Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, February 19, 1909, Image 5

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Xjr'lne Clothe lylf
De (timer sad Twecf
Spring Styles
Now on Exhibition
G.W Johnson & Co.
141 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
Mr. K. A. Btetn and have
rHurnH frim IHl!nrham, Washing
loii. Mr. Hti'n will b employed
In the Haiti here.
TI10 Huuday School entertainment
Haturday evening well attended
utiil an ri-elliit program was ru
MIm It'll Hyers of Independence
U tUUIng (i.-r slater Mr. V. W
Verne Fox and O. I. Uyers were
Iiidi'iH-ndi'iico visitors Haturday.
Mtaa Vlda Myers baa gone to
Dallaa where she will ba innployed by
the lioma Telephone Company.
Beth Fawk and I-lle Dancer of
Ouk Grove, atended the enlertalnmen
here Haturday evening.
A very Intercut Inje series of revival
ineetliiiu closed Thursday evening, it
being nucesnary for Hcv. Cochrane
to return to bla borne In Taconia.
J. M. Btono of Newberg waa a
vlMltor here last week, j
A. A. Jones, proprietor of the
Amity electric light plant was here
taut week trying to uiakn arrange
ment for Initialling a plant here.
program tad a valentine tog last Fri
day afternoon.
Ciiilc Palace Hotel
T. W. Cruncr, Prcprlttw
entmnv Supplied Ulln. Special flttcnfJoi to eonmerelal Cradi.
(he Court Resort ai?d
Gepnpan Lurpch Place
Pit ANK II. COLLIN 8, Proprietor
357 State St. Salem, Oregon Pbore 117
This Is our specialty. We carry a, complete stock and reclean
all the grain and farm seeds that we sell. You will find our
prices right. Also a complete stock of
Do not buy package seeds as you do not know how old they are, as
the dealer sends them out until sold. Send for our new catalogue
It's free.
255 Commercial Street
Phone 100
Many rheumatic attacks are due to
uric acid in the blood. But the duty
of the kidneys is to remove all uric
acid from the blood. Its presence
there shows the kidneys are inactive.
Don't dally with "uric acid sol
vents". You might go on till dooms
day with them, but until you cure
the kidneys you will never get well, ,
Doan's Kidney Pills not only remove
uric acid, but cure the kidneys and
then all danger from uric acid is end
F. A. Sutton, 1125 Water street
saiem, uregon, says: "For ten or
twelve years rheumatism and kidney
trouble were the plague of my live
I could hardly move owing to the
lameness in my back and had to
come Into the -city to doctor for the
trouble. Nothing seemed to bring me
more than temporary relief and I
was in bad shape when I procured
Doan's Kidney Pills. They benefit
ted me at once and when I had tak
en, the contents of three boxes I was
free from every symptom of my old
trouble. My health is now better than
in years."
Komealti the rati..' D.ian's and
take no other. 38-39.
The ruin are more welcome tha
tbo cold Weather.
Tlio grain la coming up fine,
Since the price of fKK have drop
ped the heim have begun to lay.
A den of nine akunka were kill"
by a party of men here a few day
a no.
Poultryiueu of ill I a neighborhood re
port a number of sales of breeding
atock and eggs.
James Uoydson was forced to mer
cifully kill one of his valuable horse
which Buffered a broken leg.
D. D. Peters lost a horse from blind
ataggera a few days ago. There have
died In this neighborhood this winter
seven bead of horses, ranging In val
ue from $25 to $200. The majority
of these homes were valuable work
The sheep and goat men have their
hands full at the present time this be
ing the lambing season.
D.D. Peters lost five head of sheep
last week from dogs of the neighbor
The Rlckreall Telephone Company
built another line from Dallas to
Rlckreall. Stock in the company
coming into demand.
The health of this community
very good at present.
Horace Seeley left for a visit with
an uncle in Los Angeles California.
He may also conclude to go to Nev
ada and Idaho before returning.
A number of citizens are already
preparing to have cement walks
placed on their property this spring.
That is the proper spirit.
Oren McElmurry was an Indepen
dence visitor last Friday,
A. Hamann and wife spent Friday
with Mr. Westfall of Monmouth.
Independence visitors from High
land Saturday were S. H. McElmurry,
Fred Featherstone, Ed Vallle'r, Dave
Haley, Mr. Ewlng and family, Clint
Agee, Robert Simon, George Shaffer,
E. Nash.
Joe Loundree was transacting bus
iness in Independence Saturday.
Mr. Valller and family were Inde
pendence visitors Saturday.
