Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 11, 1909, Image 2

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Everything U lu readings (or hat
prowU.-a to t one of the blKKntt aiid
anoet luteratlng UihU of Ihe Inde
pvttdeno Driving Club Association,
tilth Uk-s iila-e next Thursday, Kr
eiay and Saturday, June 17, It and 19.
in (tie hltry of tha aasoi'iatloa.
Through the liberal contributions
of th eltlaens of Independence and
trinity lh management U able this
awaaon to banc up puraea mulch will
aggregate In I be neighborhood ot
l.r00. Already telegrams have binn
received by the secretary entering
horace both In the harness and run
nlng claut'i from Roaeburg, Granta
j'aas. Prlnevllle, rortland, MeMlna.
Wo, Tbe Dalles, Si Paul and aoma
of the speedifst stables of the atata
of Washington. With the lnrgt
homing of horaea ever prevent at a
meeting of tbla kind It ran readily
be soon that there will be something
doing when the bclla "tap them off."
Tbe association waa organised
something over three yvara ago aud
la today In a healthy financial condi
tion. The Independence club leaaes
the grounds upon which the track Is
located. It owns the building and
other Improvements, and the nice
tiling about It all is they are paid
tor. This season the grand stand
waa enlarged and other necessary Im
provements made to accommodate the
larger number of horses which will
commence to arrive the early part ot
next week. The majority of the rac
ing animals are now In attendnace at
the meet being held at Corvallls this
The Independence association, un
like numerous otner driving clubs of
otiwr daces, has the reputation of
navlnir its Dremlums In full, which
makes it an object for those who fol
low the circuit to participate in the
meet, because they are sure of get-
Ing their money.
The meet will attract large number
of sporting men from all parts of the
a Late and you can set it down that
there will be something doing in the
old town the last three days of next
I X,'
av v
from last wek).
ANDT bad secretly enjoyed the
commotion caused by tbe lit
tle clrcua rlter being left In
tbe parson, at Orat he-
nne of her Inborn love of nilnchlef
uid later berauna I'olly bad become
eoond In ber heart only to tha paator.
She went alwut her work, crooning
fa.ftl.r during the data vt I'olly'e con- vu " '
- 1 hji far I Haft lift
vnlittottc. Thi Oir, sternly oi ori ' . ' . . . t
:i,e raator reading aloml In the pretty V,.T''" h' ' 1 !
Attend Races at Corvallls
Independence Is well represented
at the meet of thhe Corvallls Driving
Club Association which opened In
that city yesterday and which will
continue through today and Satur
day. Among the stables represented
from this city are those of C. A. Mc
Laughlin, including Kamsack, Misty
Pride, Carl Paud, the Princess; Pete
Cook's stable of harness horses; Ru
pert Dickinson, with a stable of gal
lopers, while W. W. Percival will be
represented by the Independence stal
lion stable. The sporting fraternity
of Independence is putting great re
liance in the ability of Mr. McLaugh
lin's stables to sustain the reputa
tton of Independence and Polk coun
ts In the Corvallis meet and are
tanking on his returning home with
flying colors and a good fat weasel
window overhead wns romimnr. She
would often climb the stairs to tell
them some bit of Tillage golp ami
le::ve them laughing at a quaint enra
nent about some lniil"ltlve slater of
tbe churrh who had happened to luror
tier dlapleaaure.
As spring came on liouglaa rarrled
Polly down to tbe aunllt garden be
neath tbe window, and Mandy flut
tered about arranging the cushion
with motherly solicitude.
More days slipped by sod Polly began
: creep through the little, soft leaved
tree at the back of the rburob and to
look for the deep, blue, sweet scented
violets. When she was able Iktuglaa
took ber with hint to visit some of tbe
outlying bouaea of the poof- "r
woman s Instinct was quirk to per
relre msny small needs In their live
that be bad overlooked and to auggeHt
hjple. Inexpeuxlve Joys that made
them her devoted friends.
Their evenings were divided between
making plans for then unfortannten
nod reading aloud from tbe Bible or
other books.
When Polly gained courage, Douglas
sometimes persuaded her to read to
him, and tbe little corrections that he
made at these times soon became
noticeable In her manner of speech.
She was so eager, so starved for
knowledge that she drsnk It as faat
as be could give It It was during
tbelr talks about grammar that Mandy
generally fell asleep In ber rocker, ber
unfinished sewing still In ber lap.
