Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 04, 1909, Image 1

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Rendering of Decision Against Paelflo
Expreee Company Affects Morchan-j
dise and General Ratot and U Invj
portant to Entlra Stata of Orogon
On the 30th of April the Oregon
6Ut Railroad Commission, to the
CMia of 11. K. Jou va. the Pacific
Express Company, after having the
same undur advlst'inent (or several
menths, rendered a decision against
the express company, ordering a
borlxontal cut of Iroui twenty-five to
thirty per cent of the merchandise
and general special rates In force on
the O. 11. N. between Portland and
All points cant. Including Huntington.
The commission, In lu decision, de
clares thai It fiuils rules of the Pa
Clflo Express Company unjust, unreas
onable and discriminative.
Mr. Jones also filed a rase against
the Wells Kargo Express Company, al
leging that said company's rates were
unjust, unlawful and unreasonable.
Evidence was aubmltted In this case
on November 30, 1908, and the case
continued for final hearing to June 1,
1909. Wallace McCaniasst of Port
land. Oregon, and C. W. Stockton,
bead couusel of New York, and Geo.
Bingham of Salem, appeared for the
express company, and B. F. Jonea
and C. L. McNary, deputy district at
torney, appeared for the plaintiff.
In an article In the Portland Jour
nal of May 26, by Fredrick Haskel of
Washington, D. C, among other
things says: "The express business
now covera the land and the sea, and
reaches every town in the United
States. It covera nearly a Quarter of
a million miles of railroad and does
business amounting to $128,000,000 a
year. There are six principal com
panies and they do about ninety per
cent of the express business. They
are engaged in many other enterpris
es. More than $14,000,000 money or
der were issued last year. It is said
tfeat no other business in the United
States yields such great profits on so
mall an investment as the express
business. With a total equipment
valued at less than $10,000,000 they
are able to show a gross earning of
$128,000,000, with a net Income of
over $13,000,000 a year."
Married In Independence.
At the home of the bride's parents
In this city last Sunday, May 30,
1909, Miss Amanda Hllke and Mr.
William Ford were united In marriage
by Rev. Harry McCain, the ceremony
being performed at 2:30 p. m. It la
understood that the happy couple will
make their home In this city. The
Enterprise joins in wishing them a
happy and prosperous voyage through
!ime, ii., r.m, u.
Independence Oberson, c; Kirk
land, p.; Muke, lb.; Jones. 2b.; 11.
Newton, 3I.; U. Newton, pur
vine. 1.; Reeves, ft.: Seeiey, rf.
The Falls City t'am was accom
pitnled by Prof. Crowley and wife.
Encampment at Corvallls
Wednesday morning there were
four cars on the Southern Pacific
with old soldiers who were going to
the slate encampment at Corvallls.
For three days thw U. A. R. and the
W. R. C. are In session tbnre. All
available rooms In Corvallls have
been spoken for for over a month
In advance and preparations have
been made to entertain over three
thousand visitors. Every year the
old soldiers meet together and renew
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Decorations Will Be Grand and At
tendance Promises to Be Greater
Than Ever In History of Portland's
Rose Carnival.
All eyes are on the Portland Rose
Festival that opens Monday, June 7.
and lasta the whole week. During
Publio School Base Ball.
In a fast and well played game of
base ball last Saturday, the Inde
pendence high school team won the
county championship by defeating the
team from Falls City by a score of
7 to 3. Falls City started the fire
works by making two runs in their
half of the second Inning and Inde
dependence followed in their half
with one tally. In the fifth Falls Cit
again made the circuit of the bases
and then in their half of the same
inning Independence came back with
six runs. As the game started so
late it was decided to play only seven
innings. Falls City' could not again
get around the bases so the score
ended 7 to 3 in favor of Independ
ence. It" was a fast, clean and well
played g-ame and each man did his
part.. Errors were but few on either
Tlce, the Falls City pitcher did the
best work for the visitors, and while
there were no particular stars in the
Independence team each one did his
part. Seeley, the Independence right
fielder, made the sensational play of
the game by catching a ball while
falling and turning a somersault iack
coming up with the ball high in the
TTia line-un of the teams was as
follows: Falls City Selfarth, c; i
Doddr 3b.; Sampson, ss.;Pugh, lf ;
vY: ii.; . ' -'
.' ' 1 ' - f . , . . .
