INDEPENDB CE ENTERPRI FITItNTH YEAR INDEPENDENCE, OREOON, FRIDAY, MAY It, 10 NUMBER U STANDS FIRST IN THE STATE A PARADISE FOR PEOPLE WHO SEEK HOME. jama of the Matter In Booklet Re eently lued from th Preaa of the Enterprise for Distribution by Chae. E. Hloke Ral Estate Co. la a contest tor superiority of are Auct tad rtsoure among several fountles only eu t win. Ib Oregoa Utt eoo U Pol. Not onco, twl mw times ta succassloa aa polk beea warded tha premium over the ether counties of lb lUU by c0myet Judges at th Oregon "l1 'Ir A certificate over the alntoro. at W.I II. Downing, then president of tha Oregon state fair board, contain U effUUl declaration that Fol la the Bhia Ribbon Cduaty of Crexo. rjalk It situated la the aart of the famous Wlllanjeit trailer, bordwiax tea Willamette river. It tu dwa tics eoll, level, nndulatia. hiUy or pasuaUlttoua, as oae may select, aid la well watered. It U noted tor tbe arodoottoa of boon, mohairs wool, an ! iti fine standing Umber. Ita oU grow wheat, oata, barter, rye, the various grass lndlgnouB to the valley, fine apples, pears, atrawber rlw, raspberries, arunea, peaches, curraaU, Loganbenriee, cberrlea, En glish walnuta and vegetablea ta per fection. Enalleh Walnuta English walnut culture la at this time attracting more attention in tbe Willamette Taller tnan that of any Other product Tbe dlvWenda accru lag from walnut culture la shown by co in pete at Judgee to be greater than (Ion anything that can be grown In tbe Pacific nortbweat and It U a foregone conclusion thai the growing of walnuta will advance tbe valuea of real estate, when they come Into tearing, at least ten tlmea the act ing prlcea of today. Walnuta grow to better perfection In Polk county than anywhere else on the Pacific coast, California to 'be contrary not withstanding. They will produce fair Interest dividend on a valuation of f i&OO an acre. Thla baa been proven la tne state of California. Polk la adapted to stock raising, and the breeding of stock haa been going oa until fine Block for breed ing purpose haa come to be a money making Industry In Polk county. Es pecially la this true of Angora goats, Lincoln and Cotawold sheep, Berk ahlre and Poland China hogs. Fucks costing $200 and upward are to be een on the farms of J. B. Stump ftnd Win. Rlddell, and oa the latter" place are billy goats valued at 1500. X, w. Brunk, a breeder of Poland China hogs, haa a pure bred one on bis farm for which he paid $835. Polk county also haa a good class ol horses and cattle. Manufacturing Polk county is the home of di versified farming. The agriculturist, horticulturist, hop man, live stock tnan or poultry fancier can surely be pleased with the prospects in this county. If separated from the country Of which it is a part and .set out In mid ocean, there is not another coun ty In the United States whose In habitants would be so Independent, ao capable of living off their own re sources. Especially la this true as to raw products. With her splendid facilities in the way of raw, materials and her fine water powers their util ity Is a question of only a short time. In fact, the field Is now a most in vited one. There are good openings here for lumber, furniture, door, box, chair factories and all kinds of pro ducts of lumber. There la opening for . starch factory, soap factory, Ice factory, cracker factory, and wool- a mills. There Is opening nere ir nurseries and canning establishments nrf manv lines that appeal to those manufacturing business whera miDerlor transportation facill ties reach to the raw products. There la no attempt In this booklet to go in- t minute detail. Seekers aner further Information along the lines of these suggestions are requested io eommunlcate with the Independence Commercial Chub for details as to the needs in the manufacturing field and the enfcouragement which will be offered to capital seeking in vestment. torn of Our Industrie Independence baa tha beat equipped tannery In th otata of Oregon, built last year at a coat of $7000. It waa completed too la U last year to bandla much of that seaeoo'a crop bat there la every likelihood that all tha fruit of th ladpeendenc aoctloa will bo handled thla year by the cannery. Independence haa also a creamery and th town of Monmouth two aolto wat of Independence haa on also. Am dairying la destined ta be come a prominent resource of the county theaa two model faaUUittoa will not be equal to caring for ta bualnesa of their territory. Independence haa a flouring mill Independence ha a CommrUl Club and a Ladle AuxQlarr. Independence haa a aaia and door trnftorr. Independence haa a saw mill. Independence haa 1(00 people and la situated favorably for a city of tm or fafteon thousanda, on the line of the Southern Pacific railroad, tor mlnua of the Independence a Mon mouth Railway and. being eltuaUd oa the banks of the Willamete river, la guaranteed th cheapest freight and transportation facllltlea by water for delivery of her product to mar ket Lumber Induatry Though Polk haa