Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 01, 1909, Image 3

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Fur Scarfs and Muffs
R educed
Our entire stoc!:, with
out reserve, comprising
all high-grade Mink,
Fox, etc., as well as the
moderate priced lines.
this is SAID
.Mix Thla Simple, Helpful Recipe at
Home and Try It, Anyway.
Get from any prescription pharma
clHt the following:
Kluld Extract Dandelion, one-half
puuee; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three
Shake well In a bottle and take a
'.teatipoonful dose after each meal and
at bedtime.
The above la considered as the
most certain prescription ever writ
ten to relieve backache, kidney trou
ble, weak bladder and all forms of
urinary difficulties. This mixture
.nets promptly on the ellmlnative tls
sues of the kidneys, enabling them to
fUer and strain the uric acid and
other waste matter from the blood
w hlch causeB rheumatism.
Some persons who suffer with the
afflictions may not feel inclined to
place much confidence in thlB simple
mixture, yet those who have tried it
bay the results are simply surprising,
the relief being effected without the
slightest injury to the stomach or oth
fr organs.
Mix some and give It a trial. It
.certainly comes highly recommended.
Jt Is the prescription of an eminent
authority, whose entire reputation, it
is said, was established by It.
A druggist here at home, when
asked, stated that he could elthet
supply the ingredients or mix the pre
scrlptlon for our readers, also recom
mends it as harmless.
Rodney L. West, of Portland, died
of ptomaine poisoning after eating
bis Christmas dinner. None of the
family were affected and Just what
portion of the food contained the
poison germs is unknown.
The family of Walter Johnson,
now at the Salem penKentiary await
ing execution by hanging, as a pen
alty for the murder of Elmer Per
due, will make every effort to have
Governor Chamberlain commute the
sentence to life Imprisonment.
The third annual convention of
the Oregon National Guard was held
In Portland Monday, In the armory.
Addresses .were delivered by mem
bers of the organization and regular
(trmy covering matters pertaining to
tbe National Guard and the military
profession and were of exceptional
Great Holiday Sale
Of ail Our Indies" Soils, Sklrrs, Furs, Coals
from on MMH aftar the holidays we ara cftflnB bir8ilnt In ready
l,.r goods that surpsis all former efforts to unload a big stock
Fur Coats Reduced
l.'lack fur CoaU, lined throughout wwlth Skinner's stln, 14ft
valuaa, reduced to
Brown Fur Coats, Hnad throughout with aatln, rajular 129
valua for
Black Fur Coat, Hnad with high-grade tatln, 1 10
valuaa for
Verry Classy Black Coala, ragular $30 valuta
raducad to
J L Stockton
By Word of Mouth.
There in a certain youth who recent
ly became eiitfiitfod to a very awect
young girl who for all her sweetness
is well Hupplled with spirit. This
youlh evidently thought he had the
entire game neatly printed In a book
and determined to lieud off the uhua!
"Am I the only glrir etc., queries,
for, taking her in bis arms, be said
gently, but (Irmly:
"Now, sweetheart, I might as well
tell you at the start you are not the
only girl I have ever kissed." .
"Well, maybe not," she retorted, "but
you still have much to learn about It."
Harper's Weekly.
A Chrlatmaa Gift Hint.
My dear (Ml this In with the name
of the recipient), please accept this lit
tle with best wishes for a merry
Christmas. I hope It Is something that
you really didn't need, because to pre
sent you with anything useful would
be a reflection on your own ability to
provide for yourself. I sincerely trust
that it is not more valuable than the
thing that you will present to me. In
the firm belief that you will be able to
exchange It soon, offer It as a prize at a
card party or put It in some place
whore you will not linvo to pay stor
age upon K. 1 nm. etc.-New York Ufa.
Tha Wry cf Tr: i Love.
Three or four v.-:-.-'. ill'..." her
henrt broken. Tv.l. ;-r wt :''i n'e Ii
out. But hereupon hi e wns turned
"I've lind my Mir,'!" she exclaimed
sadly and added, with a sigh, "I sup
pose I must marry." And so she gave
her henrt to the first man who hap
pened along and lived happily ever
after. ruck.
Breaking It Gently.
"George, deur, did you see this hand
some vase I got for my birthday?"
"No. Where is it?"
