Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 11, 1909, Image 8

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Thla U great growing pathr.
Mm. I.ulmia Italdatu aa lu
, Saturday.
;( iht habit and rb-an up In fron
ft your i !.
A daughter aa born 10 Mr. and
Mrs, K. McKluley Saturday.
Mia Snt;l went to lallaa Wd
Deeday to Attorn wHtttlng.
Mra. Iorn Waun of Room-volt
Wash., la here vUUtiig hr part'iita.
Ed Owcna aud W. V. Pen tval took
In the raivs at Corvallla thla :.
Now tht y ftKiire they will have twt
thirds of a hop crop and then some.
a IVrry returned to Salem Mon
day morning after a few daya visit
MIh lino Thompson and Mr. H.
Moore were state capltol viultora
lira, J. H. Ellison haa gone to
flood River for a viait of several
IV Taylor and rife went to Iort
land Sunday.
lir. Wright of MoMliinvIJI,., waa In
lh city Saturday.
Miaa Kih.l Whlteaker la
frlemla In Salem thla week.
I. M. Klrkland. the druKglat. made
a bualneaa trip to Portland thla H'k,
The amall boy and, the5 fire rraravr
have made their appearance on the
atreeta. 1 J
The warra weather of the pt few
daya haa atarted the crop growing
lit great ah ape.
Joaeph La in pi it of the Suver vleln
Ity waa In the city Monday, He en
rolled hla name on our rapidly grow
Ins subaerlptlon llxt.
A meeting of the library afaoela
tlon will be held Saturday, at 3
m. In the free library rooma. Every
body Invited to be preHent.
Hanna Broa. are laying: a concrete
Sidewalk In front of their place of
feu In ess.
Arrangement are being perfected
Whereby the main street of the city
pill be oiled.
8. Irvine left Tuesday for Portland
to take In the Rose Festival. He ex
tect to be gone about a week.
' Miss Dorothy Cooper, who has been
flatting Eugene friends for several
days, returned home this week.
Crover Mattiaon Is off to Portland
this week, the Rose Festival and the
frees at the Country club being the
W'm. Dawes was a Salem visitor
Saturday. He drove over In bis auto
to meet bis two sisters who are vis-
iting here.
Mrs. Gus Sperling and little daugh
ter, who have been visiting friends
.and relatives here, returned to their
home at Portland Sunday.
Rev.Mr.Dunsmore went to Portland
Monday on the steamer. He attend
ed the Presbyterian convention that
was In session there this week. He
returned Friday.
W.jW. Perclval shipped a car load
of hogs to Portland last Tuesday. His
son Carl was In charge of the ship
ment and will take in the Rose Fes
Wval now being held there before re
A morning train from Independ
Mice to Portland over the O. & C
would be a great convenience to the
people of the city as well as the trav-
eling public In general.
Rev. I. S. Leonard, who recently
left here for Eastern Washington to
accept a pastorate, is reported to be
dangerously ill and not expected to
survive an operation which became
necessary. ' '
Miss March Brewster, a teacher
lof Monmouth, died at her home in
-Monmouth Monday morning at seven
o'clock. Miss Brewster was1 21 years
apld. The body was taken to Eugene
Tuesday to be burled. ' '
School closes today for the term
Tomorrow evening there will be a
public entertainment at the opera
iouse commencing promptly at 8 o
dock. The eighth and tenth grades
srlll receive their diplomas at that
The following is the order of ser-
ircies at the Methodist church fo;
Sunday, , June 13: Sunday School
at 10:00 a. m. Eoworth League at
7:00 p. m.; preaching at 8:00 p. m
All are invited to attend. Harry Mc
Cain, pastor.
Ed Lorence, who is now employed
at Albany, was in the city a short
time Monday, having spent Sunday
With his parents north of Monmouth,
Ed is very much pleased with Al
hany and also his position in the
grocery business. '
, Miss Grace Jones, the popular clerk
at Conkey, Walker & Lehman's, left
Tuesday morning on her summer's
Week at the Rose Festival In Portland
after which she will go to Waitsburg,
-Wash., to visit a sister. She is ac
Xompanied by her sister Kate of the
Quite a number of our citizens
Attended the basket picnic given by
the United Artisans at Ridder's grove
last Saturday. Dr. Olmstead, of Port
land, supreme medical advisei, was
the orator of the day. An excellent
program was rendered and many
amusements were prepared, and a
general good time is reported by all
"who were present.
