Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 29, 1909, Image 8

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K4 Hub.
l4wn Tueedsy
of Monmouth wu in
' Crosby !slton was t Monoioutu
lUr Wednesdsy.
Ouy Walker spnt th flint f lh
wk la rortUnd,
I. M. Sisals of Alrlte In the
city the first of the wk.
Mr. atid Mr. D. A. Uodgi ?r
Bslcin visitors Wednesday.
George Kuet made a shipment of
hog to Portland this week.
o -
Wiu. Meljuighlln of Albany was In
the cliy the firm of the week.
J. C. Moore of McMlnnvlllo was
in the city the first of the week.
Walter Dalton of Alrlle Is vision
with friends in tula city thin k.
lr. J.L. Callaway wt at'cndljiji to
business matters at Albany tills week.
O. W. Mill of rail City 0
town Wednesday.
p.- "' -Mabel
Porterfleld w an Independ
ence lUor Wednesday.
M. L. McOowen waa in town Wd
nesdsy from hla farm home.
Jack Hall of Huena Vista wa an
IndejMiideuc4 visitor the first of th
John Dohanmm and family are via
itltiK frlenhs and rtelatlves this wek
at Astoria
An orchestra dance Saturday night.
February 6. Postponed from tomor
row night.
S. It. McKliuurry was transacting
busiuesg in Independence Wednes
day. o
Late Klitseth and Harry Dyers of
Dallas were Independence visitors last
Hank Mattlson attended the legls
lative session in Salem a few dayi
this week.
Lehman Urothera, of the Alrlle
.iMintrv re transacting business In
Independence Wednesday.
Ed Itugley and It. W. Wheeler, two
v.niiiir men of the Suver country, vis-
ited Independence Saturday.
Mrs. Oscar Johnson of Salem U
vUitlmr In ililn cltv ut the home of
her brother. Dr. W. H. Allin.
J. H. Lauterman. an insurance man
of Salem, was looking for business
his line in this city this week.
William Mackey, from over the rlv
er on tha Marlon aide, was in town
Saturday nlcht dance has been
postponed. Be ready for next Satur
day a week.
Mrs. Dole Woods-Warren of Port
land was an Independence visitor the
first of the week.
Mrs. Sarah Woods of McMlns.;:le
was visiting with friends in this city
a few days during the last week.
J. C. Kilpath. of the Boys and
Cirls Aid Society of Portland, was in
Independence the first of the week.
' Miss Sheppard of Monmouth at
tended a akating party at the audito
rinm in this city Wednesday evening.
The orchestra dance which was to
have been given tomorrow night has
been postponed until week after Sat
urday. o
Oscar Hayter, one of the leading
attorneys of Dallas, was attending to
business matters in this city Wed
nesday. o
Mrs. H. D. Buffin, who has been
seriously indisposed for sometime
past, is reported to be much im
proved. o
lUV WaiCOH auu UVUIKO uivumuwi
of the Alrlie country were among rAjTZ
dependence visitors from that section M ' Th ' u
Special Evalgelist meetings at the desire tc . have the .upport , all In-
BaDtlst church, conducted by the pas
tor, Rev. I. S. Leonard. A hearty
welcome to all.
Harold Fitchard visited last week
for a day or two with his parents in
this city. Harold is a student in
Columbia College at Portland.
. o ;
Harry B. Wagoner, a real estate
dealer of Portland and former In
dependence man, is in this city vis
iting at the home of his sister, Mrs.
W. R. Allin.
Mrs. J. N. Tharp of Portland visit
ed over Saturday with her children,
Claire and Bertha Tharpe, of this
city. Mrs. Tharp is well pleased with
her new home in Portland.
.. . o
M. Merwin, our postmaster, gave
an interesting and entertaining talk
to the pupils in the eighth, ninth and
tenth grades Wednesday morning on
postal regulations and postal forms.
During the last month several "new
pupils have entered school here.
Two girls by the name of Sherman,
who came to this city from Corvallis,
and two others from Eastern Oregon
are among the additions to the
. .. 0
Members of the Konjociti Club were
delightfully entertained by Mesdames
G. G. Walker and Pearl Hedges at
the home of Mrs. Walker last Satur
day evening. The evening was pleas
antly spent at five hundred. A chaf
ing dish luncheon was one of the
pleasant features of the entertain
ment. Those present were the Mes
dames Claire Irvine, Florence Whit-
eaker, Van Dornsife, Mabel Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. lllnkle of Co
mills ri visitine with relatives and
friends In Independence this week.
n T Murnhv was In town Wed-
nisi!.iv from hla farm south of town.
He was accompanied by his family.
