I Now Is the time lo tUlt California WUn auuiaior baa 14 In Utit nortbero ((, ll.i ! la ouly ui!M under llio biUbt blua iktoa of Poi.ihrrn California. Thla It on of tiatura'a happy p'ovUnn a ew-rnal aum unr for lh who cannot ruiiur nmro auvrro II- California baa lwn rallid tba "Mecra of lha winter tourlat." Il'a bolela and topping placra aro aa varied a tboao of all woll ngulatJ cltla. Vlaltora ran always find aultabln arcouuuutlatluna, connlal companions, and varied pleasing rorrpalloiii. 80UTHFRN PACIFIC CO Will be glad lo aupply aoiuu vary attractive lltcralum, describing lit i.!tall tha many dullgbu of winter In Calirornla. Tba rat from !ndopndtni: to Lou AnKuloa and ruturn la f58.UO. Limit alx months, allowing stopovers In either dime tlun. Slinllur cxcuralun rales aro In effect to all California poluta. For full Information, sleeping car reservation and tickets, call on. telegraph, or writ CI. A. Wilcox, Agent, Independence, or Win. Mc- Murray, Gen. Tana. Agt., Portland, Oregon. GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP WILL AIK FOR EXTENIION APPROPRIATION. ON lata Appropriation of 1300.000 Hlnga an National Lafllalatlon Which la Bolng fought for tha Pur pot of Buying Oragon City Lock a. II. F. Jonea, cpresiiitatlv-elwt from I'olk and Lincoln counties, ten tative Statement rsndldalfl for speak er and mayor-elect of Independence, waa registered at tha Imperial Hat- urilav. aava Oreiconlan. Mr. Jones waa not disposed to dlsrusa politics, council to be held at Hoard of Trado tannnry for tb Cherry City and Mr. Gilbert ia making avery effort to get a crowd of producer a out to attend a meeting wblrh ha baa called for luuraday morning at ten o'clock at the room of the fialeia Hoard of hare at many prHief ef"i a posslbU Id meet repreoenUtlvea of tha Kaatern ni-n, ao that aa mum headway ran be mads toward an ag reement aa poaalble. Tha larger the crowd of fruit grower the better ternia the local people will get. Mr. Gilbert laat evening Issued the following appeal to producers 13 at tend the meet In: "Very Important inailera ausgeated by Kaatern capital for consideration of producers of cannery frulta. Pack er wanta Interest In cannery in ba lem. Will build plant and buy pro ducta or taka limited amount of a'oi k In cooneratlvti concern and aid in marketing. ' Let producera come out and J ln allhotiKh he said the Statement mem- bcra of the houso expect to bold a meeting early next month and before the Icglalature assembles, when It probably would bo determined wheth er or not they ahould join In a caucua for purposes of organization or at tempt to organize on a Statement lineup. 'Tho only matter of legislation In which expect peraonally to bo In terealed." said Mr. Jonea, rooma Thursday at 10 a. m. "Thursday la Hortlcural Day In 8a lem. Come for all day and hear New ell In the afternoon and Wllllaniaon In the evening. L. M. Gilbert, "President Marlon County Horticul tural Society." Mat Frightful Death. George Klllen, wbosa parenta re aldu near Woodburn, met with a la that of frightful death hint Sunday whllo out In Ine purchase by the government of , hunting cm ma iiiaincue mer, th,. Oregon CUy locka. At tho laat j company with anoiher young man of the Icglalature I secured ' named Gun bwan. Tho acctueni which canned the young man a deatn waa duo to tho accidental nlsharnfi Be:,, the puaxuK" of a bill appropriating Mm) (MM) by the statu aa a part of tho purchase price of this property. Thin of a shotgun, tho reault of drawing aimronrlntlon waa to be avallablo for the gun from tho boat by the inutile. the purpoHo for which It waa provided The charge took effect Just above INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE raOM INDEeCNOCNCC Kill! DAI I. AH Trillll No M leitves Imlel-ellllelire (tally Lull a. ni.i Iriitra .Moiiinoiiili It.l.'i a. m.; arrive iHllHH Will H. 111. Traill Nil IIX U-Iiven llulepellrti nee dully Iti-.m h. in.; Ii'hk M 1 1 1 . t it 1 1 1 , n. up it. in.; arilvrs I'iiIIux. 1 1 . ; J . in. Trulii NuTii li iivi' Indrpetiitiiii-e dally 11:18 p. ni.: leave Moiiiimiiili ." I'- ' arrUe llal lat II..V it. in. KOIt AIK1.IK Train No 7.1 li-uven Independence dally 2:.'l p. in.; h-iivi Moiiinoiiili m.;unlve Ainiv a:i p. 111. rnOM DALLAB Klllt IMiKI'KNtU'.M'K Triiln No llii leaven IihIImh dully h:lii. n leave Miillliiolllll vitt. ill.; Hrnvin imn i'i l.tiifu. n-IA h. in. I ruin No leavi-n IiuIIhm dully 1:00 p. ni l.v... Mmillllltllll I'li'lll. Ill - HITlVCH lflill IH'I 4iiiii- 1:411 n. in. (Thin train couni'Ctn al Moil null I h fur Alrlle) Trnin Ni7i Ii-mvcm nultaa dullv 7:.'5 P. lea-eM Monmuutli li. m.; arrives ludejyeml cm N:l'i p. ni- FMOM AIRL.'C Train No72 leaven Alrlle daily 4:0.pi p. leavea MoiiiikiuiIi i.lU i. ptsnuenev -l:i p. in in.; arrive 1 nil Do You Want to Sell Your Farm? Do you want to borrow money on Uf Write me. I buy and sell, and lend money on Willamette Valley Farms at lowest rates. All correspondence confidential. H. E. M0O.NEY Falling Bldg., Portland. D. TAYLOR BARBER Tub and Shower Baths in Connection MAIN STREET Independence, Ore. mmtm WE G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. W garble and i -:-,bt