Good timber on place; all go1
farming lai d. KHter look thla u
$25 an mrt
.ire 1 mile from to a. renru
hut haa no other Improvement. A
under cultivation. Good buy at $6
an acre
If you are looking for aur'hlng I
the hue of reeidencm or farm you
can find omttbltig to milt you li
the list. Ak to nee property not In
10-room houe ai d 2 loin wllb other
IniDrovemett. A nwell home for
$1350. This la the beat b"y In In
room house and 2 lot with modern
Imiirnveuiem A vwell buy for a
party who wait noun tuiiig good.
For sale for $-r0l.
lot -in old tow u for bale for only
lot and 7 room bonne with other
improvements for $(if0.
2200 buy one of the eond home of
Independence with all modern con
venlences. foiif and rnyulre mor
about this.
n acre of land and good six room
house with best of Improvements;
A good home far $85o. This place
Is deniable for s-veral reason,
n acre cf land arid C-rouui limine;
good improvement, lumber on the
ground for barn and other improve
ments and kocs with place at $750.
Look this up.
lome bargains in business chances
from $ H,00 to $12,000. Residences
and business blocks in 'Indepen
dence. uded in this list.
Good house and barn and 2 urc to
sell at $550.
9-room house and 2 lots iu Monmouth
desirable location; good Improve
ments. Pric $150.
An acre on M r;rr. o :' h street and 7
rocni house wits o'her buildings.
Orchard and !a"t;e hi :d Miiall fruits.
A good buy for $.0(0.
Two story resiJ- nco. in North iiidc
pendence, fl'Thone and electric
lights, all in fod conilition. 1 lot
with place. A sr.ap. Price $500.
8-room house, with cIoki-Ih, 14x20
barn, chicken house, carriage house
work shop, wood house, fruit trees
and small fruits. Improvements
are worth as mnh as is anked for
place. About a half acre. Price $1000
Tract 90x200 feet Jn Independence,
house 14x22, chicken corral, hen
house, wood shed; fcixed. 400
strawberries, sorr.e raspberries, lo
ganberries, gooseberrieH, pie plant,
etc. A good buy. Price $450.
9-room house and 2Vj lots, large- burn
to sell at $3500. Best house in In
dependence. Trouble Makers Ousted.
When a sufferer from stomach trou
ble takes Tjr. King's New Life Pills
he's mighty slad to see his dyspep
sia and Indigestion fly, hut more tick
led over his new, fine appetite, stron?
nerves and healthy vijror, all becaus
stomach, liver and kidneys now work
right 25c at all druggists.
seijipoiuuioo jo jociuinu ti no
ino 8U1 laaui 01 sdsjs SumJ saiuBd
-moo D80JIIBJ em ni mnn9J oev
jad SZ B inoqB tl9nojq su q.ll
sjaiuBojs juapuedepni eqi jo uohb
-jado ' onnf 'oqPI no;siiBq
siaa omj noissas
ui niBniaJ IHA ipnnoa aqi -ivpm
jMP smi 01 suoisbb en unafq qoiqM
namoM 10 liannon reuorrsujaini
eqj jo Sunsani iBjuusnbainb qpnoj
Sl1 w paioassjdaa 8JB 'ppo eqj j
eiJBd iib ni 2uah 'nsttto 000000
.'I .usqi eaow 'ST ennf o;uoaoj,
uopisag "1 nauioAV snount
Deafness Cannot be Cured
bv local applications, as they cannot
rowh tho diseased oort.ion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous lin
lnr nf the Eustachian Tube. When
0 t
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
Shetland pony, (mare) saddle, bridle
bugey and harnosis f -r
v, j tr 'May
Long 's Cash Market
m 1 -w m .er a
Mow Open for Justness.
CHICKENS-Fancy Hens at Longs Market
Kiiie Shoulder kmwta of A Val ,.,
Pine llreaata of Veal
Kigbt Kreh Choice "ea Cutlet.
Kiinckla nf Vral
,Vea ttauaage, the only genuine Veal
Long' Meat are all city dreeeed,
rn I
ty I Shoulder Hoaitt of Mutton
p L of Mutton
e Mutton Chop
Ii-M Hound Steak
Hamburg Steak, frh every hour,
Beat Sirloin Steak
Beat Tcndrloln Bleak
dmwuiuii Kii'Jk 11
Prime Illb Roat Beef
Shoulder Steak
Rump Roaxl Beef
Shoulder Roast Beef
Beef for Houp , , , , . ,
Beef for Boiling
Long Absolutely Pure Sausage
Frankfurt facsage
Bologna Sausage, Liver gauaage and
Ham Kaunas
Long's Absolutely Pure not-Adulterated Lard, per lb
HreakfaMt Bacon
Chinook Salmon
Halibut, 3 pound '.
Rf lirvunn
The above Meat at LONG'S
for Fat Stock.
I lnllneiiHHl)le to every farm We have hal
Mplemlitl ucce 1 in obtaining water in all our
boring opemtiod.
We are prepared to do water and oil well drill
ing and all kind of prNieciinK.
Telephone 4Ux2
What Has Long Been Needed
The Independence Cleaning and Pressing parlor are prepared to
call for and deliver all work, and guarantee prompt attention and
satisfaction. We make combination Suit and adjustable Skirt hang
ers to your measure. Be aure and see them. Give u a trial for
good work and the price will be right. Work done while you wait.
Guy McKnight - Independence
Faber's Self Filling
Self-filling at a magic touch
And a self-cleaner too,
The price you'll find is not too much
For the one that Just suits you.
It fills itself, it fills all needs
For the office, school or deu ;
Among them all the one that leads
Is Faber's Fountain Pen.
All Styles
At all Prices
' Independence, Ore.
hline sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
xoano mil if tn nre caused bv ca-
V I .J V.O WUV w. -
tarrh which is nothing more than an
Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists,' 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Con-
. .. 10 I"'
10c to 12V
, 10c
Huag In the city,
in eur own Aeottolr.
12 V
Be, 10c
7c. c
. .. 3
c, c
.. 10C
, 1 1
Head Cbea
,. 10C
. 15C
. 16C
. 20c
12 V
.... .... ....
CASH MARKET. Hlghet price paid
For Style or Beauty
W have them. All of the popular
nape and popular priced Shoe
345 State Street, Salem, Oregon
TrBln No M leaven Independence dall.r t:W
u. tn.; leave MonimniMi HM a. '.; arrive
IKiIIhk t,:4 a. in.
Train No V leave Independence dally
10-ci0 h. m.; Iffivi-R Moniuoulb, 11:05 a. in.--arrives
DkIIhs, ll.Wa. in.
Train NoWtcavea Inrtepenrlenoe dally : llr
p. in.; leavo Muumouib p. iu.; arriv Wal--lax
p. .
Train No " leaven Independence dally 2:110
p. in.; leave Moiimoulh 2S p. ra.;anive
Alrlle 3: p. ni.
Train No leaves Dallas dally a.-.Wii. m ;
IcHvrH Moimioulli H: viH. ill .; nriivmlni-pn--dence
:l.1 a. m.
jrHlll W M." I" . . - "-. u.
leave Monmouth l;'25p. ni.; arrives lade
dence 1:411 p. in. iTIiIh train cubbwIi M Miin
moiitli for Alrlle)
Train No 71 lea e Dallaa dally 7:.1S p. n.f
lea- es Monmouth S p. id.; arrlven IndcpeBl
eDCH:lA p. m.
Train No 72 leaves Alrlle dally 4 QZ p. m.J
leaves Monmoutb 4 4i p. m.: arrivtm Ind
p.-l dence l:.Vi . iu