Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 25, 1908, Image 2

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For 25 Years
Aeainst Breakage
Drive them together with an ax.
They will not break. Do they sell
for more? No.
&) 1
i w want to si-ll them, but to convince
tueiu are facts.
V bate sold more metal
bd during the pat 60
daya than -11 other SMein
flrma combined. Why t De
rum our beile appeal to
bed buyer a being belter
designed, better flulabed and
better barnaUia.
We want to fcuow them to
you. not bo much because
you that what we ay about
The House Furnishing Co.
177 Court St., Salem, Or.
i )
as shown In our new shoe stock, ex
hibit some very desirable shapes In
patent leather, calf and kid. If your
occupation keeps you out of doers all
day we have a solid, sturdy, double
sole style that Is neat, but very sub
stantialJust suited for the farm
also something lighter for 'ndoor
wear, while our dress shoes ar mar
vela of grace, beauty and comfort.
Repairing a Specialty.
345 State Street Salem, Ore.
Sewing Machines
Talking Machine Records
Piano and Organ Studies
Sheet Music
Extras for All Makes of
Sewing Machines
Basis of success
of Old and Relia
ble House of Geo.
C. Wills
Good goods,
right prices, posi
tive guarantee,
and defects (the
fault of instru
ment) repaired
fre of charge.
121 Commercial Street
Snlem, Oregon.
PAID CAPITAL, $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and
exchange business.
J. H. Hawley Pres. J. B. V. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell, Cash.
F. S. Powell. J. B. .Slump. I. M. Simpson.
farms City Properly
Citik Palace Hotel
T. 01. treanor. Proprietor
.aseMahAefisClaEtsfi AeflMsV
f Carefully Sappnefl Ca&ies. Special Attention u eonnercial Cradi. $
tl acrra. tuoel alt la cultivation;
Luckiamut river runt through the
..1 ...... i ...!.. fisiu motor Una:
yimw, m-im " I ;
(tfnc and cru IW-ee; lit utd tf euree, au in cum"un, i r
seetHHl 10 nie,i, van auu m'
oat bat lva rx)n ou piece of
Ui. Oaod hop Uo4 or ou!4
iuak suutl luut (arm. Tbia
plei-e b"lona to an old iweva bo
baa out dausbtvr ft lib wboia be
live end be dralres to et his
buainees 130.00 an acre.
Two rvsldeiicfa In bet Prt of lode
pondem. JUUroed end Monmouth
trwts. for sle at f lv0 (or both.
Come and l't km show thru to
you. TUta Is oue of the delrabl
lovattons for a flu borne In luee
pvnditive. lU-ltur buy now while
the owuir la in a notion of clliug.
32t acr?a, 4 uallf aouihwct of Mon
mouth, nillw and a balf from Luck
lumute nation, ICO airos In culll
vatlon, rfiualuder 1" Pture aiid
lluibfr; SO acres fir tluibt-r, r-uialudt-r
oak. Yell watfred and
fenced. t!ood family orchard, aiuall
fruit, srapt-a, cbfrrUs, appl' and
prune. par. vie. Dwelling 2i2i.
two stories, new and cost 11000.
Darn Wx'oi, 20 feel blfih and cost
ItiOO. 3 ben bouses, bog house,
milk house, meal bouse, two hay
barn for cattle ami isoats la pas
ture. Farm Is suitable for i:ralu
raisins or dairying, or stock rais
ins. Would be fine walnut or
fruit land. Price per acre. $J5.00.
0 acres, mtk aud a half uorth of
Htckreull. on couuty road and rail
road. No Improvement. I'art of
donation claim recently divide
anions b Irs. First class land
rollliiK. 50 acres lu cultivation,
balance In pasture and ouk timber.
Can be bought on good terms.
Per acre, 140.00.
33 acres o:it talk from ludepen
(Uuce; all cultivated and fenced;
no improvements. The place will
be sold for 13000
tJOO acres four miles from Dallas;
50 acres la cultivation; quarter
mUf from rail road; euouh axe
handle grub oak to pay for the
place; six-room house; Ideal dairy
and goat ranch. Per acre ..$20.00
28 acres adjoining city limits of In
dependence; all In cultivation, one
third acre lu strawbirrits and oth
er fruits on place; two-sUry house,
ftve rooms below; du veil with
abundance of water; large barn
and chicken house; woven wire
around place, also cross fences.
3000, Including household furniture
aud farm implements. A bargain.
102 acres one mile from Indepen:
dence; fenced with woven wrle
and well Improved; cross fences
of woven wire. This is a real
farm. All In cultivation except 15
acres In timber and pasture; large
8-room house; barn 40x60; other
outbuildings, such as machine
sheds, chicken houses, etc.; living
water on place and good dug well.
Per acre $100.
215 acres, two miles from Indepen
dence U another of the good farms
near; level, but with.
