Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 01, 1909, Image 1

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Report of Superintendent of Stata In
ana Aaylum Condamna Water 8ya
t,m Would Join With Salsm to
8cur Mountain Watar.
Tfirlliiml vrlnun iiicnMirca nf
propound IiKlHlntlun will ho roiisldi-r
ed by the Multnomah county IokIhIu
UVU (ll'll'KUlloll.
Members of the l.-KUIr.uve corn
mllt.'o of tbo Portland Chamber of
Commerce will appear before tbo del
elation to urico the amending of the
pllolago law to c s f irm to the. Port
of Portland towaii.i law. Tho wni
organization w'.ll ak for a law re
pealing; that pro', islin of the limur
anco law whlcli nnulrea foreign com
pan lea to dupoHll 1)0,000 before be
Ins; allowed to enBugo In bualncaa In
this atate. In the aame connection
the Chamber will propose another
law creating the office of State In
uranre Comnilsaloner.
A bill creating; twj additional clr
cult court Judges will be recommend
ed to the delegation by membera ot
the Multnomah County Dar Aaiocla
The Oregon Humane Society,
through Ita ofllcera, will auk for the
Indorsement by the delegation of a
bill providing for an appropriation ol
$3000 annually for two years for thla
County Clerk Fields will submit
a bill for the purpose of creating the
office of state auditor at a aalary ol
16000 per annum.
Water Supply Had for Kalem.
Suloin One of the urgent needi
of the state, as shown by the blon
nlal report of the auperlntendent ol
the Slate Insane Asylum, Just made
public, Is a supply of pure watei
for the state Institutions. The watei
now used at the asylum and punlten
tlary, except for drinking and cook'
ing purposes, comes from Mill Creek.
a stream notoriously unclean. At
the prison It is neceitsary to boll the
water used for drinking at come
perlodB of the year.
Because of the needs of the state
the Governor Is co-operating with the
city authorities In Salem with a view
to devising a plan by which watei
may be secured from a mountain
stream. In bis message to the legis
lature Oovernor Chamberlain will
recommend such measures as may be
deemed practical with this end In
Two plans are under consideration
. one that of Joint ownership of the
system by the city and state, each
paying lta proportion according tc
the number of consumers, and the
other that the city shall build the
plant and the state enter into a con
tract to purchase its water supply
from the city.
Union Labor Advocates New mils.
Portland At least three measurei
of legislation will be proposed at the
coming session of the legislature by
organized labor. They are an em
ployers' liability law, a measure pro
yldlng a general eight-hour work
day and a law that will put an end
to the employment of convicts In
.competition with union labor. The
bill for the employers' liability law
has been prepared and the two other
hills are being drafted. These three
measures have been indorsed and
will be supported by the Stat
Grange. The trades unionists and
tho Grange have appointed legisla
tive committees, which will have
charge of the proposed bills in the
An effort will be made to extend
the provisions of the eight-hour law
to apply to all classes of workmen.
Such a regulation of hours of labor
is now enforced as against state and
county employes.
Waahlnfton, lo. II. Carryiai
out plana to reduce the number of
fatalltlea In coal mlnea, the United
Biatoa Onologlcal Hurvey ia about to
i.siabllHh rescue stations lu the prln
clpal coal fluids of the country. In
addition to the 'iprlmut station
now located at Pittsburg. It will It
tba purpoae of the experts to teach
the miners and mine bosses how to
use the most approved apparatus In
rescue work.
Government mining engineers will
bn assigned to the stations and will
bn ready at a moment's notice to go
to the scene of any disaster. They
will bo equipped with oxygen hul
met, which will enable them to en
tc. mine at once, even though It la
Oiled with gaa or smoke.
Uvery station la to be fitted up
with an air-tight room, where gas
can be generated, and the coal-niln
Ing companies have been Invited to
aend picked men to the atatlons for
training in the use of oxygen hel
M.tHS.lClirsKTTH (ilKIi TO (JO
to hm:m, ok., von wkddino
Mlddleboro, Mass., Dec. 28. Al
though the en tiro continent separates
her' from her fiancee, Miss Florence
McDcrT.U !s un lui.n.ed, for she will
start alo.if fi r Fr.l' n Oregon, where
she wli: iiit-iC 1 er . vert heart. Way
land Chute. There she will become
the bride of her schoolday sweetheart
and they will make their borne In
Salem, where the groom-elect It a
landscape engineer.
Hurry Indian Land Cases.''
Washington, Dec. 28. Senator
Owen, of Oklahoma, who is one of
several defendants In suits brought
by the government to clear up titles
to Indian land in that state, Is urg
ing President Roosevelt to have these
cases settled at the earliest possible
moment and to take them straight to
the United States supreme court If
possible. Governor Haskell and
many other prominent men in Okla
homa are defendants. Mr. Owen says
that the slow dragging of the cases,
of which there are 23,000, Is dam
aging to business and development
Negro Is Cliampion PuKilist.
