Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, April 30, 1909, Image 3

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    The Vfe'ry Best is
I " I J la
I S Iy ') I
Edcrheimer, Stein & Co.
This store is offering superior Clothing
for Young Men. It's always an advantage
to buy where the greatest opportunities
are offered; where the selection, variety
and pricing is such that your fullest sat
isfaction is assured in advance.
Our complete line of the season's best
Clothing now in. For the next two
weeks special display of exclusive styles
and fabrics, rich patterns, perfection in
fit and tailoring-in fact the niftiest, the
cleverest and smartest apparel ever plan
ned for young men. You will find the
facilities of this store ample, in addition,
we can save you from Five to Ten Dollars
on your suit against city prices. We are
ready to prove this by comparison.
Fully Guaranteed
The Bee Hive Store
and Edna Hicks attended the play.
"The Girl of the Golden West", at
Wlllamlna Sunday night.
I MIhb HrlUo Evans visited Misses
Catherine and Cora McLean Satur
day afternoon.
months, is regaining his health under
the skillful treatment of Dr. Butler.
A. J. and George Hall were Inde
pendence vlsltora Saturday.
Clyde Hill was transacting business
In our city Saturday.
Mr, Foster of the Independence
country was a Buena visitor Friday.
N. E. Tyler was transacting bus
iness in Independence Friday.
M. N. Prather is putting in a new
picket fence around his residence.
R. L. Hall was transacting business
in Independence Monday.
Miss Iva Porter returned Sunday
from a three months visit in Kansas.
She was accompalned by her cousin,
Wm. Frail.
Allen McLean was a Portland visit
or Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley wuson ol
Highland visited at the home of her
father, Geo. Porter, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickey of
Wlllamlna were Harmony visitors
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Guttry were cal
led to California by the Illness of his .
brother. They left Friday morning. ,
A Sunday school was organized at
Harmony Sunday afternoon. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Super
intend, W. A. McLean; assistant
superintendent, Mrs. Alfred Hill; Sec
retary, A A. McLean; organist, Mrs.
Townsend; chorister, j. a. riuu,
janitor, Tex Latham. j
Harmony school Is now , the proud
possessor of a new 8 foot flag. j
The Harmony base ball nine went j
to Ballston Sunday to play ball and
were defeated to the tune of 27 to 9. j
On account of Illness of the teach-1
fifl&rs. the school
CI ( 1T1 iao v"
was closed Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week.
Miss Edna Hicks Is working at the
Hotel Sheridan.
A large crowd attended the sing
ing at Mr. Morltzs' last Sunday night.
A. A. McLean was a Wlllamlna
visitor Monday afternoon.
. Warmnnv neODle Join-
A QIUUVCl Vfc - r -
ed the Grange at Sheridan Wedneflda
The attenaence ai bcuuui u-v...
quite irregular the last two weeks on
account of many having the grippe.
Guy Syron, Delia Hicks, Byron
G. C. Pltzer recently purchased a
horse of Geo. Boothby of Monmouth.
A number from here attended the
I. O. O. F. speaking at the Normal
chapel Sunday.
The Monmouth Junior base ball
team passed through here on their
way to Falls City Friday.
Mrs. Retta Hamer, of Salem, is
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. E. Clarke.
James Russell, of Parker, was In
these parts the middle of the week.
Clem Fishback who has been work
ing in the hop yard at Rickreall for
Mr. Hodges, spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fishback.
Rlddell Bros, have been Bowing
land plaster the paBt week.
Mr. and Mrs. C P. Wells of near
Buena Vista, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wlllard Bevens Sunday.
The "Stork" visited the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conger Saturday
and left them a girl baby.
Mrs. Viola Hall, who has been
visiting In Independence for several
weeks returned to her home here.
John Saunders of this place and a
Mr. Elkins of Buena Vista are mak
ing cord wood for D. B. Taylor of
Training has begun In the Sloper
Bros, hop yard.
M. W. McGowan and little son, who
were visiting relatives here last
week returned to their home near
Mr. Saunders was making garden
last .week. He also has the finest
pansles around here.
W. V. Acox made a large new gate
last week.
E. F. Black, of Buena Vista was a
Hopdale visitor last Sunday.
Mike Goetz, of Independence, Is
boarding with Floyd Woodward while
he is farming his ranch near here.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Shafer spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Eston Bevens of near Buena Vista.
Al Fishback was an Independence
visitor last Saturday.
There is a very poor stand of hops
so far in several yards at and around
this place.
M. L. McGowan, who has been so
111 with heart trouble, the last few
Miss Effle Shore visited freinds in
Albany last week.
Mrs. W. 0. Meador returned to Eu-
I gene to resume her school work after
spending the vacation with her par
ents here.
Harry Stine visited his mother re
cently at this place returning to U. of
0 Sunday.
Mrs. Bowen and daughter Miss
Florence and Mrs. May Bowden-Bab-'
bltt and Dick were Salem visitors las
The Athletce entertainment Satur
day evening was a decided success
in every particular.
E. W. Strong took a party of four
to Albany Friday in his automobile.
They were I.O .0 .F. members and
they went to meet with the lodge of
that place.
The base ball game between Dal
las and Monmouth high school was
won bv Monmouth by a score of
8 to 4.
Hood Craven, a .former business
man Of this place, was a pleasant cal
ler in town Saturday and Sunday. He
reports everything fine out at his
mountain home near the sea.
Mrs. Mary Campbell and daughter
Catherine went to Corvallls to visit
Miss Agnes Campbell who is attend
ing the 0. A. C. They will also visit
President P. L. Campbell at U. of 0.
before returning home.
Mrs. A. N. Halleck has gone to
Newport to care for her son Taylor's
wife who is quite sick.
Mrs. P. E. Chase returned Friday
from a three days visit at Corvallis.
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Elbert are In
Eugene at the bedside of their
flicted with a cancer,
fected with a cancer.
Archie Hosner came down from
Corvallls Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Mulkey went
to Amity Friday to visit their son on
the farm.
People past middle life usually
have some kidney or bladder disorder
that saps the vitality, which is natu
rally lower in old age. Foley's Kidney
Remedy corrects urinary troubles
stimulates the kidneys, and restores
strength and, vigor. It cures uric acid
troubles by strengthening the kidneys
so they will strain out the uric acid
that settles in the muscles and joints
causing rheumatism. For sale by P.
M. Kirkland.
Dallas; Oregon
It's the safest buy of any property on
the market to-day. Six per cent profit
guaranteed on two years. What better?
Over one hundred people have taken advantage of the easy payment plan
on Bay City lots within the last two months. Don't wait any longer if you
wish inside property. E. H. Harriman has appropriated 12,000.000 addition
al for the rapid completion of the railroad to Bay City and the United Rail
ways are building there with all speed. Every person that buys there now
will double and treble their money in less than one year's time. Don t
hesitate, don't wait; act now. We let you name the terms. A life in
surance Included with every sale.
Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Company