Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 04, 1909, Image 4

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rtctcpriulrncf (SutfrprtK.
Entered at IndepndPin-e, Or., pout
office a iMutiJ i'la.-. waiter.
Subscription, $1.50 Par Yaar
to punish criminals. That part'of pa
llf regulation, nxHary, a It l.
mill always be more or Ini dltflle.
We inust check evil tendint'ta before
Hardly a day passes but bat we
hear or read of a"me terrible crime
thai haa been committed. Should not
thla awaken the social reformer to a
aenne of duty when an existing evil
1 foaiered and reared at our very
doors? Indeed It should. That so-
li-ty'a machinery for punishing th
criiuliiHl class, with a view io sun
pressing crime la unsatisfactory
will be geiu-rully admiitrd. U, lia
every offense that can be committed
lo em'li is nsstgiird a penalty
should at once be vindicative In vis
iiing upon the actual offi-uder th
sharp colisiMjuenci' of hla mlsileeds
1'or the execution of these statutes
a cosily establishment ia maintain
cd. There are conns for the trial o
criminals and for the ln-aritiK of ap
pi als in ihclr cases. Th'Te are prosi
ctitlng officers charged with the duty
of bringing to justice all who violate
public and private rights. In theory
the system is complete, but the prac
tical difficulty is that the laws are
not enforced. Officers of the law-
are neclient in falling to detect
criminals and sometimes ooniving at
crime. Jurors avail themselves of
(.hallow pretexts for acquitting pris
oners, and the guilty are permitted
to escape through legal technicalities
Delays that often defeat justice are
tolerated, and sometimes a false pub
lic opinion, a public sentimentality
shields convicted scoundrels from
final judgment. Often it happens that
men w-ho are themselves criminate
gain control of some part of the ad
ministration of Justice, or at least
have powerful political influence over
those who are charged with the exe
cution of the statutes. Surely a radi
cal reform is needed in the working
of the machinery which society has
provided, at much expense, for its
own protection, but the student of
affairs who has a habit of looking
at causes as well as effects, realizes
that a deeper and more radical re
form is required. It is not enough
duty parent own their children to eu
courage them to attend Hunday
aihool, leachiux them to shun even
the appearauc of nil, and you will
be atrikltiK a telllua blow at the ex
they hav rlpen-d la p,dtlv. of 0tUy
(Continued trout first page)
crime- V must prevent men from
becoming criminal. In other word,
we must lay the ax at th very root
of crime. In order to make an ef
fectual application of Ihia radical wi,"u thB "county clerk setting forth
tttatineut, we muat examine lht . .. ., ..
hia an, residence, occupation. u,
aourcea of crime. We must ascer-
talu whence the vast and constantly a imml lUvM h" b 'M",W
increasing army of criminal U re- "h pemon by the county clerk to
crulted. The criminal class I almost whom aurh application ahall be made
wholly made up of those who have and ahull It a follow:
been nut u red In vice, and the rlrcum- 1st For the purpose of hunting for
stances of their live started and , taking, catching or killing any of the
pushed on In evil way. Crime, In j wild fowl. game birds or animal pro-
Its various spec ialties and stage, la Iteeled by the state of Oiykou, and
u thin or steady growth. It Is which said license shall entitle th"
the result of an educational process
quite as much as Is the habit of wcll
dclng. The bulk of the crliuluul army
1 composed of those who have been
OF m
Oregou people are asked to name
the liurrliuati twins, the (wo line
new toootoit ateamsblps now being
built fur the Portland San Kraut-two
run. Moreover, the one who suggest
the best itaiuea for the two boai will
be given a price of $"'. Anyone liv
ing III Oregon I Invited lo suggest
name, the only retjuUvtnint being
that the proitoscd title shall be char
aclerlsilc of the stale and apprnprl-
ale to the new sicamers. The names
should suggest some well known feat
lire of the stale anil be typical of
subjected to vicious influence from open season when It is lawful to kill
their youth up who have been coin- the same, and every person who Is
a citizen of the stale of Oregou, up-
party to whom such license Is issued
to hunt for. pursue, catch or kill any I Oregon. In mse a single mime Is so
ef the said game animals or birds 1 h'cted from two different competitors
wilhlu the slate of Oregon during the i the f'.O will be divided.
