What Ails You? tV M teal mI, tireJ, A saaReaajpei W -BieBWBBBBea; eaaaBF ark, eoelel teafaa, HIr af fca la.ie la imiw, "aaarl eara," aUki4 i M, aw 4 riia M larval ifttr aeltal. loeecfc h ef r, aJ r.lk, aStaay twll, poar variable ej4iie( aeaaa liaM aa4 am4re4 yaiBlaat t It k Mf eaail JeeHe aaaer at lee a tare traa4aM yea ara f ria fraai eilne larpiJ f with UaMjaailae, ar a" Ti a. lit. fleree' fieUea MeaUaal Dtaaavar U aaae'e mp at lae aM eelaaele a4iaiaal aria.ialae kmi la aaediael xla far ie ra.a.al are af aaak eaeraal aa'illaae. Il U a aaeet sWeal Uvea iartereler, eleaaeea laaia. bawel Mttlaiar aa4 aecra Nraaftaeaar. Taa "CkIJ MadicaJ DUeaferr" wMi aeieat aoleie ftf aaeral eaar. Ml li.l o4 lu lairadteeta beia priet.d oa il kallle-wrepaar BUeale4 eaef oath. A glaaae al tkaaa will thaw thai il coaleiaa aa aleoaol, ar aerai tul aaBi-foriea d.. Il la a luid tilrael e.de Ma eere, Iriple-reaee4 tTMriae, c pmptf lraib, from Iha root, ol e.fWe Aai.nc.a edicl, toreat pleat. World's Dummmtt Meoioel Ataaeiatioa. Prtipi.. Buf.le, IX. I. A Comfortable Rome Within a stone's throw of of lhenew TllKh S.hool milhllnK Quo acre trait In Went Independence. highly improved. 7-room house, a barn, clib ken house. woodhoiiHw am other buildings. Half an ' strawberries and all kinds of o'li'-r frulta on tho place. I'rbe Qtu. Cha$. C. FicR$ Hflcnt IsA H3 L-i -A. S A non-intoxicant, pure and refresh ing beverage. Brewed from choice malt and hops. Those who USE IvIHSLjAS pronounce It absolutely the best mild, non-lntoxl. "'if drink a the market. Ask your dru.glBt for it. Also for Bale at the local soft drink establish ments. For prices write Salem Brewery Association SALir.l, - OREGON PEOPLE'S MARKET HECK & Proprietor Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season Phones, Home 610; Bell 693 Main Street Independence, Oregon A HOME COURSE IN AGRICULTURE , 11 - IV-Water In Its Relation to Plant Growth ByC. V. GREGORY Agricultural DlvUlon Iowa Stat College WB kt already 1 thin i.f Iha as a plant f" ..-I. nna of III Spray Your Trees Gideon Stolz Company of Salem degree Baume test. For sale by GIDEON STOUZ GOfJPflKY lrartif1 ir-! talua of watrr od. TJila U I only ona of Ha mlii..r iiw. Iiowrrcr. In addition I" waifr 1 t l.l. li In dwiuniMiaril by rln" ! u.hI In limllKil tan l and .l!T l'"- I u, i. many tm- " " u"' ' ' I i.ther run.-. tine of l f rl i l;.itl . df thi'iw l dlKnolvinj I1 larrjlnif II upward In tli' I-bt. Aft rr n-arhliiB Hip Irarra moot f th w- tor In vaMiraiMi. iraiuiK ' rrlla Ilia nialcrtala which H bnitiBht up. . ... The ci-lia or wiiin im m- - mad ara ery dcllcnic and M-nd fur routaln. Without tbl wkt uh-j would collBpMt In the aanie wny a in ctcI tin- d. wIhmi the air I l-l out. This la the vrrj thing- thnt hp'Mi when tha l-av-a wilt. 1 n rie 1 water from tb rot haa In-cn rlirt-Uwl In aoine way, mid aa evaporation all. I continue the lenf cells Usome nly ; PinpiliHl and alirluk up. ; The havca aro not entirely bclploK ( at uch a time, however. On cacti aide of the tiny pore on the ouaeraiue 01 , the leaf l ' known as a irunrd cell. When the supply of molature N-R-lna to fall, these guard cells shrink tip and In doing so close the opening, thus checking evaporation. In some Mania, like corn, the leaves curl p at such a time, thua stUl further lessen ing the rale of evaporation. Of course when a leaf Is wilted In this manner the work of building up plant tlaauca la aerlounly checked, lnia oueu pena during the dry weather of July and August, when the soil becomes ao dry thnt the roots have difficulty In obtaining the needed molHture. The chocking of development which results often reduces the yield of corn aa much as twenty to thirty bushels per acre and that or otner crop portlon. For every pounu 01 ui, ... in a nmtiirn nlnnt from 300 to NX) nounda of water have been brought " a up by the roots ana evapormru ...... the leaves. One of the moat impor- tnut factors in tho production 01 u maximum crop Is the maintenance of a plentiful water supply within eaaj renoh of the roots. There are three classes of water in . 