Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 18, 1909, Image 5

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fr Ihm frtz'xt COOipaajr U ut U
for mI r0nr J..ry rows and
yearling coll. J r. May.
Mr, and Mr a. (iroea tail
ffunday with Alt any friend
llano fur l'ed our year, for
Information pbona J r.May 711.
Paul Ilaaer. a gradual of Iba -Ijmi
w , ailoiiUmj tti graduating cir
K-a mtale diala are bring niad
a I nun. t t,rj day la and around Monmouth,
(bm rr giranara will
- - - ' . -w t mn ----- - - -
Ijr uptodaU and boujbt Ibla M- Icae Harry McCain, J"
ao. It U ikarrit4 u t luprnur to Iv.
or Bioir Olva ihem:
b b fligbtbs of a mtj aod will nki
plai-a a lt Saturday afternoon.
any rarrlrd
ft rail.
Mr. and Mra, P. H. Drrtl.r filler
taln4 lb mriubfra of the Crab
now lii in Club of UHa city at a o ilix k din
Ihelr pew ouarlrre. bat Ins flnUhi-d
Craven A Mii'iri. are
moving t Wtxln aday, Thry ar
now rtaily lo aupply you with Ire
rrram, mad from the fln.-m rreara
la any quantity you tuay d-srl
C. L. Kurr of 8alra drlivHxi th
addnwa at the school graduating i
erclaea at Falls City laat wik Mnn-
bra of ttir graduating Ua wire; K -
la MKbrllng. Violet I'fundlwwf.r. Gl.n
H. lfunh and Kva C'tiapln.
('rau & Mourn have Juat received
ft complete Una of Fourth of July nov
lllia, lonilKtlng of Human tandlea
sky rocketa, flr crack., He, Their
atoi k U brand w-w and aa not car
K. C. Iiiibourn. a hreinan from
Nonb Yakltna. la In th. rlty attend
ng th racs
Mra. Ji.liti Crafurd of Or,nn Cl'y
ilt.x la.t w k at ih Ik. in., of Mr
A K. Alilrll
,., ,.r , .; M N .rl.ri UrUlr (t1 tllP
rlty liiNt Tu..N.1,y. a. ...mi.Miil.-d t,r( V. Inlty of Hu..i. Vlata, a In tl.
J,.'tf Hun- th. , Mll(ll(y tuii rrn, bin m
Mra. II N. i tir. ti.-U .H .imiulit.-r t. riilin to Hi.. Knt-rorihM. in- r
of JuiKtlon h u ili.ii,, i in tb" icrtM Hit- i ropa In hU l lolly look
illy tl.U .-k will hut huilly In dim d of lulu,
Mr J. s. ( o.j.T I Mi'ur.i i Mr. Wilbur 'ii'-r. a n. w univul
rim It r iif a f,
I in In ml frliMida.
Mint II
lll ttlK
Dr. G. K. MillH
' Ucttrtkirf Sertei
Itiooa- OttliM 1.13, rwidaiKw 441.
Offina at New! Jor' livary Hiru.
ner Uat frlday avfohig, lu honor of
Mr. and Mra. Miirr of McUluo
vlll. Tbi M.-nu coniiliit.'d Uii'y of
crab", tbw diab thai tiaa uiil Or
nou fanioua. ai d in r.Hi-ritaitry a:
icaaarl a tbat nmk dinner of that
cbarai tt-r a aiK i .-m. After dinner Ibt
4nlng m f lit In a moxt cnjoya
bli mannrr by iboii.' prmmt, anion
wbow wrr Mr. ai.d Mra. P. H. tr a-
l.-r, Ir and Mra. llutl.-r, Mr. and Mra
P. M. Klrkland, Mr. and Mra. Maan
ind II Hlrarbb-rg and Roni Ni-lon.
s; u.niiliir n.i.riiliw at Calvary
lr.-byt.rlan ihur.h tb .'rvi.a will, t? T f IT D U 7 f J?l
bo by tb rblldri-n. It being lh anuu-jX 1 . M. a . WHeTf
al H-llilren a day i . ri l.-a. Tb pro-1 McMlnnulU, : ; : : Oregon
California Medicated Soao
I l.r lor mint. .
... Miliufl, Inarwt iuo. anil hmii
, ma.
Mrs. J. W. Richardson. Sr.
A ('til.
Munmoulli hi,, adMialMM r.