17 feet drainage In half mile; 20a
coming Into bearing, also old or
chard; has good well, windmill and
tower, with water piped to house
good fences and cross fences, cow
barn 40x44. eranary. etc. Can be
bought for $60.00 an acre.
102 acres, seven miles south of In
dependence, one mile from two
school houses; 45 acres in cultlva
tion; young orchard of 100 trees
eight years old; 25 acres of oak
and fir timber on place; living wa
ter runs through corner of place;
7-room cottage built last year, good
barn 50x34; place fenced with wo
on wiro: telephone gooa with
place; after October 1st will have
to buy crop that is seeded to get
possession. Price for this place
22 acres, two and one-half miles from
Independence; rolling, good land;
14 acres In cultivation; house has
three rooms below, upper rooms
not finished; barn 20x30; good well
with plenty of water; fenced with
barbed wire and woven wire; good
spring on place. Place cost $50
la grubs and stumps. Can be
bought for $1300.
53 acres, one and one-half miles from
Albany, In highest state of cultiva
tion; 27 acres in Baldwin and
Johnathan apples; young orchard
in all kinds f fruit and two acree
In berries; orchard is in first-class
shape; Baldwins had seven boxes
apples to tree this season; six
acres In clover pasture; barn
40x45; dwelling is 8-room house;
good well with water in house;
three crops would pay for place.
Situated on slope Place can be
bought for $2000 and balance on
long time at six per cent. Price
33 1-3 acres, one and one-half miles
from Independence, bottom land;
has hop yard of 10 acres on It;
best quality onion land; 30 acres In
cultivation; all fenced; old bulld-
lu. A food buy. flat ut b
bought (or 14000.
I lot, beautifully lluat4 In Udvpaa
dnct. AU or part of Ib.m will b
old cheap.
All under food feneo. Quarter of
iuil from acbovl hou. I'bolc
fruit land, ljtud lie rolling, price
room bou.e aud tbre lot lu lude
pvndenc; Ur sepllo Uuk; hot
aud cold water aud bath; vlectrlo
light and telepbuu; barn, fruit
and bvrrl; rang aud linoleum
will K with plat. $2200.
Uood 7 room bou.e aud V tola; barn.
chicken bou aud wood hou.o.
fruit wee, strawberries aud small
frolt. In iBdepeodeut-e. $li50.
10 room bouse aud two deniable lot
In Hill addition to ludependonce.
Darn 12x16, shed o two sides, good
chickeu house and wood ulied; full
growu bedgo fence In front. Splen
did buy. Terms. $1500.
7-room bouse, with closet and two
lots, lu Dmuou Haley's addition
to Monmouth, OuUld city limits.
Heat well water lu Monmouth;
thicken bouse, wood bouse, fruit
trees; house Is old b t Is very
comfortable. $400.
Country store, hotel and postofflt e In
Northern Callforula. A good money
making proposition for a tusn and
his wife. This pluc can bo hud
very reasonable.
I have 1I111 Messuer residence; In
Independence for sale. Thhi Is prob
ably the fluest residence properly lu
this city. I have other good resi
dence properties In town and some
in Monmouth for sulo. CIiuh. K.
I licks.
Real Estate Broker,
Independence, Oregon.
For that Dull Feeling After Eating.
I have used Chamberlain' Stoiuuch
and Liver Tablets for some tlme.und
can testify that they have done in
more good than any tablets 1 liuve
ever used. My trouble was a heavy
dull feeling after entlug. David Free
man. Kempt. Nova Scotia. These
tablets strengthen the ntfMtiarli and
Imprjte the attention. They also
regulate the live- and bowels. Thfcy
ar.' far sup rli,r to pills but cost no
more. Gel u free sauiplo at P. M.
Klrkland's drug store and see what
splendid medicine it is.
Notlcs Is hereby given that the
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders
of the Independence and Monmouth
Railway Company will be held at the
ndependenco National Bank In Inde
pendence, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. in
on Thursday, tho 31st day of Decern-
er, A. D. 1908, for the purpose of
lectlng officers and such other busi
es as may properly come before
.r id meotlng.
25-30 Secretary.
Met Frightful Death.
George Killen, whose parents re-
l.l- aa Wnrulhurn. met with a.
acres in cultivation, rest In good frightful death last Sunday while out
1. . 1 1. , -. . v.nnn . n . . -. li I -lr I . .. ., ..r,ii In
. ' - UUJlLllift U" IWP ' ' F
en houses and other buildings; a company with another young man
young orchard of 115 trees Just named Gus Swan. The accident
which caused the young man's death
was due to the accidental dlscharg
of a shotgun, the result of drawing
the gun from the boat by the muzzle
The charee took effect Just above
the left eye and tore the whole top
of his head away.