The public school teachers were all
Te-elected but Miss Church, Miss
Spangle and Miss McReynolds who
have resigned. The following teach
ers have been secured by the board
of directors for next year; R. W.
Kirk, principal; and Miss Schollard,
Miss Burton, Miss Seeley, Miss Fu
gate. Miss Epley, Miss Cromwell.Miss
Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mc
intosh, assistants.
William Da we Is-enjoying a visit
from tils two sisters, Mrs. George
Small of San Francisco and Mrs.
WVW. Watson of Lewiston, Idaho.
Mrs. Small Is accompanied by her
daughter Gladys. i J
E. 11. Hodge, who for the past
three years has held a lease on the
aw mill at this place, gave up the
lease this week and hereafter the
business will be conducted by the
Spauldlng Co. Mr. Hodge will prob
ably continue In the employ of the
H. M. Edgar, Jim Hilliard. Al Whit
ney and Claude Skinner went to Sclo
Sunday In Mr. Edgar's auto. They
enjoyed themselves by fishing for
trout and succeeded in landing eight
of them. Al Whitney declares that
they secured an even 150.
An odd looking vehicle visited In
dependence last Saturday. A street
car in appearance, mounted on the
truck of a 40-horse power automobile.
The vehicle belongs to a party of
'pleasure seekers of Portland who are
sightseeing up the Willamette valley.
i, - sz:n7HH
run Jlf tfca chief ingredient, tff'cL
T"?7r n J healthfulncsMo zJMi
ttytotuUty Tur j 1
VJnsurcs wholesome and dclUJy
Vclous food for every day
in every home
?W N Pbaaplkata jr
-.-,;...j-;l;J aj Alma jgZ'M.wjmm i9wma
There was a good turn out Wednes
day evening of the fire laddies, the
event being their regular monthly
drilL The boys have been getting
some new hose and nozzles, iney
made a run from the hose house to
the grist mill and threw two streams
of water over the mill.
Mrs. I. Claggett has returned home
from a via'' to Portland.
Mrs. S. Walker, who has been vis
iting friends at Dallas, returned home
last Saturday. j
Mrs. Frank Skinner Is visiting this'
week with relatives out In the Alrlie
Mlsa Pearl Perclval Is home from a
visit of several weeks duration with
friends at Portland.
Mrs. L. M. House, who has been
spending some time in Portland, Is
home for a short visit.
Jesse Buff urn departed yesterday on
his way to Tillamook where he in
tends to spend the summer.
The city marshal has declared him
self. He says he will arrest anyone
caught shooting firecrackers on the
Died, at Independence, Oregon
Wednesday, June 9, 1909, Thelma
Fay Zumwalt, little daughter of Mr
and Mrs. C. B. Zumwalt, aged three
years, five months and twenty days
The funeral services were , held in
the Baptist church at 2 o'clock p
m., Thursday, June 10, and interment
made in Odd Fellows cemetery, Inde-
dependence, Oregon.
Regular services will be held at
Calvary Presbyterian church next
Sunday, morning and evening. Mr,
Alldredge will sing a solo at the
morning service, as his solo was so
greatly enjoyed last Sunday evening.
Next Sunday evening Miss Lora Cra
ven will sing a solo, and plans are
being made to have orchestral musci,
with violin and flute. Everybody is
cordially invited to all the services.
The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging
Co. of Salem have a gang of men at
work laying a spur from the O. &
track south of the depot to their
saw mill. When completed it is un
derstood that the logging trains from
the Black Rock logging district will
run to Independence instead of New
berg as at present. This change on
the part of the Spalding Co. will be
the means of turning considerable
trade to this city which has hereto
fore gone, elsewhere. '
F. W. Treanor has disposed of his
residence property here to Mr. Ad
dison of Monmouth who came from
Southern Oregon several months
ago. Mr. Addison moved into his new
home Monday. Mr. Treanor and fam
ily left the same day for a six
weeks' visit at St Paul and Duluth,
Minn., and northern Iowa. Mr. Trean
or will return to this city but has
not as yet decided upon a permanent
location. It will undoubtedly be in
the Willamette Valley, however.