11 mho Ant 1 a known as ground water and is thnt water which col lects In a hole dug In a wet sol or runs off through the tile In drained land The second 'is me cbiu'j water and Is that which Is left be- nnrt r PS Biter II1B rtimes hen a and Jen dry per4 fol lows a few weeks of excenxlve rain- fall. The abundance f moUture dur ing the early part of th season h ta kept the plant freni a-udltig their ruots down very f ep. When dry weatliir da coin, the aoll bakes Bnd rruU nd evaporation goes n vri ri,i-r This, together with the de mand made by the plants, lowers th" water table ao rapidly that rm.t growth cannot keep pace with It. Aa a result the capillary moisture within reach f the roots la not replsced s fat aa It la uaed. and the growth of the plants Is seriously checked. Fields with a clay subsoil wltbatand Jry weather much better than turn with a Bubaoll of sand or gravel. The latter, because of their looser texture. I H, Hirscbberi. Pre. A. Kelenn. Vice Pret. C. W. Ifflnt, Caah. - Hie Independence National Bank Incorporated 1889 Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on' Time Deposit Direoton: H. HiranKberg, A. Nelson, D. W. 8eart, B. F. Smith and J. K. Rhodes. THE NOBLE l A. MADISON, Prop. Cr tier I Mtiiner-ll and Hl hir-t NALK.M, OKKOON na. ix oovxuiao tub tili prrcn allow the water to filter down out of reach Instead of retaining it for fu ture use, aa do the clay soils. The farmer cannot Influence the amount of rainfall, of course. After the rain haa fallen, however, It be longs to him to do with as he sees fit The way he handles it from this time on determines to a large extent the size of the crop he will harvest when fall comes. The first problem Is to 6et Hd of the surplus ground water quickly, and the aecond is to waste as little of the cap illary water as possible. An endeavor should be made to lower the water four feet below the surface as soon as possible after each .! t an he accomplished in two 'or three days the growth of the crop will be lnterrerea wim tie A few soils are so well drained naturally that little artificial drainage On almost any fafin I there are hills and ridges where the tween me . mere mc . . rrhrt . kAit nrnvrn dii. . i a niin rrn ia Nil 1111 it:u i. uv " "v . l. nror. i . tl,A.A a avoHnnn. how- I hollows oeiweeu iu- -- gruUUU ait-i - ter is affected by grav- itation, wiuie tne capiuuij - not. ... If a sample of soli that iooks pei ia ninori In nu oven and heated for some time It will be found that Is has lost considerably in weight, owing to moisture being driven off. This is the third class, or Wuip moisture. This, of course, Is of no ralue to the plant, since the roots cannot extract moisture from an nlr dry soil. Neither can tney use me ground water, this is age in the upper two or three feet of soil, since it ao fills the spaces that the roots cannot get enough air. During a rain the ground water passing through the soil draws con- siderable air witn it. as Dallas Steam Lanndry Best "Work Guaranteed Basket leaves Tuesday 6 p m and returns hriday Clee Robinson Agent Independence:, Obeoos A. C MACER3. Pai TELEPHONE MAIN 173 Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS ... .a-nMAt enractTT I4B-IS6 S. COMMERCIAL STREET XATFM . OREGON Salem, Oregon no. vm-HOW tile drains apfect thb tS, surfac. . .round; W watjrta. Ytt a. flrrounu wmci , - soil becomes saturated, however, so that the water Is no longer moving, the air soon becomes used up. and the m TTniir.ro nnd cease to grow. Tho remedy, of course, is to provide drains to remove tne gruuuu .na nlllllr I XT The only kind of water which the roots can use is tne capmuiy When this is present in the right -m..r if fliin about half of the spaces between the soli particles. The the rest are tinea wun a". easily dissolves plaot food from the soil grains which It surrounds. Thus the two essentials for rapid root de velopment, air and plant food, are present in the proper aiuuum a readily available form. As fast as the water is taken up Dy more is brought up by capillarity from the supply In the subsoil in the man- . il.,l. XTrt. O ner noted in aruoe .w. , The place where the "PU.ary J.- , TT T7 AN C E -lN ... i.r rail on or write to Anyone wishing good reliau.e xuo """" " 8 E DUSH. