Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 04, 1909, Image 8

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(Sperling sin-ni Kriday in
Will Ford arrived from Vahlu.ioii
K. C. EMivdtfe wfnt io Sui Tu'
day morning.
O. A- Kramr as a Portland vUlt'
or this k.
Patronlsa our adrTllsers.
Ooaby Dall as i 8alftti Wed
Mint lli-rrrn of Mounioutb went to
Bsl.-m Wednesday
Mr. Ixttl0 Hedges Dorrla
SaloiU U'dll.';l)-,
Mm. C. W. Butltr
TutHklay morning.
went to Sl'Ui
R. J. Taylor nt to Salem on the
Independence Saturday.
Mrs. Wtllard Craven and Hub aon
Wrnt to Corvallli Monday.
F. S. Wllaon went to Portlaud by
the way of Salem Tuesday.
Harvey Wheeler, a young farmer of
the Suver country, waa lu town Fri
Clement Wllaon came In Sunday
Afternoon from hla borne uear Well
E. H. Hosner came In on the north
Jwund train Saturday on hla way to
E. D. Reasler arried on the after
noon train Saturday on hla way to
Mrs. Lottie Hedges Dorrla went to
Albany Saturday morning for a few
4&7a' visit.
O. A. Hodge waa tn Portland Tor a
few days the paat week.
II. Illraehberg and George Conkey
went to Portland Sunday.
Mra. L, Damon went to Salem
the Independunce Wednesday.
Mr, and Mra. C. E. Ireland vlalted
la few days In town last week.
Mrs. E. E. Paddock went to Sihlem
Saturday for a ftw days' vailt.
Mra. E. M. Young went to Portland
Friday by ttie way of Salem.
Mrs. C. L. Fltchard and daughter
Dorothy were In Salem Saturday.
Mrs. K. C. Eldredge and son Law
rence went to Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. J. N. Stark of Eugene came
In on the north bound train Sunday.
Miss Nina Bakeman and sister, Mrs
Arthur Moore, went to Medford Tues
to i rrrwL v
Baking Powder
tbsolalety Tare
The Only Baking Powder
made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Made from Grapes
A Guarantee of Pure,
Healthful, Delicious Food
ft?5 vv.ll '
Mrs. J. N. Stark
gene yesterday.
returned to Eu-
Mlss Dora Cooper went to Eugene
Tuesday for a few days visit with her
Floy Williams and wife went to
Corvallis Friday to take In the O. A.
C. track meet.
Mrs. J. M. Stark of Eugene arrived
In Independence Sunday to spend a
tew days with friends.
Mrs. T. J. Newblll, who has been
visiting at the home of Mrs. E. E.
Paddock, returned home Saturday.
For Sale Cheap Good young cow;
good milker. A. W. Towler, Inde
pendence, Ore. Phone Bell 659. ltf
Mrs J. W. McLeod of Portland, who
has been visiting at the home of D.
W. Sears, returned borne Saturday.
The scaffolding of the W. F. Camp
bell building has been torn down and
the inside work is progressing rapid
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper return
ed Saturday night from a ten days'
trip to Eastern Oregon and Wash
An interesting session of the Re
feekahs was held Tuesday night Two
candidates were initiated. A banquet
was served at the conclusion of the
Mrs. Mamie Johnson and Mrs. J
W. Cunningham and children of Carl
ton passed through town Saturday on
their way to Newport where they will
.spend a few days with the mother of
Mrs. Johnson.
Friday evening the Independence
Crab Club took the gasoline speeder
And went to McMlnnville where they
Were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W.
A, Messner who were formerly mem'
bers of the club.
Miss Maude Drake, who has been
employed by Mrs. Wallace in the
millinery store, returned to her home
-in Silverton Wednesday and later will
. o to Portland where she will take
up her work again.
In order to make safe connections
with the Salem-Portland Electric line
the steamer Independence will leave
on time after this instead of waiting
. lor the Independence and Monmouth
train from Dallas. The regular leav
ing time is 9:30.
The game between the Corvallis
Cubs and Independence was called off
last Sunday as some of the Indepen
dence players were not able to be
present. The weather was very dis
agreeable but if it is good next Sun
day there will be a good game.
