SELECT it HOME FROM THIS LIST 13 itn i nitlct from Albany, IT i.tri lu apples, bent varieties, lno )uu urihaid. Splendid Improve-j nint. Rolling land. I'rke 1000., IVrma: .'W0 don, balam al ( per iiiit liilTit. 10 aim, mile from ludpf ndrme, el ftnd ui! with b't of lm lro -ni''inn. All but 15 rn In rulihatiou. Good bull'Iln; nJ out builvlinuH Ono of lli good places n.ur tin town, iioo an 102 aire 1 tulle from Buena Vlata. On-hard of 100 tret's of brst varle tl-n. t, ari iu cultivation, (iood Improvement. I'rUo $;tSU0. 1.'4 a ri- 4 wiles from Monmouth, I from railroad; 10U at fa in lulilva lieu. Couj Improvement. A nood buy. Price JSuOO. 17 acres 1 mile from town; 10 arroa In cultivation; iipUtuI tilod: fruit treos; othi-r iuiprovt'iin'iux. price' IjOO. iii ar':i it miles (rum 'mlepeiideure aire In ruliivatlon. Thin itt another of the rood buys. Will !) at )."i0 au acre. I Ji acres bottom laud near ludepend 'iice. iut land there In and for biile at $1000. Z5 acres joining city limits and a anapi fur miiiti poor man. All In cultiva tion. M000. 160 a rea 3 miles from Lincoln in Hoik county. A good piece of land at $33.50 an acre. 600 acres 4 miles from Dallas; 50 of it in cultivation. The best dial in Polk county. Will sell now for $-'0 an acre. 23". a rs. almost all In cultivation at $40 an acre. 44 acres mostly in cultivation. 6Vi miles from Independence. $3l'00 or will sel 14 with buildings for $16."0. 75 acres, 50 in cultivation; 10 in timber; young orchard. A good buy at $40 an acre. 60 a t?s. 40 in cultivation, good hous 1 and barn. 7 miles from Albany. A good buy. $80 an acre. 82 aires, 30 in cultivation. 5 acres rf best varieties apples in bearing. V?ry rich land. $73 an acre. 277 acres, town 5 miles; 250 acres in cultivation; all fenced and cross fenced. Al piece of bottom land at hill land prices. $50 an acre. 20 acres, about 4 miles from Indepen dence; $600 barn and well; fenced wlt!i woven wire; rich sandy loam soil 18 feet deep; ten acres in wal nuts and peaches 3 years old; worth $251 an acre. Price $125 an acre. 47 acres, 20 acres under cultivation. House, barn and family orchard; IS acres hops and hop house. Five miles from Independence. Bargain Good crop will pay for place. Price $2(59. Terms. It acres, all in cultivation; 7-room house almost new; frame barn, wood house, wash house, chicken brooder and incubator; young orch ard; acre in strawberries and raspberries. An Ideal home. 3 miles from town. Farm implements and stock with place at $2650. 102 acrep, one mile from town; 45 acres under cultivation; orchard; dug well; 25 acres timber, balance pasture; new modern 7-room house and good barn and fences. Terms. Price $3800. 135 acres, 2 miles from town. Soil black loam, richest kind; fences woven wire. A splendid piece at half value. Price $55 an acre. 240 acres, 1 mile from town. Deep black soil; 8-room house; barn; a wind-mill, tank, etc. Price $72.50 an acre. 190 acres, all bottom land prima; 3!5 ar- cultivation; nw t.iuii-. a 44 Lara other provellleuu. Hi.wnK On the bent buys In Polk count, to acre 5 mi I m from Independence Polk county. 17 acres t uKU atitui ; j bottom laud; lioiixe, barn, orchard; hay rrop gttet with this place al $2 00. T-rm. 2u acres, J' uiilea front town; nearly all In cultivation; soil very rich. Klvc room nouns, barn and family orchard; 5 aire of timber. Prilt $2100. Terms, JS acres, 15 In cultivation, balance In limber and pasture; rlli garden lauJ, young orchard in bearing, (rape and ainall fruit; bouse, barn and uthr outbuildings; va county read and rural route; belweeu Albany and ludcpeltdi uce. Price $80 an acre. iiO odd acres bottom land for halo at $10,500. Invc.-linau this. 344 ares 4 tulles frjui .Moniiioutb. Hood limber on place; all jjood farming laud. better look this up. $.'5 mi acre. 53 acres, 1 mile from town. Fcmed but has tio other improvements HITHROW OUT THE LINE Give Them Hlp and Many Independ oca People Wtll Bo Happlar. "Throw Out Uu Lif IJn..' Tli Kidneys iietl help. They're overworked an'i gel the pnUiin out of the blood. They're itellliiu worse every iiilnul'', Will yoil help I belli T iKiau't Kidney pills have brought thtuihaiuls of kidiu y mifferer b4 k from the velae of despair. Will dire any form of kidney trou ble J. It. folium, city marshal, Inde pendence. Or.; aaya: "I it in lud to reeouimeiid I Man's Kidney fills as they proved very aatisfat't jry la my wife's case. 8he suffered for a Hum- H ber of years from kidney dUcUNe, doe ; uudcr cultivation, Uood buy at io' an acre. CITY PROPERTY If you are IHIitiiK for anything I. e Hue of residences or farms you 1 an find soniethius to suit you in the list. Ask to see property not iu-li-room house and 2 lots with other Improvement. A swell home for $1350. This is the best buy lu In dependence. room house and 2 lots with modern improvements. A swell buy for a party who wa'its something good. For sale for $2500. i lots i.i old town for sale for only $200. 