"Here it is, George."
"Very pretty. Who gave it to you?"
"Don't you know?"
"I'll give it up."
"Why, you did, George I" New York
That's What Hurt.
"See here," feebly complained the
victim after the accident, "I thought
you said it was perfectly safe to go
up In that old elevator?"
"Well," replied the elevator man, "so
it was safe to go up. You see, the
dangerous part of it was coming
down." Catholic Standard and Times.
8evare on Hia Throat.
"lea, ma'am, the las' Job I had wus
hard on me poor throat."
j "What was the Job?"
' "It wus at a home fer friendless
dogs, ma'am. I wuz engaged to bark
a friendly welcome to the homesick
dogs thet felt lonesome, ma'am."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
s r.r-.
W ft :
tkj4AJ .ij SUITS
Misery From an Upset Stomach Van
ishes Five Minutes Later.
Why not start now today, and for
ever rid yourself of stomach trouble
and Indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets the blues and grumbles. Give it
a good eat, then take Pape's Diapep
sin to start the digestive Juices work
ing. There will be no dyspepsia or
belching of gas or eructations of undi
gested food; no feeling like a lump
of lead in the stomach or heartburn,
sick headache and dizziness, and your
food will not ferment and poison your
breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cts.
for a large case at any drug store
here, and will relieve the most obstin
ate case of indigestion and upset
stomach in five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
gas from stomach and cleanse the
stomach and Intestines, and besides,
one trlangule will digest and "prepare
for assimilation into the blood all your
food the same as a sound, healthy
stomach would do it.
When Diapepsin works, your stom
ach rests gets Itself In order, cleans
up and then you feel like eating
when you come to the table, and
what you eat will do you good.
Absolute relief from all stomach
misery is waiting for you as soon as
you decide to begin taking Diapepsin.
Tell your druggist that you want
Pane's Diapepsin, because you want
to be thoroughly cured of indigestion.
Buys Hops at Seven Cents.
Hop deals consummated Friday
show an upward tendency in the mar
ket. Kola Neis purchased the entire
output of Miles Porterfleld, 150 bales,
and the output of John R. Cooper,
250 bales, for 7 cents a pound. This
is one of the best sales reported re
cently and the price is far above the
average. All of the hops indicated in
these sales are of prime variety.
Growers argue from this tendency
among well-known and extensive hop
dealers to purchase at this price that
the market Is materially weakening.
You will not miss it if you buy a
sack of White Lily flour. For sale at
Irvine's Grocery. 24-31
1 ''tt.
IIM.lVi JAM. 1.
Departure of l ulled Hut Furcr
Maria Actunl ludrpraulrare
of UUad.
Havana. !!. . New Year's day
III ltnrj tha beginning of tha
evacuation of Cuba by tha army of
pai'l neat Ion, which has bwn In pos
sesion of tha Inland since tha begin
ning of lie pMUi'i. BuvornniKOt
In (J. K.In d, lliufl. Tha Drat provis
ional regiment of marines, number
ing: 800, whlih will be anions the
flrt troops to leave, ara now con
centrating from various poais at
Camp Columbia.
About half this regiment will sail
In January on iho cruiser I'rslrte,
which arrived h"r CbrUimss eve.
bound for Newport Nes. The Prai
rie will return about middle of
tha monib. and embark lh remain
der. Tim final embarkation will not
occur ii n ; 1 1 April 1.
The purpose In deferring Ihe de
parture of the portion of tho 17th
Infaniry until April 1 has bt-en the
subject of considerable speculation,
but it is believed this wan atireed
upon at a conference between Gov
ernor JIukooii aud Prexldenl-elect
Gjiih x. Cubuns aro greatly pleased
by the departure of the American
forces, an marking tho complete es
tablishment of Independence. AH
show the kindest feelings toward the
Korean found guilty of murder In
the second degree at San Francisco,
last week, for the killing of D. W.
Stevens, the American who was Ja
pan's adviser in Korea.
Congressional Investigators Sail for
Colon From Charleston, S. C.
Charleston, S. C, Dec. 2 8. The
14 members of the house committee
on lnterntate and foreign commerce,
who are going to Panama to investi
gate the canal work, sailed from here
today on the Panama line steamer
They wIU reach Colon on Jan. 1
and will spend four or five days on
the Isthmus. The arrangemente for
their return have not been made, but
they will leave in time to be back in
Washington on Jan. 14.