foreate of the 0net Umber left standing In the world today, It ha scarcely been touched. In th mountain of western Polk mar be seen atandlng treea, duntlcatea at the big loga in the foreetry buHdlng at the Lewie and Clark Fair. There are aaw mills at Palls Citr. Dallas and Independence, besldea a hardwood mill also located in Independence. There are quarter sections of timber land that will cut 1.000,000 to 10,000,000 feet The esti mate of timber standing in Polk Is 7.000,000,000 feet. Angora Goat Induatry Polk county prides herself oa her flocka of thoroughbred goata. The mohair of Polk county averagea np with the beet Turkish product, as will be aoen from the following in-stance: A baa of mohair, taken from the flocka of J. B. Stump, of near Inde pendence, was sent to the Massa chusetts Mohair Plush Company. One of the fleoces, tied up separately, was from a registered kid. sired by a rec ognised pure-bred buck; the others were the fleecea of klda which aaa been rejected as candidates for regis try. Theaa kids were sired br a buck raised br Mr. Stump, which buck also failed to pass the exami nation for reglstrr. No information waa given to manufacturers aa to who raised thla mohair, and tner were requested to examine It and give their opinion upon its merita and de merits. In due course of time a check waa received to pay for the mohair at the rate of 45 centa per pound at the mill, and the following let ter accompanied It: We have received from you a. samnle lot of mohair. One fleece eample is extra long, well-bred, white stock, and would rlass as purebred equal to the best Turkish mohair, which is an exceptional thing to say of American mohair. The fleece Is a little heavy In grease, so that In scouring it will shrink a little more than the average Turkish mohair. As to flnenesa of quality, It Is medium tine. "Regarding the balance of the lot of Bamples, the condition is extra good; average length, 8even inches. It haa all the characteristics of the purest Turkish mohair. It is soft, white, lustrous stock, strong in the staple and elastic, and Is free from oil. It Is finer in fiber than average Turkish mohair. "We are not comparing this with any other domestic hair; only with the best bred Turkish hair, and it Is only by very careful selection out of a good many bales of the best Turk ish that we would pick out a num ber of fleeces that would be as good as this sample lot of fleeces. If the climate and feed of Oregon will per mit the goats from which this mo hair was taken to retain the qualities which have been bred in them, the result will aurpasa apythlng we have seen in the way of American bred Angoras. "We believe that we have already received, or have on the way to us more than half of all the best Amer ican mohair that has been sheared this spring, and it has been very aat lsfactory to ua to find so much im- COMING EVENTS FOR PORTLAND to Uju coast through this city, for at present travelere coming through Portland bound either to or from th Bound, must re-cbeck their baggage and buy new tickets her. This la In convenient and baa often deterred passenger from coming to this city. The decision means that through ticket must b sold via Portland a thing tha Hill line have hitherto CONVENTION Of PRESiVTERIANt maintained ahould not be required of naAumiA kit AM , wem aa ll gave mo long obui iu i" DRAWINQ Harriot road. Tbe Hill road, are 11 expected to appeal tha case to the Oroat Morfln, Will T.ka Pisco Jun. f . "J T '?TL9L? Kill. t. Stop th. f4 nown Ar. E.poctod ta So Pr nt. ! aln nicer. He paid doctors over 400. ' w w , H without baaflt. Than BuckWs The great Presbyterian Brotherhood kllM, ulctr Mi ,Ur- conventlon to be held In Portland on June and 9 promises to be a gath erin of rreat Interest. The brother ad bias. Cure Fever-Bores. Bolls, Pel- Kcaoma. Salt Rheum. Infallible it. Tne orower- nood movement n mo U a all dragglata. spread through many of the leading denominations. Huodreda and thou anda of leading laymen throughout the country are swinging Into line. The Portland convention Is to be ad dressed br Cuariee 8. Holt, Esq.. of Chicago, president of the NaUonel brotherhood. Mr. Holt Is a leading attorney of Chicago and is a very Hop Contract A hop contract between B. Hartley and T. A. Livealey A Co. waa filed with tha county clerk, E. M. Smith, Wednesday for 30.000 pounda of 1909 hope at 10 centa. This is the 9th contract filed thla week and bring attorney of n.cago .m0unt of bop. involved up to atrong man of affaire. Hla coming nti. nIl-s la awaited with Interest Rev. Ira J. Landrlth. D. D. LL. D.t la the Na tional secretary of the broinernooa and la well known aa a platform or ator of remarkahle power. Mr. Lan- drith haa many frienda In orepon a total Observer. Won't Wight Good Friend "Ir I ever need a coaght medicine again I know what to get," declares drub na. many Mr. s L. Alley of Beala. Ma., -for. ho will weicom. mm agui w, o( Dr Klnk-. Ute" . rM New Discovery, and seeing It excel- Henrr E. V' CJ lent reault. la