H, Hfrtchkrj, Pre A.N.W, VI. Pr a W, Irwina, Cab. The Independence National Bank Incorporated 1889 Transacts a Genera! Banking Business Interest raid on Time Deposit Director: H. HlraohUri. A. Nelao-, D. W. 8ara, B. T. Smith and J. E. Rhodes. COTTAGE HOTEL Mr. J. F. Staiger, Proprietor Special attention to Commercial and College Organizations. Talcpkoae sad nunc mn al keU. 160 Cm) Stmt TWpixa. 209 KW A. C. MACERS, Pnri Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS 148-156 S. COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM ' OREGOX When You Sit Down To a Meal In this restaurant you are Mire it will be excellent as to food, cooking and service. The surroundings speak for themselves, and the bill of fare tells mutely of Ads eating at little prices. Come in and bring a friend or two along. You will all be . be pleased. White House Restaurant Wffl. McGachrut & Son, Propiirtora SALEM - - - OREGON I InT suranob Anyone wishing good reliable Fire Insurance Call on or write to S. E. BUSH, INDEPENDENCE, ORE. Agent for Eeaver State Merchants Mutual of Portland and the Bankers Merchant Mutual of Forest Grove. In connection with our hardware we have a large assortment of TEAM, CARRIAGE, AND BUGGY HARNESS for you to sel ect from. Every set of harness that leaves our shop Is guaranteed t against FLAWS and to be of first-class WORKMANSHIP. You run no risks when you buy from us. Harness of all kinds made to order. Repairing a Specialty. All sizes of BOSTON TEAM COLLARS on hands. We have the quantity, where quality is paramount. Yours for harness business, R. M.WADE & CO. W. E. CRAVEN, Mgr. Salem, Or. TELEPHONE MAIN 175 FRESH GOODS are liked best by a good many to bacco connoiseurs. Those which are freshly made are soft, sweet-scented, burn even and last longer than those which are allowed to dry out thor oughly. Fact is, we sell hundreds of cigars direct to consumers on this account. If you are fond of a good cigar, try one made by SALEM CIGAR FACTORY Salem, Oregon, INDEPENDENCE Gfc Winning of Edmonia. Br JANET CHRISTINE STEMEWS. Ooprrta-hUd. !. AaaocUiad" Liiaraiy !?. There waa nothing of th. knight r- rant about r.rvlval. lUiuucy. I lb ihuuehta of Edtuoula Turner, tuougnu wbk-h Invariably form! lbs frowulug background to Pervivaics waaiug boura, n was discouraging! and mod ruty Inoffensive. 8 be bad oar. stated succinctly, a. was Eduionls's way. that tb. only thing about blm that remotely augfest .i aixuiinir ui) fur Itself .was tb. cow. tick at tb. back of a squar. and other- a ft.. A wis. Irreproachably groonieu Th auhiact of tbla rather doubtful ap proval was secretly encouraged In tb. belief that th. cowllcK inuicaieu an aggreaalv. -.plrlt which seemed to b. tb. heroic attribute la th. Imagination of Edition la's set, Edmonla'a faiutly apprerlatlv. re mark had been Inaplred In her nwtb-r-a attic during- tb. rummaging of a rata bound houe. party, when, upon th. discovery or an ancient coai oi mall, F.rclval. bad pulled It out from under tb. eaves and bad fallen speed ily to calculating bow many chain dishcloths It would bav. mad. for Mrs. Turner'a carefully ordered kitchen. This was too much fur Edmonia. A man who could evolve dlsbclotba from the fabric of romanc. must be lacking tn the moat rudimentary Instincts of chivalry. It counted for naught with her that Percivalo Bonney wa. .vlnc ing a business ability that ninde bis father prouder every day or that she had never had a rival In bla loyal de votion to ber. Sbe dreamed of tb. clash of armor and th. risks of Joust and tourney, a Wotirht who should perform feats of arms for ber sake and rescue ber, If need be, from a tyrant'a might In tb. free wholesomeness of American so ciety the tyrant bad not appeared, and to do Edmonia Justice ah. really did care a great deal ror rercivaies allegiance, only she desired a more daring proof. It was therefore Incumbent upon thla thoroughly consistent young lady that she steel her heart against th. pleas Ins; picture which a tall, broad shoul dered, gray clad figure, bat off and ltirht hair tosslnar In the breeze, made against a morning sky on the first day of one of his erratic autumnal visits near her country home. Sbe accordingly let ber aisaainrui vianra dwell nnon his offensively rud dy cheek and Ignored his unaffected stare of astonishment at ner moaern pnnfnflcre. a brilliantly red automobile at a standstill upon the country road. "What, ho, Rebecca r he greetea ner whn within sneaking distance of where she sat in the crimson ram bler. "Armed cap-a-pie I see! Is the drawbridge down?" Edmonia smiled tolerantly ana gave him her band. nnt whv Hneer so far from the paternal castle? Has thy gentle pal frey gone lame?" Edmonia glanced suggestively dbck along the highway. "I'm waiting for a friend." She said it with conviction. The dusty road stretched in two long. undevlatlng lines In either direction. v .no wm in stent. Perclval's gaze abandoned its quest and returned sus piciously to the crimson rammer. 