1 In Case of Accident You houlJ have bold of. pure old tbitkey in the bouM. On you can rely upon. That you know M right. Such one ia CYKUS NORLPj lor th drat lima in 4 years now sold dirt cl to you. ,11 fcT A. 1 Xi- 1 PO Ai uH krtlUa, Mk4 in aUia cai aU chart prea la IH iwaraat rnliMal .prM alfka far t No danger of refilled boiilitwhcn you buy (rom ui. No danger ol eome cheap worthlria subtle tula hrinf palmed (fl on you. We hata been the dittrihulcrt of ihit famoul brand, actlinX wlmlcntle onlv, ir 44 veart. Pure old -honcal whi.key aged in wood. Every bottle guaranteed. W. J. VAN SC! IUYVF.R & CO. TjuUm4 ISM lOi 107 M . P-J. Ori cur at mm W. J. Van SihurvaV aV Co., rlJ 0mm iM vu clmuihi ttnui rwaut Summer Rates East During the Season 1909 via th Southern Pacific Co. from Independence, Oregon To Omaha and Return $61.95 To Kansas City and Return $61.95 To St. Louis and Return $69.45 To Chicago and Return $74.45 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle Went aud South. Correspondingly low fares. On 8ala June 2, 3; Auguat 11, 12 To DENVER and Return $56.95 On Sale May 17, July 1, Auguat 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return Umlt October 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features In the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes thereby enabling pas. engers to make side trips to many Interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or WM. McMURRV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Uhe Court ffesort apd German huQch Place FRANK H. COLLINS, Proprietor 357 State St. Salem, Oregon Phor?e 117 What Has Long Been Needed BY THE CITIZENS OF INDEPENDENCE The Independence Cleaning and Presslna parlors are prepared to call for and deliver all work, and guarantee prompt attention and satisfaction. We make combination Suit and adjustable Skirt hang ers to your measure. Be sure and see them. Give us a trial for good work and the price will be right. Work done while you wait. Guy McKnight Independence SPRAYING MATERIAL Roche Harbor Lime, Japanese Ground Sulphur In linen sacks. No lint. De pendable lime and sulphur spray. ACID HYDROMETERS WILLIAMS DRUG CO. IN"STJEA.SrCE Anyone wishing good reliab e fire Insurance call on or write to 8. E. BUSH, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Agent for Beaver State Merchant r-f-al of Portland, and the Banker Merchant Mejtual of Forest Grove NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE BUtNA VltTA It, It. TurtHT of Portland la ure vlaltlng relatives this wk. Cliaa. YV, Flak um a Portland peaa- eiiirr Monday, The copious showers of the peal few day in to have had the de sired fffwt. Kverybody la happy. J. K. N-al I aitfiidliig the conven tion of the retail grwors in Portland this wt'i'k. ('. O. McCIuIn was tranaat ling bual ih'hh lu riMli-ui this work. brtur Alii and family Ul Thursday. HOPDALE Or. HutliT of Independence called IhhI week to attend M. L. Mc tiowun who waa suffering with a f v-n attack of In-art failure. Al KtHhback has secured work on the section at Monmouth and has re turn td to that place. Mrs. Viola Hall, who has been 111 for home t lute, is now al Corvalll inking ireatmciit of an oxteopath. Ijhurt Hioa. went to Allany Sun lny to Meet, their mother who has come to rehldo with lli'-m this sum mer. Prohht HroH. have gone to Sunny side, Wash., to reside. Klopcr ltron. dwulliiiKS are much Improved In appearance by a nice coat of white paint. Mrs. Ilundy waa an Independence visitor Saturday. Wlllard HevetiH' health continues to Improve some. He Is able to be about most of the time. Mrs. Chester Sloper went to Cor vallls Monday to Unit her husband" mother who is very ill at that place. She was accompanied by Mrs. Will lam Cockle of Highland. MONMOUTH W. R. Lake of Corvallls was a call er lu town Friday. The Uell Telephone Co. have now moved the telephone office across the street from P. E. Chase's Jewelry store Into the E. H. Homier building. Mrs. Veda Mulkey and daughter Frances attended the birthday party of her grandfather, D. M. Guthrie, last Friday. Dave Hampton will soon take pos session of the Hotel Monmouth and conduct the same. Hoy Smith of Salem was a business visitor here Tuesday. Woodmen of the World Camp No. 49 gave a reception and banquet to the local Circle and the wives of the Woodmen on Wednesday evening. A fine time was enjoyed by all. All of the honored dead were re membered in our K. of P. cemetery on Decoration day. H. E. Guthrie attended his father's birthday party at the old homestead south of Dallas last Friday. He was 85 years of age. Mrs. Wm. Metzler was a business visitor in town Friday. Mrs. Beatrice Crowfoot, who lias been here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Burkhead, has returned to her home in Tygh Valley, Wasco county. Mrs. Powell of Albany, who has been here on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Riggs, returned