When a letter came from Jim and
Toby It was always shared equally by
Mandy and Haaty, Polly and tbe pas
tor. But at last a letter came from
.lira only, and Donglas, who was asked
to read It. faltered and stopped after
the first few words.
nuch to It-be Jut e.'m.', tlrr.l an'
leaceftil like. I'm s'nd be ar.M what
te did.' he said. uohiiIm' the roii
She know, abe allua know a.' be wliN
H-red, nienlu' you. Poll, an' Iheu he
waa on bla wsy. He'd give
me what aaa aaved up for you. an'
I'm aendln It along with tun" A
blue moiiev order for -" had flui
tered from the envelop when Ioiitla
oeiied It.
"1 got everything ready afore 1 went
on tbe next day. an' I went up an'
le eoo! oil the hill where
It hMked
a wife e.ittl
she'd put aouie flow era on It now an'
then. It waa yon whtit m1e me think
o' that. Poll. aue It Beeined to me
what you would 'a' done. Vou al
ius so daffy about flowers, you an'
hi m.
"I gueea tbla letter's too long for me
to be a-naj In' mu h about the show,
but the 'leap-a-death' girl got ber n
la pit week, hue waan't strong enough
for the Job nohow. I done what 1
rould for brr outside tbe show. Yane
I knowed how you was alius a-feelln'
'bout her. I guess the 'leap-a-Ueath'a
husband Is golu to Jump bla Job soon
If be gets enough aaved up. Vauae him
an' Barker can't hit It off no more.
We got a good deal o' trouble among
the anlmala too. None o" the snakes
la sheddln' like they ought to. an'
Jumbo's a-carryln' a sixteen foot band
age around that trunk o' hls'n 'rauae
be got too freah with Trtxy'e grub the
other night, an' tbe new giraffe's got
the croup in that seven foot neek o'
hls'n. 1 guess you'll think 1 got the pip
for fair tbis time, eo I'll Just get on to
myself now an' cut this abort I'll be
wrltln' you sg'ln when we hit Morgsn
Douglas laid the letter gently on the
table, bis hand atlll renting upon It. He
looked helplessly at the little, shrunk
en figure In tbe opposite chair. Polly
bad made no sound, but ber bead bnd
allnped lower and lower, and she now
sat very quietly with ber face In her
hands. 8he had been taught by 'looy
and Jim never to whimper.
"What a plucky lot they arer
thought Douglas as be considered these
three lonely souls, each accepting
whatever fate brought with no rebel
lion or even surprise. It was a strange
Announcement of Summer School
The Enterprise has Just received
-the May number of the University of
Oregon Bulletin which announces the
lummer school to be held at the Uni
versity from June 28 to August 6.
The announcement is important to
teachers of Oregon in that the sum
mer session is conducted practically
-free of charge in their interests at a
time when it is possible for them to
attend. In the past the larger part
Of those attending have been teach
ers. The university believes that It
can extend its advantages of library,
laboratory, equipment and teaching
force in no better way than through
the summer school. The courses of
fered for teachers cover the greater
tiumber of the subjects required in
the state examinations.
Opposed as Cruel and Inhuman.
O. A. Kramer, who attended the
meeting of the State Jewelers' Asso
ciation at Portland last week reports
that a feature of the meeting which
caused comment was the passage of a
resolution condemning the metaliz
lng of horned toads and other small
animals to be used in Jewelry. While
It is not known that this peculiar
form of adornment is used In Inde
pendence It is stated that in some
places it has become quite a fad.
The process by which the unfortu
nate animals are transformed into
Jewelry is quite ingenious, but also
exceedingly cruel. The live toad Is
dipped into a hot acid solution and is
then ready for plating with the metal
desired. The result Is a very life
like bangle or pin, hut as the suffer
ings of the animal before it dies must
be Intense the humane side of the
Jewelers has caused them to unite
Jn an effort to stop thf practice.
.u r mtntnm in which these cbll-
'It's no use my tryln' to keep It from , of the amugement arena ,0UKht
and lost They came and went like
phantoms, with as little consciousness
of their own best Interests as of the
great, moving powers of tbe world
about them. They felt no throes of
envy, no bitterness. They loved and
worked and "went their way."
For once the pastor was powerless
In the presence of grief. Both he and
Mandy left the room quietly, feeling
that Polly wished to be spared the
outburst of tenrs that a sympathetic
word might bring upon her. They al
lowed her to remain alone for a time;
then Mandy entered softly with a ten
der good nlgbt, and Douglas followed
her cheerily as though nothing at all
had happened.
