as: -n drop the coupon in the mail box to-day We are Iht oldest and bcii knowo strictly wbnlctale houM in the Nrthwe. l-'or 44 ycirt continuously m buu'ncM riht here in Portland. W sre now mak!n rsdicsl departure. In such localities where you art unable to purchaia CYRUS NOBLK i ar f oinf jo sell direct and aav you money. No more danger of rclillcd boltlca. No more danger of not (citing the real lhng. Uch quart beuW. pckd in pUia mw hirgw prepaid th railroad aiprvM affica for 4 Pure old honest whitkey bottled by the diilillcri. livery bottle guaranteed. Inquire of any bank or trut company io Oregon ai to our standing. W. J. VAN SCI IUYVER & CO. EooLUmI 1864 IOS-107 SrcKi St. PonUi Ow W. J. Vaa Schujrvar A Co riU Or.,.. batcu CLMJINI CYRUS MOSUL r O AMim. .SI . Summer Rates East During the Season 1909 via th m Southern Pacific Co. from Independence, Oregon To Omaha and Return $61.95 To Kansas City and Return $61.95 To St. Louis and Return $69.45 To Chicago and Return $74.45 and to other principal cities In the East, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; August 11, 12 To HEWER and Return $56.95 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes thereby' enabling' pas sengers to make side trips to many Interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had" at a Blight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or WM. McMURRY, General PaHsenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 2 Papers for $2.00 THIS PAl'ER AND TUK PACIFIC MONTH KY U BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON ANDTKNTH STa. PORTI.ANQ. ORISON WRITE FOR CATALOG Tk4 HcKaal that Ptactt You Wi a Good PotitUm Uhe Court Resort ard Geirrparo hurpch Place PRANK H. TOM-INS, Proprietor 35? State St. Salem Oregon Phone 117 The Willamette Valley Company Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rates WATER. RATE (Water by meter applies to resi dence only.) Residence rate on meter applies to cus tomers only who pay $2.00 and over at the rate of 20c per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER RATE Residence, 15 cents per K. W. Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 5 cent per K. W. Power, rate on application. OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE MAIN 41 WILL OLD TOI'N STAND FOR TAX (Continued from first pane.) North. Mouth, Kat Of Went llidepi-n-dim c. Tliu poftiiton of mayor, roiin cllmaii, JiiHtlrn of the m-p, or school diriH'tor Is on not Ri-iii-rslly sought ftt-r, but solneoiift uiuHt give their tiniK 10 the uomIUoiis In the Inter est of Rood government, and hi-n man accepts th mull Ion and swears to perform the duties Of hi I li on M do so Just as well as If the office carried a larice salary or relKL th office and lit someone ( U have a trlul at It. "If we eH-t to keep uu with the big uroi-i'Midon and hold Imlepetiilence on the limp with oili'-r sinter towns we will lim e to lay axlile our 111 tie pi-rnoiial differences In private life ami tthi'li we do business for the whole people put our shoulder to the V m il help to push our -lty to the front." ANTIOCH Klmer Griffith of Itlekreull was a 1 tnutit mller at A, J. Khlpley's Sun day. i Irin Fallback is visiting his uixle, CI ui Hi'Ott, and family at Colfax. Washington. hiii. lliiiKinan Biid family, who re sldo over near Salem, were ',uents ot his brother, George HiiiRinaii, over Sunday. tieorge Sullivan of Monmouth, Jan. ('.(Tollman and his sinter, Mrs. K. Clark, made a special trip to IllodK ett valley last Wednesday. MIhs Nellie Shipley of .Monroe Is visit Iiik relatives here this week. William Griffith was a Dallas vis itor Sunday. Ward Russell and Lettie Flshback attended the Whlnton and Longman meeting at Dallas Sunday. Wllma Lee, who has been visiting her uncle, Dave Olln family, re turned to her home at Cochrane one day last week. A large crowd from this vicinity at tended the Shady Lane picnic and all report an enjoyable time. William Flshback, who is helping Mr. Koser to build a barn for Black Bros, of near Independence, visited with his parents Sunday. LOCALS XXXXX Poison Oak Poisoning Ballard's Snow Liniment cures It Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius, Turner, Ore., writes: "My wife has discovered that Snow Liniment cures Poison Oak. She not only cured a case of it on herself, but on two of her friends wBo were poisoned by this same tvy." Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold b Williams Drug Co. Entertain Graduates The social event so far this seas on was the reception given Thursday evening of last week by Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kramer to the members of the graduating class of the eighth grade of last year's public school, of which their daughter, Gretchen, was a mem ber. There were forty-five invita tions sent, out, thirty-five of whom responded. The house decorations were very elaborate and beautiful.the effects being made by the artistic and tasteful arrangement of roses an evergreens, while the handsome lawn was Illuminated with Chinese lantern with class colors of blue and gold, presenting a beautiful effect. A dain ty lunch , consisting "of ice cream, cake and light refreshments was served from a tent in the yard. Dur ing the evening the members of the class entertained those present with several musical selections, and all of those who were fortunate enough to be present voted the occasion one cf the most enjoyable of the season and one long to be remembered. Sore Nipple. Any mother who has had experi ence with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chambei Iain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a sof cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by P. M. Kirkland. Notice to the Public. Notice Is hereby 'given that I will not be responsible for any debts In curred by Mrs. Emma Tucker, my wife, she having' left my bed and board. All merchants will please tak notice. Dated this first day of June, 1909, at Independence, Oregon. 1-6 Chester A. Tucker. Red fir and maple wood for sale 13.60 delivered. H. D. Brunk. at A Thrilling Receu. flow Hurt R Lo ut fliiy, Wh. w hoh) from Mchtful detb I tory to thrill th world. "A hrd fold." tie write, "brought oa a d perat lung trouble that taffled eipert doi tor hero. Then I paid $10 to f 16 a vlnlt to a limit p-la!iMt In Hpokau, ulio did not help m. 1 then went to California, bu without benefit At lat"l used Dr. King' New Discovery, whb'b roiuphlefV cured ni and I am now a well a ver." For Lung Trouble, HroneliUI. Couich and ("olds. Asthma, Cmup and Whooplnit Cough It' supremo. 6uc and fl. A trial lmtt fre. Guaranteed by H drugKiBt. Notlc of Sal of Bond. . Notli la hereby gvn that at a rKUlur meeting of the co in moil rutin ell of the city of Independence, Ore gon, to be held In the council chain her In xalrt rlty on thi 21st day "f July, liiiia, at th hour of 7:Hti o'lUnk p. in., thf said city will aell ,10 lit-KOllable coupon sewer bond of mi. Id city, of the principal amount cf 112,500 In the aKKfeate, as au thorised by ordinance No. 104 of nail! city, entitled "An ordinance authf r U.iik the iHHiiiiiice and sale of bo"il3 of the city of Independence, Oregon, for the purposu of raiding funds for tin construction of a system of sew ers in said city." passed over the mayor' veto June 2, laoa. said '. ..Ca are In d'tiomliuttlons of 12.10 each, payable twenty years from the first day of August. 1S, (with the privilege, optional with said city, of paying said bonds or any part there.' f at any time after the first day of Au KtiHt, liiM.i and bear Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually from August. i!io, until paid, principal and Interest pay a'o'i at the Flint National Ikink of Prirtlnnr! Oropnn In irnlfl rn'n wlihOU, charite or expense to the purl chaser or holder of Bald onds. baia bomis will be sold to the iiignest bid der or bidders therefor, but will not be sold for less than their face val ue. The said council reserves the right to accept bids for any part of said - Issue of bonds hereby adver tised to be sold. If bids for a part enly of such bonds be received, and also reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dat 'd this 5th day of June, 1909. ASA B. ROBINSON, JR.. 2-4t Recorder of Said City Ti"" ' P"" 'I" I Wan 0 jrmm -4 '.-63 os , '-3'-, -t ' in i 7. r 1ZZ 'ZF.I AUOiiOL fgg ctsrT AVtsrtsLkPrfpartluflScAi o ' Crv' Promotes DirtonflrfrTii OpiuRi-Nurphinr rwrftaenL CSUl t1K U I IV. Atwrfrd Remdy foTComnpt Wontis jLonvuiswiiunivi ncss ana loss ur rscSmfc Signanw of For Infant tnd Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WW In Use For Over Thirty Years Chamberlain' Cough Remedy the Beet on the Market. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find it to be the best on the market," says E. W. Tardy, edito of the- Sentinel, Galnsboro, Tenn. "Our baby had several colds the past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy always gave It relief at once and cured it in a short time. I always recommend It when opportunity pre-1 sents Itself." For sale by P. M. Kirk- i land. 1 BuaranleeiT Exact Copy of Wrapper. mi Hanun MMMier, mmm tm mi. PIANOS AND ORGANS Cheapest and Best PIANOS AND OHGAKS REM ED GEO C; WILL Phonographs Edison, Victor, Columbia Full Line of Cylinder and Disc Records GEO. C. WILL SEWING MACHINES CMIh and w Parts SEWING MACHINES RENTED GEO C. WILL Popular Sheet Music and Studies GEO. C. WILL Just the Suit You Want JMIM f . ... n P if' THIS LABEL STAN03 FOB 54 YEARS jjl I lUl 11 Or KNOWING HOW: I 1M Hm I U XS25sffi I li- i 1 IS Here Don't know where you'll find the suit you want if you can't find it here . Hate to hand ourselves bouquets, but we are going to say that we have the best spread in SPRING SUITS you can find In a day's journey a long day, too. v The smart young fellow or the older head can both find their suits .here. More smartness or better tailoring and fabrics never went into suits. $it$ $!0 $30 We're sorry for the exclusive tailors when men whe know see our suits, G. W. JOHNSON & GO. HI N Commercial St., Salem; Oregon Phone No. 704. 1-4