Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 18, 1909, Image 4

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    udfpcudrucf c5 utf rprir.
An luWlatton m-vehrd this
wk by the KutorprUi rjm!liiH u
I to l irtfiil tt the dedication ot the
Oregon state builJIn s t tb AU
laa-Tukon Paolflo Kipoltion un Krt-1
day. Juue lain. Whilo m i)irn.It..
Enter, at !J.h..I.'h, Or., po.t , ,, ry m(u 0 Si(.ou(il jf
tiou It alii be ltupiib)e for un to
Subscription, 1.&0 Pir Year attend.
, ; The daten decided upon for thl
' y-ar'a bU ihfrry flr ami ttrui v at a
u.u- v uuv tu..i...i to r SttIt.m tr Juy ,5 H , ,7 Ui a,
ola vouiury aiu,.... IHatam oft.'.. o( lo ntMmiu, n,v ,.
mnif..- TWe .re dUt-rct t,p.- pf , depamllU :
-..v. - ......... f.-mmva of hsl proinUe lo be th.
U:"'U ?f 1 ","n "V ,u bll .bow of Ki kind ev.r at
ne ajwouung or a bum,, ,,.mptej h, tn, ,uc, or nortQ
imiciu'iii bouittt iu Nw York brinks' -,
bok to civilisation it is no more With pork selling at tio a barrei
tban local black baud at home. Kv- In Chicago ami hoKs sellins at abov
ry persou who attacks you In a bus eight out live weight here Iu (lit
lilts or aoclal way aecretly and un- loral market there ! Iiueiitivi
fairly is no U a black hand thau enouglj behind the situation to war
tile slayer who kills for revenge. runt Oregon farmers to go Into the
Hints and suggeMioim which tb buxliiiws of ho rUlng oil u more e
itlark hand aHttiHin dure not briiifc tei.siie male.
out in op.-u are cat broad, ast' like
1'oison laid in me night. The mid H i- t.ulld ha gold his interest In
of debirui tiiMi 1h itowti lui adi ;im ii. r. tl;e Hlllsl.ero Argna to Mr. K. C. Me-
and ihere. Tlu dliuk hand dr.r' Kinney aid will In oth.-r bun-art-
formed of divers luoliveg, jealousy I A. Lons. the former plib
a . i uie d sp, ii-iioii .kill t i in. t,r lisher, has leu.sed (aie pup.T. Vr. lon
' !:.i4 othern prohpeiua Ik uie mum Is a well known newspaper man, hav
common eauKe of the desire to av ing for a number of years engaged
aault by stealth. Over estimation of In that business,
st-lf-importanee is another ca.ise. Tne
black hands are indeed a foe to civ- According to the daily papers
Uizatiou. rtooseveit ts now said to be
In shoo. in monkeys. Were Iwrwin
alike he would voice vigorous prot.-sr
There is a question as to the valid- against this assault upon our ances
ity of the uew peddlers' law, which try
we give in another column, as ts
shown by an opinion written by form- Corvallla will celebrate the Fourth
er justice of the supreme court, R. of July this year. If they don't put
tS. Beau, who Is now judge of the up a better show thau the driving
JL nited States court at Portland, who Club did last week there won't b
5.1 a ted in the opinion handed down anything doing there.
March 23, that the peddlers' law in- .
ir.eifered with the private rights of An exchange says " girl in the
fc-itizeuship. A case that is pending kltthen is worth two in the ham
fche, decision of the federal court a: mock."
I'artiand will decide the validity of
the law.
Ml Lllliaii lloKrt ts visiting lr
Port laud.
Mr. and Mm. P, tfohradera returned
Saturday from a pl'-asam visit I
lliltstioru and IVrtlaud.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Long of for
v mills are tlsltlng at th llurkheud
home during coiumenceinent.
Cass lxirence has just received a
uew threshing outfit from Cortland
which he will operate during the com
Ing season.
Ed Rodger has ht-n using his
new fiigine drawn on the road work.
Miss Mary Murphy has returned to
her home iu this city after a stay u
three months at Walta Walla wher.
sue underwent a course ot stumes in , landing tiiat no better soil can b
music and voice culture. found iu the valiev anywhere. i
Ming Mabel Mjuires ot neavenon Mr iUl k, y Is a prominent jeweler
of r.'tliieu. , ttH .11 . leeii a resldelit Ot
ljiiie count v for twenty Year and ov-l
er. I r. W hite was a ri-sideiu of lii.le
attrudlug the Khi Carol vJ. They
mad the trip la an auto aud bad
an opportunity of seeing tha country)
between ICugena and Portland to a
good advantage.
In speaking of lhi trip Mr, Luikey
said (hat the entire Willamette valley
bad made great advancement In thi
last few years. On every tide, as a
consequence of the larger farms be
ing rut up Into small tracts, could be
uin new farm houses, barns, out
bull. Hums ami fence being erected
One thing waa very iiotlclile: that
party, aud that was that the sectloi.
the section of country In the vicinity j
of Independence seemed to be fr
behind other aectloua of the valley
In this respect. He attributed thisj
to the fact that Polk county Is (he
least advertised of any o'lier county!
In the state. This Is exactly w hat
the Kuterprise has stated many times J
before, and what Is the consequence?'
