Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 04, 1909, Image 6

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190 aim, l bottom Una. Ill acre
I under lUltlvattolt; 71 Kti'i In past-
I ur.
Enough timber and wHl '
for clearing. Finest kind bop
land. Price 115,000. 0
U acre 1', mile from Albany. 27
a n- In apples, best rlfll.-, alao
young orchard, S;ile!sd:d Improve
ment.. Rolling land. Price liHw.
Terms: :'"0 down, batanc at
per 'III interest.
103 uiilu from Ind. b. ndeui.
u r-n. t-a uj kb b.'t of Im
provement. All but 1j acre In
i ulli k Mtuin. tiood building nJ out
butUl I ukw. On of the good place
II. ur lu low II. $100 at) aire.
1Z acre I mile from Uuena VUta.
On hard of 100 tr.. if l i varu--tie.
4.'. acres Iu cuUixatUm. (Jood
improvements. I'rii-f $3suo.
S.i acre 4 mile from Monuioiiili.l ' '
from railroad; ItiO a.-re lu ultha
lion, l.ixij Improvements. A good
'. uv. I'rU ISuoO.
17 aire 1 mill" frotu town; io acre
in cultivation; upland tiled; ftttii
lives; other improvements, price
277 aires 10 miles fu.tu 'tidepciideni ?
l.'.O a re In cultivation. 1 his is
another of the good buys. Will s!l
at $"0 an acre.
33 ' acres boltoiu lan J near Independ
ence. Best laud there In and for
sal.- at I loot).
18 acres joining city limits and a snap
for some poor man. All lu cultiva
tion. $::ooo.
160 acres S miles from Lincoln in Polk
county. A good piece of land at
:U.50 an acre.
400 acres 4 miles from Dallas; o0 of
It lu cultivation. The best di al in
Polk county. Will sell now for $J0
an acre.
13.'. acres, almost all iu cultivation at
$40 an acre. i
J4 acres mostly in cultivation. 6V4 1
miles from Independence. 13200 or
will sell i with buildings for JltteO.
T5 acres, GO in cultivation; 10 in
' Umber; young orchard. A good buy
at $10 an acre.
50 acres. 40 in cultivation, good nous
and 'barn. 7 miles from Albany. A
good buy. ISO an acre.
82 acres. 30 In cultivation, a acres
of best varieties apples in bearing.
Very rich land. 173 au acre.
277 acres, town 5 miles; 2.10 acres in
cultivation; all fenced and cross
fenced. Al piece of bottom land
at hill land prices. t.'.O an acre.
20 acres, about 4 miles from Indepen
dence; $600 barn and well; fenced
with woven wire; rich sandy loam
soil 18 feet deep; ten acres in wal
nuts and peaches 3 years old;
worth $258 an acre. Price $125 an
47 acres, 20 acres under cultivation.
House, barn and family orchard; 16
acres hops and hop house. Five
miles from Independence. Bargain
Good crop will pay for place. Price
$2658. Terms.
10 acres, all in cultivation; 7-room
house almost new; frame barn,
wood house, wash house, chicken
brooder and Incubator; young orch
ard; acre In strawberries and
raspberries. An Ideal home. Z
miles from town. Farm Implements
and stock with place at $2658.
102 acres, one mile from town; 45
acres under cultivation; orchard;
dug well; 25 acres timber, balance
pasture; new modern 7-rooni house
and good barn and fences. Terms.
Price $3800.
135 acres, 2 miles from town. Soil
black loam, richest kind; fences
woven wire. A splendid piece at
half value. Price $55 an acre.
240 acres, l mile from town. Deep
black soil; 8-room house; barn; a
wind-mill, tank, etc. Price $72.50
an acre.
uglit rouuty, 4 lull'
from town. tiood houae. barn and
! orchard; running water on place, 50
ere in t-ultt tatum. I'n.. ....
III, 3 mile trout town; und
cultivation; 4 room house, good ui
dlilou; bnrn 30x.",0; hop house; au
! abundance living water; ash grove,
i 3 or a acres; or hard. Trie limou.
