hi Thousand of millions of cans of Royal Baking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, nr1 vrv housekeeDef using it has rested m perfect conh- sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe- guard a gain s i mc uiw oiumpunw -3ie greatest menaccrs to health of the present day. fflL .! TTT- rtVTV RAKING POWUES HADE FROM ROYAL CRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR J IvI El- L- -A. S A non-Intoxicant, pure and refresh ing beverage. Brewed from choice mult and hops. Those who USB IxEELjA-S pronounce it absolutely the best mild, non-lntoxlc"n drink ea the market. Auk your drust for It. Also for sale at the local soft drink establish ments. For prices write Salem Brewery Association 8ALF.fi, - OREGON. UNDERTAKING. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Fine parler in con nection. An experienced lady assistant W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the Oregon State Board of Health. BICE A CALBREATH JHome Phone: .Store, 2220; Res. 3121 Independence, Oregon phone. 6Utf m; Reg 73 I iCoiHtnuiHl front first paic t I J7fliail7 Vor oranlinUm t( ' rooi raile aK'UiUn. i ItS Notunnhatu T punieh fteuJ ' uWt reprvee-nUUon as to wmbrsulp la rrt aoi-Ml. fur purpose of ob taining uiaiicr. 18? Abraham lrwdln horses to be r'.1iTl al Oregon Aurl.ul lural CollK. 131 Wood Prohibiting IMUJlHK glass and ualla In roads. 193 HoJk-'s Providing addition al Judge for Fifth Judicial dlMrlit. 194 Stholfti'ld For luaie of bonds In drainage dUtrteu. 195 Cha For salary of sheriff of Coos county. 198 Beach Clothing railroad de tectives with police power. n Ilatloy Regulating drainage districts. 203 Hart Weekly report on regis tratlon of voters to secretary of state. 203 Smith of I'inatllla State fair to have printing to amount of 1 1000. 207 Norton Relating to levy and sale under execution. 209 Nottingham Voters may re gister with notary public or Justice of the nuace. 210 Kay For county referondutt on county measures. 21J First Judicial district delega Hon To divide the district 219 Kay and Johnson Voters county may refer a county measure. 220 Committee on Judiciary Fish law for the Columbia river. Amending code regarding corpor ations organised for Irrigation pur-Dorea. 225 Johnson Certified copy proof of a federal liquor license. 228 Caldwell Preventing goats from runnln at large in Yamhill countv. 237 Committee on ways and means Extending time for acquiring Ore gon City locks. 246 Caldwell Empowering mu nicipal corporations In other states to acquire title to lands and water rights In Oregon. 251 Ways and means $30,000 for state fair premiums. 252 Ways and means state fair Improvements. 253 Ways and means tuberculosis sanitoria. 254 Ways and Means Appro priating $362,000 for improvements at state Institutions. House Bills 11 Umatilla and Morrow delega tion Appropriating money for an experiment station at Hermlston. 12 Mahone Regulating pilotage on Columbia river. of $25,000 for $70,000 for BISHOP'S READY TAILOR ED CLOTHES "' w U I" 8 f jjj Jj Mi Are Unmatchable at $10.00 to $35.00 When you buy a suit you want one that will give you satisfaction; you w?nt one that is in style; you want one that fits accurately and will ot lose its lit" or shapeliness under the most trying condi tions. You want a suit that is worth every dollar that you pay for it. Here you can get precisely what you want in the Spring 1909 Smartest Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20 and up Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM, OREGON 21 lurretl Appropriating I'S.wto fr a Hruge nJ at (villa. 51 Jaeger Appropriating addition al $,'!i,0H, fr AUfc-V"kMi Km"' Hon. 31 llmkhanan AuthorUIng su preme court lo appoint wde com iiiUnIoii and appropriating $J5.oiW. 4$ MeCuerreuitltliig banks to d van... rull value on bills of landing ami warehouse rect-lpts. M McCue CountU-s may levy ti for advertlnlng rource. 82 Cunyera rrohlbltlng awliu at Urge In Columlila t-uunty. 6S lluckhanan-rrolillillliig wear tng of uniform of l ulled States army or navy by persons not entitled. 77 llawley Providing for raising school funds. it nimUk Regulating hauling loads on public highways. 85 Itean To provide for laying out county roads. 86 Hoan Creating the board of atate tax comnilstiloners. 97 llean Creating Insurance de partment. 98 Farrell Requiring d'Hirs to swing outward. 106 llonebrake Appropriating $210,000 for bulldlnga at O. A. C. 109 Iledllllon Fixing aalarlea of Coos county assessor. 121 Applegate Payment of claims of Central Normal School. 127 Brooke For an Interstate bridge at Ontario. 132 Purdln Prcmlttlng county courts to designate the kind of culvert to build. 141 Hawley Appropriating $7000 for state veterinarians. 148 Hean Giving clrcut courts power of parolllng prisoners. 