A dance was given Saturday last
by an impromptu orchestra which w
much enjoyed by those in attendant
The orchestra dance which was to
have been given tomorrow night has
been postponed until week after Sat
r.wirim Hall of New-berg was In
town this week. He was looking ov
th country with a view of locating
The high school committee has de
cided on a site for the location of
the school the Palmer tract, betwee
this city and Monmouth.
Three of the eighth grade pupils
of the Independence schools took the
state examination last week, and
about twenty-five will be ready to
take it in May.
John Layton died at his home near
PhHnmath last. Friday. He was an
aged an respected citizen of that lo
cality. The assemblage which at
tended his funeral was one of the
largest seen there in some time.
Although the water and steam pipes
in the school building were kept from
freezing during the late cold spell,
some of the steam pipes later devel
oped leaks that slightly disfigured the
building. The old pipes have been in
use almost twenty years.
Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows at
Wade & Co. All kinds of Oliver
repairs on hand.
Wanted A house to rent. About
seven rooms, with ground for garden.
Apply at the Enterprise office.
Four horse power upright gasoline
engines for sale by S. Muhleman.
Phone 665, Independence. 33tf.
The Wonderland Theatre has op
ened under new management. We
have extra fine set of pictures and
songs. 3-"-1
Wood for sale Second growth at
$3.50, old growth $4.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
Fer Sale Gasoline wood saw,
complete and ready to commence
business. For Information call on
S. Muhleman, Independence, Ore. 32tf
Remember .the days Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. Matinee
and evening Sunday. Wonderland
Theatre. 2tf-
chased the city restaurant. They will
give a better service than ever and
were operating at Amity l uesoay tne Cq accounts owlng by me
first of the week. Report. i or tneir . be on presentation of bi
operations were not obtainable in this Williams Drua
office, but it is understood that little
valuables were secured. Sherif Grant
was in Independence Wednesday and
stated that he had not been inform-
nff,-oiir -ho mUoru Tho m- Pills. Thev are for weak back, back
aJUt, ui.vicuj vji bi. t j tj j - I
Pearl mor has it that the bandits secured a ache, rheumatic pains and all kidney
jjoren vvauu, tu -. -i ... , .
Hedges and G. G. Walker; Misses handcar on which they came to Rick- and bladder troubles
Boaaia Rntler Bertha Bohannon, Myr- real! where they abandoned the car antiseptic. Ke
tie Hastings, and Mary Scholard. I and took to the country. I by D. G. Dove.
ratrontte our advwtUwa.
. O -'-
Ir. Allin. Dntlt, Cooler Hldfc U
, m O ' - ,
All kind of legal blank for nalo
at this office.
Genuta BuT Nut brd at Ir
vine's Ureeery.
' u
Portland bread froU every day at
trvlus's Grocery. U
Dr. Dusaune, Dentist, over Inde
pendence National Bank. tf.
-- " o
A good pair of reading; kI
sen $1.00 at Kramer's. tf
- o
Wanted To buy a team. Call al
Moore's Cash Store.
Wheu you want your harness re
paired take It to It. M. Wade &
For Sale One HkIiI wagon, almost
new. See John Uobblns, Independ
ence, Orej-.on.
l.atiKh and the world will la"h
with Wonderland Theatre. (New
management.) 2!tf.
An orchestra dance Saturday nlwht.
February 6. Postponed from tomor
row night.
Note Wade & Co's ad. Wo alHO
have Whips, Robes and Sweat Pads
of all sizes.
The last to do for aeparted friemas,
provide them with the best robes
and easkets. Jasperson keeps them
at reasonable prices. tf.
New sewing mackiaes, fnlly war
ranted, from $111.75 to $25.00, also
supplies for your gasoline lamps may
be had from H. H. Jasperson. tf.
Wanted. To buy one or two good
work horses. Must be well broke and
cheap for cash. J. H. Lawrence, In
dependence, Oregon; north end foot
Good double set second hand har
ness, nearly new, for sale or will
trade for wagon. For Information see
H. Lawrence, north end foot bridge
Independence, Oregon.
New up-to-date caskets and coffins,
burial robes, special line of trim
mings for Catholics, G. A. R. and
secret orders obtained from H. H.
Jasperson. tf.
dependence people who have patron
age to dispensn.
The teachers and pupils of the In
dependence public schools are busily
engaged in preparation for an enter
tainment to celebrate the hundredth
anniversary of the birth of Lincoln.
It will be largely patriotic and will be
attended largely as all such occasions
are when the boys and girls appear.
Twenty-four volumes of good books
have been added to the school libra
ry lately. These are much appreciat
ed by the boys and girls. More books
will arrive from the east soon, and
later in the year it is expected that
the library can be still further in
creased. The library is being well
patronized by the pupils.