'A dog sat out in the moonlight
chill, howling at the beaming moon;
his knowledge of music was strictly
ail, and his voice was out of tune.
And he howled and howled as the
hours went by, while dodging bricks
we threw, till the moon was low in
the western sky, and his voice had
split in two. And there wasn't a
thing at which to howl, over which a
fool pup should weep, and the course
of the dog was wrong and foul, and
the people were wild to sleep. There
are plenty of men like this foolish
hound, who yell when there is noth
ing wrong, disturbing the town with
senseless sounds the pessimist's
idoleful song."
G. W. Stapleton and family of Port
land recently spent a few days visit
In at the home of L. E. Stapleton
who resides out south of Independ
ence. . " i
Principal R. W. Kirk goes to New-
berg today where he gives an address
before the high school graduating
class tonight. He was principal at
Newberg for eight years.
The Independence W. C. T. U
relehrated flower mission day last
Friday at the Evangelical church
A special program was given on flow
er mission work. Boquets were sent
to the sick and afflicted in the town
"Miss Geneva Wilcox has gone to
Pnrtlanil in attend the Rose Festi
val after wheih she will go to Eu
gene to be present at the commence
ment exercises and to visit her sis
ter who is attending school there.
Dr. Allla, Deatlst, Cooper BUg.
Hattie Mix, tailor shop, Independ
ence, Oregon.
Receipt books for sale at the En
terprise office.
"f A good pair of reading glas
ses $1.80 at Kramer s.
Horse, buggy, harness and cow for
sale by J. W. Bullard, Independence,
Oregon. tf
Milk cow for sale Enquire of F
O. Fredrickson, 4 miles south of In-
dependnece. tf
R. B. Chaney of Monmouth, Ore.,
has purchased a Thomas Crown mow
er and rake of R. M. Wade & Co.
The best is always the cheapest,
hence in buying men's dress shoes
get the Walkover at Conkey, Walker
& Lehman's
For sale one 3 iach wagon
almost new. For information call on
John Robains, Independence. 40tf
Dr. Duganne, Dentist, 1 over Inde
pendence National Bank. Bell phone
.121; Independent, 4410. tf
Four horse power upright gasoline
engines for sale by S. Muhleman.
Phone 665, Independence. 8Stf.
For Sale Cheap Good young cow;
good milker. A. W. Towler, Inde
pendence, Ore. Phone Bell 659. ltf
Wood for sale Second growth at
13.60, old growth $4.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
148. tf4 J
For sale or trade Gentle pony,
broke to drive single or double. Will
trade for young stock of any kind. Ea
quire of F. O. Fredrickson, 4 miles
south of Independence. tf
Men, for your comfort these hot
weather, try some of the knee-length
sleeveless union suits or single gar
ment underwear at Conkey, Walker
& Lehman.
Train No4 leave Indxnrtao dally H
a. m.i Imvfi Moumoaui :U a. .; arrive
Dttlla KM a. m.
Train No H leavaa Iudp" dally
lo-M a. ro.; IM'M Mnnniauia, ll.M a. m.
arrive Italian, ll.ia. m.
Train NoTIi Imim Indcaaadenaa daily l
p. in.: Wava Muamouih : p. in 4 arrive alal
ia p. m.
Train N73lram tndapvndraM daily J i
n. in.; lea v Mouuiuuih 2:& la.; arrive
Alrilea. p. ni.
Train No MA leave lalla dally f Ma. no;
leave Mnumouili K M a. m.; ariiveelndeaaa-
dene. :IA n. m
Train No leave Pa I la dally l:9 p. m.
leave Maomou
deuce 1:40 p. m. I
mould ror Airnej
Train No 71 leave Imllaa dally 7: p. m.
leave Monmoutk t p. ro.; arrive Iudvavnet
do e:l p. m.
HON AlftL.'C
Train No7S leave Alrlle dally 4H a, m.
leave MnnmonUi 4: p. a.; arrive lade
pendenoei:oe p. in
leave Ha I la dally l:W p. m.
juth l:'Jp. .; arrive ladvnea'
ii. ifbl train ounnect at Man-
Dr. O. K. Milln
Uttcrliury 5nrg(i
I'll. me: Oftwe l.'i.l, reetdpiic 443.