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home fur the week and all vlnlturs
will be made weleom.
' Monday, the opening day, will be
"Home Coming Day" with a spec
tacular night pageant. The rose
show will open on Tuesday and there
will be a grand electric parade. The
following day there will be a com
petitive rose exhibit and an automo
bile parade In the afternoon. On
Thursday the horse and vehicle pa
rade will be given with a night pag
eant, "The Spirit of the Oolden West."
On Friday the business firms of the
city will keep open bouse and extend
a general welcome to visitors. Racea
at the Country Club In the afternoon
will delight vlsltora. Further harness
and chariot races at the Country Club
will follow on Saturday, the final day.
The annual speed contests of automo
biles will also be held. On Saturday
night there will be a grand electrical
pageant and the Festival will end In
a blaxe of ltlory. These are but a
few of the attractions of the week,
for everyone will be on the qui vlve
to entertain the Festival guests.
One of the most traveled highways of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc Ex
position will be the street to which has been given the name of Yukon
Avenue. Yukon Avenue makes its way across the exposition grounde
from west to east, and the ends are represented by Klondike Circle nea
the entrance, and Nome Circle on which fronts the classic Forestry build
ing. It crosses the roaring Cascades on oriental Uriflge of handsome
. design, and from its central part the buildings of Hawaii and Alaska,
backed by the enormous federal structure, Bre directly to the north.
Just to the west of Klondike Circle the Pay 8tresk winds in a general
direction from north to south, and at the eastern end the land gives
way precipitously to the shores of Lake Washington. It Is on this beau
tiful shore of the lake the natural ampltheatre Is located, and nature has
to quaintly formed this delightful spot, that small effort has been re
quired of man to transform It into as perfect an exhibition place as Is
possible. Us curving, sloping sides complete a semt-clrcie, and from Its
tiers of towering seats 30,000 spectators may witness the entertainments
with no possibilities of occupying a single undesirable seat.
A wonderful variety of architectural display ,1s shown by the many
buildings through which Yukon Avenue passes, and during Its course the
visitor passes from man-made monuments through parts of magnificent
forests whose grandeur has never been marred by the destructive craft
of Mammon's disciples. From every side the line or horlxon Is defined
by mountains whose lines are delineated in perpetual snow, and stretch
ing away as far as the eye can travel rest the waters of Puget Sound.
old acquaintances, and each year
finds a lesser number to answer to
roll call.
the coming few days the city will be
brave with festival decorations and
homage will be paid to the queen of
Following is the text of the law
relating to fishing and hunting.
Unlawful to hunt or angle without
I a license.
It Is hereby prohibited and here
after it shall be unlawful for any per
son, within the state of Oregon
to hunt for, pursue or take, or catch
trout, salmon trout, salmon or bass,
by hook or line, commonly called an
gling; take, catch or kill any of the
game animals, fowls or birds protect
ed by the lawa of the state ,of Ore
gon during the open season when It
Is lawful to klU or take the same,
without auch person having in his
personal possession and carrying with
him at the time of said hunting pur
suing, taking, catching or killing or
angling, a license therefor duly i
aued to him by tne county clerk of
one of the counties of the state pro-
: vided, however, that no license shall
be required of a man or members of
bin own family for permission to hunt
or angle upon his own land, and the
county clerk of every county of the
tate of Oregon ia hereby authorized
to issue such license under the pro
visions of the act. Such license shall
be numbered and dated, and shall con
tain a brief description of the person
to whom the same is issued, togeth
er with the name and place of resi
dence of each such person. Any li
cense issued any person according
to the provisions of this act shall be
at all times subject to the Inspection
of any officer of the state of Ore
gon charged with the enforcement of
the game laws or any sheriff or dep
uty sheriff or constable within the
state, or the owner or his , agent or
Stomach Troubles)
Many remarkable cures of stomach
troubles have been effected by Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
One man who has spent over two
thousand dollars for medicine and
treatment was cured by a few boxes
of these tablets. Price 25 cents. Sam
ples free at P. M. Kirkland's drug
Picnic at Ridder't Grove
Members of Wells Assembly No 37
United Artisans will give a basket
picnic. A splendid program of games
and other amusements is being pre
pared. The picnic will take place at
Rldder's Grove, Saturday, June 5. Dr.