It was mady weeks before Polly
again became a companion to Douglas
and Mandy. but they did not Intrude
upon her grief. They waited patiently
for the time when youth should again
assert Itself and bring back their
laughing mate to them.
yon any longer. Poll." the letter began,
"We ain't got Toby with us do more.
He didn't have no accident; It wasn't
that He Just seemed kinder sick an'
allln' like ever since the night we bad
to leave you behind. I used to get blm
warm drinks an' things an 'try to
pull him through, but he was always
a-chlllln' and a'acbln. If It wasn't one
thing It was another. I done all I
knowed you'd 'a' wanted me to, an'
tbe rest of the folks was mighty white
to him too. I guess they kinder felt
bow lonesome be was. He couldn't get
no more laughs In the show, so Barker
had to put on another man with him.
That kinder hurt him, too, I s'pose,
an' showed him the way that things
was a-goin'. It was just after that he
wrote the parson a-tellln' him to never
let you come back. He seemed to 'a'
got an idee in his bead that you was
happier where you was. He wouldn't
let me tell you 'bout his feelln rocky,
'cause be thought It might mebbe
As sprinq came m Iiounlm carried Polly
down to ttie sun l i t garden.
make you come back. 'She's difTrunt
from us,' be was alius a-sayln'. 1
never spected to keep 'er.' "
D0uski8 stopped. I'olly was waiting,
ber face white and drawn. He had
not told her of Toby's letter because
with it had come a request to "say
nothin' ter the kid."
He felt that Polly was controlling
ben-elf with an effort until he should
reach the end of Jim's letter, ho he
hurried on. .
"The parson's "prnilee didn't pet to
him none too quick." he read. "That
seemerl to be what he was waltin' for.
He give up the night it come, an' I
got hfm a little room in a hotel arter
the show" an let one of the other fel
lers cet the stuff out o' town, so's I
could pr.-'?' with him np to the firtah.
Tt round nx itiln' There .rtit
HEN Polly understood that To
by was actually gone It seem
ed to her that she could never
laugh again. She had been too
young to realize the lnevltableness of
death when It came to her mother,
and now she could scarcely believe
that Toby would never, never come
back to her. She felt that she must
be able to drag him back; that she
could not go on without him. She
wanted to tell him how grateful she,
was for all his care of her. She
thought of the thousand little things
that she might have done for him. She
longed to recall every Impatient word
to blm. His gentle, reproachful eyes
were always haunting her. "You must
n. ... .... 1 J 1 1 "V" . , .
come oacK, xoDy: sne i-neu. ioo
Tt was only when body and mind had
worn themselves out with yearning
that a numbness at last crept over her,
and out of this grew a gradual con-
lousness of things about her and a
returning sense of her obligation to
otherH. She , tried to answer m ner
old, smiling way and to keep her mind
upon what they were saying instead
of letting It wander away to the pnt.
Donglas and Mandy were overjoyed
to see the color creeping back to ber
She Joined the pastor again In his
visits to the poor. The women of the
town would often see them passing
and would either whisper to each
other, shrug their shoulders or lift
their eyebrows with smiling Insinua
tions, but Polly and the pastor were
too much absorbed in each other to
take much notice of what was going
on about them.
They bad not gone for their walk
today because Mandy had needed Polly
to help make ready for the social to be
held In the Sunday school room to
night Earlv in the afternoon Tolly lia!
eit IKiuglaa aliut bimw ll up ill the
inly, aii.l alio waa sure thai he a
the Hf rhiMrrr
i...,m,I in ii lb way fioirt avltuui f I
Mmi.h new loaile rwoklre she UwS
h-r i iKioninry irlck to gel Ihem aay
Tun; lou're II r he arWl and !'
d ihd oul the a. k tloor, pureurd b
the laushlog. reaming fingaier
Mi n. It followed the children to lb''
poll li nl l'd lM.kln after them
li e tun. I Mile baud eurrli'd about H"'
k jurd. daried In and out anion
Hie ire.-, then up III able of I lie wood
eil bill, Jul Uvond the t linn h.
The li'iivea oil. e nior were red ami
yellow on the Ireea. but blay the alt
a irm mid lh lil'dren were wear
Inc I heir iiiiiiner ilre"M". Polly'a IIMh
glrllh njuie hol.i'il eliiitwt tall l
oniinrloii with the children about
her. 8he won a plnl'i. elinplo gown
white. hli h Mandy had helped her
rniKe. It hid I t nit aiiUle leniiU
for Polly aa mow aeventeen. II
rpl.ilut, old fiih'o"iHl manner, her act I
oua eyea mid b. r trl k of knotting h
heaw' brown hair lw on her a '
made her m Ider.