Virginia City, Mont., Dec. 28.
This city was shaken by the severest
of the series of seismic disturbances
that have been going on for more
than a week, at 4:30 o'clock Sunday
The electric power and light plant
was put out of commission. This
plant is located 10 miles distant from
Virginia Ctty, and as telephonic com
munication with it has been inter
rupted, it is impossible at this time
to ascertain the extent of the dam
age done. During the past week this
city has experienced more than 30
earthquakes, in which the earth
movements have been very pro
Washington, Dec. 28. It was an
nounced at the White House that a
conference looking toward the con
servation of the natural resources
of North America will be held at tha
W'hlte House, February 18 next.
Letters suggesting the plans have
been addressed by President Roose
velt to the Governor-General and to
the Premier of Canada, and to Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico. They will be
delivered to the officials in person
by Gifford Plnchot, chairman of the
National Conservation Commission
and Forester of the United States.
Burglars Take Fine Silk.
San Francisco. Dec. 27. While
the proprietors were enjoying Christ
mas festivities burglars broke into
the establishment of Koenlg & Col
lins and hauled away in a wagon
silks, satins, suits and valuable cos
tumes and finery estimated at J5000.
( 3otT" '
Is Us Circuit Court of ta Stata of
Dragon for tha County of folk.
Alma Art I'almer, plaintiff,
tthel V. JarJoo, Artnealua P. Jor
don, Cora Ulayda Jordon ami
Larnr V. Jordua lofaiita, by
their guardian Arrhealua M. Jur
don. and Vertl Uro wn. Roy
llrown and Wua Urovit Infanta,
1 their guardian, Eugeoa Palm
er, Defendant .
Department No X.
To, Ethel V. Jordon, Archealus P.
Jordon, Cora Ulayds Jordon nd Law
renca V. Jordon Infanta, and their
guardian Aribealua W. Jordon.
In the name of tha Btata of Ore
gon :
You and 'h of you, ara
hereby required to appear and an
swer tha complaint filed againat you
In tbe above entitled suit on or be
fore Thursday, the 7th day of Janua '
ry. l09;that being the lat day for!
your appearance or ansatr by you. j
And If you fall so to appear aud an- j
swer the same for want thereof, the;
plaintiff will apply to the Court forj
a decree atsalnst you.and each of you i
for the relief prayed for In plaintiffs
complaint herein, to-wlt: j
For the reformation of the descrip
tion of the land devised by Almou 11. (
Palmer In bis hut will to William'
P. Palmer and Lou Kuima Palmer,,
and the description of said premises j
in the records aud proceedings of the
administration of the estate of said.
Almon II. 1'alun r In the County Court
of the state of Oregon for the coun
ty of Polk, and reforming the same
to read as follows:
Beginning at tbe aouth-weat corner
of the donation land claim of S. L.
Campbell No. 64, Not. No. 2273 in
T. 8 S. of R. G West of the Willam
ette Meridian In Polk county, Ore
gon. Thence north 160 rods; thence
east 25 6-19 rods; thence south 14
rods; thence east 74 14-19 rods thence
south 146 rods; thence west 100 rods
to the place of beginning.
Second. For the reformation of the
description of Uie premises belonging
to the estate of William P. Palmer,
deceased, wherever the same oc
curs In the administration of the es
tate of said William P. Palmer, de
ceased, In the county court of the
state of Oregon for the county of
Polk, in the record entries thereof
and in the administrator's deed to
this plaintiff as purchaser of said
premises and reforming the same to
read as follows:
The south one-third of the follow
ing described premises: Beginning
at the south-west corner of the do
nation land claim of S. L. Campbell
No. 64 Not. No. 2273 in T. 8 S. of R.
5 west of the Willamette Meridian in
Polk county, Oregon. Thence north
160 rods; thence east 25 5-19 rods;
thence south 14 rods; thence east 74
14-19 rods; thence south 146 rods;
thence west 100 rods to the place
of beginning.