. -o
Kstto in iha ifhth. ninth
and tenth grades in the Independ- tastes nearly as good as maple SHgar
ence schools are beginning to study jt cures the cold by gently moving th
tho nnestion for the first debate of bowels and at the same time it is
the county league. The executive SOothing for throat irritation, thereby
committee has sent out the following stopping the cough. Sold by D. G.
question: "Resolved that the schools m0ve.
of each county in the state snoum De
Placed under a county board of direc
tors, and should be supported by a
countv." According to the present
schedule Independence will meet Mon-
Kodol digests all the food you eat.
you will take Kodol for a little
while you will no longer have Indi
gestion. It is pleasant to take, acts
promptly. Sold by D. G. Dove.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
Independence, Ore., Jan. 1, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that I have
mouth the last week in February in this day sold my drug store to The
Williams Drug Co. All outstanding
accounts up to and including date of
, this notice are due and payable to
It is reported that safe crackers ihp nfr,oa ot Th Williams
said office of The Williams Drug
32-6 D. G. DOVE.
Take DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder
Soothing and
Regular size 60c. Sold
Tvt laUata uid Ckiktna.
M Yea Hats Atop Bctil
Bear the
aenrrsl' Msnsjsr O Urlsn. of the
lUrrtmsn lines, upon Ms return to
Portland from sn extended trip Kant.
Hid: "Authority will probably be
tven us lo start work on the Central
;reRon line within the next two
months." Three different lln.n Into
Interior Oregon are belnu considered
for the llarrlmsn line. One l up
ihe IVKchutew. another outh from
Shanlko and a third In the extemm.n
of the Corvallis Knstern enst from
Detroit, nrro the miminll of the
Cimcades neur Mount Jefferson and
thence down Into the Cettral Oregon
prairies to Kcdmoml. the center of
the Deschutes lrH:;ted district.
"I hereby Irmruct and direct my
said executor to erect a toinl.Htono
at my grave, and I wish him to have
engraved thereon In bold let (em Ihn
word. 'I have no deulre for Heaven
ntul no fear of Hell.'" ThlH Is
the inieer Instruction given In tho
.i;;t will of James W. Logan, which
has been admitted to probate In the
Multnomah county court.
A message has been received nt
Heed Klver from Washington. I). C.
stating that a concurrent resolution
was passed in the I'nlted Stales sen
ate directing the secretary of war lo
have a survey and estimate mnde In
regard to dredging out th channel
of tho Columbia river opposite the
city. In order to provide a permanent
harbor there.
llryun it. Dorr, on whom the spot
light of national publicity has been
thrown as n result of the wur be
tween President Roosevelt and Sena
tor Tillman, announces his Intention
of bringing suit against the South
Carolina senator for $100,000 for
malicious libel. Mr. Dorr Is presi
dent of the St. Paul & Pacific Timber
Representative Hawley has secured
the passage through the house of his
bill to pay volunteers of the Cayuso
Indian War who have not heretofore
been compensated for their services.
The bill carries an appropriation of
$1500. which will be distributed at
the rate of $5.50 for each day's ser
vice during the war of 1847-1848.
Ke4o! for ytpesta hI U4lo
will 4tet ssy and N f4 st as
sss all tlsM. Ksdel Is iursstix4 I
live prnmi n-Urf. Hsla f l U
('mo la aa4 M us seH yott
Ik4 pair of sines. You will B"hI
then Iks WOW bxtftli to melt.
The kes( at ('sMkr. Wslkr I h
maa'a. 38-4,
In Modern Agriculture
By C. V. Crsgory
Of tint Agricultural Division of the Iowa State Cnll'K
Covering the Course of Study Fol
lowed bv Iowa State College
with lis gr. atly hicr. used yields lias
arousi-d strong Interest anion fann
ers throughout Ho- country. So gr'(
ly was Governor Dcnci-n Impressed
with the Importance of the subject
v, In 'il h" atteudi-il the Illinois t'ol'tl
Show In Springfield recently that he
decided to enter tho Agricultural
School at the I'nlverslty of Illinois
to take up the course, as told In the
press dispatches. These articles will
give our renders at home whnt the
governor gets In college.
Knowledge Worth Many Dollars to
Farmers of Polk County
Upsides the practical value of these
articles, they are very Interesting, re
vealing the magic of chemistry as
seen In growing things.
Independence Enterprise
The Progressive Paper.
in the kitchen. Cut out half of the time
and steps taken in preparing the meals.
Economize time and strength and the kitchen end of
life will lose its terror. We can help you.
The House Furnishing Company
177 Liberty Street SALEM, OREGON