(Htieo at Newt Jour' l.iveiv lUru,
1 X I K 1' K XI K X C K , OKKMI.N
California Medicated Soap
1 lie tioi lur hm, i liatd Imud
daiitlrult, I ii- I iliigaiid pwiana
Mrs. d. W. Richardson, Sr.
Mun mom h Hi ., I deindeaee I r.
McMlnnvill, : t i : Qrgn
Chat. Crtgory, Jtgt., Dmtlmt, Or.
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
Both hoa. Cooper Bldf.
IndepanaUnct), Oragoa.
Phyilrlan and rUirvaon
Offlca in Cooper Building, room
axi 3. Offlra honrt. 9 a. w. la IS a
ami I to 8 p. iu. Calla anawerad aifhl
and day.
Launch Independence
fl) r-emrra luttrp. i.iltu.i i.4 K.l
n dallv riept Huml iy Pneaviifi-
aad lrilit uaisva anlieltext.
Iake linlrpadani' : a mu
lHlv Halfni . 3:11 p. at.
f J tut. Skimtrr fikii'prt
("s '','""11
GL Hawkins
MaibI and
Mtiniimrlira and Head'
tonra C mHOfy
orh M.
M l business college:
U .wiimiwi and rirm. era.
Th Stkoot tluU eiaem To a W fMILa
Hattie Mix, tailor shop, Independ
ence, Oregon.
Far Sale Gasoline weed saw.
complete and ready to commence
business. For Information call an
Muhleman, Independence, Ore. 32tf
New sewing machines, fully war
ranted, from $13.75 to $25.00, also
supplies for your gasoline lamps nay
be had from H. H. Jasperson. ' tf.
For sale or trade High-class par
lor organ in good condition. Enquire
at Mrs. Neeley's in North Indepen
dence. Will trade for young stock of
any kind. tf
New up-ta-date caskets and coffins,
burial rebes, special line of trim
mings for Catholics, G. A. R. and
secret orders obtained from H. H.
Jasperson. tf.
We are agents in Independence for
the Curlee pants. These garments
are in make style and fit the equal
of any hand-made, made-to-measure
trousers you can buy. No need pay
ing a. big price for pants when you
can buy the Curlee at so much less
of Conkey, Walker & Lehman.
Of Interest to Farmers and Mechan
Farmers and mechanics frequently
meet with slight accidents and injur
ies which cause them much annoy
ance and loss of time. A cut or a
bruise may be cured in about one
third the time usually required by ap
plying Chamberlain's Liniment as
soon as the injury is received. .This
liniment is also valuable for sprains,
soreness of the muscles and rheumat
ic pains. There is no danger of blood
poisoning resulting from an injury
when Chamberlain's Liniment is ap
plied before the parts become Inflam
ed and swollen. For sale by P. M.
Farm Loans and Insurance. Notary
Buana Vlata, Orgen.
... It THE
Offira apetaira la (roper Blk
Large or Small Orders De
livered Promptly.
henry" mott
Independence, Oregcti.
Steele's Ferry
Buena . Vlnta. Oretea.
Tha ferry taat aroaiaa the
Moat direct route ta Jefferaoa,
Sclo, Shedburae, Bales sad Al
bany from all points la ftaatk
ern aid Central Polk ooaaty.
C. r. Van Allen
Phone Mil Mala
MK.Iva. k
Rumpeea P.aa
Larg Bunny Room lit Hall ef llal
Oenu-ally lxoalel
leotrle I.IliU Bath
aaa I'laae
Salem, Ore.
; I J Q M i iD
Embroideries, Parasols ,
Muslin and Knit Underwear
Butterick Patterns, , Semi Porcelain
jg Variety Store
264 N. Commercial Street, - Salem, Oregon
"Where Are My Letters?"
Needless to ask these questions If you me our Y & E FILING
CABINETS. These are used In all business and is the great idea
of SYSTEM. Call and see these goods.
The Commercial Book Store
163 Commercial St., SALEM, ORE.
Props, of Salem Gun Store OREGON
We now have on display a very fine and complete line of
Base Ball Goods, Lawn Tennis Sup
plies and also Fine Fishing iTackle
8 and for Catalogue of Base Ball Uniforms