216 acres bottom land. 1 mile from
low ti, will dlld to auit purchaser
Richest kind of bottom land; fence:
wiih H'e. Hex limine; burn. In
Other Section thin laud would Hell
at $.ihi an price $;i.". to $1"."
an acre.
low acres, in Sherman county, II
mllea from Grasa Valley, ,tio air.
under cultivation, remainder pict
ure; fenced; good improvement;
plenty of water; tirooiu houx. ; barn
granary; smokehouse; wood shc.1;
celliir; bluiksmltb shop; telephone.
Price $2(1,000. $7o0o down, balance
half crop payments. 7 per cent In
terest. 513 acres, 5 miles from town. Kih
black soil; well drained; 6 livliu
springs; a."i acres cultivation; new
house; a good burn and other im
provements. Price $-J.(HMt. One f
the best buys in Polk county.
20 acres 5 miles from Independence,
Tolk county. 17 ucres cultivation:
bottom land; house, burn, orchard;
bay crop goes with this pluce at
$2500. Terms.
20 acres, 3's miles from town; nearly
all in cultivation; soil very rich.
Five-room house, barn and family
orchard; 5 acres of timber. Prcle
$2100. Terms.
38 acres, 15 In cultivation, balance in
timber and pasture; rich garden
Give Them Hlp and Many Independ
ence People Will Be Happier.
"Throw Out the Ufo Un"
The Kidney need help.
They're overworked an't get th
polhon out of the blood.
They're getting worae every minute
Will you help ttnui?
IKiau'a Kidney PIIU have brought
thousand of kidney suffer, -la back
from the verge of deapalr.
Will cure any form of kidney trou
ble. !
J. H. t'ollins, city marshal. Inde
pendence, Ore,, nays: "1 am islud to'
recommend iMian'a Kidney 11 1 In as
they proved very satisfactory In my
wife's caxe. She sufd r il for it hum
ber of years from kidney disease-, doc :
lured quite a littlo but received no,
relief and her health gradually ran,
down. Seeing I Hum's Kidney Pills so'
highly recommended, she procured a 1
uteiit, lotion ur balm to compare itbi
Hutklen a Arnl halve. Ii ttm one
pirfiit htater if t'uu. t'oriis, Puri...
Itrula. a, torea, Hcalda, Holla, I li-era,
Krli'lim, Salt H Ileum KiT Sure Ke,
Cold Korea, t'lia'il llauda It's ail
preme. lufallibU for I 'Ilea , Only ;'..
at all iruKKla(.
Moderator Ii Coming
Word hat been received In INirtland
from Dr. William Howard Koiilk.i.,
chairman of the reu(ive i-onitiiltler
of the I'reabyterlan Hrotherlioud I'a-
clflc Coast Conventions, that the ik w
, moderator of the general aaaeiul') ,
'the He. James M 1 lark ley, l.
Koulkea went to Denver l"i week lo
the coast I in media til) afti-r the gi'li '
era I asaembly, ami lo aililr.Kt the v,i
rioiu brolht-rliiMid euiivemlons. ir ,
Koulkea went to DillVer lnil we.-k to1
Hiire the moderator's promise to,
come, j
The national offli era are coming its'
announced last we-k. A number of
tlix coiiiiulhsloiieis from Kiisiei'ii cit
ies expect to lake advantage of the
low rates and the season of the year
to visit the couM, and to take In lie
brotherhood convent lou.
The program of the Portland ton
Velitlotl, to be held June S mid It, III
brief la as follows:
I Colli cut loll llicllie! "Tile (l.llni uf llu-
and tlH. trouble gradually vanished. vbwiU m 1(s M(,n .,
ni. is now iu gin... ......... ..... g"-,Tu,.hlilv v.-ning j,. K-Fellowship
super III 1'i'lll.llnl ('ollillleleh.l ('lull.