When You Sit Down To ft)
a meai
I la tbia nmtmmtmiu "M ar aura It will h liLiL'k I i -
airclivnt aa U fiKMl. ouoklng and aar!. ) 1 1 lK I aVVVA
Tb aurf.uidiii)a trsk for trunnion"", Pi ) f 14 !
antblll of far. UUm omt ly ( flo WC I ilfTl VlN
Hog at IlltU irl.wa. Cnm la aal ttfing , fVf-JjliJI
afrHiodor tw.i a!ng. Vmi will ail b -- T , 1 Vi
White House Restaurant fSTIIlJ p mf
Wa MiUclml a 3m. rraprMtMt
:iv, wild tr u, l-..i in Mr.-Kou. U I.iiIIiIIiik oh
III. prop- riy In- n-. i-ntly pun Iiuhimi
xnIm Hmli r t.-iu a fw ' old town. Mr. Coopi r will he th,
1,'it of thi wci-k with "lltln'tion df ln-lnR tbw utip r.f th
fil.-iitln lu Portland. flr-t IiiiiikiiIuw iri-ti-d In Imlrpi mi
Mr. ami Mr In h May r'-i iirnt .l "" "'
fi.iiiiriiay from a vIhIi of ai-vrml duyii ','',IW, "' iid-1 Hi. Ihiiii r.,'
ai th Hob., ( al. ,,''"'' at sl",,l' La,H'- a ttr ! 1-1 1 "
, . .... . port. lHt Saturday. r'iort a kooi
jonn i. rani ot ianiix, ain-rirr or . v. .
I'olk .oiinty, wan In (he city Mi :id.v
on offli lul liuHiiu-m.
Mrit, Chanilli-r and non of Drj'd''. aiuiinliig
VbI liiiiin, vlit.d the family of Juk
tlm. Nothing ofrurrt-d to iur th
pli of tin- o. iubluii and the
apor'.4 w.-re Intort-Htlnt; ax well ax
iraai will roiiait of aoiiK. readinaa
n-cltatlona. !. by tin, with
abort talk by th pa-tor. The aa--raiuent
of bapdmu will lo b ad
ministered to InfantK and othera who
nmy pr.neiit iIk uhi lve for the aanie.
la tlie eK-iiUiK Pr. liuiihiiiorf HI
pr.-ui h and tlo inuhir will be a
spe.ial fettluie ()f 111 H.rWce, llb
iilo and iuhiruniMiiUl inunli. The
aolo lam Kunday ulwht a. reatiy
enjoyed by the larae t oi.,resation
l.' ....-nt , and It la expected that Mina
Cravi-n will "lug ttiialu n-xi Suinlay
Chat. Grmgory. Jit.. Dalta. Or,
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. ft.
Uotb pboiia. Owiper Bid?.
Independence, Orwgou.
Itubluaoli thla week
A. K. Moors went to Orrvllle thlH
week to look ufti-r hla bualm-SH In
tertula In that trinity .
Mra. O. I). Ktitler nnd won, Man-
I'lie, attended a hoi lul xath- rliiK in the tat.
Haleiu Monday evenluK.
Mhia P.arl P.-rc-lval
Monmouth Normal Srhool
graduated i' thla year liHludlng the
all who flnlnhed tn February, polk
county furiilxhfd eicht. Yamhill six.
Tillamook five and the balaru-p of the
KraduateH runie from other paru of
In hard
Auto rldea to Salem In the evening
man a nan- ' aro berouilnir nnlle nonular. There
tienger on the early morning train aecnia to be an attraction In thera.
tttt unlay for Portland. I Thone who went to Portland to at-
TlKfo wua fifty five tlcket mild for' t""1 RKP Carnival held ther?
the exur8lon from Salem to the ball,,aHt we"k 'V that ,l w"lHed any-
game in thla rltir last Sunday. tnln r"r"
Three new membera were received
Into Calvary Presbyterian church at
the morning service IuhI Sunday.
F. W. Peck, a racehorse man from
Newport, In In tho rlty attetidlnx the
meeting of the Driving Club Associa
tion. Mrs. Robert Wilcox and daughter o
Pendleton are vlHltlug their parents,
Jvlr. and Mrs. Samuel Haklwln of this
Lost, on file ball Rrounds last uSn
day, a pair of Ladles' tan gloves. Find
er please leave at Independence Ho
tel. The best values In men's worki
clothes, shirts, shoes, overalls, hata.
etc. to be found In the valley at Con
key, Walker & Lehman's.
Dr. O. D. Butler and H. Chas Puns
ruore were tn Portland early in the
week. In attendance at the meeting o
the grand lodge, A. F. & A. M.
V.Bery, one of the well-known Jock
eys of the North-west circuit, Is in
the city and expects to ride in sev
eral of the races during the meet
For something neat and up-to-date
In negligee or dress Shirts see Con
key, Walker & Lehman. AlwayB the
largest and best stock to select from.