Granite- Jklonunienis and Head stones (Jtmetery work etc. FOLETSHOKETTAE top tK rouath e-l boala only In caBe the government witnin three ycura appropriated tho addition al funds that might be neceasary to acquired the locka. Tim life, of this appropriation by the Oregon legltduture expires next winter, or ono year beforo tho 1911 aesHlon of the legislature can bo con vened. I'nlcHS the government suc ceeds In uiitilrlng tho property be foro the session of the legislature which meets next month adjourns, I expect to ask that tho tlmo In which thin impropriation by the stato shall be available bo extended for a year or more. "Senator Fulton, however, is mak ing vigorous efforts to get immediate action by congresa on tho proposal that tho government purchase and op erate the locks, and I have hoped that ho will succeed beforo the ap proaching session of tho lor'.siiUuro adjourns. In that event, it will not be lieci-HKury to ask for any exten sion of lime that tho state's appro-' print ion can be used." Discussing municipal affairs, Mr. Jones said tho people of Independ ence contemplated installing a sewer ay at em and a gravity water service.. Other municipal improvements are bolng projected, Including better ; streets the left eye and tore tho whole top of hla head away. BANK 8TATEMENT. Report of the condition of the In dependence National Hank, at Inde pendence, in tho state of Oregon, at tlie close of business, November 27, 1UU8. RKSOCRCES. Loans and discounts $144 U Overdrafts, secured and I unsecured 7 SGI 14 U. S. Ilonds to secure clr- culation y- Uomis, securities, etc. ... .".0 475 2'.', Dunking house, furniture, and fixtures 19 932 21 Other real estate owned.. 10 uOU 00 Duo from National Uanks (not reserve agents) ... 8 8f)4 92 Dim from State Hanks and Hunkers 4 uii s. Duo from approved reserve agents - I8 49 Clucks and other cash Items 882 01 Notes of other National Hanks 160 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 146 2.1 Specie $28 OtiS 65 Legal-tender notes .... 40 00 28 108 63 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 620 00 Advance Showin of Christmas Gifts For MEN and-YOUNG MEN Now is the time to do your Christ mas shopping. Here you will find a splendid assortment of new gift things'attractively priced. Do your buying now. We will hold the goods fo r f uture delivery. At least come and see our interesting display of Men's Clothing and Furnishings v Vv - In a ietter to an Albany party last week, Senator Bourne gives assur ances that there are good prospects for favorable action in tho matter of purchase of the locks at Oregon City by the government Editor's note.' Free Course of Lectures. Winter short courses of study will begin at tho Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon, on January 5. Men and women, young and old, Interested In tho farm, the shop, or tha home, are cordially invited to attend. By writing at once to the Agricultural College a circular will be sent telling in detail -.vhat is proposed to bo ac complished by these courses. A week of lectures on general ag ricultural topics begins January 15. A special course for creamery operators and managers runs from January & IB: a course in dairying from January 18 to March 27; a course In horticulture from January 11 to leb ruary 20; a course in mechanic arts from January 11 to February 20; a course in .road construction from Jan uary 11 to February 6; a course In household science and art from Jan uary 11 to February 20. Special lec tures on business methods on tne farm will be given. The winter course is a part of a general scheme of agricultural exten sion which the agricultural college faculty ia working for. Traveling ag- tculhiral and domestic science schools, farmers' institutes, demon stration trains, free circulating libra ries, home reading courses, winter courses, and freo bulletins are all! features of a comprehensive system of extension work that tho agricul tural college faculty has recommend to President Total $2S7 580 34 LIABILITIES. Canltal stock naid in ..$50 000 00 j Surplus fund 10 000 00 Undivided nronts. toss ex- ! oenses and taxes paid 6 905 8 : National Bank notes out standing 11 900 00 Dividends unnaid 390 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 149 938 Demand certificates of denosit .... 7 490 71 Time certificates of de posit 48 602 56 Cashier s checks out standing .... 2 352 70 fS 1 wooea 0 Store SALEM, OREGON 1 GLAD II DID SO MUCH GOOD Lr HEWITT, M. 1). Physician and Surgeon Otllce in Cooper Building, rooms 2 and 3. Oltice hour. 9 a. in. to 12 in. ami 2 to 6 p. in. Culls aimwered night and day. Total $287 580 34 State of Oregon, County of Polk ss : I, C. W. Irvine,- cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. VV. IRVINK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of December, 1908. J. W. KIRKLAND, Notary Public. Correct Attest: I. W. Sears, II Hirschberg, A. Nelson, directors. A WAY OPEN. Many Reader ed commission. Fruit Prospects Brighter. L. M. Gilbert, president of the Mar ion County Horticultural Society, has received advices from Eastern capit alists who have been looking into the fruit prospects in Salem