POLK COUNTY SCHOOL REPORT 2 Papers for $2.00 THIS l'ATKIl AN I THi; I'Al'lFKi MONTH KY PACIFIC MONTHLY rORTlAND I OREGON The Leading Magazine ofUieWest fUaatifullr llluslratad Tlmaly Articlaa Raadabla Storias. Rm4 Jack Undoa's VWid and Intarastinf Story Now Running Sariatlr Articlaa aacli month daacrtbing lb rasoureaa ana pportunittaa k !" In lb Wast THE PAOHC MONTHLY PrUa4, Oratss , . , mf mb4 m lira lata r" nif"M rVama AUtm A Few Choice Farms out af thraa hundred and fifty wa hava llitad In tha Willamette vallay 240 acres, well Improved and In cultivation, ltf mile weat of Mon mouth, Oregon. Price $65 per acre. Terma ltk acrea, 8V4 miles northwea of Independence; all in cultivation; Al buildings. A nap at $5600. acrea, In high atate of cultivation; good Improvements and plen of fruit; 1 mllea west ef Monmouth. Price 12500. 10 acrea well Improved land; 3 acrea orchard and berries, balance In crop; ' good water, good buildlngi, good fence, 2 mllea north weet of Monmouth. Price 12600. 85 acrea, 1 mile north of Monmouth; fine black aoll, amall houae and large barn; plenty of water. Trice 185 per acre. lasted Ml Branch Office Hotel Monmouth Monmouth,' Oregon hi: U N Sunset Magajlna oflera tba raadera of thia papor tha boat opportunity of tha yaar REVIEW Or REVIEWS . . $3,001 ALL FOR SUNSET MAGAZINE .... 1.B0 (J;0 ff WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.25) 5O.UV prj p p with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75-paga aok AND rntL niuatrated In four colon with 15 Waatern view. SUNSET MAGAZINE OAN FRANCISCO, OAlirOBNM A GOOD WEIili OF WATER la Indispensable to every farm. We have bad splendid success in obtaining water id all our boring operations. We are prepared to do water and oil well drill lug and all kinds of prospecting. SIiOPER BROTHERS Telephone 49x2 INDEPENDENCE, OR. The Salem Steam Laundry GUARANTEES YOU PERFECT WORK Leave order at D. Taylor's Barber Shop, Independence, Oregon Poison Oak Poisoning Ballard's Snow Liniment cures It Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius, Turner, Ore., writes: "My wife has discovered that Snow Liniment cures Poison Oak. She not only cured a case of it on herself, but on two of her friends who were poisoned by this same Ivy." Price 25c, 50c and $1-00. Sold b Williams Drug Co. Receipt boeks made to order at tkt Enterprise eJflca, Polk'a Gazetteer. A business directory of each city, towa and village In Oregon and Washington, giving a descriptive sketch of each place, together with the location and shipping facilities and a classified directory of each business and profession. R. L. Polk c Co., Inc., Seattle. lt. n of Ui ai hot.la of I'olk futili ty, Oregon, for llie ahml mouth -d-Ing May II. I ''.: Number of arliuula In aoaalon, 45. Number of pujilla reuialulng last month. 1 .127. Number of new puplla registered during the mouth, 21. Number tf puplla Having one ai-tiool and entering another during th month, 21. Number of puplla having ben drop ped and then readmitted during the Biolith, U. Total number registered during the mi n ill, 2,0D4 Number of puplla dropped during the month, 246. Number of puplla remaining May h, l.ms. Number of puplla on register alnce beginning of year not registered In any oilier ac hool, 2.393. Number of puplla iliat have bt-n reglau-red in some other school, 231. Number of puplla over 4 and under . 3- Number of puplla over 6 and under 9, 6CH. Number of puplla over 9 and under 12, 632. . Number of puplla over 12 and undo 14, 400. Number of puplla over 14 and under 20, 610. Total, 2,383. Number of days taught during the month, 12. Whole number days attendance, 32.560. Whole number of day a absence, 1.861. Whole number of times lale, 28. Number of puplla neither absent nor tardy, 848. Average number of pupils belonging 2,860. Average dally attendance, 2,713. Per cent of attendance, 94 8. Number of visits by parents, 108. Number of visits by members of school boards, 26. ; . The following schools are placed on the roll of honor ifor attendance hav ing made 95 per cent or more: Dallas, Smithfleld, Eola', Red Prairie, Ballston, Monmouth, Perrydale and Gooseneck (100 per cent), Cochran KMiHn. IndeDp.ndcnce. West Salem, Buena' Vista, Lincoln, Etna (100 per cent), Oakdale, McCoy, Mountau View,- Highland, Rogue River Valley Mlarhntoe. The following schools were placed on the roll of honor for having no tardies: Smithfleld. Eola, Red Prai rie.' Lewlsvllle, Parker, Perrydale, r.nsprifick. Buena Vista. Harmony, Lincoln, North Dallas, Etna. Concord, Oakdale, Pioneer, Highland. H. C. SEYMOUK, County Superintendent - Polk Coun ty, Oregon. Of Interest to Farmera and Mechan lea. Fnrmera and mechanics frequently meet with slight accwenis anu les which cause them much annoy ance and loss of time. A cut or a bruise may be cured in about one third the time usually required by ap- ivw Chamberlain's Liniment as soon as the injury is received. This liniment is also valuable Tor sprama, optica nf the muscles and rheumat 1c pains. There is no danger of blood poisoning resulting from an hijuij when Chamberlain's Liniment is ap plied before the parts become inflain ed and swollen. For sale by P. M Klrkland. NOTICE TO CREDITORS mi in horntw dvfin that the un MUMVQ in -- C3 - AnaiimnA haa noon annotated by the UCt oAou w x-r TT LI- HAnntir Prilir ff Polk COUn nuuuiauio Vuuj ty, Oregon, administratrix, or me es tate of George Whiteaker, deceased. All persons having claims against. o estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as by law re quired at my residence In Indepen dence, Polk County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Nancey Whiteaker, Administratrix of the estate of George Whiteaker, deceased. B. F. Jones, Attorney. 49-53 Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. For all such. Electric Bitters work wonders. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion. Many charm I n it women nvA their health and "6 " " beauty to them. 50c at all druggista. Patronize our adverttaera. A FULL CARLOAD of the Famous Acorn Stoves and Ranges have just arrived at our store. We are now prepared to show every style and size in Acorns. Each stove carries a 15-year guar antee from the makers against breakages. This line is made by the larg est stove foundry in the world, and are the most perfect bakers with the least fuel consumption on the market. To anyone requesting same we will be pleased to forward literature. Caloric Fireless Cookstoves are the sensation of Sa lem. To be seen only at our store. Exclusive agents m 4 " - ------- - . - - ii m n How, then, can you expect to find a satisfactory fit, a permanent shape, or an in dividuality of style in cloth ing made for nobody in particular. Clothes Made Expressly for the man who wears them, bv Ed. V. Price & " Co.. the well known Chi cago tailors, cost you no more. We show hundreds of their finest Spring fabrics. Call today. Han mmn iuwtimi im u 0. A KRAM LR