Now Im tho time California Wbm lamutor bu pata4 In tln northern aiatoa, ll. iti U only nilid under tho bilkht blua tktea or Pouiht-ro California. ThU ( cm of naturt'i nappy provln.rt a etrrnal un utt-r for thoaa who car not ewiura a mora asm tll vat. California baa two railed U "Mawa of tba winter tourUl." Il'a hotela and topping placua art farted aa tboia of all well rgulatud cltlM. VUltora tan alwaya find auliabl" accommodation, congenial companion, and varied platn racreallona. SOUTHFRN PACIFIC CO Will ba glad lo aupplr 'onio rr atlractUa literature, deacrlblng In tfotall tba many dellgbU of winter In California. rhe rata from Independence to Loa Angolua and return la $58.00. Limit alx wontha, allowing atopoven In either direc tion. Similar excursion ralea are lu effect to ail California poluU. For full Information. Bleeping car reservations and tickets, call on. telofiraph, or writ O. A. Wilcox, Agent, Independence, or Win. Mc Murray, Gen. Tana. Agt., Portland. Oregon. INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE moM indcpcnucncc KMlt 1AI a.m" l"v... Moi.iii.m.iI.iU. a. arrive. JtRlllutMU . III. , .. Train No H l.v 1 ' rt ' ' VV. Vl'tT, lu- .rilvK 1'iillK". '" . ,. Tniln No7iU.hv.-m l"" l' 1' i"-el"y . , ! l,.aiVloiiiii..uili:;' I .;i.rrl1..l- la. :.Vi p. 111. HOK A1IU.IK Train So 7n li BVi 1 in-M-mleiice dully 2 :' p. . ; !lv" MunmoiUI. 1M ! '' ii-'lv Alrlle a i'. I". FROM DALLAB roll INDI l'KNtiKNCK Train No M I.-hv Imll... dally ,.v?. Moiini.mtli ui.; arrives lnd.-ii- le.v. MomnmilM -i arrive. . "'; '' mouth for Alrllu) Train No 71 l'v'", d,lMy 7iV,i p- ,ni"! 1,A. H . m.; arrive. InuVpend. cue 8:16 ! Mi, FflOM AlAL'C Train NoWlravaB Alrlle 'Jf PiXi leaver Monmouth 4:40 p. in.; urn. peudeDce4:6p.u Do You Want to Sell Your Farm? Do you want to borrow money on it? Write me. I buy and sell, and lend money on Willamette Valley Farms at lowest rates. All correspondence confidential. H. E. MOONEY Failing Bldg., Portland. D. TAYLOR BARBER Tub and Shower Baths In Connection MAIN STREET Independence, Ore. G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. garble and Granite Monuments and Head f tones Cemetery work etc. NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE TOLD a)V OUR CORi OF AMO CIATC IDITOM. Mora Of law Important but Not Lata Intaraatlng Happanloga From All Communltloa of Polk County Told In Brlaf Paragraph. HIGHLAND Mr Mra. B. II. McEliuurry ra- turned on Thursday of last week from an emended trip through Wash- IllUtflll. llmif at L K I 41 1 V w.-.w w- , Btapleion'a laat rrlday. aa they wero. butchering a nice bunch of fat pow ers. James Itussell mada a busy trip to Independence Friday. Independence) lat Haturday aeemed to have a big attraction for High lander In the sliapo of Christmas goods, aa wo not Iced quite a number of them In town. Among them were Mr. Hamann and family buHlly engag ed In buying presents. Mrs. A. E. Shafer and son. Kmer son, were transacting bualnesa In in dependence Haturday. Mr. Valllero's funilly wero Indepen denco vlsltora Saturday. Hill ha Htaplctou wan In Indepen denco Saturduy. MIhs Edlih Alexander and brother. Call, were trammeling biiHlnesa In In dependence Suturday. Henry and Owen McKlmurry made a quick run lo Independence Satur day. Itobert Simons and family were vIhIUmk Independenro Saturday. Joe Uiundree and family were In Indeiieiidenco Sutiirduy buying Xmas preHi'iits. Mth. Smith and Mi Ella Chase were in Independence on biiHlnesa Monday. Mrs W. N. Alexander, .Mm. J. A. Compton and S. H. McKlumrry left on the eleven o'clock train Monday ' for Albany to attend the bedside of . I heir mother, who is quite poorly. Mr. and Mrs. Hamann were trans-1 aciiiiK IniHiiiesH in Monmouth Mon day. Joe iAiundrro and wife wTe DallaH vlsltora Tuesday. Donald Itolter and Dell OrlKgsby were Independence visitors Tuesday. George Shafer and Henry Hamann wero doing business in Independence Tuesday. Charley Ewlng was In Independ ence Tuesday. Mrs. A. E. Shafer and son. George, were transacting business In Inde pendence and Monmouth Wednes day. (Too late for last week.) llnrrn Vulllom Sdlt if! llU Bllb Alt' J T - - scription to the Enterprise last week. . He certainly knows a good tning when he sees it. Owen McElmurry was an Indepen dence visitor Wednesday week. Rsinn Bovens and wife spent a week ago Sunday at Bridgeport. Bertha and Charley Hamann, In company with Rutha and Bertha Sta pleton, were in Independence on busi ness a week ago Saturday. Mrs. Joe Loundree spent Wednes day of last week with Mrs. Robert Sinions. Mr Monro's daughter. Cora, arriv ed Wednesday evening to spend a few days visiting with him. Georee Dickinson made