and who de- Ire to come here and build a can nery or take stock In a co-operative enterprise, says Salem Statesman. This looks like an excellent oppor tunity . to get another much-needed an Independence Knows It Well. There Is a way ' to convince the greatest skeptic. Scores of Indepen dence people have made it "possible The public statement of their experi ence is proof the like of which has never been produced before In Inde pendence. Read this case of it giv en by a citizen: ' Zed Rosendorf, merchant, Main St., Independence, Ore., says: "For ten years I was troubled with kidney complaint and finally became so bad that I was forced to walk in a stoop ed position. My kidneys were dis ordered and on account of the fre quency of the secretions, 1 was forced to arise almost constantly ' in the night. Often I would have to sit up, not being able to lie in any comfortable position. My limbs be came swollen and there was a puffi- ness beneath mv eyes, l aoctorea and tried everything but. received no Roosevelt's uplift "'f1 1 the first, and I am today free from Kidney complaint. I believe there is nothing in the world for kidney trou ble equal to Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale . by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Druggists Hear Much Praise for Simole Home-Made Mixture. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the coun try people coming in of this simple home-made mixture curing rheuma tism and kidney trouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take as a dose one teaspoom'ul af ter meals and at bedtime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture has a peculiar tonic effect upon the kidneys; cleansing the clogged-up pores of the elimina- tive tissues forcing the kidneys to sift and strain from the blood the uric acid and other poisonous waste matter, overcoming rheumatism, blad der and urinary troubles in a short while. A druggist here who has had huu dreds of calls for these ingredients since the first announcement in the newspapers last October stated that the people who once try it. "swear by it," especially those who have uri nary and kidne" trouble and suffer with rheumatism. All the druggists in this neighbor hood say they can supply the ingre dients, which are easily mixed at home. There Is said to be no better blood cleansing agent or system tonic known, . and certainly none more harmless or simple to use. a5?a HOMER LODGE N. 45 K of P ;'&fi Meets every Mon. night Wjpfl I" K. of P. Hall. M Uoetz, C. C. J, W. Ricliardsou, K.R and S, THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF McMinnville, : : : : Oregon Chas. Gregory, Jigt., Dallas. Ora. Dr. J.L. Calloway Osteopathic Physician I B. F. JONES A TIOBNH Y-A T- LA TV , NOTARY I'UJiLIC Office upstairs in.Ccoper Blk INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Youth's Companion Club Rate The Youth's Companion and Inde pendence Enterprise will be sold to gether this Fail, the two for $2.7a. This is the best offer ever made in connection with the Youth's Com panion. Renewals to that paper will be accepted with this paper at that price. " The Wonderland Theatre has op ened under new management. We have extra fine set of pictures and songs. 29tf Commonwealth Day at University.' It has been definitely decided that some time during-the spring the Uni versity will celebrate "Common wealth Day." Thousands of invita tions will be sent to all parts of the state and the most prominent speak ers of Oregon will be on the pro gram. It is hoped to make this an annual day for the state. A commit tee is already working on the pro gram and the plans for the day. "Commonwealth Day" will be held at a time when the University is in ses sion in order to give a large number of people a chance to . see the LTni- versify as It actually is. , W. R ALLIN, D. D. S. ...Dentist... rainless Extraction Cooler Bulldlug, independence, Oregon Launch Independence Plys betweeu ludependeuce mid Sal em daily except Sunday. Passenger and freight business solicited. Leave Independence : 9;30a. ca. Leave Salem : S :15 p. m. Geo. Skinner - Skipper Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo. under Dr. A. T. Still, found er of the science. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Phone 791 Rooms 7 COOPER BLOCK INDEPENDENCE, ORE JOHN BRAMBERG Plastering and general mason work. Stone, Brick and Concrete work. INDEPENDENCE, OR. . , Estimates free on application. California Medicated Soap The best, for sores, chapped hands dandruff, Insect stings and poison oak. Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr. AgenR Monmouth St., independence Or. I.W. Dickinsons LIVERY and FEED STABLE Good turnouts and careful drivers CASH JT FOR FARM PRODUCE . ... BY THE.... BUTLER PRODUCE CO. 1 "R. E. DUGANNE. H.M.D. f I DENTIST I f Graduate of N. P. D. C I PHONE M 121. INDEPENDENCE FT TTSTMf TJiffW i I I j BUSINESS COLLEGE I (4 WASHINGTON ANDTENTH T llii MHTLANO. OREOON EJL JLJ. WRITE FOR CATALOG I Brheai that Placet Tim in a Qood Piititm Dr. Gr. E. Mills Ueterinary SitrgecB Phone: Office 153, residence 443. Office at Newt Jones' Livery Barn. INDEPENDENCE, qREGON