Sydney, N. 8. V Dec. 27. Jack
Johnson, the big negro from Gal
veston, Texas, Is the world's heavy
weight champion. He won the title
Christmas day In the big arena at
Rushcutters Bay from Tommy Burns,
the French-Canadian, who had held
It since James J. Jeffries relinquished
It, and after a chase of Burns that
led half way around the world. The
end came in the 14th round, when
the polico, seeing Burns tottering and
unable to defend himself Irom tne
savage blows of his opponent, merci
fully stopped the fight.
Used 4.OO.000 Christina Trees.
Washington, Dec. 28. The native
forests this year supplied 4.000,000
Christmas trees, the Forestry Ser
vice estimating that one out of every
four families observed the tree cus
tom at Yulotlde. Gitford Plnchot,
United States Forester, upholds the
Christmas tree custom and believes
that it should be maintained.
Plan to Cut Up Lane County.
Eugene A movement has been
set on foot by the people of Cottage
Grove to form a new county with
that city as the county seat.
It la proposed that the line should
cross the Middle Fork of the McKen
sie, run near Goshen and thence west
to the present boundary of the coun
ty. This would leave the Blue River
mining country in Lane, while the
present Bohemia district, in both
ane and Douglas, would be included
within the boundaries of the new
From the Bohemia district In
Pouglas the line would run west to
the coast and include within the
limits of the proposed Bohemia coun
ty the towns ot Toncalla, Drain and
Gardiner, all of which are at present
In Douglas county.
Dies From Fright.
Hood River As the result of a
runaway accident which took place
here Chr!stmas eve, Mrs. E. D. John
son, wife of a well-known surgeon
of Portland, and daughter of J. L.
Carter, representative-elect to the
legislature, died here the next day.
Mrs. Johnson came rrom rortiana
to spend Christmas with her parents
and on the way out to their home the
homes beepme unmanageable and
ran away. They broke away from the
sleigh, leaving the occupants Hppar-
ently unharmed. Mrs. Johnson, how
ever, was thrown Into convulsions oy
the fright, and although medical aid
was summoned at once, failed to recover.
PROPRIATION Of $800,000.
Stat of Oregon Seek to Recovar 27,
000 Acraa of Land In Crook County
Granted to a Reclamation ProJc
With Watar for 1500 Acre.
Insane Italian Commits Suicide.
Ashland- -Giuseppe Fazio, an Ital
ian who was a passenger out of Port
land Saturday night and ticketed to
Sacramento, shot and killed himself
in the toilet of the depot waiting
room here Sunday afternoon. He was
about 40 years of age.
WneatTrack prices: Club, 90c;
red Russian,. 88c; bluestem, 96c;
Valley, 92c.
Barley Feed, 126.50; rolled,
Oats No. 1 white, $32; gray,
Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley,
fancy, $15; do. ordinary, $12; East
ern Oregon, mixed, $16; do. fancy,
$18; alfalfa, $12.50; clover, $12.
Butter Extra, 36 37c; fancy,
33 34c; choice, 30c; store, 18o.
Eggs Extra, 40 43c.
Hops 1 908, choice, 6 7 c ;
prime, 5 6c; medium, 46c; 1907,
2 4c.
Wool Valley. 1415c; lb.;
Attractive prices on harness for you
at R. M. Wade ft Co. 31-2.'
Alumni and ex-atudenta of tbo Ore
gon Agricultural College residing In
Umatilla county have formed an aa
soclatlon and gave their first ban
quet Tuesday night. Among the
guests who were present was Pre!
dent Kerr of the college. The mem.
bers of the association hope to make
this banouet an annual event.
An enlarged picture and a dla
mond ring or a rocker chair for good
measure, all for $2.98, were the in
ducements held forth by a trio of
smooth-talking fakers who induced a
large number of Roseburg women to
part with $2.98 each. After collect
ing the $2.98, the fakers told their
victims to call at a local store and
get the prlzea. Here they discovered
the merchant knew nothing of the
Appropriations aggregating almost
$800,000 will be asked of the com
ing session of the legislature for
the maintenance of the 8tate Insane
Asylum and for repairs and improve
ments for the ensuing year. This is
an increase of $200,000 over the
appropriations of two years ago, or
an Increase of 83 per cent. The re
port asks for appropriations upon the
assumption that no branch asylum
will be provided for In Eastern Ore
gon. The percentage of recoveries,
computed upon the number received
during the period, Is 22 per cent.