Omsted of Portland, the Supreme
Medical Advisor, will be the speaker
of the day. There will be also some
other features from Portland. A good
brass band has been engaged for the
occasion. Sandwiches and coffee will
be served on the ground to those
who wish same.
Trouble Makers Ousted.
When a sufferer from stomach trou
ble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills
he's mighty glad to see his dyspep
sia and Indigestion fly, but more tick
led over his new, fine appetite, strong
nerves and healthy vigor, all because
stomach, liver and kidneys now work
right 25c at all druggist. .
4c-- -T;-'-4"f.
.it? v:-v'i;""'" W jk: . f
In constructing its group of Ave buildings, the United States Govern
ment had regard for the type of architecture followed generally in the
buildings of the Exposition proper. The Exposition structures are in the
modern French renaissance and the Government in the modern Spanish.
The two styles tie in nicely together and make an harmonious whole. On
the right of the picture Is the Alaska building, one of the Government
group. In the center is the European Exhibits Palace. On the left is
a facade of the Palace of Agriculture. The last two named are in the
French renaissance and were completed before December 1, 1908. Tha
Alaska building was completed April 15.
Poison Oak Poisoning
Ballard's Snow Liniment cures it.
Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius, Turner, Ore.,
writes: "My wife has discovered that
Snow Liniment cures Poison Oak.
She not only cured a case of It on
herself, but on two of her friends
who were poisoned by this same
ivy." Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold
by Williams Drug Co.
flowers by her thousands of devotees.
Bigger attendance than ever before
is promised. The parades will outdo
anything before attempted and other
attractions of festival week will be
ahead of former efforts. Information
received by the management indicates
an unusual movement of tourists this
way, while out-of-town people are ex
pected to flock here in large num
bers. The city plans to keep open
representative of the real property up
on which the holder ot such license
may be hunting or angling.
Manner of procuring License
All licenses provided for in this act
shall be issued as follows: Upon ap
plication therefor by any person, eith
er resident or non-resident of the
tate who shall file an application
(Continued on fourth page)
The Spot Cash Plan
Of business means a saving on ev
ery transaction and it keeps you out
of debt. You can't get "cash store"
prices at a credit store. If you have
cash to spend trade at
Barnes' Cash Store
Dress Goods, Silks,
Hosiery, Underwear, Hats,
Shoes, Clothing, Shirts
Everything for the whole family
at prices that "regular stores" can't
HECK & FIiUBflCHER, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season
Phones, Ham 610; Bell 693
Main Street Independence, Oregon
Monmouth, Oregon
Paid Capital, $30,000.00 Transacts a fieceral Banking Business
J. H. Hawley, Pres. J. B. V. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira O. Pewell, Cask.
P. S. Powell. J. B. .Stump. I. M. Simpsan.
your pleasure may he the fact that
you presented your music loving
daughter, son or wife with an ex
quisite musical instrument irom our
rare stock. You may develops a musi
cal phenomenon unawares. Anyhow
members of the family possessed of
one of our fine guitars, violins, man
dolins, ilthers, banjos or cornets can
not but make the home pleasant and
247 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
Day and night calls promptly attended to. Fine parlar in con
nection. An experienced lady assistant.
W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the
Oregon State Board of Health.
Home Phone: Store, 2220; Res.3121
Independence, Oregon pho: m. Rm