'Could I," he asked anxiously, "ngure in that capacity?" She reddened In turn, tnen scannea him critically. "Perhaps." She was still rather doubtful of his capabilities. Mcntaii-ir arnmlnsr as inexcusable a de votion to bis business which had made him htthprto lamore the automobile svn rja tin flfl f-tonM himself out after the manner of the ardent automobllist under her car and confided his aespau to her tonneau. Tf urnn hnrl enoueh not to be roman tic, but not to be even useful was un bearable. He had not the slightest idea of how to start the machine. He crawled out from under the machine and mounted to the driver's seat. Her sudden accession of trust, in hv his hnsinesslIUe manner, pro voked him to fresh endeavor. He made a great show of moving brakes, tight ening useless screws and peering intc the machine while she scannea iue scenery. Whatever he finally did to that auto mobile to start It Ferclvale does not know. Suddenly it slid out or tne shade into the road like a bird from under his hand. "Aha," he cried, with nn assurance that he was far froa feeling, "I thought so!"' He held a trembling nana upuu uk wheel and answered irrelevant ques tions at regular intervals. They were now gliding along between hedgerows of gorgeous autumn color. He began to feel more at ease. Edmonia hum med a little sing as old as it was sweet: The rose that all are praising Is not the rose for me. He looked at her and in that look forgot his new responsibility. She was steadily down the dusty turn pike, a little smile upon her lips, ai though she would see tne Kiiigui. . hor HrPiims in nlumed helmet and shining armor riding to bear her away "He couldn't catch us," saia i erci io in rpsnonse to her thought. Sht started and looked with more intereV at her companion. He baa spoKen u. the confidence that is born of ignf rance. , "Say, Ted," be continued, I doa i rr.n.h nhnnt your 'flowers '. tt-iiy i.i v.. chivalry.' I don't even understand tn first thing about an aut tie caugi himself up. He positively would no! divulge this humiliating fact Hi ir. tt. rose rr m. sur. im. tiuit say you will marry m. tht. Mm.." b. ended, with an air of dp.- pcratlun. -or ril"- Tb. threat wat not ctnniletd. In th earnestnraa of hi plea IVr-lval. bad forgotten that h. wa running an iutuwl.l. for the Brat tlm In bla life. Thrjr wer. iiow going at a Ire uiciuloua H-ed and every luataut gnth erlna: momentum. Kdmonla gilwd hi arm a they lurched around a curv. and bounctnl over a culvert, Hang our yelled I'erckal aa Ihey approached a .lltfht dita-eul. In bl. clismxy effort a to touttv! I lie tuuclilu. be Inadvertenlly pu 't utor .hI. "What ar. you doing?" screamed Edmonia. Hlop! Why, you are ruu nlng aay with me!" all. laughed tremuloualy. "Why uotr h. ahoutl wildly, as uo t bought, wklenaly. Th. Idea vt topping was a dclectabl. on. now to Perclvale, but on. which h. felt that b. must abandon. Th. roadtldc. of tlrewed and gold enrod flew by Ilk. a track of flam.. Hena flapped from uuder bis wheels aa Ihey pained fartnhuaoa at a rat. of speed that limd. th. occupants rush out of doors to stare after them. Out raged cries followed them when a barking dog was not quick enough to elude tboa. blurring whvcla and with a yelp of pain roiled over and over Into tb. ditch. Three horses halt Inn by th. roadstd. In front of another house stampeded as they whlaaed by and raced them out of sight. Edmonia now triad to expostulat. with her mad cavalier. Put Pcrclval. said nothing to her almost tearful ap peals, nis whole attention was con centrated on keeping th thing; within the limits of the rond. "Meats Lochlnvnr!" bt yelled breath lessly as they graied a watering tub. Edmonia moaned. "You ar. crar.yt" ahe cried. "Let'a go home! Ob, tnk. me bomeT ah. commanded