Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 11, 1909, Image 5

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    The Brain The Nerevs The Foot
- , - .. a
YOU have noticed how utterly miserable you have felt after wearing a
AXAcvvivy k-hjlwo, jjuiut jlva uuij tu. iiu u.1 . X XX vJ CXI Ull C ilCi VUU.O b LUJJL1
wua uu n iiigu Ltjubiuxi, buuuiiig n uuutmuuus message to tne Dram,
crying for relief. This is a serious matter. It disquiets the
nerves, makes the body ache all over. You cannot do good think-
mg or good worm, it your leet are telegraphing now this
minute tnat tney want renei, come to us and let us start
you rignt. wear W. JL. UUUU-1.AS WOOJJYEAR WELT
bnunib. JuacK oi cnaracter is what condemns medium-priced
Men's Shoes. It's the mechanical means
employed in fashioning them that is at fault in
most cases. Our W. L. Douglas Goodvear Welt $3.50
and $4.00 Shoes are made by good workmen and are absolutely correct. They'll
save you money and give you satisfaction in durability, style and foot comfort.
V. L. Douglas $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords will give you more service than any other Shoes on the
market at same price; in fact they are better than most $5.00 Shoes sold. All styles and leathers in Patents; Gun
metal in blacks and greens; oxbloods, dark and light tans in vici and Russian calf in lace and button. The-only
store in this community handling W. L. Douglas celebrated Shoes.
ii V1"
ft! 1
Don't Pay too Much for Your Range
Why pay $79 to $85 for a range of inferior quality
just because you can get it on time? Your credit is
good at our store. We will sell you the: -famous
South Bend Malleable guaranteed for 25 years for
only $60. The body is made of the finest polished 1
blue steel with polished top and lids, and with high ,
class nickel trimmings warranted not to color with
heat; also the SANITARY HIGH CLOSETS that
are easy to clean and which are not found on the or
dinary range.
P A TTTTOW When buying a range beware
V-fXiU llLrl? of black enamelled steel iron in
the main body of the range. This should be fine
polished blue steel which requires no paint or blacking.
Buy from your home dealer, he is here to make, 0
good his guarantee. j :
, v , -AGENT FOR
The Best on Earth.
Sold on Easy Payments
.Its defense, and hundreds of thous-(RepublIc, to you, students of the Cor-
j ands met disease, were wounded and
; crippled for life that you and I might
i, enjoy the blessings of freedom that
it brings to us today, and which we
, bring to you unsullied, with not one
.stripe missing or a star dimmed in
Its field of blue.
"Do you know that the greatest
standing army in the world today Is
composed of the school children of
the United States of America? It far
The exercises attending the presen
tation of the handsome flag to the
Corvallis high school last week by th
Women's Relief Corps, were the most jsurpasses in numbers all the fighting
impressive of any during the encamp- forces of Europe. This wonderful
inent, the eloquent presentation ad
dress of, Mrs. Jennie Higgins, presi
dent of the Corps, being as follows:
"Superintendent, Teachers and Pu
pils of the Corvallis Schools; Mem
bers of the Grand Army of the Re
public. Women's Relief Corps
Citizens: . .
"It gives me great , pleasure in the
name of the Women's Relief Corps,
Auxiliary of the Grand Army ,of the
Republic, to greet you here at this
time. !
army of boys and girls may be more
fully realized ,when one learns that it
98 greater than the entire population
)ot Spain, exceeds by two and a half
millions the population of Mexico, is
three times greater than the DOnula-
and jtion of Canada, and is greater than
fehe combined population of Greece,
jPortugal, Denmark and Roumania.
f "How important it is then that the
teachers be imbued with the true
spirit of patriotism, that the men and
; .women of the future, who are in the
"I deeply feel the great responsi- ischools today, be taught the right
bility resting upon me, in represent- iconception of the price paid for our
ing this noble band of loyal women, dear old flag and all it represents,
workers. We realize the Importance and what it means to be a true
Df this work along patriotic lines be-:American citizen.
cause of the . thousands qf different I "a few years hence the welfare of
tur shores every year, with taeir this country with its privileges and
Rationalities of children coming to jail it stands for, will fall Into the,
limited ideas of : what freedom aud Jiands of this great army of school
liberty mean. , , ' , d children, and in presenting this beau-
The only hope we can see for Itiful flag in behalf of the Women's
our f utureAmerican institutions is the IIRelief Corps, Department of Oregon,
.vallis high school, we trust its sacred
'keeping, feeling assured that you will
see to it that no traitorous hand
shall ever trail it In the dust, nor
one of its stars be dimmed by foul
treason. .
"We believe that you will protect it
If needs be with your honor and lives
its the men of America have done be
fore you, that it may ever Iloat over
a free united people."
Trouble Makers Ousted.
When a sufferer from Btomach trou
ble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills
he's mighty glad to see his dyspep
sia and Indigestion fly, but more tick
led over his new, fine appetite, strong
nerves and healthy vigor, all because
stomach, liver and kidneys now work
right. Kc at all drugclMa.
Church Notice. : ' '
Rev. F. E. Volk of Blaine, Wash.,
will preach in the Baptist church In
this city both morning1 and evening,'
Sunday, June 13. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all. '
dissemination of thought and instruc-(lAuxiliary
tlon through our public school system
and these foreign-born children com
ing-in contact with ours, and bti.i
Imbued with the ideas and principles
of American citizenship and taught
what freedom, liberty, love of country
flag and home signifies as being
taught In our public schools and col
leges throughout the land.
To foster and. encourage instltu:
tions of learning',' the' representatives'
of our order, with a remnant of he
old guard, "the boys who wore the
blue," have come with this beautiful
(flag, with Its stars and stripes, which
we so dearly love and prize above all
others, i ...... ,,, . ; j ...
We love it because it stands: for
so much; the terrible cost and sac
rifice and suffering bloodshed and
strife on hundreds, yea thousands of
battle fields.; Bequeathed to us by
our forefathers of Revolutionary fame
and handed, down through the T vista
,of years and other wars to the great
Civil war, wnere Dromer tougni
against brother and father; against
on for four long years. ' : .
"Thousands upon thousands died in
to the Grand Army of, the
Stomach' Troubles. '
Many remarkable cures of stomach
troubles have been effected by Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
One man who has spent 'over two
thousand dollars for medicine and
treatment was cured' by a few boxes
of these tablets. Price 25 cents. Sam
ples free at P.' M. Kirkland's drug
store. i
Special Attention to Commercial and
College Organizations
160 Court street. ; Telephone ! 209 Main ;
Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel
Our books are open for your inspection.
IfElt. Bnver? name given if wanted. We not onlj
M m-m-. get'top priCe'Sj but you can satisfy yourself
MflfiS absolutely at any time that you get what we
tSt.-A- " PR0"pT CA8H "TURKS
t" w to us now for coops, tags, etc
souTHEtiii oregou connissiou CO.
w. K. ucCoteutitiE, rur. S5 fiskt St, piitlui, Omca