1009 HOP CROP c ' " ... ' . : - - - A Few Choice Farms ul ef thr.e hundred and f'My we have llatad In the Willamette vail. 140 acres, wall Improved and In eultlvatlon, i mile .H of Mon mouth, Oron. I'rlra 15 pr acre. Terms lt acres. 14 mil -a norh w of Indrpendance; all In caltl.ailon; Al buildings. A anap at 5. IV acraa, In high atala of culilUon; good Improv.roenta and plan of fruit; IK mlls weal af Monmouia. Price IS500. It arraa wall Improved land; I icraa orchard and berrlea balance la crop; good water, good bulldlnge. good feacae, J miles north waat of Monmouth, i'rlca $2600. tS acres. 1 mite north of Monmouth; ftna black aoll. aaiall hou.a and larga tarn; plenty of water. I'rlca $S5 par acra. klei km uOo Branch Offlca Hotel Monmouth Monmouth, Oregon H. Hiraohbarg, Fraa. A. Nl.o. Vlca Pre. C. W. hvim Caak. The Independence National Bank Incorporated 1889 Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits Directors: B. Hiraohberg, A. Nelson, D. W. Baara, B. F. Smith and J. E. Rhodes. 1 HI. Bckerlen Wholesale Family Liquor Store PHONE MAIN 103 1 44 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon U N S EWlfe Sun..t Mln. th. rjdjr. ... pap- 0,. REVIEW Or REVIEWS . . $3,001 ALL FOR SUNSET MAGAZINE .... 1-80f tO Of) u-,uan'!S HOME COMPANION 1.2S W.UV r- r C C with your order, a butlfiil premium, a !- AND FREE Wtr.ud in four colori with W5 Wt Tlw SUNSE T M A Q A 2 I N E n FRMeiaaa, aauroaw A GOOD WElili OF WATER la Indispensable to every farm We have had aplendid nuccesa in obtaining water id all our boring operations. We are prepared to do waler and oil well drill ing and all klnde of prospering. SliOPER BROTHERS Telephone 49x2 INDEPENDENCE, OR A. C. MACERS. Piarilr TELEPHONE MAIN 175 Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS 146-15 S. COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM OREGON CAFE RESTAURANT Mesdames Hart and Kaglin, Proprietors Board by Day, Week or Month. Meal Tickets Sold. JNDEPEXDEN CE, OREO ON WILL BE LIGHT W. W. vi val. ,llk ir. U if Knlia lir-a.. John II. Hurmn anil Jxwald I. McCarthy, promlm-nt hop growers of this etirn, made a tour of Inapxilou of Ilit- hop yard, aur rounding litdi-pa-ndttni . Tin y mailt tlm trip In an automobile and vlaliml 131 yarda In Marlon and Clarkamaa rouiiiira, ti-nlJi-a thoa of folk ' rounly. Aa a result of their Inanee-' tlon they report that tin-re will be! from 55 to 60 per cent of a crop. th; fnkln caime fur 1il' h l"'y rexrH to ' aay. la duo more to the lack of ul-; tlvatlon than had weather condltlonu. bu Hpi aklng of the mailer Mr. I'ur-j rival ainti'd that thi-re aeeined to ! W a crae among the hop growers to aeo how many ara 'hey can get I io hopa than to the number of, potimta they can ralae to the acre, vhl h hn thliika la a mlataken Idea . j lie further atated that In the well cultivated yarda the crop would he fully up to the average. According to Conrad Kreba, the well known hop factor, many offers are being made to aecure contracts on the coming bop crop at 12Mic a pound and It la unlikely that much bualneaa could be aecured under 15c at that figure. According to Mr. Kreba the Inde pendence aectlona will produce not more than 60 Der cent of last year's rron. Salem. Ilrooka. Gervala. St. . Paul. Butteville, Woodburn and Au rora 40 per cent and Sllverton dis trict 60 per cent. He Bays that Ore gon cannot posaiuiy proouce niuio than 60,000 bales thla aeason. He rives the maximum for New York 35,- 000 bales, California 75.000 bales and Washington 20,000 bales. The total for the United States 190,000 bales as compared with the short crop of last year at 205.000 bales. Brewers' re quirements are 229,000 bales annually. Death Comes a Relief After a lingering Illness of over a year death came to relieve the suf fering of Richard Dawes, son of W. Dawea of this city. He passed away peacefully at 9 o'clock Wednesday evening in the presence of his Bor rowing parent and family. He was aged twelve years and eight months on the night of his death. His res idence in Independence saw little but suffering, having come here about a year ago with his parents and his mother having preceded him to that better land six months before. Mr. Dawes has the heart-felt sym pathy of the entire community in this hour of his bereavement, more par ticularly so because of this second visit from Che dread reaper during the past year. Funeral services will be held from the family residence on Monmouth street at 10 o'clock this morning. In terment will be in I. O.O. F. ceme tery. Besides the father who is left to mourn his demise, there are four sisters and one brother. FAMILY REUNION On Monday, June 7, J. S. Cooper entertained his brothers in their an nual reunion in this city. They were all present except one, John E. Coop er, who was not able to get nere. The average age of the seven broth ers Is sixty-five years. W. H. Coop er, of Stayton, was born in 1834, In East Tennessee and came to Ore gon in .1869, by way of Panama. D. J.Cooper was born in East Tennessee in 1836 and came across the plains to Oregon In 1863. J. 8. Cooper was born in Missouri and crossed the plains to California in 1859, coming to Oregon in 1863. J. C. Cooper, bort in 1845, came to Oregon in 1866. R. D. Cooper was born in 1849 and came across the plains with his par ents In 1863. E. W. and J. E. Cooper wD twins and were born in 1852. They came to Oregon with their par ents In 1863. If You Ara Wort $50,000 Don't Read This. This will not Interest you If you aie worth fifty thousand dollars, youi you are a' man of moderate means and cannot afford to employ a physi cian when you have an attack of diarrhoea, you will be pleased to i , nne or two doses of Cham- berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure it this remeu, been In use for many years and is thoroughly reliable. Price 25c. For sale by P. M. KIrkland. Poison Oak Poisoning Ballard's Snow Liniment cures It. Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius, Turner, Ore., writes": "My wife has discovered that Snow Liniment cures Poison Oak. She not only cured a case of it on heraelf. but on two of her friends who were poisoned by this same Ivy." Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold bj Williams Drug Co. A FULL CARLOAD of the Famous Acorn Stoves and Ranges have just arrived at our store. We are now prepared to show every style and size in Acorns. Each stove J r carries a o-year guar antee from the makers against breakages. - This line is made by the larg est stove foundry in the world, and are the most perfect bakers with the least fuel consumption on the market. JBS To anyone requesting: same we will be pleased to forward literature. Caloric Fireless Cookstoves are the sensation of Sa lem. To be seen only at our store. Exclusive agents Jr " ' ummetr Gordons (HI There's a cool look and a cool feel to the new Gordon ideas for warm weather Attractive Styles in Summery Shades and Colorings for Town, Lake or Country The Gordon in shades of Brown Green Tan Pearls and Black S3. oo The Gordon in many New and Classy Shapes for Yonng Men and Old Headquarters for all the new ideas and dependable grades in men's head wear We are satisfied only when we have sold you the hat that best becomes you and that will give you the greatest amount of wear and sat isfaction for your money fTTAll the Style and Quality you expect to Hllfind in $5 hats is evident in The Gordon