Services at the Christian church
June 20: Sunday school at I a. in.;
preaching at 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. All
are welcome. J. N. Mulkey, Pastor.
Lost. a diamond and opal ring, be
tween E. E. Paddock and O. O. Wal
ker's, on Fifth and Monmouth streets.
Finder please leave at this office and
get reward.
E. F. Finch, wffe and son, returned
home Sunday evening from a week's
stay in Portland where they went
to visit friends and take in t'he Rose
,, Carnival.
W. W. Perry, an old time resident
of Independence but lately of Salem,
Is in the city on a business and pleas
ure trip. He expects to reinalu until
after the races.
J A. Bently went to Eugene last
Sundey to attend the funeral of his
inother-in-law, Mrs. Emma Wilklns.
who died on Friday of last week. She
was 81 years of age.
The rain Wednesday morning was
welcomed by the farmers and hop
growers of this section. It will In
crease the yield of the crops several
thousand dollars worth.
Messrs. J. W. and F. E. Rich
ardson came up from Portland this
week on a short visit to their par
ents who reside here. They will re
main until after the races.
Craven & Moore have opened their
new ice cream parlors for the season.
When you are out with your best
girl don't overlook this for they
ave the best ice cream in the city.
Craven&Moore bave no dead stock,
Lr Alllii, Denltal. Cooper Bids, tf
Halt! Mix. tailor shop. Indep 'lid-
auce, Oregon.
Hattle Mix. tailor shop, Independ
ence, Oregon.
A good parfr of reading glas
sea $1.00 at Kramer's. tf
H. G. Cox and Ed Busy of McMinn
vllle are among those with horseg
that are taking part tn the races her
this week.
Milk cow for sale Enquire of F.
0. Fredrlckson, 4 ail lea south of In
depeudnece. tf
For a dish of ice cream or soda
water go to Craven & Moore. ,
Do you belong to the bunch? If
The baccalaureate sermon in the ' you don't you ain't In the push.
normal chapel by Dr. Henry L.Nave, For the best things in ready-to-we.f
of Albany Presbyterian College, was ! clothing see Conkey, Walker & Leh
certainly flue and proved the speaker man.
to be a good Instructor and lecturer, j A swell line of heatherbloom
He held the audience with wrapt at-' petticoats In black and colors at Con
tention throughout the discourse. key. Walker & Lehman's..
The Enterprise turned out Job The public schools all over the
work this week for the fallowing bus- 0 unty closed last Friday and as a
iness firms of Independence: P. H. consequence the small boy is happy.
Drexler, 500 bill heads and C00 letter For sale one 314 men wagon
heads; the Chas. K. Spaulding Log- almost new. For information call on
glng Co., 100 cash Blips; I. W. Dick- John Rabbins, Independence. 4Utr
,.,.u r.nn .,.oi. tickets nt the' Lelf Finsetn. one or me irue
habit and have vour Drlntine done at sportsmen of Dallas, wad In Independ
home. ence Sunday to witness the fine game
The Independence ball team will of ball between the home team and
p ay the Dallas club at Dallas next Salem.
Sunday afternoon. Arrangements are Ur- Uuganne, uenust, over .o
being made for an excursion rate of ndence National Bank. Bell phone
5- cent for the round trip, and the In 1": Independent, 4410. tf
dlcatlons are that there will be a George Brown ot Corvallis came in
large delegation to accompany the ! Wednesday morning with string of
boyg flve speeders which he "has entered
lt . In several of the races.
Sloper Brothers are building a new( hHnje upHght ga8oUne
well drill of latest and most up. to-, Qnglne8 fop 8(-a Dy s. Muhleman.
date pattern. They expect to have pnf)ne 65 Independence. 83tf.
It completed and ready to run the Fof cheftpGood young cow;
latter part of the week or the first f BOod mnker. a. w. Towler. Inde-
ot next. They will then be In a po-; ..,.... nr. Phone Bell 659. ltf
l. ii K A It 1 M U
l'hvi"li'in and "tii'sron
Orllre in Coopei Hurtling Hiiu 2
and : Htlii'H hour, i m. ui.tol-oi.
an i ".' toll t hi ChIIm .n-wered nigtn
and .Ihv
Farm Loana and Insurance. Notary
Buena Vista, Oregon.
A TTOliSt: Y-A 7- LA I
soTAitr iv;trjc
Otlire ni'ctMi'S in (Wmper Blk
Large or Small Orders De
livered Promptly.