him. "Hornet" Perclval. ground th. word passionately between his teeth. "You will be lucky If you ever se. bom. again. We shall never stop!" Hut even as be spoke he felt something re spond to bis groping fingers. The ma chine was obeying bis controlling band. Joy and a relief that rolled over him like a wave made hlin shout aloud. Edmonia received this new demon stration aa the esultatlon of a captor and commanded and Implored by turn. But be did not at once diminish bis speed. He knew now that Edmonia bad not realized bis Impotence. II. put the machine at a hill and plunged down the other aide. Edmonia was clinging to him with wild promics. He brought the car carefully to a standstill and climbed painfully to the ground. Edmonia was sobbing Into her handkerchief. He hoped he was accepting the role of victorious knight modestly, but the Iron was hot I "Ted," he cried, "you've got to keep your promise, you know. I'm not much of a knight, and I don't know how to tW- IIls unsuspected confession was In terrupted for the second time as she suddenly, to bis astonishment, smiled up at him through her tears. "1 never was driven like that In my lifer she remarked, with pride. "But but let's go home in a buggyr "Not until we're married," said Fer clvale firmly. Edmonia refused to continue In the car, however, so they walked on to the nearest town, where the minister's fee was the first of a series of more mun dane charges which punctuated their homeward Journey in the buggy. Put in his new joy, which was only enhanced by pecuniary Interludes with the wrathful owners of rlnughtered hens, the tearful mistress of an injured dog and damages due to the recovery of errant horses, Perclvale made it a triumphal Journey. Why He Saved Them. For weeks uoon weeks the heavy rnlns descended unon the holiday re sort of Lakeswash, and the proprietor of the Punt and Puntpole was looKing very blue. Indeed, those two straw hnttpr! miserable looking objects out in the Lakeswash canoe were the only visitors of the season. The hotel pro prietor gloomily watched their clumsy endeavors to navigate their tiny crart. Suddenly, plop, splosh! "Help!" In a mnmpn t thn hotel nronrletor had changed from a sluggish do-nothing to a frenzied rescuer. Tutting out rapid ly in a boat, he succeeded in reaching the terrified men just at tne critical moment. "nh thnnk vou thank you!" they cried as tboy scrambled Into the boat. "Don't thank mel" growled the ho tpl keener. "Thank the weather! Vis itors Is so scarce this year we can't afford to let even the fools arowni i did It for your board and lodging!" London Answers. Fnr a Loaf. All Right. As the tramp looked at Mrs. Godard ha ..it a thrill of hone. Here was surely an easy and benevolently in clined nerson. "Could you gimme a dime to buy a loaf o' bread?" he whined. Mrs. fiodard's cuileless soul looked out at him through her nearsighted eyes, and she fingered her purse nope fully. "I have only a quarter here," she said, "and I'm really too tired to walk home." "Sure. I can chanee it for you," said the tramp cheerfully as he took out a dime and a nickel, and not until Mrs. Godard was halfway home on the car did It occur to her that there was any thing unusual in the transaction. Youth's Companion. Ganeroua, 'What would yon do If you went fishing and a whale wer. to bit. your hook?" "Make Mm a present of It." Gordon's Last Chance. By TAYLOR WHITE. t'Uiyrlhtt, by AaawlaM l.llsiary ra. "Jlmuilo, do you aiH-ak alangf de manded Maud Tolllrer suddenly as her small brother cam. Into th. room. "Do 1 walk on my fiftT" demanded JImml. In aurprlae. "I'll your lay, angvl face. I'll get you somehow, .vea If your apeaka are all to lh. muddle. Throw It t.ff your cheat." "It's thla way," explained Maud. "You know Mr. Gordon?" "I've aeen blm ouc. or twice," ad mitted Jlmmle, with a grlu. Gordon was a regular visitor at th. Tolllvrr botii.. "Papa wants ui. to marry him," i plained Maud, "lie's so strict and proHr that I bat. blm. I thought that If I were to talk slang and 'art up' per haps ho would leave me In peace. II. bales a slangy girt. II. an Id so last night." Jlmmle grinned appreciatively. II. bad uo great liking for tb. eminently at a Id and correct Gordon. II. bated men whoa, aulta always looked aa though It waa tb. Brat tlm. they bad been worn. Ills own preference waa for Barry gpauldlng, who occasionally offered him a cigarette