Ijtii.l today In Polk county Is cheaper!
than In any other section, nut with
We have many new Ideas In dainty llaby Carmeiits stamped to in
brolder. llaby Dresses from 75 cents to 12 00
Kllp Petticoats. Hood Capta, Kliuna, Itil.s, fVxilees, ll.iunels.
All arlitles stamped on best grade of materials, tie lessons
In embroidery.
Needlecraft iShop
Mr.. C. Wall
Salem, Orc(ioa
270 N. Com'l. St.
Portland has elected a republican
t mayor. Will wonders never cease?
Wool Is in the same class with ,
lir js, grain and potatoes this ypar. The edict has gone forth to clean
It is soaring and Uie highest price up in front of your place,
paid for wool in the Willamette val-
ley so far this year is that of 26 1-8 l- w- Dickinson, the Independence
cents per pound for nearly 30,000 liveryman, brought Bob Berry down
pounds in the wool pool at Scio to McMinnvilie on a business trip
which was sold to the Oregon City Thursday. Mr
company. The pool consisted
about 4000 fleece of choice stuff.-Ex.
came up Sunday to attend the ar.nS
uatiug exercises. She Is a radium
Of the '08 class and tiles been n-:i.
ing tn ar her home the paH )ea: .
Judge C'has. A. VVolv.-rtou of Port
land visited at the home of U. A
Wolverton and mother at their h.-Ui
ere last Sunday.
Hood Craven was pleasant caller ii
town Tuesday.
Miss Mae Tracer of Monroe vi
ited friends in town this week.
Miss Otta Mayfield of Itallstoi
visited friends in town this week.
The remains of Mrs. Jesse H. Al
ar Salem last week, was brought ti
len, whose death occurred in a hos
pital at Salem last week was brought
to the home of the mother, Mrs.
Bosche. Tile funeral service was
preached by Rev. W. A. Wood, afier
which the servcie was conducted by
the local lodge of Rebekahs Inter
ment being made in K. of P. cemete
ry. It was a very sad funeral. Indeed
as she was a bride of only a month.
She was a graduate of Monmouth
Normal and had been teaching school
In Eastern Oregon the past two
petidetice -u y.urs am and was one
of the leading pliyMUiins of tills se
tiou at that time.
Praise Polk County Lands.
Dr. White, J S. Luckey Miss Helen
Berry has charge of i Hoffman and Eugene Hoffman of Eu
of the Independence exchange of the Pa-1 gene, Oregon, spent a couple of hours
cific States Telephone. McMinnvilie j in Independence on their return home
On More Chance.
Husbands in the form of human
whiskey burrcls should be "cast
adrift by their suffering wives," suid
Judge Oaten of Portland recently to
a woman whose husband was charged
with failure to support Ills family
When a wife has a husband who
drinks heaviiy sbr should cast him
aslJe and buy a whiskey barrel, said
the court. "They cost but SO cents!
each, aud they would not lie nearly
as much bother about the house as
human whiskey barrel."
There are many husbands in Port
land who think that their sole object'
in life Is to pour Into worthless car-,
cass.-s all the cheap-'rot gut" whiskey,
they can beg or buy.. The poor oils- j
erable wives of these brutes are;
afforded little protection by the law. ,
DciUr in
Groceries, Boots and Shoes
We Make a Specialty of Farm Produce
Call and examine our Stock before buying;, you wil
find that our prices are right and we carry anything: you
may want. Remeber the Place
Corner of Alain and Monmouth Streets 1
Independence, Ore.
from Portland where they had been
Fancy Indian Robes
Salem -Made Goods of
Superior Quality
$3.50 to $7
Men's Suits From
Salem-Made Fabrics
None Better
$10, $12.50, $15
All-Wool Flannel, the Product of
Salem Woolen Mills
35 to 50c per yard
Handsome Indian Robe Free
to Person Securing Most Made-in Salem
Coupons From this Store
Salem Woolen Mill Store
For sale or trade Gentle pony,
broke to drive single or double. Will j
trade for young stock of any kind. Ea,
Quire of F. O. Fredrlekaon. 4 miles j
south of Independence. tf:
Receipt books for sale at the En
terprise office.
Mestlarnp Hart and Kaglin, I'r.tpiit'iorr.i
Board by Day, Week or Month. Meal Tickets Sold.
.V El 1C SI USX VE, OU Ed ox
White Days
Continues to attract a record breaking business; there's
a reason for this marvelous selling and it's not diffi
cult to understand, as there are hundreds and hun
dreds of saving opportunities on white merchandise
here now. Our fixed policy is to always provide the
best and most up-to-date merchandise at absolutely
the lowest prices. During this sale this policy is be
ing more than outdone. Look well to your needs
and share in the phenomenal values now being offered:
Women's White Linen and Wool
Suits at low prices.
Reductions in Women's White
All Muslin Underwear greatly re
duced. White Hosiery and Knit Underwear
Laces and Embroideries all reduced
Great values in White Parasols.
White Ribbons at special low prices
White Belts and Hand Bags re
duced. White Gloves and Handkerchiefs at
Special prices.
Extraordinary values in all Corsets.
Boys' White Apparel low priced.
Lace Curtains at specially low
Curtain Materials offered very low.
White Blankets specially priced.
White Silks and Dress Goods re
duced. White Wash Goods of all kinds re
duced. Table and Bed Linen specially
In fact all White Merchandise at
lln and thread excepted.)
greatly reduced prices. (Staple Mus
lin and Thread excepted.
At the
Salem, Oregon