a trip io Independence Thursday, returning with a four-horse load of feed. From tti nnnearance of Georges stock no certainly believes In feeding well. C. K. Nash spent Saturday anu Sunday with his parents at Buena Vista. tw tr, Mr. find Mrs. Dave btapio- ton on Friday night,. December 11th, a six-pound baby girl. Bud Alexander and family were vis iting in Monmouth Sunday. Mrs. Joe Loundree was an inde pendence visitor Saturday. George Shafer was in inuepeuu- ence Monday. Henry McElmurry made a trip to Salem Monday, returning Tuesday. d wife were trans- acting business in Independence last Monday. Frank Valliere and wife were in Independence Monday. Fred Moore and sister were jnue- visitors Monday. Rudolph Simons drove to su.m Tuesday morning to see his father, returning in the evening. "Sam" Russell was an Inaepena ence visitor Monday. Bud Alexander was a business vis th Wednesday. 1LU1 111 iuv"'"- We understand Dell Alexander is the proud possessor of a pony. Henry Hamann went to Portland Saturday, returning Tuesday. --,. Q niMHnson and Lew Staple UCUI -.-- ton were transacting business in In-Wednesday. olnc Into the -hog" bulna. as b rauia borne Bunday afiarnjon carry ing small ahoal" In a sack. I'ala Bhaf-r and W. A. 8roU war lndipndnr vlsltora Wedimaday. On Wadnaadajr Henry Hamann, wblla helping I'eio and Oeorgo Bha fr cut wd. auicHl4 In lodging ona Irea against another. According to the bid ldo that tha only way lo get It down waa lo climb tha tra. he proceeded to do so, whlla George Bhafr shook tha traa from tha ground. Tha limb Henry waa aland Ing on gave way and he waa thrown auddenly lo the ground, alighting on bla ahoulder, but luckily austalnlng no further Injurlea than a f bruises. Catarrh Cannot Ba Cured with local application, a lhay cn nnt ri-iih tha acat of Ilia dlseaae. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dlseaiio, and In ordor to cur It you must taka internal rewedle. Hall a Catarrh Cure la taken luternally, and acta directly on the blood and mu cous aurfaccs. Hail' Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine. It waa pre acrlbod by one of tba beat physicians in thl country for years and la a regular prescription. It ia composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifier, acting directly on the raucous aurfacea. Th perfect combination of the two in gredlonts Is what producea such won. derful results In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo.O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con alipatlon. EAST DALLAS. The frost has slopped most of the outside work on the farms here. The freexo of tho last few days has not been hard enough to do much damage. We have cabbages in tho garden that aro Just as nice an ever. David Kemp.l shot two ducks with one shot last Saturday. lie feels like a great sportsman. Everybody Is busy preparing for the holidays. C. I. Coruwell of Monmouth was In Dallas a few days last week. He attended tho poultry show. Several of the fanners here took chickens to the poultry show. A. G. Kempel carried off the spe cial prize, at tho poultry show, for the best display in the Mediterranean class. He raises Drown Leghorns. C. I. Hallard had soma Mammoth Bronze Turkeys, Pekin ducks and Black Minorca chickens at the show and carried off several silver cups as a result. A Personal Appeal. If we could talk to you personally about the great merit of Foley's Hon ey and Tar, for coughs, colds and lung trouble, you never could be in duced to experiment with uuknown preparations that may contain some harmful drugs. Foley's Honey and 'Tt cost? you no more and has a. record of forty years o? cures. P. M. Klrkland. ANTIOCH. Robert Fishback attended the poul try show at the county seat Thurs day last. Mrs. Martha Addison Visited witn friends in Monmouth the first of the week. .Tmnes Goodman is helping George Sullivan of Monmouth with his wood saw. Elda and Millie Clark visited with their sister, Mrs. Belle Sullivan and family of Monmouth, Saturday ana Sunday. Herman Wunder and daughter, Min nie, and Miss Mae Duignan were trading in Independence Saturday. Joe Housman and family of Mon mouth were guests of R. M. Bosley and wife Sunday. Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protrac ted cold is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few per sons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention it deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable dis ease. How can you cure a coiar Why not try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy? It is highly recommended. Mrs. M. White of Butler, Tenn., says, "Several years ago I was bothered with mv throat and lungs. Someone told me of Chambeerlain's Cough Remedy. I began using it and it re lieved me at once. Now my throat and lunga are sound and well." For sale by P. M. Kirkland. RICKREALL. W. W. Rowell made a business trip to Portland last week. E. A. Stinson and wife of Belling- hani, Washington, are spending the Christmas holidays with relatives horo Mark Burch returned last week from nn extended visit in Portland. Miss Alice Burch is helping in the nrr.r Hnrinsr the holiday rush. The card party last Friday night was well attended. Progressive pen Advance Showing of Christmas Gifts Sales lolea 111 Store SALEM, OREGON ' - ro was played aad Mrs. W. W. Row ell and Harry Taylor tooK nrsi piia while Ada Cyers and Wm. Kowen captured the boobies. Misses Mlra Lucas and Kutn aiyer were In Salem Monday. Mrs .Inhn Vaughan and sons were visiting with her mother in Indepen dence Sunday. Miss Josephine Burch Is quite ui. mub Anrelia Burch. who has been teaching at Waitsburg, Washington, is home for the holidays. Mrs, Wm. Black was a Salein vis itor Monday. This Is Worth Reading. t v zpiinskt. of 68 Gibson St., JJCV Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace or me suIC B-nne." Heals all sores, boia un der guarantee at all druggists. 25c. HARMONY ITEMS. Miss Velna Blair returned Saturday evening from Portland, where she has been taking medical treatment. Miss Florence is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Lloyd and Lester Barber are on the sick list this week. There was a large attendance at the singing at F. Barber's last Sun day night. Steven Porter is home for the nou days. Several of the school boys went up to Gooseneck last Saturday and got a Christmas tree for the school. The upper mill and logging camps have closed for the holidays. Not much doing in our neighbor hood this week and news is scarce. Youth's Companion Club Rate The Youth's Companion and Inde pendence Enterprise will be sold to gether this Fall, the two for ?2.75. This is the best offer ever made in connection with the Youth's Com panion. Renewals to that paper will be accepted with this paper at that price. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends who have so kindly assisted us dur ing the illness and death of our be loved father. SISTER MARY ANDREA. MARIE CHURCH. New up-to-date caskets and coffins, burial robes, special line - of . trim mings for Catholics, G. A. R. and secret orders obtained from H. H. Jasperson. For MEN andJYOUNG MEN Now is the time to do your Christ mas shopping. Here you will find a splendid assort m ent of new gift things attractively priced. Do your buying now. We will hold the goods fojrjuture delivery. At least come and see our interesting display of Men's Clothing and Furnishings L. HEWITT. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Cooper Building, rooms 2 and 3. Oftice hour. 9 a. in. to 12 m. and 2 to 6 p. lu. Calls answered night and day. HOMER LUDQE No. 45 K of P Meeta every Mon. night lu K. of P. Hall. M- Goetz, C. C J. W. Richardson, K.R an.i S. B. F. JONES A TTORNB Y-A T- LA W yOTABT PUBLIC Office upstairs inJCooper Blk INDEPENDENCE, OREGON w.r:!allin.d.d.s. ...Dentist... ralnlew Extraction Ooojier Building, Independence, Oragoa Launch Independence tii.. knn.Aai. lnHanenfifiire end Sal- 1 y O ucinctu r em daily except Sunday. Passenger and lreignt ousiuesa Leave Independence : 9;30a. ni. Tv Salem : 3:15 p.m. Geo. Skinner - Skipper California Medicated Soap The best for sores, chapped htiuds duudrutl, Insect stings and poison oak. Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr. Agent. Monmouth St., Independence Or. CASH AID FOR FARM PRODUCE BY THE- - BUTLER PRODUCE CO. T THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF McMinnville, : : : : Oregon Cha. Gregory, Jtgt, Dallas. Ore, I Dr. J.L. Calloway Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy. Kirkoville, Mo. under Dr. A. T. Still, found er of the science . . CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Phone 791 Rooms 1 Sr 8 COOPER. BLOCK INDEPENDENCE. ORE JOHK BRAMBERG Plastering and general mason work. Stone, Brick and Concrete work. INDEPENDENCE, 0RV Estimates free on appli.c9ti'otiV I.W. Dickinsons LIVERY and FEED STABLE Good turnouts and careful drivers 1 R. E. DUGANNEi D.M.D. f DENTIST Graduate of N. P. P. C I PHONE M 121. INDEPENDENCE BUSINESS COLLEGE! WASHINGTON AND TENTH BT. PORTLAND. OREGON . WRITE FOR CATALOG Th gskoot that Place Tom in a Good Patitvm Dr. Gr. E.'. Mills Uetcrinary Surgeon Phone: Office 153, residence 443. Office at Newt Jones' Livery Bara. INDEPENDENCE, qKEGON i i i a LJL. J.JL nr. inritnit .inn Loundree is LlllV. ut..- top.