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON r mate Merchants Mutual of Portland, and the Agent for Beaver State , M Banners mci ever, and all the flat fields will yield much larger crops u uw. The distance a line oi uie -. Qr.na often as far as 100 IS III MUUj " , foot on each side, while In heavy clay soils It may not be more tuau feet This distance Is also affected by . ih tile. The deeper they are placed the farther they will draw. Tile are usually piaceu depth of about three feet, though In many instances four would be better. The extra cost of digging the ditch a foot deeper is something of an objec tion, but is balanced ny ""- the lines of tile do not need to be as close together. Deep tile are not as easily displaced by freezing, and a deeper feeding ground for the roots is PTltake made more frequently '.. mitHnr the drains in deep enough Is that of using too , .maU tile. The character oi me and the amount of surface drained are the factors wbicn largely U the proper size to use. Almost every book or bulletin of tile drainage gives tables for figuring tne size oulred under various conditions. If there is any doubt It always pays to get a size too lnrfre rather than a size too small, even if the cost Is a little more. . - It Is usually better to let the Job or tiling to a contractor rather than to at tempt to do it yourself. There are re-..-,.1- n. in nimoKt every locality who can be depended upon to lay the tile to grade and do a first class job m every particular. Only the hard burn , X.,. u naorl These will last ea uic buuuiu w " . for a lifeUme or longer u proper yut in When tile go within fifteen or twenty feet of trees the Joints should be cemented. Otherwise the tree roots will find their way through the joints and fill up the drains to such an extent that the flow of water will be cut off. The most Important part of a drain age system is the outlet. The tile should empty into a stream if possible. Water should not be allowed to stand over the mouth of the outlet if It can be avoided, as this checks the current and causes the drain io piu, with silt, thus reducing its capacity COTTAGE HOTEL Mrs. J. t. taiger, rropnetor Special attention to Commercial and College Organizations. Salem, Or. Telephone and meuengar aa-rica at hotel 160 Court Street Telephone 209 Main. Wholesale Family Liquor Store PHONE MAIN 103 144 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon FRESH GOOD8 are liked best by a good many to bacco connolseura. Those which are freshly made are soft, sweet-scented, burn even and last longer than those .i.iv, allowed to dry out thor- ITUlU w - 1 " Fact Is, we sell hunareas oi direct to consumers on tnia If you are fond of a good try one made by oughly. cigars account. cigar, SALEM CIGAR FACTORY Salem, Oregon. XUB jimwo - j-i ... m.nimii water Is called tne 1U1UB l"C , water table. If this water table Is too high, tho feeding ground of the roots is greatly restricted, since they cannot go below It. If, on the other hand the water table Is too deep, capillarity cannot bring the water up as fast as It is used by the roots. In dry weather the water table low ers rapidly, but the roots are also growing downward at the same lime. The greatest damage from drought urifv. o i,.miip-h svstem of tile drain age In good working ordor the problem of getting rid or sunu "a,cl " solved. Tiling also helps to solve the problem of lack of water. The roots go down so much deeper In a tiled soil that they are in position to with stand a drought better than if they were a foot or two farther above the water table. Removing the surplus water by drainage also hastens the warming of the soil Iti the spring. "cfe'estmjrant Mesdames Hart and Kaglin, Proprietors Board by Day, Week or Month. Meal Tickets Sold. INDEPENDENCE, OllEGON Ideal For a Town to Work For. The suburban town of Rldgewood, -r i i.,i miirin for It a very care- IN. J., IMS . - ... ful study of Its Improvement possibili ties The report Is a long one, for It r; evory pbnse of . thesubjecland presents to the town an meui io for-an ideal that is practicable and that would certainly make it the sub urb beautiful and incidentally prosper ous. But the plea Is put on higher ground than the commercial. The re port was financed by public subscrip tion through the board of trade and thus is interesting as a response to a popular demand. Hexamethylenetetramlne. The above is the name of a Goraia chemical, which is one of the many valuabe Ingredients of Foley's Kid ney Remedy. Hexamethylonetetramin is recognized by medical text hooks and authorities as a uric acid solveut and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as. you notice any Irregularities, and a vol' a serious malady. P. M. Klrlt lanu. All kinds of logal blanks for sale at this office.