Senator Fulton held a conference
with the Director of the Reclamation
Service, Sunday in Washington, rela
tive to requests he has received from
settlers on the Klamath Irrigation
project, for an extension of time for
making water payments to' the Gov
ernment. Settlers were under the
Impression that their entries would
be cancelled if payment were not
made by May next. Director Newell
informed Mr. Fulton that payments
on the first unit of this project will
become due May 1, 1909, but set
tlers will have one year's grace in
which to pay up. Therefore, settlers
will not be in danger of having en-
trios canceled unless they are de
linquent with payments after May
1, 1910. It is the policy of the de
partment to give settlers two full sea
sons of Irrigation before requiring
them to make the first payment.
In the suit of the State of Oregon
against the Columbia Southern Irri
gation Company for the reclamation
of an extensive tract in Eastern Ore
gon, the state offered testimony to
Bhow that while the project proposed
the development of about 27,000
acres, there was only sufficient water
for irrigating about 1600 acres. It
will be on this showing that the
state expects to be authorized to re
scind the contract that was originally
entered into with the Three Sisters'
Irrigation Company, which subse
quently transferred its interests to
the Columbia Southern Irrigating
Company. A law Is being drafted to
determine the water rights of the
state under the direction of a com
mittee representing the Oregon Con
servation Commission and which has
called to Its assistance several prom
inent authorities connected with the
Government irrigation service.
Christmas was made as merry as
possible for the inmates of the six
public Institutions located in Salem.
At the insane asylum, where 1500
unfortunates are cared for, a musical
entertainment, and Christmas tree
was given Christmas eve. An excelent
Turkey dinner was served." At 'the
penitentiary a special dinner was
served, minus the turkey, but with
an abundance of roast meat and
plum pudding. Christmas eve the
prisoners gave an entertainment In
the chapel. The Christmas tree in
the Reform School was in the form
of a huge bell, made of evergreen
boughs. At the close of the exercises
presents were distributed, each boy
receiving some useful gift, together
with a bag of candy and a box of
nuts. The day was also observed
at the Mute School and the Blind
School, where everything was done
to bring cheer to the unfortunate
children at these institutions.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
tastes nearly as good as maple sugar.
It cures the cold by gently moving the
bowels and at. the same time it is
soothing for throat Irritation, thereby
stopping the cough. Sold by D. G.
Mrs. Clarence Ireland returned to
Portland Tuesday afternoon, after
spending Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper.
26, and lasts until we begin our Annual
Inventory, January 11, 1909. This is our
First General Reduction Sale in 7 years,
and we're going to make it one long to be remembered.
O wi.u; to the mild Kail weather, WE HAVE TOO MANY GOODS ON
HANI), and we need the roim f'r our new Spring lines, pome of which are already
on the way. During this vale we OFFER EVERY ARTICLE IN OUU SPLEN
20 per cent Biscou ot
with the single exception of Hob ton and Kay State Rubbers and Rubber Boots.
Just think of it ! Every pair of 6hoes in the house reduced 20 per cent. Every
suit of clothes in tho house reduced 20 per cent.
20 Per Cent Discount on Every Yard
of Dress Goods, Every yard of Silks,
Satins, Velvets, Velveteen, Trimmings,
Bear Cloth, Dress Linings, Flannels, Out
ing Flannels, Flannelette, Muslin, Sheet
ing, Gingham, Calico, Bed Ticking,
Toweling, Table Linens, Oil Cloth, La
ces, Embroidery, Ribbons, Ladies' Furs,
Lace Curtains, Corsets, Hosiery, Under
wear, Blankets, Comforts, Umbrellas,
Handkerchiefs, Collars, Neckwear, Hats,
Sweaters, Shirts, Gloves, Overalls, Duck
Coats, Leather Coats, Mackinaws, Slick
ers, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's - Ov
ercoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and
Boys' Separate Trousers, Suit Cases and
Notions of Every Kind.
Every article in the tore is marked in plain figures and you can figure the
20 per cent discount for yourself.
f your bill amounts to $20.00 you get it for $16.00
44 15.00 44 " 12.00
" " 44 10.00 44 44 8.00
" 44 44 7.00 " 44 5.60
4.50 44 3.60
. 44 1.00 44 44 .80
.05 44 44 .04
We are not paying any sales agency a commission to
manage this sale for us. We are simply overstocked
and realize that a deep cut in prices is the only way to
make this Clearance Sale a success.
It will pay you to buy a year's supply of goods for
your family, because it is a genuine 20 per cent discount
sale and you'll not find values elsewhere like we offer.
Remember this is the first general sale we have had in 17 years,, and you'll find
everything as represented. No misrepresentation of any kind allowed in our store
mm fifl. i mm