home Mon day. Mrs. H. E. Guthrie returned Frldaj from a very pleasant visit In Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rickard of Cor vallls made a flying trip to Salem by the way of Monmouth Friday. Miss Marv Whitney, who has been attending school at the Normal, re turned to her home at Cresswell last Wednesday. ANTIOCH. George Boothby and Paul Mumma of Monmouth were in this vicinity last Saturday. Tom Sullivan of near McTlmmonds valley was In this vicinity on busi ness last Friday. Dennis Donovan and wife of Mon mouth were in these parts last Sat urday. Clem Roberts, Ira and Lettie Fish- back, wlio have been working in the hop yard for Mr. Hodges of Rickre all, returned to their home the last of the week. Miss Elda Clark, who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Belle Sullivan of Monmouth, returned home last Satur day. Jesse Windham Is working for Mr. Cannon. Russell and Loemle Flshback went Rickreall last Saturday. Mrs. E. Clark visited with her daughter, Mrs. Rettie Hamer of. Sa lem, Wednesday. Mrs. Eva Barne visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Towns, the past week. Bill Griffith of Rickreall visited his to A Thrilling Rescue. Hoar Ilea K. Luen of Cheuy, Waah. waa aavtd from fruitful death la a atory to thrill the world. "A hard cold," lie wrlla, "broujcbt on a dee perate un trouble that baffled an eipert doctor here. Then I paid 1 19 to IIS a vlxlt to a lung apeclallMt In Kpokaue, who did not help inn. I then went to California, but without beUeflt At IttUt I used IT, KIlIK" New IMaeovery, which completely cured BJ aud I am now a well aa ever." For Lung Trouble, liroiictiltla. Cough and Col. In, A l tuna, Croup and Whooping; Cough It's supreme. &0c and f I. A trlul bottle free. Guaranteed by all drtiKKlsU. Sir Jap Training Ship Coming. Hear Admiral IJIchi; In command of the Japanese tralulng ship aqtiadrun, will be entertained In Portland to getber with his officer on June 7th with a reception and banquet. In the morning the Japaiieae admiral and his thirteen fellow officer of the fleet will be taken In hand by theft fellow countrymen here and In the afternoon the naval officers will be driven about the city by the lending business men. The sight-seeing trip will be followed by a reception and banquet at the Portland hotel, prep arations to give the visitors a warm welcome are now being made. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy the Beat on the Market. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find It to be the best on the market." says E. V. Tardy, editcr or the Sentinel, Galnsboro, Tenn. "Our baby had several colds the past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Rem eriv nlu'Ava unf It relief at once and cured it in a short time. I always recommend It when opportunity pre sents itself." For sale by P. M. Kirk- land. : a -1 VI mm -i t AL( OilUL t ttH t tU'r. AVrgeUbW Prrptntlm CrAi slmiUliiteitrF,f.ifiii-,i ling (! SiuwcluaaJiWlijf TTl Prorttoles Dift'slionrVf rfe) v stnd Itetir mumi arffler Opttait.Marvhtnf ncr.viwtxi.J OTN.KCOT!C. Jlnirmm nil anrrfpfl IVnvfilv rorfAjItsflpt-. lion . Sour Stonwrh.I)tarrlM Worms X'oitvulswus Jrvtria nds and LOSS Of SLEEP- facSiwlt Siutart f KEW YORK. bulfanled under Hlu I UEilM Tor Infantt nd ChlUrtn. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho A . Signaturo A $ m mi of 1$ Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years B OCITMwa MNMUIT.' M TOM afTV. Notice to the Public. Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts in curred by Mrs. Emma Tucker, my wife, she having left my bed and board. AH merchants will please tak notice. Dated this first day of June, 1909, at Independence, Oregon. 1-5 Chester A. Tucker. For sale one 3 Inch wagon almost new. For Information call on John Robbing, Independence. 40tf PIANOS AND ORGANS Cheapest and Best PIANOS AID ORGAN'S REM ED GEO. C. WILL Phonographs Edison, Victor, Columbia Full Line of Cylinder and Dnc Records GEO. C. WILL SEWING MACHINES Genuine Needle Oil and New I'arta SEWING MACHINES RENTED GEO. C. WILL Popular Sheet Music and Studies GEO. C WILL The Three-Button Sack JA W 1 'it urn THIS LABEL STANDS TOR 54 YEARS I A I 1 Of KNOWING HOW I I Our illustration shows the new three-button sack suit. We have al ready sold a great many of these suits and they are becoming Very Popular The young men are much pleased with the new arriv al. Cut and fabrics are both new. We shall be pleased to show these new suits to you. If you're at all uncer tain as to whether you would like the new idea or not come in and take a look. You need feel under no ob ligation, whatever, to buy. Suits $10 to $30 Just say: "Show me the new 3-Button Sack" and we'll take the greatest pleasure in doing it. NOTICE We pay your round-trip fare between Independence and Salem with a purchase of $10.00 or more. G. W. JOHNSON & GO. 141 N Commercial St., Salem, Oregon