Regular services will be held at
Calvary Presbyterian church next
Sunday morning and evening. In the
morning Dr. Dunsmore will speak on
"The Story of Ruth," and the sub
ject for the evening will be "Char
acter and Destiny." Mr. F. J. All
dredge will sing "The New-Born
King" at the evening service, also
ainging in the choir. The public is
cordially invited to all these services.
Union memorial services were ob
served at the auditorium last Sun
day morning under the auspices of
General Gibson Post of this city. Dr.
Dunsmore delivered one of the best
addresses ever delivered here and
had the attention of his audience at
all times. He was assisted by Rev.
Harry McCain, pastor of the M.
Nina Bakeman returned from Salem
Saturday evening where she had been
' visiting friends.
Mrs. W. O. Cook of Eugene Is vis
iting . friends and relatives in this
city for a few days.
Glen O. Graves of Portland has
been transacting business in Indepen
dence for a few days.
Ike Patterson, who had been visit
ing his father for a few days, return
ed to Portland Sunday.
Charles Richardson and wife came
in Monday from Newport where they
bad been visiting friends.
A. L. Ramsey and wife of Albany
are here for a few days visit with
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Long.
Van Dornslfe came In from' Port
land Thursday morning.
E. D. Ressler of Monmouth was In
town Thursday morning.
Thomas Hart was a passenger from
Portland yesterday morning.
Roy Wh' leaker was a passenger to
Portland Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mra. Will Lansfield of
Portland came up Saturday for a
visit with I. L. Patterson.
Mrs. D. Davidson and Mrs. P.
Hedges were In Salem yesterday.
John McCready and wife of Black
Rock were visiting In town the first
of the week.
H. Hlrschberg is the owner of a
new automobile, having purchased a
Bulck roadster.
George Skiff of Salem was in town
yesterday, being bound for the state
encampment at Corvallis.
Dave Hampton of Monmouth passed
through here yesterday morning on
his way to the encampment at Cor
Postmaster M. Merwin and J. W
Richardson, Jr., went to Corvallis this
wteek to do some work on Mr. Mer-
winfs property.
J. S. Cooper Is preparing to enter
tain his brothers and sisters at their
annual reunion next Monday.
E. E. Yarnell, formerly of Inde
pendence but now of Falls City, was
in town a few days last week.
James Linn, Julius Pincus and two
of the Krebs brothers came over from
Salem Tuesday in Mr. Linn's auto.
Mr. Stelger of Salem, who has been
in these parts in tne interests of a
wireless telegraph company, returned
to Salem Saturday.
Mrs. Jasper Kennedy of McMlnn
ville, who has been visiting here,
went to Portland Tuesday morning
by the way of Salem.
Friday evening the two literary so
cieties of the school had a joint meet
ing at the school house. This was
the last meeting of the year.
C. N. McArthur, formerly speaker
of the house of representatives but
now Gov. Benson's private secretary,
spent a few hours in town Sunday.
J. M. Staley and family f Mon
mouth moved to Salem Wednesday
where they have bought the Salem
Hotel. They went by the Steamer In
At the morning service next Sun
day morning at Calvary Presbyterian
church, the pastor will ordain the re
cently elected and install them
into their office. Dr. Dunsmore will
speak on the subject,"The Story of
Ruth." Evening service at 8 o'clock.
J. M. Gentry was in town Wednes
day and gave this office a pleasant
call. Mr. Gentry has been down with
pneumonia and this is his first trip to
town for forty-two days. He renewed
his subscription to the Enterprise
and transacted business in town. Mr
Gentry will leave this afternoon for
Washington where he will visit a
few weeks with relativevs.
Mesdames C. Shenefleld and W. N.
Huff entertained the members of the
Konjockety Club and a few invited
guests at the borne of the former last
Friday evening, May 28. Whist was
the form of amusement, first prizes
being won by Miss Cordia Gooch and
Guy Walker, the consolation prizes
falling to Mrs. Harry Iliff and Dee
Taylor. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Iliff, Mr. and Mrs. Dee
Dr. Butler has been making daily
trips to Corvallis since last Tburs
day. attending a patient there who
is seriously 111.
G. N. Murdock, formerly principal
of the school here, came In from
Salem Wednesday evening and went
to Corvallis Thursday morning.