mr awn family and cago. the associate aecretary of iaa convinced it I. the best brotherhood, will also be present to JJ-JI ' 7T':TC '.Lf tro.Se- Every one who trie brotherhood methods and work. .rrYoTcitr "STwiS rquTckT cure, aurpri.e .Tthe b Jd rilX; For Bronchitis. Asthma. Hem- .... i I II aAn ! Throat, vain la cheat or lungs It's su- tne foreign -.u Mj Md IL00. m., tree ao. To cap the climax plana have ' v . v i.ij . iniir. tha moderator of, -" -i the next grand assembly, which meela in Denver May 20, to come to the coast to participate in these con ventlona. Leading Presbyterian laymen of the state are being assigned placea on th program, provisional copies of which will soon be out The men of thla community, espec ially the Presbyterian men will no doubt be Interested In thla proposed convention. Letters are being re ceived from Portland asking many of them to plan to come. A Card Thla ta to certify that all druggists are authorised to refund your money If Foley's Honor and Tar falls to eura your cough or cold. It stop tha eoua-h. heals the lungs and preventa pneumonia and consumption. Contains ao opiates. The genuine Is In a yel low package. For sale by P. M. Klrk-land. r -t t Getting Ready for Carnival. Portland merchanta met at tbe Commercial Club thla week and took atepa to decorate tbe city thoroughly in honor of the many visitors who will attend the rose festival early In June. Retailers plan to make their stores highly attractive for out of town guests and tourists who will be here for festival week. Places of business will be transformed into per fect bowers of beauty for the delight of visitors. The work of emblazon ing floral designs on shop windows about town Is now going on. Flags and festival colors will be put up next week. Rose decorations of the business houses will be delayed until the festival opens on June 7, when the queen flower will reign supreme i about the city. Do It Now Now la the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Tou can do bo by apply- Portland Gala Recognition. I , , . , , ,. . . . . : cases out vi tea us iiuyi Portland peopie are .o;!B : rheumaUam due to cold or damp, or the interstate commerce commission a ieM t rie- decision this week opening the Port land gateway. This is a ruling Port chronlo rheumatism, and yield to vig orous application of this liniment Try land gateway, xn.s is a uung ron, - delighted land has long contended for and the 1 (Continued on fifth page.) victory is regarded as an important one. Its chief significance will mean a free Interchange of passenger traf fic at Portland between the Hill and Harrlman lines. This Is bound to in with the quick relief which It affords, Sold by P. M. Klrkland. DeWltfs Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills, small, gentle XlCkt 1 laugaaa - .... , . crease the travel of eastern visitors and sure. Sold br all druggists. jiM ? 'LM&r -Try h ; ijjr I "1 HH 0" i THE AUDITORIUM AT A.-Y.-P. EXPOSITION, SEATTLE. Probably the most striking structure on the grounds of the Alaska-Tukon-Paclflc Exposition Is the Auditorium. It is builded of reinforced concrete, steel and brick and Is a part of the rich legacy which is to be handed down to the State University when the Fair la over. The Auditorium stands upon aa eminence overlooking tha mala en trance to the Exposition Orounda. It la now In ua as a lecture room by the Unlvorlty Law School aad for all assembly of students. IX has a seating capacity at eloae ta M00. wbioh eaa be greatly Increased. The Spot Cash Plan Of business means a saving on ev ery transaction and it keeps you out of debt. You can't eet"cash store" prices at a credit store. If you have cash to spend trade at Barnes' Cash Store Salem Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Shirts Everything foe the .whole iamily at prices that "regular stores" can't match. PEOPLE'S MARKET HECK F-UBACJ1IR, Proprietora Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season Phones, Home CIO; Ball 603 Main Street Independence, Oregon POLK COUNTY BANK Monmouth, Oregon Paid Capital, $30,000.08 Traisacls a ecwal iIlB tstam OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J. X. Hawloy. Frae. J. B. V. BuUor. Tlee Proa. Ira C. PowoM. Oa-, F. S. Powell. J. B. Jtaam. I. M. Btsaaaea. THE KEY NOTE TO your pleasure may he the fact that you presented your muslo loving daughter, son or wife with an ex quisite musical instrument from our rare stock. You may develops a musi cal phenomenon unawares. Anyhow members of the family possessed of one of our fine guitars, violins, man dolins, others, banjos or cornets can-, not but make the home pleasant and cheerful. L. F. 8AVAGE 247 Commercial St Salem, Oregon UNDERTIKINQ Day aad night ealla promptly attended to. rina parlar U eaa- aecUoa. Aa experienced lady assistant W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Dlreoter. Lleenead by tha Oregon State Board of Health. BICE CAtBREATH Home Phono: Store, fJM; Re. 1111 Independenoe, Oraflon BJ ph,n. tro. 114; I aa. 71