Mast all tha men In this vicinity
To tb Editor:
In a recent liau of your paper,
your correspondent from IllKhlaitd ak
bow many pupil er In scbool at
Itlrkreall. V would Inform that all
wU gentleman that at preaeiu ihw
are 48 enrolled. If be baa ev(-r mad
out a tai bor's monthly report b wlli
doubtlena know that It la required to
carry the dlvUon. for finding the aver
a dally attendance and number be
longing to oue decimal plaie. Tha
omUilon of the decimal point in
printing rauaed somewhat of a nil-
take In our laat school report. Your
correspondent doubtleia refers to thin
We notice In your laat Uiuothat
your correspondent from jllghiatul
reoorta land aelllng at five dollara an
acre. We are kind enough to attri
bute that to an error In printing ra! ti
er tban try to make ouraelvea con
aplcuoua aa be baa done. We would
like to Inform him, alo, that no danc
ing leaiiona are given In the acbool
VijJe at 'his place.
Yours sincerely,
lllckreall Correspondent.
Statistics of
of tha
the School
Following is report of the school
of the county of Polk for the month
ending January 22, 190!):
Number of achools in aesslon. 41.
Number of pupils remaining last
month, 2408.
Number of pupils leaving one school
and entering another, 27.
Number of pupils having been
dropped and readmitted, 378.
Total number registered during the
year, 2836.
Number of pupils dropped during
the month, 588.
Number of pupils remaining Janu
ary 22, 2267.
Number of pupils on register since
the beginning of the year and not re
gistered in any other school, 2691.
Number of pupils that have been
registered in other achools, 85.
Number of pupils over four and
under 6, 23.
Number of pupils over 6 and under
9, 721.
Number of pupils over 9 and under
12, 724.
Number of pupils over 12 and undei
14. 530.
Number of pupils over 14 and under
20, 693.
Total number of pupils in attend
ence, 2691,
Number of days . taught during
month, 10.
Whole number of days attendance.
Whole number of days absence 4251
Whole number of times late, 370.
Average number of pupils belong
ing, 2589.
Average dally attendance, 2164.
Per cent of attendance, 83.6.
Number of visits by parents, 37.
Number of visits by members of
school boards, 33.
The following schools are placed
on the roll of honor for attendance.
having made a per cent of 95 or more.
Polk Station, Butler, Upper Salt
Creek (100 per cent)' and Rock Creek
The following schools were placed
on the roll of honor for having had
aro cnftlno' oak wood" this week.
Silas Compton and wife spent Mortal no tardle8 durln th? wntbi Smlth
Now la the time
to tialt
Wtn -in, roof baa paaawj
la ihete northern etatoa,
kt'i la only mild under
the biUbt blue aklsa of
Po..'bern California. Tbla
!( cne of nature's bappy
p'ovlmn eternal turn
iOr for tboae who cannot
tnuure a more severe cli
mate. California baa been called
the "Mecca of the winter
tourlat." It's hotel and
stopping places are aa
varied as those of all well
regulated cltiea. Visitor
can always find suitable
accomroodatlona, congenial
companion, and varied
pleasing recreation.
Will be glad to supply some
very attrariive literature,
describing in detail the
many delights of winter h
The rate from Independence
to Los Angelea and return
is $38.90.
Limit six months, allowing
stopovers In either direc
tion. Similar excursion
rates are in effect to all
California points.
For full Information, sleeping car
reservations and tickets, call on,
telegraph, or write G. A. Wilcox,
Agent, Independence, or Wm. Mc-
Murray, Gen. Pass. AgL, Portland,
moat iNPEPmpfNcc
Train No 4 leave Independence dally del
a. m.; leave Moomouta ili a. ta.s arrlras
Dallas fcM a. m.
Train No OR leave Indepeadeoee dally
10:6O a. ra.: leave Monmouth, 11:06 a. m.;
arrive ballaa, 11:86 a. m.
Train No 70 leave Independence dally :lt
p. m.: leave Monmnuih :30 p. m.; arrive DaW
I (1 55 p. m.
Train No 78 leave Independence dally ftSf
p. in.: leave Monmouth 2:50 d. m.: arrives
Alrile S.35 p. m.
Train No 65 leave Dallas dallv 10. m;
leave Monmouth 8:55 a.m.; arrive Indepen
dence :15 a. m.
Train No W leave Dallaa dally 1:00 p. m.
leave Monmoutn 1:25 o. m.: arrive Indenei
dence 1:40 p. m. (Thl train connect at Man-
mourn ror Airiiei
Train No 71 leave Dallaa dally T:! p. a.;
leave Monmouth 8 D. m.: arrive IndeDend.
do 8:15 p. m.
Train No 7J leave Alrile dallv 4 K a. m i
leave Monmouth 4:40 p. m.; arrive Inde
pendence 4:55 p. lit
Dr. J.L. Calloway
Osteopathic Physician
day on their farm here.