11. 1'. Srlierwln, of the llairliuan
I'aclflc fleet. with .i trices al San
pclled to drift toward evil from
the time they left the cradle. Mere
lies the root of the matter. Here.
if anywhere, must the remedial treat
ment be efficiently applied. The
on the Issuing of said license shall j
t'ranclscu, has itkd the people of
Oregon ' to exercise their ingenuity
A Sample Line of Shirt Waists
To bo aold at ridiculously low price.
Very few duplicate In the lot. It
will pay you to examine these In fori)
buying elsewheru a they ale the fa
mous Wcrtheimcr Goods
? Needlecraft $hop
Mn. S. C. Wall
270 N. Com'l. St. iialcm, Oregon
pay to the county clerk the stun of " selecting tilling nanu s lor me new
$1 and every iioii-i.slil. iit of the slate boats. Kadi one who tries for the
of Oregon shall iiav for said license ' "t l"'i" should give his or her full
close observer of the varied aspects i the sum of 10.
i name uud address, together with leu-ij
of the life of large towns or gnat
cities can hardly wonder that the cal
endars of the criminal courts are
2d. For the purpose of taking or ! '' ' the titles suggested are
catching trout, salmon trout or bass 'characteristic of the Male, and let
bv hook or line, commoiilv called an- ! tor should be addressed to J. V.
crowded with Indictments; that prls- gllng, within the state of Oregon, dur-1 Kuuhoui. San Francisco & I'ortlatul
ons are filled with offenders; that the, lug the open season when It is law-1 eauishlp Co., Alnsworth Dock, Port
fu' to take or catch the same, and ! '"'"I. Ore. The competition will close
if said person is a male persou of the j J1""- '!m;)-
age of fifteen years or more and a I -
resident of the slate he shall pay the , a!''" ": "'" h" ",,,",'" M iu",v
county clerk the sum of $1 and If a "l 8ulJ pr"U' ' '" f""d " m"
non-resident, the sum of $5. ! "': for '' olu,,r ",,r,,"i" tUllU
No license shall be granted for a i rr lm' P"-'l" "J Prl"KUtion of
l I ......... ...Itl.f.t ilu ultlht
period of more than one year, and 1 ium " .... ..
all licenses shall expire on the thirty-first
day of December uext after
report of firearms are heard and the
gleam of the knife seen so often;
that the burglars are so busy with
their ingenious tools; that the pick
pocket acquires such dexterity in
the art of appropriation. Such are
the surroundings of thousands at the
age when character is forming. That
their development into criminals is
envitable in the absence of something
like a miraculous interposition. To
state the case in a single sentence,
bad boys make bad men. The dis-
cipline of bad boys, then, is the grave
duty of the social reformer. If this
duty be neglected all other reforma
tory measures are vain. The disease
must be treated before the diseased
become subjects for the penitentiary
or the gallows. The discipline of bad
boys Is the only sovereign reir
Two words describe the bad boy sit
uation ignorance and Idleness. The! direction of the state game and for
All flnea collected under the provis
ions of this act shall be paid to the
state treasurer, and shall by him be
their Issuance miri th same shull not
be transferable. All money so col- Prl to tr'oil ut 8uld K11",e ',r
lerttxl hv tho eonnlv clerk hIiiiII t tective fund.
least once In every three month be! Any person violating any of the (
forward , nrt HesltH with .he , Provision of this section shall be
state treasurer and be placed to the
credit of a fund which is hereby cre
ated to be known as the game pro
tection fund, and which fund shall be
used exclusively for the protection
aud propagation of game and fish
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be pun
ished by a fine of not less than $2.i
nor more than $150, or by Imprison
ment in the county jull of the coun
ty wherein such unlawful act was con
within the state of Oregon under the ! niittJ for uot leB8 than la V "r
prescription is education and occupa
tion. If the boy be not educated for
good he most assuredly will be edu
cated for evil. Therefore it is the
estry warden, or such other officer
or officers as may be vested with au
thority to inforce the laws of th
state for the protection of game or
For their superior
merits no other ready
tailored clothes fit so
well, wear so well
or give such all-round
Copyiwhl 1908 br
MMiub-Sura & Co.