H. G. Seeley came in from Portland
Wednesday morning. He was accom
panied by bis daughter Miss Hazel,
who has been teaching school In
Eastern Oregon.
The Enterprise has made arrange
ments whereby the Pacific Monthly
can be given on a club with this
paper at $2.00 for the two. The price
of the Pacific Monthly is $1.50. Sel
dom does one have the chance of get
ting such valuable reading matter at
the price. The Pacific Monthly has
come to be one of the foremost maga
zines of the country.
Hattie Mix,
ence, Oregon.
Hattie Mix,
ence, Oregon.
tailor shop, Independ-
tailor shop, Independ-
rOM INOtriNOtNtt
run ual i. a
Trail NoMlravH Irnlfwnilrii Sally
a. bi.; leaves Munmoalh s is a. m.; arrives
Dallas KM a. m.
Train No tut leave luderiendeDe ilslljr
!.) a. ra : Imm Monrouta, iiss a.
arrives Dallas, a. m.
Trala No 7W leave Indepeadenes dally lift
l. iu.; Iave Monmouth . p. m,; arrive lal
lax S:U p. m.
Trala Na 7J leavea Independence dally 1'
p. in.; leavea Monnioutn l:on p. in.; arrives
Alrll I p. in.
Train No Imvm liallas dully S:.ia. m:
leaves .aunuauUi s A6a. .; arrives I odepsu
deuce t:lft a. in.
Train No W leaves Pallas dally l a.
leaves Monmouth Irjkp. iu.; arrives Indepen
dence 1:41 p. iu. I l hl train coonec-le at Mon
mouth fur Alrlle)
Train NoTl leavaa,liallas dally 7:M a. in.;
leases Monmouth I p. in.; arrives JnaViiend.
uosfcia p. ui.
Tmln Nori leaves Alrlle dally 4 0 p. m.l
leaves Moumoulti 4:40 p. m.; arrives J ude
pendrnoe4:6 p. in
Dr. (J. K. Mill
Ucicrljurv surflcca
rimlie: (illicit I.'kI, Hviiluiii 443.
(iMu.'M at New I JuruV Livery H.trn.
California Medicated Soap
1 lie heel tor sure. eliatH d liaude
dHiidrult, MiMiM eiliiga and polMtn
Mrs. 0. W. Richardson, Sr.
Mnniniiiilh HI., Jiulriwmleae or.
McMtnnvillm, t i : : Ormn
Cha: Gregory, gt, Dmllai, Or:
W. R. ALLIN, D. O. .
Both pkoaea. Cooper Bldg.
Independence, Oragoa.
Jf L. HKWITT, M. I).
Physician and Kurson
Office in Cooper Building, rsumi 1
and 3. Office hour . 0 a. ro. to 12 m.
and 2 tn 6 p. lu. Calls stmaered nlghl
ml dav.
Launch Independence
Mys W I weed iii'lofwiulr'Slr ee4 rl
tu daily ritwpi rndy. I'sswnr
aud frfilfht i.iislll-ss anllrllexl.
l-avs IniUpenrteni-e) : I;M, Hi,
i,av Mains . S:ll. ai,
. Skhmrr Sk4itpff
GL Hawkins
jMarble and
H.UI.UIilldlM aixJ Hawt
itoiins Cainotory
oik air.
Farm Loans and Insurance. Notary
Busna Vista, Orsgen.
yoTAitr I'VULiv
Offloa npauair in Onoper Klfc
Receipt books for sale at the En
terprise office.
E. church, Rev. Byers, Mr. Butler and Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Whiteaker,
Prof. Kirk. Music was furnished by
a choir of all the churches of the
city and under the training of Mrs.
Conkey. The members of Gen. Gib
son Post are fast passing away, there
be'ng only fourteen left to be present
at the ctremonles.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Irvine, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Walker, Mr. and Mrs Van
Dornslfe, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Huff,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Shenefield, Bessie
Butler, Mary Scollard, Cordia Gooch,
Dean Walker, Neville Eldredge, Carl
Percival and Dr. R. E. Duganne.