The Willamette Valley Company
Lij:ht, Poer & W ater at Very Reasonable Ratci
WATCK RATEt (WaUr Ij mur aj.pliee ta rwl
deuoee only.) Itaai.lenoe rale on iulr a plie to cue
loinera only who pay $100 and over al (lie rate ol SO
pel l.tKX) gatlona; niinimuiit $I.U() x-r month.
ltaai.loll. e, U eenta Mr K. NV,
Ituaineaa lioiuea, 25 oente r drop and 5 cuili xir K. W,
Power, rate on apiliotion.
to I Hum's Kidney
the credit solely
For sale by all dealers. Price ,M)
cents. Foster Mtlbunie Co., Pnffalo,
New York, sole agents for the t'l.ited
Keineiuber the name Doau'ti and
takf no other.
Good house and barn and 2 aces to
sell at $558.
9-room house and 2 lots lu Monmouth
desirable location; good improve
ments. Price $1500.
land; young orchard ' In bearing, aire oil Monmouth street aud 7
grapes and small fruit; house, barn room house with other buildings
and other outbuildings; oa county Orchard aud large and small fruiti.
read aud rural route; between a .jood buy for $1000.
Albany and Independence. Price I Two story resideace, in North Ind
$S0 an acre.
170 odd acres bottom land for sale at
$18,508. Investigate this.
344 acres 4 wiles from Moumouth.
Good timber on place; all good!
farming land. Better look this up.
$25 an acre.
53 acres, 1 mile from town. Fenced,
but has no other improvements. All
pendence. telephone and elecM-lc
lights, all In good condition, 1 lot
with place. A snap. Price $500.
I room house, with closets, 14x20
barn, chicken house, carriage house
work shop, wood house, fruit trees
and small fruits. Improvements
are worth as much as Is asked for
place. About a half acre. Price $1000
under cultivation. Good buy at $65 ; Tract 90x200 feet in Independence,
an acre. house 14x22, chicken corral, hen
house, wood shed; fenced. 400
strawberries, some raspberries, lo
ganberries, gooseberries, pie plant,
etc. A good buy. Price $450.
S-room house and 2li lots, large barn
to sell at $3500. Best house in Independence.
If you are looking for anything i
the line of residences or farms you
can find something; to suit you
the list. Ask to see property not In
10-room house and 2 lots with other
improvements. A swell home for
$1350. This is the best buy in In
9-room house and 2 lots with modern
improvements. A swell buy for
party who wants something good
For sale for $2500.
8 lots iu old town for sale for only
8 lots and 7-room house with other
improvements for $858.
$2208 buys one of the good homes of
Independence with all modern con
veniences. Come and enquire more
about this.
An acre of land and good six room
house with best of improvements
A good home for $850. This place
is desriable for several reasons.
An acre of land and 6-room house;
good improvements, lumber on the
ground for barn and other improve
meats and goes with place at $750
Look this up.
Some bargains in business chances
from $10,000 to $12,000. Residences
and business blocks in Indepen
eluded in this list.
Farmers' Feed and Sales Stable
H. EICHEL, Proprietor
Grain and Hay for Sale.
Horses boarr??d by day, week or month, at reasonable .'ate'
Mesdames Hart and Kaglin, Proprietorrs
Board by Day, Week or Month. Meal Tickets Sold.
Props, of Salem Gun Store QRE GQJN
We now have on display a very fine and complete line of
Base Ball Goods, Lawn Tennis Sup
plies and also Fine Fishing Tackle
Send for Catalogue of Base Ball Uniforms
Hubert l.lvlimstolie, of Portland,
presiding, ut which mldresses will
be given by Wallace Mi, of
the Portland bur. a ml Ju.lte Charles
S. Holt, t'hi.auo, presiilelit of tile
Presbyterian broth, rhood of Amer
ica. Wednesday morning After addresses
there will- be a Hound Table confer
ence Oil Brotherhood Methods, liev.
Ira I.nmlrith, I). 1), of Nashville,
Tenn., General Secretary, Presby
terian Brotherhood of America, presiding.
Wednesday afternoon Judge K. ('.