M in i; wal.ed until the children h
HHapiieared over - M"
himtllni- rl'.iolll. looking for loe te
ladder which Hafy bad left under the
vt.o of the porch. It had been a bti.
day at the parsonage. A social alway
mennt pern-hBf bn for Manor !
called sharply to llaaty aa he ram.
down the path w hich made a short cu
to the village.
"So's youe back, la yoT ahe Bl;el
"Sure I's back." answered iUtlv
good naturedly as he sank upon an
empty box that had held aome things
for the social and pretended to wipe
the peraplratlon from his forehend.
"Maaaa John done send yo' to de
poatofflce two hours ago," aald Mandy
as she took tbe letters and papera from
bla hand. "Five minute Is plenty ob
time for any nigger to do dat Job."
I done been detained." naaty
"Youae always 'talned when dr"t
any work a-goln' on." Mandy snapped
at blm.
"Whar's Mlas PoilyT naaty asked.
Ignoring Mandy's reference to work.
"Noblier yo' mind 'bout Mlas Polly.
She don't want ro Jea' yo' done
fetch that stepladder Into de Sunday
school room."
-But I wants ber." Hasty Insisted
"I's been on very "tlcular business
hat she ought to know 'bout"
"Business V she repeated. "What
kind ob bnslnesa?"
'I eot to Ox de Sunday school room."
said naaty as he perceived ber grow
ing curiosity.
You come beah. nigger!" Mandy
railed, determined that none of tbe
village doings should escape ber. "Out
wld It!"
"Well. It's 'bout de circus," Hasty
answered, seating himself again on tbe
box. "Dey's showln' in Wakefield to
night an' next month day's comln'
"Dat same circus what Mlsa Tolly
used to be wldf Mandy's eyea grew
larjje with curiosity.
(Continued next week)
l ack 4 Ike ektef r
ut Ike ImmIv la
,Uk la the Utaia el
Ule. A efcaia
' atroaier tkaa Hs
weakeal hak, Ike Ixxlf
i irowler !
weak! or.a. If there te weakaeae cl iioiwaek. liver lea, there U
weak l.ak i- Ihe ebaia ol hie mktck aaav imp at ear H"e. Ollea ibie e-elle
" weakaeM " i earned k Uek ol utrilioa, the reaull ol weakaeM er di
f Ihe atumach a ad olher ergaaa ol diglioa sad eulriiioe. Iheaee ea
weakarn of Ihe alomarb aad lie allied organs are cured by Ihe e ol
1'ieree'a troldee Matlieal I)iMovrr. Km ihe wawk er diteawd "' '
cured. dieaa ol olher eriawa which ttm reaiole I rum ihe eloaaack bul '
have iheir onia la s diteaMd eoaduiua of Ihe alooiacb aad
iker eraaa ol dialioa a ad eelntioa, are eared aim,
re efeea mam kmm m utfmi efeaeae.
Tate le eere Tmma44 "Oaeer.
err" aaer re m etreatf (
m etrva-i aerfy.
Givbn Avar. Dr. Piarae'i Coiwaioa Senae Medical Advlter,
mam reviasd t-'ditioa, ia seal free oa raecipl of alamp Pr
eipeaie ol esailiat ea(t. Scad 21 one-eeal (lampa lur the
book ia paper eovera, er SI tteapa lor ihe cloih bouad vol
ume. Addm Dr. K. V. Pieree, Buffalo, N. .
Experienced Felt and Panama
Hat Cleaner and Blocker
!0 South Ctrnnwcial St., CfFoiil Lwroce Grotry Store
Phone 565 - - SALEM, OREGON
Corner Commercial
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The Salem Steam Laundry
Leave order at D. Taylor's Barber Shop, Independence, Oregon
2 Papers for $2.00
Dallas Steam Laundry
Best "Work Guaranteed
' Basket leave Tuesday 6pm and returns PrUkf
Clee Robinson
Farmers' Feed and Sales Stable
H. EICHEL, Proprietor
Grain and Hay for Sale.
Horses boarded by day, week or month, at reasonable .'ate'
If you do, don't purchase until you have
inspected the celebrated
a full
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HANNA BROS., Independence, Ore.