Indeendence, Oreg n.
(thletle and 'mnaslum ccda.
2urt:s, (mmunltlcn and Jlshlnq Packle.
8iei(dc.if kiclc Repairing.
Smoke the famous La Corona 1 0c cigar
Launch Independence
of well drilling either
soft dirt.
John Bird, one of the live ones
from Dallas, came over to depend
ence last Sunday in an auto to get
a line on the quality of ball put up by
our boys. He was pleased with the
game and thinks that we may have
a possible show of beating Dallas. He
was accompanied by Mr. Clemont,
also of Dallas.
M. J. Kreutz, one of the substan
tial farmers in the vicinity of Suver,
was in the city the latter part of last
week trading with our merchants. Mr,
Kreutz has Just commenced to cut
his clover, of which he has 150 acres
and reports a very fair crop this
year. He says that rain is badly
needed to help out the wheat and
Business Is good and everyone is
happy In and around Monmouth In
spite of the present condition of the
0. S. N. S. This is a thrifty, prog
ressive and beautiful location for a
teachers" training school and we feel
that the state, with all the wise bus
iness heads, will weigh the thought
well before changing or entirely dls
continuing the O. S. N. S.
There will be services at the M.
E. church in this city on Sunday, the
20th, as follows: Sunday school at 10
a. m.; Epworth League at 7 p. m.
The 1 o'clock services will be given
to the children and the pastor will
preacli a special sermon to them on
the subject: "The message of the
.Towers". Parents are Invited to at
tend and bring their children to this
service, Evenln preaching service at
p. is. AH are invited to attend
lne sweuesr. ime or iui muoi.i.
r underwear ever shown in Independ-
Plrs betweeu iudeDendeuee and Sal
em daily except Sunday. Paoseuger
aod freight Imsiuesa solicits.
Leave Independence : ;3tt a ou
Leave Hnleaa : 3:1 p.m.
Geo. Skinner - Skipiwr
G L Hawkins
DaUad, Ortt.
jMarble and
VloniiaieBii- and He!
etonee . metery
ark et
ence at Conkey, Walker & Lehman's
Wood for sale Second growth at
$8.50, old growth $4.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
(48. "4-2
For the hot Summer weather get
our sleeveless knee-length Union suit
and be comfortable. Conkey, Walker
& Lehman.
For fire crackers, fireworks, sky
rockets tor Fourth of July, remember
that Craven & Moore have the larg
est stock to select from.
The government engineers' boat is
dredging eut the river, in front of
the Chas. K. Spalding Co's mill, the
object being to get depth sufficient
Far Sale Gasoline wood saw.
complete and ready to commence
business. For information call on
3. Muhleman, Independence. Ore. 32tf
George H. Ball, a prominent bop
grower In the vicinity of Ballston
this county, ha,s contracted his this
season's crop to the Kola Neis Hop
company, the contracting price being
10 cfeots per pound.
For Infants and Children.
Tta Kind You Have Always Bongfet
Bears tke
Signature of
New sewing machines, fully war
ranted, from $13.76 to J25.00. also
applies for your gasoline lamps may
be had from H. H. Jaspersoa. tf
W. W. Cardwell, owner of Axiebend
and George F. Brown of Corvallis,
owner of Her Farewell, have made a
match for $250 a side. The race will
.... BY THE
Steele's Ferry
Buena Vista, Oregon.
The ferry that crosses the
- people.
Most direct rsute to Jefferson,
' Sclo, Shedburne, Salem and Al
bany from all points in South
ern and Central Polk oaunty.
The LaCrona
is sold in In
dependence by Tom Sul
livan and R.
H. Knox.
Independence boosters,
support Oregon made pro
Embroideries, Parasols
Muslin and Knit Underwear
Butterick Patterns, Semi Porcelain
Variety Store
264 N. Commercial Street, - Salem, Oregon
0". T. Va Allen
Phone 1113 Malo
348 N. Com. Ml.
F.uropean f an
Larg Sunny Rooirrn Kn Hult or Hingis
Oauirally Umud
Ptoetrir Light! Bath
aad PlM
Sslen, fin
"Where Are My Letters?"
Needless to ask these questions if you use our T & E FILING
CABINETS. These are used In all business and Is the great Idea
of SYSTEM. Call and see these goods.
The Commercial Book Store
163 Commercial St., SALEM, ORE. t
Props, of Salem Gun Store J Rt GON
Wa now hava on display a very fina and complete Una of
Base Ball Goods, Lawn Tennis Sup
plies and also Fine Fishing Tackle
Send for Catalogue of Baea Ball Uatfanna