and - who talked to him precisely aa though be waa a growuup. Gordon never aeemed to se. blm, never laughed and joked, and Jlmmle entered Into the conspiracy with bta whole heart after being assured that Maud would never disclose the source of ber education In slang. Before the week was out Gordon looked troubled. lie wsa very much In love with Maud after his own fash ion. There was no want of real affec tion, but Gordon waa no gallant wooer. He had been accepted by the family, and In his quiet, patient fashion be was laying siege to Maud's heart. He bad fancied be bad been making headway until sbe developed a trick of Interlarding ber speech with slang ex pressions. At first he was shocked, but as Maud acquired proficiency and grew more and more slangy Gordon withdrew from his campaign. Though he loved the girl as much aa ever, ho assured himself that a wife who used slang was utterly impossible. In secret Maud glouted over the fact, but bore herself demurely when her father sharply questioned her concern ing ber treatment of Gordon, for the latter's visits bnd fallen off, and, though Gordon bad pleaded business as an excuse, Mr. Tolliver had an idea that there was something else that might explain the lover's sudden lack of Interest. Then fate took a hand, and so it hap pened that Jimmle Tolliver, crossing the avenue, slipped on the muddy pav ing and fell directly in front of a rap Idly advancing automobile. There was a cry of horror from the spectators, but one man sprang for ward and with an easy movement grasped the boy's arm and carried blm to safety. For a moment Jlmmle was too dazed to comprehend; then he slowly came to realize that Gordon, unmoved as ever, stood beside him, answering the queuLIous of the crowd, but refusing to give his name. "All right, old man?" be asked as he saw that Jlmmle was pulling himself together. "Suppose we move on. This crowd Is a little too eager." He signaled a passing taxicab and directed the driver to go to a tailor's where Jlmmle's moddied garments might be made presentable. The rush of cold air drove the last of the cob webs from Jlmmle's brain, and, gazing admiringly at Gordon, he decided that Maud was wrong in her estimate of the man. There was fire under tho ice, red blood beneath tho waxenly, Immobile expression, and Jlmmle's heart warmed to bis rescuer. "Say, Bo," he demanded suddenly, "are you still dead nuts on Maud?" "I esteem your sister very highly," admitted Gordon. "You're all right," declared Jimmle admiringly. "If you want to win cast your port ear over this way and make a noise like n listen." The noise of a listener was contin ued long after the visit to the tailor's was concluded. Gordon's face was as expressionless as ever, but there was a twinkle in his eye. Some evenings Inter Maud, coming downstairs, reached the lower hall just as Gordon was admitted by tho butler. Jlmmle had been cautioned under pain of losing his promised reward to say nothing of his rescue, so it was merely "that tiresome Kenneth Gordon" whom Maud greeted with perfunctory cor diality. "I butted In to tear off a piece of talk with the boss bloomer wearer. Is he in?" nsked Gordon. "If you mean my father" began Maud icily. . "That's tho guy," interrupted Gor don. "Will you tell the delegate from the wax works to ask him to grease his heels and slide down here?" "I will go myself," offered Maud nervously. Gordon was as coldly cor rect in appearance as ever, but per haps he was drunk. "Nix on the scamper," declared Gor don, raising a detaining band. "Use the butler for the wireless, and we'll call out some conversation while he .takes n home run." "I must go," explained Maud. "1 forgot something upstairs, and I must ee about it at once." "Tell it to wait," commanded Gor don. "Pm the head of the procession uat now. iM.u't you bother about la. water carrlM." "Hut" be n Maud. And Gordon tntrrmptrd iisaln. IWI b. a gat and butt In," h. ored. "lilt tu. pluah." II. pointed lo a rhalr. and timidly Maud seated beraelf. As ah. bad ll th. way Into th. rlor tb. butler bad dlaapiwared, aupoalti: that b. would not b required furtbrr. To ring for blm now would only make a scandal among lb. servants. Perhaps her fa ther would com. down In a few min utes, II uauall aitettt th. evening In lh. library when h. dkl not u to tb. rluh. and In .Ither .vent b. muat paaa in nin.ii door. If tb. worst