Polk's Gazetteer.
a hnsIneHH directory of each city
tnurn and village in Oregon and
Washington, giving a descriptive
ohatnh nf fuch Dlace. toEether with
the location and shipping facilities
onH a elRsslfied directory of eacn
business and profession. -K. U ram
& Co., inc., sseatcie.
an Independence
Knows It Well.
ThAi-n is a way to convince the
wootoot Blrpntle Scores of Indepen-
Aanna norm. a hava mflfto it tlOSsible.
The public statement of their experi
ence is proof the like of which has
never been produced before in Inde
Dendence. Read this case of it giv
en by a citizen:
Zed Rosenclorr, mercnani, wiain dl..
Independence, Ore., says: "For ten
roofo T wan t.rnnnlea win Kiuney
complaint and finally became so bad
that I was rorcea 10 wuik. m wuir
ed position. My kidneys were dis
ordered and on account of the fre
quency of the secretions, 1 was
forced to arise aimosi cuuwauuj i"
the night. Often I would have to
sit up, not being able to lie in any
comfortable position. My limbs be
came swollen and there was a puffl
ness beneath mv eyes. I doctored
frori pvervthln but received no
relief until I finally heard of Doan's
Kidney Pills. They helped me from
the first, and I am today free from
u-Mnsv rnmnlaint. I believe there is
nothinK in the world for kidney trou
ble equal to Doan's Kidney rius.
For sale Dy an aeaiers. rnce ou
cents. Foster-Milburn . Co., Burraio,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. . .
Remember the name uoan auu
take no other.
Attend the Christmas dance In the
ODera house. Dance given by the In
dependence orchestra.
Th Klad You Haro Always nought, nd which liua bfB
la u lor OTer DO jmr, ! born th alcniitur) o.
m m - a h !.. rial
- Una lut peen nwMg uit r i-
JV-t- onJ uprTtlon nloce It Inrancj,
CtCCAU A Unit tin out to dfM-cUn Toil i 11 ( 111.
an ry ...-.. 1 1 imi.nns ami J ust-ev:oo4 " are but
AU VVMH" ' i t . -
Kiporluiriit thit trill with aul eudiir th health or
InfkuU aud ChlWrou lUperleuc agaliut 1imtUmuU
Catorla la a liarmloM ubtUut for Castor Oil. Par
orlc lrop and Koothlnff Syrup. It 1 lMiMwwnt. It
conUla ut'lther Opium, Morphlua nor other Jinrcoilti
ulMUiim. It airo U It guarmutr. It diMitroy Wuriua
aud allny lvrUhiie. It curi lUvrrhra and lul
Colic It relieve Ttthlti(r Trouble, rurt Couetlpatlou
aud rhitulcnoy. It lusUulIute U I'cmmI, rirlatc tin
StonuM-U uud llowt l, glvlnjf healthy and natural lMp.
Tho Chlldrvu't l'anaceiv-Tho JiotUcr' Friend.
Sears the Signature of
Tie Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
BLiiann"" -.1."'- '
The Willamette Valley Company
Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rate
WATER RATES (Water by meter applie to resi
dences only.) Ilesidence rate on meter applie to cus
tomers only who pay $2.00 and over at the rat ol 20o
per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month.
Residence, 15 cents per K. W.
Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 6 cent per K. W.
Power, rates on application.
She Court Resort ar?d
Gepnrjan Lupch Place
FltANK II. COLLINS, Proprietor
357 State St. Salem, Oregon Phoije 117
C..O. LONG, Proprietor
All Kinds of Frefh and Cured Meats
Game and Fish in Season
Crush and mix In feed or salt. Proper dot In tablet
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
Foi Horica, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowl.. They are made from the active principle or the
condenned essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are tuet
a food when 10 years old aa when 10 days old. They comply with all pare drnf lews. Ask (or
and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave, rever, nog inoiera, uisiemper, rime eye, LouctaDieuor Loose rowaer.
Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDIOINK OO..
incorporated; Capital Stock 300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota. U. S. A-
For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon
Day and night calls promptly attended to. Fine parlor In con
nection. An experienced lady assistant.
W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the
Oregon State Board of Health.
Independence, Oregon Home Phone: Store, 2220; Res. 3121
ttum to
for epoe n h lo to eo more money for yon to ship Raw Fnra and Bidns to vs
Mil ml home. Writ for Prloe List, Market Ksport. Mhlpplna Tao, and abemt ami
4M m, Iwthar bemm4. atet mint vm b Qb)flt vr written. lUtrttratinf tD par Aatm&U. AH
btmt Tnpptn' giareO. Dmom. Tnn. 0M Um. Bow and whin to tnv aoal to hininin a
aMarfal trDMsr. ll'i rnr EncnkHMdt. Prte. t. Tnomr mtlonn. ml M. MiAm isal ,
Ifoi Boh. Ow IbiMtte it iid Dmf ttrwtt Mlnwli to tnpi per bMU, Skip votw