The Cockle farf was sold for $55
per acre Instead of $5 as was annou
nced in last weeks paper. Possibly
from a missprlnt.
Farmers' Feed and Sales Stable
H. EICHEL, Proprietor
Grain and Hay for Sale.
Horses boarded by day, week or month, at reasonable rates.
It Was a Hit.
Homer Davenport's story of his boy
hood life in Oregon begun in the Jan
uary issue of Human Life made the
hit that was predicted for it and Mr.
Davenport sustained his reputation
for humor and wit and his ability to
entertain. See our ad.."The Oregon
Magazine Hit of 1909" on another
page. It will pay you to read it. It
is given absolutely free with a year's
subscription to the Enterprise during
the month of February and March.
Pay a year in advance and get the
Day and night calls promptly attended to. Fine parlor in con
nection. An experienced lady assistant
W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the
Oregon State Board of Health.
(Home Phone: Store, 2220; Res. 3121
(Bell Phone: Store, 114; Roe. 73
Independence, Oregon
Representative in this vicinity,
male or female. Those willing to
hustle can earn from $100 to $125
monthly. Experience not necessary.
Address Northwestern Specialty Co.
501, 502, 504 Board of Trade, Port
land, Oregon.
Receipt books made to order at th
Enterprise office.
Harry Strlckler has sold his place
near here.
Dr. Townsend of Estacada has tak
en possession of his place near here
which he purchased recently.
A party was given at the home of
Ray Maliza last Thursday evening,
and a very pleasant time was had
by those attending. Refressments
were served at 2 o'clock and the hap
py crowd departed to their homes.
Those present were Misses Grace
Buttrlck, Zelma Lewis, Katherine
and Cora McLean, Carmen Sears,
Messrs. Alva and Loren Harris, Dan
and Archie Dickey, Robert Parks,
Jim Lewis, Allen McLean, Mr. and
Mrs Mel Burgess.
Mrs. Van Dickey Is slightly Improv
ed this week, but is still under the
care of the nurse.
A pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Melvin Burgess Saturday
by a number of Harmony and Pleasant
View young folks. Those who en-
Joyed the occasion were Misses Zel
ma Lewis, Grace and Ada Buttrlck,
Ethel Shepherd, Cora, Gertie and
Leta Barber, Love Burgess, Messrs,
Jim Lewis, Dan and Archie Dickey,
Robert Parks, Lester Barber. Jim
Cairns, Alvln and Loren Harris, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Maliza, Mr. and Mrs.
Emmitt Burgess.
Mr. Jones of Perrydale was a bus
iness visitor in Harmony last week.
Charley Burgess is the most indus
trious rustler in the county. He has
already located several land-seekers
in this community.
The Harmony school had Lincoln
field, Bridgeport, Fairvlew, Etna, Fir
Grove, Lone Star, Pioneer, Rock
Creek, Pleasant View,
H. C. Seymour.
School Superintendent of Polk
County, Oregon.
Graduate of the American School
er of the science .
of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
under Dr. A. T. Still, found-
Pneumonia Follows La Grippe
Pneumonia often follows la grippe
but never follows the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar, for la grippe coughs
and deep-set colds. Refuse any but
the genuine in the yellow package.
C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 Vlr
ginla Ave., Indianopolis, Ind., writes:
a was so weak from kidney trouble
that I could hardly walk a hundred
feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney
Remedy cleared my complexion, cure
my backache and the irregularities
disappeared, and can now attend to
business every day, and recommend
Foley's Kidney Remedy to all suf
ferers, as it cured after the doctors
and other remedies had failed. P. M
PA one 791 if Rooms 7 &
Davenport's Story.
Human Life for February is out
with another installment of Homer
Davenport's story of his early life in
Oregon. Every Oregonian should read
it. See our offer of this unusually In
interesting magazine, Human Life, on
another page. Read the ad. "The
Oregon Magazine Hit of 1909." This
magazine is absolutely free to new
subscribers or to old subscribers who
pay a year in advance.
Steele's Ferry
Buena Vista, Oregon.
The ferry that crosses the
Most direct route to Jefferson,
Sclo, Shedburne, Salem and Al
bany from all points in South
ern and Central Polk eoanty.
Foley's Honey and Tar clears the
air passages, stops the irritation in
the throat, soothes the Inflamed mem
branes, and the most obstinate cough
disappears. Sore and inflamed lungs
are healed and strengthened, and the
cold is expelled from the system. Re
fuse any but the genuine in the yel
low package. P. M. Kirklani.
atone th rimh aa&t Hla lmnga
CftamberlSi'ifs Qim Rhip