ram. ah could call for th. butler, but man- whit, rerbspa ah. could Indue. Gor don lo leave ouletlv. Hll. took tb. chair Indicated, alttlng nervoualy on th. edg.. ready to spring up ana run Should occaalon demand. "It doesn't coat any mor to bav. a whol. chair," reminded Gordon aa h. a nk Into a arat between her and th. door. "I want you to put in. wla. t some tblnire. what's your grourn against rner" "I hav. no grouch." protested Maud eagerly. "Indeed, I Ilk. you very much." "I never saw you on th. front step, watting for me." said Gortton grimly. "Let It com. out with a ruh. I'm in wrong. How can I aquar. myself r "There la nothing to b. aquared," In sured Maud. "I don't se. bow you csn Imaetn. such a thin." 'vanhtv. nauabtyr r.proved Gor don, shaking hta forefinger at her ad- monlablngly. "Look her. Ufldo, pui me next! You don't Ilk. me, and I like you. I can't help It If I've got a froien face. It was wished on mo, and It's none of my doings. Toll me how I ran loosen np ao you'll have a yln for me." a vinT" repeated Maud uncertainly. Thla was a word not In Jlraiule'a vo cabulary. "A vln-s vearnlng." explained Gor don. "I want you to think that I'm the whole worka, and you won i even ic mo he the second band. Fix ro. no so I can com. Into the big tent and be a part of the program. Pm the 'what la It' out In the freak tent, and I don't like the Job. I may not bw quite your style, but I can learn. I'm th. stsr pupil In the little red school bouse, and I'll always be st th. head of th. class If you'll b. th. teacher. I love to love my teacher." Maud eprnng to ber feet, her eye. blazing. "Mr. Gordon." she so Id coldly. "I will not prolong this Interview. I do not know what Is the mntter. I do not want to know, tint you must go, please, I cannot listen to you when you talk this way." Gordon had sprung to bis feet whett Maud rose, and now ho smiled dowrt' Into the flushed, angry face. "It seems," ho said a little sadly, "that my latest effort Is no mor. suc cessful than the earlier attempts. They say that Imitation Is the slncerest form of flattery, and yet you are not' pleased." "What do you mean?" gasped Maud' hi astonishment. "You learned slang for my benefit," he reminded. "When I do the same' thing you object. Of course my slang ' is more pronounced than your own, but then you have only Jlmmle, while-' I have the valuable assistance of sev eral elevntor boys, ray office boy and the Janitor's son, who qualities as an.' expert. You use. slapg to disgust me with yourself. I am using it to disgust' you with slang." "And you know?" gasped Maud. "Jlmmle has told?" "Be It said to his credit that the temptation was great," said Gordon gently. ''Do not blame the lad. He meant well In giving me my last chance to win you. He saw beneath the surface and was sorry for his part. I foolishly imagined that If I could excel you in the use of slang I might startle you into an Interest that I see now you never can feel. It was a foolish experiment, Miss Tolliver, and I ask your pardon for having bored and then frightened you. It was ray last chance, and I hoped that it might succeed. "I gather from Jlmmle's remarks that you fear paternal pressure will be brought to bear on you., I beg to as sure you that I will so contrive the situation as not to Involve you. I arm sorry that the last chance failed." The little pauses iu his speech wcra Gordon's only evidences of emotion. They were only little hnlts in the evenness of his soft, even voice, but they showed the strength of feeling, nnd it touched Maud with a sudden; emotion. "Pon't go," she said softly, laying a detaining hand upon his arm. "Per haps the last chance has not I meitn" But she could say no more. Gordon's arms were outstretched, and In his face, no longer expressionless, there was a look of such appeal that she suffered herself to be drawn with in their protecting circle. The last chance had wen. Accounts For It. Belle I don't like that man you in troduced to me yesterday. He has such a flyaway manner. Nell-He can't help that. His busi ness is making balloon ascensions. Baltimore American. Like the 8mok. Gunner lie had a fancy cigarette named after him. GycrAnd how did he stand the fame? Gunner Oh. he la all puffed up! St. Paul Pioneer Press. Abstract Ideas and great conceit are ever on the road to produce terrible catastrophea. Goethe. went on more conflaenuy: oui j