Rochour. N. Y.
Prices $10.00 to $$5.00
Salem Woolen Mill Store
more than ninety days or by both
such fines and imprisonment.
'.Following are the names of the
pupils who completed the eighth
grade examinations for Folk county
(or the May examinations:
District No. 1, Zena Joyce Craw
ford, Eulalia Davis.
District No. 2, Dallas Arthur Ben
nett, Jessie Pleasinger, Glen Hrock,
Jessie Howard, Alfred May, Ray
Boydston, Lorln Butler, Frank Camp
bell, Eddie Stafrin, Faye Perclval,
Frank Wilson, Gladys E. Smith, Ruth
V. Campbell, Abigail Walker, Clark
VanOrsdal, J. Harold Stouffer, Irene
HutchinB, Francis M. Holmes, Caro
lyn Gohrke, Claudia Brown, Louise
Rasmussen, Edith A. Griffith, Pearl
M. Pihlllips.
District No. 5, Pedee Hettie Kin-
District No. 11, Parker Guy Peter
son, Owen Peterson, Elmer Fredrick-
District No. 17. Bethel Wilford
Jenkins, Edith Romlg, Nellie F. Stew
art, Isaac Boyer, Elmer Boyer, Verda
M. Hubbard.
District No. 19, Oak Grove Joseph
E. Allen, Hursel Sanderson.
District No. 9, Ballston Helen An'
derson, Gilbert Campbell, Earl Conner
Cassie Sears, Lillian Short, Gerald
District No. 26, Rickreall Harry
en Kreamer, Susie Whitcomb, L.
Taylor, Irene Hayes, LaNora Smith
District No. 27, Oak Point Har
old Brooks.
District No. 29, Independence Lena
Brown, Frank Kirkland, Hilda Hil
ke, Alice Muhleman, Dena Miller,
Muriel Boyle, Effie Cuthbert, Gretch-
en Kreamer, Sussie Whitcomb. L.
Jackson Purvine, Marie Jones, Gladys
Byers, Velma Bush, Bessie Hartman,
Marie Byers, Bertha Collins, Helen
District No. 32, West Salem Glenn
Hogg, Perle Davis.
District No. 35, Spring Valley-
Harry Lenstrom, Myrtle J. Miller.
District No. 37, Harmony John
McLean, Floyd Hayes, Delia Hicks,
Cora McLean, Velma Blair.
District No. 40, Lincoln-Irene Brad
District No. 43, Suver Carl Larsen.
District No. 47, Greenwood Fred
Young, George Becker.
District No. 53, McCoy Glen Stev
Smoke the famous La Corona 1 0c cigar
The LaCrona
is sold in In
depen dence
by Tom Sul
livan and R.
II . Knox.
Independence booster,
support Oregon made pro
tfthletie and Jit(mnasium 5ccdti
$un;i Ammunition and Jtehinq ffaekle.
2fci(deit $iei(de Repairing. ,
t,j.!lli.Mr'.l ill mill ii mi iiwiub r ' T ' ' 1
For Style or Beauty
W hav tham. All of tha popular
ha pea and popular priced 8hoe
345 State Street, 8alem, Oregon
Long Time, Easy Payments
Sellable Representatives Wanted
The Jackson Loai & Trust Co.
Our books are open for your inspection.
fpmf Buyers name given if wanted. We not only
tret too prices, but vou can satisfy yourself
HfE&SSh absolutely at any time that you get what we
GHlGIEiw& ShiP yur produce to us. Write
to us now for coops, tags, etc
Dot Smith, Frank McCready, Ortn Mo
District No. 57, Falls City May
Johnson, Harold E. Aklns.
District No. 60, Oakhurst Ronald
Polk's Gazetteer.
business directory of each city,
towa and Tillage In Oregon and
Washington, giving a descriptive
ketch of each place, together with
the location and shipping facilities
and a classified directory of each
Kn.l mam .nff nr-nf Jku.iit n P T Pnl Ir
District No. 64, Highland Rutha A q Uo geato,,
District. No. 57. Black Rock Arrak Stapleton, Norval Stapleton, Harry -
Martin, Marlon Morgan, Hazel Webb, j Vallerie. 1 Patronlie our Adveituw. . .