Third. For the reformation of the
description of the lands belonging to
the estate of Lou Emma Palmer, de
ceased, wherever the same occurs In
the administration of the estate of
said Lou Emma Palmer, deceased, in
the county court of the state of Or
egon for the county of Polk, In the
record entries of said court, and in
the administrators' deed to this
plaintiff of said premises, and re
forming the same to read as follows:
The north one-third of the follow
ing described premises:
Beginning at the south-west cor
ner of the donation land claim of S.
L. Campbell No. 64 Not. No. 2273, in
T. 8 S. of R. 5 W. of the Willamette
Meridian in Polk county, Oregon,.
Thence north 160 rods; thence east
25 5-19 rods; thence south 14 rods;
thence east 74 14-19 rods; thence
south 146 rods; thence west 100 rods
to the place of beginning.
And that plaintiff be adjudged and
decreed to be the owner in fee sim
ple of all said premises.
This summons is published for six
consecutive weeks in the Indepen
dence Enterprise by order of the
Hon. Ed F. Coad, judge of the
county court of the state of Oregon
for the county of Polk. Which said
order was made at chambers in the
city of Dallas in said county and
state on the 23rd day of November,
1908. The date of the first publica
tion of this summons is November
26th,1908, and the date of the last
publication thereof is the 7th day" of
January, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Don't Get a Divorce.
A western Judge granted a divorce
on account of ill-temper and bad
breath. Dr. King's New Life Pills
would have prevented it. They cure
constipation, causing bad breath and
liver trouble, the ill temper, dispel
colds, banish headaches, conquer
chills. 25c at all druggists.
New up-to-date caskets and coffins,
burial robes, special line of trim
mings for Catholics, G. A. R. and
secret orders obtained from H. H.
Jasperson. f-
Now Is the time
1 K tialt '
WUa aauimor ttaa paaaed
la tle northern atatea,
H is only tutld under
Iho MUbi blue sklea of
Pou-bcrn California. This
s cne of natura'a happy
proUiii a eternal auru
Mt lor toosa who ran not
endure a mora sevtra ell
irate. California baa been called
the "Mecca of tha winter
tourist." It'a hotels and
stopping places ara as
varied as thoaa of all well
regulated cities. Visitors
can always find suitable
accommodationa, congenial
companiona, and varied
pleasing reereatlona.
Will be glad to supply some
very attractive literature,
describing In detail the
many delights of winter In
The rata from Independence
to Los Angeles and return
Is $58.90.
Limit six months, allowing
stopovers in cither direc
tion. Similar excursion
rales are in effect to all
California points.
For full Information, sleeping car
reservations and tickets, call on,
telegraph, or write G. A. Wilcox,
Agent, Independence, or Win. Mo
Murray. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Portland,
. . 1 .1 ri&llvfcflS
Train isom "'"Jt; . .,Umm
a. m.; leave MoumouUi :ld a. m.; arrive
UallMKtu a, m.
Train No US leave Independent d"y
. . . J a mm., n lit In . - -
IO:ou a. ra.: i .nu. -
arrive UJtOa. m.
Train No7t leave Indepeaaeno
p. m.; leave Munmouib S:30 p. tnA arrive um
la6:&5p. m.
Train No 73 leave Independence dally 2
p. in.; leaven Monmouth 2:50 p. in.; arrive
Alr!le3:A) p. ra.
Train No 65 leave Dalla dally IWWa. :
leave MoumouUi 8:55 a. m.; arrive Indepen
dence :15 a. ra. .. ,-A- .
Train No M leave Dalla dally 1:00 p. ra-.
leave Monniouin t.iuy. , r
dence 1:40 p. m. (Thl train connect at Moav-
moUlU lor Airuc
Train No 71 leave Dalla dally 7:85 P- n-:
leaves Monmouth 8 p. m.; arrive Independ
ence 8:15 p. in.
Train No 72 leave Alrlle dally 4:06 p. mi
leave Monmouth 4.40 p. m.; arrives Inde
pendence 4:55 p. ui
Do You Want to
Sell Your Farm?
Do you want to borrow money on
Write me.
I buy and sell, and lend money on.
Willamette Valley Farms at lowest
All correspondence confidentiaL
Failing Bldg., Portland.
Tub and Shower Baths in Connection
Independence, Ore.
GL Hawkins
Dallas, Ore.
garble and
Nionumenteand Head
stones Cemetery
work etc.
mmmt - m m m w
atom tK rah - ! "