8 lots and 7-room bouse with other improvements for $850. $2200 buys one of the good homes of Independence with all modern con veniences. Come and enquire mora about tills. An acre of land and good six room house with best of improvements; A good home for $850. This place is desriable for several reasons. An acre of land and 6 room house; good improvements, lumber on the ground for barn and other improve ments and goes with plac e at $750. Look this up. Some bargains in business chances from $10,000 to $12,000. Residences and business blocks in Indepen dence. eluded In this list. Good house. and barn and 2 acres to sell at $550. 9-room house and 2 lots in Monmouth desirable location; good improve ments. Price $1500. i An acre on Monmouth street and 7 room house with other buildings. , Orchard and large and small fruits. A good buy for $1000. Two story residence, in North Inde pendence, telephone and electric lights, all In good condition, 1 lot with place. A snap. Price $500. room house, with closets, 14x20 barn, chicken house, carriage house work shop, wood house, fruit trees and small fruits. Improvements are worth as much as is asked for place. About a half acre. Price $1000 Tract 90x200 feet in Independence, house 14x22, chicken corral, hen house, wood shed; fenced. 400 strawberries, some raspberries, lo ganberrles, gooseberries, pie plant, etc. A good buy. Price $450. 9-room house and 2i4 lots, large barn to sell at $3500. Best house in Independence. lored quite a little but received no relief and her hcttlih xradually run down. Seeing I loan" Kidney Pills so highly recommend, d, xlin procured a box at I. M. Klrkiaud's drux store and the trouble gradually vanished. She is now In good health and gives tile credit solely to Immm'm Kidney Pills" j 1'or sale by nil dealers. I'rlee 50 cents. Poster Milburiie Co., Lluffulo. New York, Hole agents for the i'nlt' d States. Itciin uitii r the iiuiue 1 Man's and take no other. Berybody's $lw Store Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they ennuot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by ail Inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh which is nothing more than an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who mignt be like j them. A weak, sickly woman will be 115 acres j nervous and irritable. Constipation or under cultivation ; 75 acres in past-1 Mdney poisons show in pimples, ure. Enough timber and wood to blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch pay for clearing. Finest kind hop ed complexion. For all such, Electric and fruit land. Price $15,000. 70 Bitters work wonders. They regulate acres in hops. j Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify 315 acres in Douglas county, 4 miles , the blooJ; &v strong nerves, bright from town. Good house, bam and eyeB. Pur breath, smooth, velvety orchard; running water on place ; 50 8kin. lovely complexion. Many charm acres in cultivation. Price $35 an ln8 women owe their health and acre j beauty to them. 50c at all druggist.3. Ill acres Oregon Roses for President. President Tafft will be the recipient this week of a handsome bouquet of Oregon roses, sent by the manage agement of the Portland Rose Festi val. The flowers are in acknowledge ment of the president's interest in the festival and his compliance with the wishes of the management in touching a button at the White House on June 7 and formally open ing the carnival of roses. The bou quet will be presented by Senators Bourne and Chamberlain and will no doubt grace the president's table upon their arrival. Trouble Makers Ousted. , When a sufferer from stomach trou ble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills he's mighty glad to see his dyspep sia and Indigestion fly, but more tick led over his new, fine appetite, strong nerves and healthy vigor, all because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right 25c at all druggUU. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 2 miles from town; unde" cultivation; 4-room house, good con dition; barn 30x50; hop house; an abundance living water; ash grove, 2 or 3 acres; orchard. Price $9000. 216 acres bottom land, 1 mile from town; will divide to suit purchaser. Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had experi ence with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chambei Iain's Salve as soon as the child is Richest kind of bottom land: fence done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft; with wire. Box house; barn. In c,otn before allowing the babe to other sections this land would sell nurse. Many trained nurses use this at $500 an acre. Price $35 to $135 salye with best results. For sale by P. M. Kirkland. Faber's Self Filling FOUNTAIN PEN an acre. 1080 acres, in Sherman county, 11 miles from Grass Valley. 700 acres under cultivation, remainder past ure; fenced; good improvement; 1 The Big Head Is of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes from a sick head- plenty of water; 6-room house; barn ache. Does your head ever feel like granary; smokehouse; wood shed; a gourd and your brain feel loose cellar; blacksmith shop; telephone, and sore? You can cure It In no time Price $20,000. $7000 down, balance by acting on your liver with Bal half crop payments, 7 per cent in- lard'a Herbine. Isn't it worth trying tere8t- for the absolute and certain relief 615 acres, 6 miles from town. Rich you'll ' get? Sold by Williams Drug! black soli; well drained; 6 living Company. 1 Self-filling at a magic touch And a self-cleaner too. The price you'll find Is not too much For the one that just suits you. It fills itself, it fills all needs For the office, school or den; Among them all the one that leads Is Faber's Fountain Pen. All Styles At all Prices WILLIAMS ..DRUG CO.. Independence, Ore. We say Everybody's because we do not know of a foot we cannot dress with the risrht Shoe. The business man or the swagger young fellow can find his shoes here. The old gentleman or the me chanic can find his shoes here. The woman who walks or the society woman can find her shoes here. The school boy or the schoolgirl can find their shoes here. The parent, looking for children's or infant's shoes, can find correctiv fitted. the riirhr shoes here and have them SHOES FOR EVERYONE Everybody can find Shoes here in splendid values, the best Shoes made, and find them pleasingly priced. OREGON SHOE CO. The Home of Good Shoes SALEM, OREGON ABOVE "All I'll mcumi Our vSpring' StocK MEN'S "SHOES Presents the very latest styles, the smartest leathern ant shapes. If there's one thing that we pride ourselves on, it is not sticking our foot in somebody else's track, con sequently we are always leaders in shoe styles here abouts. If it is smart, it's in our 1909 stock, and Our Prices Are Always the Most Reasonable The Proof of the Shoe is in the Wearing If you have ever worn a John Kelley Pump or Oxford you know that It ex eels in creative beauty, good value and fitting qualities. Do the shoos you have previously worn give you complate satisfaction? Well, ours will. Your choice of the moBt fashionable leathers In Ladles' Shoes. The Best Shoe Values are Here 8 sSweet-0rb Trousers r The Best Que rails in America The No-rip, No-tear kind. We believe they are the best in the world and you will when you wear them. All sizes, and an im mense lot of them. Won't forget this is headquarters for The Best Overalls in A me rica Dr. Jaeger Health Shoes for Women Years Ahead of the Ordinary Cushion Shoe A method of generating a mild flow of electricity has been applle to the Dr. Jaeger Health Shoe for women In such a skillful, and scientific manner that one would not realize that the shoe worn was differ ent from any other shoe, save for the easy cushion bed and the exhilarating effect on the general system A better circulation of the blood results and the tired nerves become reefed, In fact, the general health of the wearer is benefited. The Only Ileal Health Shoe Ever In vented, and the First Perfect Shoe Ever Worn These shoes, Health Shoes, are Spring 8tock. part of our new . L. Stockton, Salem, Oregon 1