150 Eastern Oregon delegation Appropriating $40,000 for scalp bounty 171 Carter Providing for private propagation of trout. 173 Dodds Authorizing school superintendents to apportion money. 185 McArthur Requiring offlceri of state board and commission to at tend meetings. 186 Buchanan Providing for con stltutlonal convention, subject to ref erendum. 195 Hughes Baking powder must be plainly labeled. 201 McCue Empowering executor to execute deeds. 214 Carter Providing an approp riation for the expense of the state horticultural society. 216 Carter For appointments or county fruit Inspectors. 221 Purdln Appropriating $100,001, for the Crater Lake road. 224 Brooke Public records to bej free. 227 Eastern Oregon delegation Providing for a branch asylum In East ern Oregon. 229 Hughes To regulate breeding of horses. 235 Miller Regulating fishing in Rogue river. 239 Farrell Providing that con ditional Bales of personal property shall be recorded. i 246 McArthur Elimination of dup lication of courses of study in the state's higher educational Institutions.; 248 Barrett For organization ot mining and diking Interosts. 249 Conyers Land board to pur-. chase lands In forest reserve. j 251 Abbot Governing expenditure of funds for the University of Oregon. 277 Jones (Polk) Free ferry across Willamettee at Independence. 288 Committee on education Authorizes school boards to govern uses of school moneys. 291 Carter Amending code relat ing to elections. 300 Couch Prohibiting false ad vertising. 306 Dimmlck Appropriating $1000 for Clackamas county fair. 310 Dimlck Railroads to fence right of way. 315 Buchanan Revives schedule of rate for corporations increasing capital stock. 316 McKinney To protect trout. 316 Geer Imposing licenses on peddlers. 345 Ways and means Removal or schools for deaf mutes, $75,000. 347 Jones (Polk) Repeating grant of state to Willamette Valley & Coast Railroad tide and marsh lands in Lin coln county. 358 Brady Securing liens on chat tels. 361 Applegate Abolishing Central Oregon normal school. 362 Ways and means committee Appropriation bill covering miscel laneous claims. 363 Repealing law -creating domes tic animal commission. NEW SUITING Wo oro showing some beautiful shades In the new mercerized popplln. tho ma terial to be used so much this season for tailored shirt waist suits Waists stamped to embroider $1,8!) on any color 2 Needlecraft vShop Mri, S, C. Wnll 270 N. Com'l. St. Salem, Oregon Wood Yard We deliver large or small orders of Mr, Oak or Ash wood promptly. HENRY MOTT Both r hones INDEPENDENCE When You Sit Down To Meal In this restaurant you sre sure It will be excellent as lo food, twoklna? and swrvine. The mirrntindlng siek for thrmaeives, and the bill of fare tells mutely of fine eating at little prices. Come In and bnug a friend or two along. You will all bo be pleased. White House Restaurant Wm. McGJchri & Son. PioprWtort SALEM - - OREGON 1.1 1 1 -Y-uiA. HADSER BROS. s-iSSor. Fire Arms, Ammunition, Athletic Supplies Fishing Tackle, Bicycles and Cutlery Trojan Stumping Powder-No Salem Oregon TUB and nATUQ 1)1 I 11W II AY K shower n i nnrn IN CONNECTION BARBER msmsm Main Street, Independence, Oregon. SALEM LAUNDRY CO. GUARANTEES YOU PERFECT WORK DeWitfs Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, the original, Is good for any thing when a salve Is needed, and Is especially good for piles. Sold by The Williams Drug Co. A good many are taking advantage of the offer of the magazine Human Life free with a year's subscription in advance to the Enterprise. It is a splendid magazine. Call and get a sample copy while they last. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are the best pills made for backache, weak back, urinary disorders, etc. Sold by The Williams Drug Co. WHAT HAS LONG BEEN NEEDED BY CITIZENS OF INDEPENDENCE The Independence Cleaning and pressing parlors are propireJ fo callfor and deliver all work, and guarantee prompt attention and cat Isfactlon. We make combination Suit and adjustable Skirt hangers to your measure. Be sure and see them. Give us a trial for good work and the prices will be right. Work done while you wait. L. L BUCKNER & CO. Home Telephone Co. 1612 Corner C and Railroad Streets Independence, Oregon SPRAYING MATERIAL Roche "Harbor Lime, Japanese Ground Sulphur In linen sacks. No lint. De pendable lime and sulphur spray. ACID HYDROMETERS WILLIAMS DRUG CO. V Sunset Magazine offri th readert of thi. paper the beet opportunity X h REVIEW OF REVIEWS . $3.00 ALL FOR SUNSET MAGAZINE .... I.BoVjj y i WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1 .25 ) vJjO.UW , V A rnrr with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75-page book LijA AND ' " llluatrated In four colora with 12S Western iewe. L'J? SUNSET MAGAZINE t san rmnereeo. California " I Will Ml -"