A good vlr of reading glas
ses $1.00 at Kramer's. tf
For Sale 'Pull blood O. I. C. pigs
Enquire of H. F. McElmurry, Phone
Horse, buggy, harness and cow for
sale by J. Vf. Bullard, Independence,
Oregon. tf
Milk cow for sale Enquire of F.
O. Fredrickson, 4 miles south of In
dependnece. tf
Red fir and maple wood for sale
at $3.50 delivered. H. D. Brunk.
Phone No. 704. 1-4
Highest prices paid by T. A. Riggs,
Monmouth, Oregon, for mohair and
wool. Both telephones, tf
Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Inde
pendence National Bank. Bell phone
121; Independent, 4410. tf
Four horse power upright gasoline
engines for sale by S. Muhleman.
Phone 665, Independence. 83tf.
Wood for sale Second growth at
$3.50, old growth $4.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
143. tf4 2
For Sale 36 thoroughbred Cots
wold ewes and as many lambs. Will
let out on shares. C. W. Leonard,
Monmouth, Oregon. 50-53
For sale or trade Gentle pony,
broke to drive single or double. Will
trade for young stock of any kind. En
quire of F. O. Fredrickson, 4 miles
south of Independence. tf
More than nine out of every
ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the
muscles, due to cold or damp,
or chronic rheumatism, in
such cases no internal treat
ment is required. The free
application of
is all that is needed and it is cer
tain to give quick relief. Give it
a trial and see. for yourself how
quickly it relieves the pain and
soreness. Price 25c; large size, 50c.
Large or Small Orders De
livered Promptly.
Independence, Oreg n.
Steele's Ferry
Buena Vista, Oreja.
The ferry that cross tha
Most direct rout t Jeffarsea.
Sclo, Bhedbume, Salem and Al
bany from all points la South
ern and Central Polk raunty.
C. r. Vaa Allen
Ptions lilt Mala
Kurnpean P-aa
Largs Ronny Rooms En HuMs or Pilaris
Generally Ixtnated
Kleotrlo l.lulits Math
as1 Plane
Salem, Ore-
Hair Switches, Puffs, Rolls, Sanitary Wire Hair Dolls
Pont Cards Jc Each. Oregon View
Lutteriek JatteniH
ut. Ailuu, JUcuUst, Ceojr Bldg. tf
New sewing machines, fully war
ranted, from $13.75 to S26.fl9, also
supplies for your gasoline lamps may
be had from H. H. Janpersos. tf.
or sale or traae mgn-cjass par
lor organ in good condition. Enquire
at Mrs. Neeley's In North Indepen
dence. Will trade for young stock of
any kind. . tf
New up-to-date caskets and coffins,
burial robes, special line of trim
mings for Catholics, a. A. It. and
secret orders obtained from H. H.
Jasperson. tf.
Women Who Are Envied.
Those attractive women who are
lovely in face, form and temper are
the envy of many, who might be like
them. A weak, sickly woman will be
nervous and irritable. Constipation or
kidney poisons show in pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch
ed complexion. For all such. Electric
Bitters work wonders. They regulate
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify
the blood; give strong nerves, bright
eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety
skin, lovely complexion. Many charm
ing women owe their health and
beauty to them. 50c at all drugglst.3.
Dutch Collars, Summer Parasols
Racine Stocking Feet 3 for 25c
Stamped Linens, Nuns Pearl Lustre, D. M. C. Cotton,
The Variety Store
ANNORA M. WELCH, Prop., Salem, Ore.
"Where Are My Letters?"
Needless to ask these questions if you use our Y & E FILING
CABINETS. These are used in all business and ia the great idea
of SYSTEM. Call and see these goods.
The Commercial Book Store
163 Commercial St., SALEM, ORE.
Arthur Moore was transacting busi
ness In Salem the first of the week.
Fer Sale Gasoline wood saw,
complete and ready to commence
business. For information call on
3. Muhleman, Independence, Ore. 32tf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
i If You Are Worth $50,000 Don't Read
This will not interest you if you ar
worth fifty thousand dollars, but if
you are a man of moderate means
and cannot afford to employ a physi
cian when you have an attack of
diarrhoea, you will be pleased to
know that one or two doses of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy will cure it This remedy ha
been In use for many years and is
thoroughly reliable, price 25c. For
sale by P. M. Kirkland.