Brunaugh of Portland, will speak n
"Christian Man aud Ills Commu
nity;" "His Relation to Kdiicntlonal
Problems" will be presented by Dr.
J. It. Wilson. Principal of Portland
Academy; "To Home Missions," by
J, Ernest McAffee, New York. Axsc
elate Secretary Board of Home Mis
sions; and an open parliament on
Pr-therhno Problems will be con
ducted by President Holt.
Wednesday evening After song ser
vice, address by Rev. William Ill
ram Foulkes, D. D., on "Pacific
Tom Cronise
V H O T C; R A P H E R
Salem, Oregon
When You Sit Down To
a Meal
In tliis rentHiualit you are ure It will
excellent as lo food. eooKlnif inul M-rviee.
i I lie iirroni(llnk' menk for tin i.iBelves,
and Hie bill of frtte lell mull ly "f fine
eating at little prlees. tome. In and bring
a friend or two al" Y"M will all lie
be pleased.
White House Restaurant
Wra. M.GJihriil tt Son, P.opoelort
Presbyterian Brotherhood." to be
followed by an uddress by Dr. Iiu
drith. All Wednesday meetings will be
held at the First Presbyterian church.
Christian men who are members of
the Presbyterlun churches throughout
Oregon are expected to tuke keen In
terest In this convention, and (o at
tend If possible. Reduced rates to
Portland and the time also being
Rose Festival week, will no doubt
bring many.
Morris Fowlo of the Alrlle country
was In town Wednesday.
The Big Head
is of two kinds conceit and the big
head that comes from a sick head
ache. Does your head ever feel like
a gourd and your brain feel loose
and sore? You can cure it in no time
by acting on your liver with Bal
lard's Herbine. Isn't It worth trying
for the absolute and certain relief
you'll get? Sold by Williams Drug
W. W. Gains, a prominent dairy
man of Los Angeles, Calif., a brother
of Richard Gains of this city, is vis
iting here for a few days.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is Inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by ca-1
tarrh which is nothing more than an
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Con
Our Spring' Stock
Presents the very lutest styles, the smartest leathers and
shapes. If there's one thing that we pride ourselves on,
it is not bticking our foot in somebody cIho's track, con
sequently we are ulways leaders In shoe styles here
abouts. If It is smurt, it's In our 1 909 stock, and
Our Prices Arc Always the Most Reasonable
The Proof of the Shoe is in the Wearing
If you have ever worn a John Kelley Pump or Oxford you know that it ex
cels in creative beauty, good value and fitting qualities. Do the shoes you
have previously worn give you complate satisfaction? Well, ours will.
Your choice of the most fashionable leathers in Ladies' Shoes.
The Best Shoe Values are Here
Dr. O. D. Butler was attending the
sick at Corvallis Wednesday.
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who has had experi
ence with this distressing ailment
will be pleased to know that a cure
may be effected by applying Chamber
Iain's Salve as soon as the child is
done nursing. Wipe It off with a soft
cloth before allowing the babe to
nurse. Many trained nurses use this
salve with best results. For sale by
P. M. Kirkland.
The Best
Overalls in
The No-rip, No-tear
kind. We believe tliey
are the best in the world
and you will when you
wear them.
All sizes, und an im
mense lot of them.
Don't forget this is
headquarters for
The Best
Overalls in
A me rica
Dr. Jaeger Health
Shoes for Women
Years Ahead of the Ordinary
Cushion Shoe
A method of generating a mild flow of electricity
has been applle to the Dr. Jaeger Health Shoe for
women in such a skillful and scientific manner that
one would not realize that the shoe worn was differ
ent from any other shoe, save for the easy cushion
bed and the exhilarating effect on the general system
A better circulation of the blood results and the tired
nerves become rested, in fact, the general health of
the wearer is benefited.
The Only Ileal Health Shoe Ever In
vented, and the First Perfect
Shoe Ever Worn
These shoes, Health Shoes, are part of our
Spring Stock.
. L. Stockton j Salem, Oregon
Could Not Be Better.
No one has ever made a salve, oint-