fc Guaranteed V For 25 Years Against Breakage ! Drive them together with nn ax. ! They will not break. Do they sell ; for more? No. ifty-N t (7'tJJbTrD.l you, not so mutu bwati want to them, but to convince you that what we nay about m are (acts. j we The House Furnishing Co. 177 Court St., Salem, Or. "ill 5 &J 14 345 rnpVRiiLihT Pianos Organs Sewing Machines Talking Machine Records Piano and Organ Studies Sheet Music Extras for All Makes of Sewing Machines GEO. C. WILL, POLK COUNTY BANK MONMOUTH, OREGON PAID CAPITAL, $30,000.00 Transacts a general banking and exchange business. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J H. Hawley, Pres. J. B. V. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell, Cash. F. S. Powell. J. B. .Stump. I. M. Simpson. Little Palace Rotel iBdepcttdesce f. w. crowr, We hv olJ roor mful beds durin tho pant 60 J .. . . It ..ik .xM C at 11111 cowlin-J- Why D- rati our li! I'ttl to bd buyt-r btlng bittT detuned, better finUhvd ami better bargains. Wo ant tJ Uow thetu to SPRING STYLES FOR MEN, shown In our new shoo stock, ex hibit soma very desirable shapeB in patent leather, calf and kid. If your occupation keeps you out of dorrs all day we have a solid, sturdy. djuble sole style that is neat, but very sub stantial Just suited for the farm also something lighter for indoor wear, while our dress shoes ar mar vels of grace, beauty and comfort. Repairing a Specialty. JACOB Street. VOGT Salem, State Ore. BASIS Of 6UCC688 of Old and Relia ble House of Geo. C. Wills Good goods, right prices, posi tive guarantee, and defects (the fault of instru ment) repaired fre of charge. 121 Commercial Street Salem, Oregon. PrwMor frm City Prepay :j ?, tuiwt all la cuiuauou. LmkUinut rlvtr ruu lbroua lb pUi; !H tutl- trow motor lln; f. uiCTi and ro fui-; bt and oat bat b-fu rui uu plct of late. tiwd hop land or would make good walnut farm. This pUc kelout U an 14 Ban who baa only daubur with whom b U and be dmlrr to get bit bualiiFM oUlwl. 30.0 an ar. To reldencre In beat art of Ind pcuJoui. IUllroad and Mou mouth irvft. for alo at I!" for botu. Coui and let au thow Ibetu to you. TbU U on of th dealrable location for a tin boot In ! p.-tid.iu. Hetler buy now while the owner U In a notion of alllu. .t; acra, 4 wile outhtt of Mou mouth, mllo and a half from Lutk lauiut tatlou. 160 atr In culti vation, remalndvr In paatur and Uiuber: 30 air fir timber, re- maf mlr tu k Well watered and feueed. tioid family orchard. Kuia.ll fruits, grapes, cherries, apples and prunes, pears, etc Dwelll-J 24x:'4, iwo atorl.n, new and itt liooo. llarn )x:.6. 20 feet high and coal $000. 3 ben houses, hog houoe, milk boue. meat bouse, two bay bams for cattle and noata l V" ture. Farm U sultublo . for grain raUlng or dairying, or stock ral- i,, Witiii.t h.t fine walnut or fruit land. 1'riee per acre. Il'j.od. i,v p..a mil.. Binl a half north of Ukkreall, on county road and rail road. No Improvement. Part of donation claim recently divide among heirs. First claa liind rolling. 60 acre lu cultivation, balance In pusture and onk timber. Can bo bought on good terms. Per acre, 40.00. J3 acres ouo mile from Indeper rtmce; all cultivated and fenced; m improvements. The place will bo sold for $3000 600 acres four miles from Dallas; 03 acres lu cultivation; quarter mi from rail road; enounh axe handld ru oak to pay for the place; sli-room bouse; Ideal dairy and goat ranch. Per acre ..$20.00 2S aiTi-a aJjoUil-i? city limits of In-dep.-udence; ail in cultivation, one third acne in strawbi-rnes aud oth ir fralts on place; two-Btcry house, five rooms below; dug well with abundanco of water; large barn and chicken house; woven wire around place,, also cross fences. 3000, including household furniture and farm implements. A bargain. 102 acres one mile from Indepen dence; fenoed. wttb woven wrle and well improved; cross fences of woven wire. This is a real farm. All in cultivation except 10 acres in timber and pasture; large 8-room house; bara 40xG0; other outbuildings, such as machine sheds, chicken houses etc.; living water on place and good dug well. Per acre $100. 215 acres, two milt; from Indepen dence Is another of the good farms near Independence; level, but with 17 feet drainage In half mile; 205 acres in cultivation, rest in good oak timber; new barn 40x.')6; chick en houses and other buildings; a young orchard of 115 trees Just coming into bearing, also old or chard; has good well, windmill and tower, with water piped to house; good fences and cross fences, cow ham 40x44. granary, etc. Can be bought for $60,00) an acre. 102 acres, seven, miles south of In dpmenrtenee. one mil from two school houses 45 acres in cultiva tion; young orchard of 100 trees, eight years old; 25 acres of oak and fir timben on place; living wa ter runs thnoagh corner of place; 7-room cottage built last year, good barn 50x34;. jlace fenced with wo. .ca vlro: telephone goes with place; after October 1st will have to buy croD that Is seeded to get possession. Price for this place, $3800.. 22 acres, two and one-half miles from Independence; rolling, good land; 14 acres in cultivation; house has three rooms below, upper rooms not finished;, barn 20x30; good well with plenty of water; fenced with barbed wire and woven wire; good spring on place. Place cost $50 in srrubs and stumns. Can be bought for $1300. 53 acres, one and one-half miles from Albany, In highest state or cultiva tion; 27 acres in Baldwin and Jobnathan apples; young orchard In all kinds cf fruit and two acres In berries; orchard is In first-class shape; Baldwins had seven boxes Annies to tree this season: six acres In clover pasture; barn 40x45; dwelling is 8-room house; jrood well with water in house; three crops would pay for place. Situated on slope Place can be hnneht for $2000 and balance on lonjr time at six per cent. Price $9000. 33 1-3 acres, one and one-half miles from Independence, bottom land has hop yard of 10 acres on it; best quality onion land; 30 acres in cultivation; all fenced; old bulla log. A good buy. !'lc ttt b bought for $4004. I lou, bullfully altuatMt la ldpn dene. All or part of lbm will b old cbp. 40 aire, all lu cultivation, 11 air. Hded to wheat, oat and ct h All under good fmrf. Quarter of mil from rbool houe. Choice fruit land. l-"d lie rolling. Trice $1!HM). i room nou and thr lots In Inde pendence; Urg septic tank; but and cold water and bath; electric light aud telephone; Urn, trull and bcrrle; rang and linoleum Will go With place, $2200. Hood 7 room boua aud V M; barn, rblcken bous and wood bouno, fruit tree, atrawberrle aud mail fruit. In Independence. $850. 10 room house and two desirable lot In HlUa addition to Independence, llarn 12xl, bed on tw Idea.good rblcken hou and wood shed; full grown hedge fence In front. Splen did buy. Term. $1500. 7 room bouse, with closet aud two lot, lu Putuon A Haley addition to Monmouth. OuUlde city limit, llest well water In Monmouth; chicken boue. wood house, fruit trees; house 1 old b t l very comfortable. $t0l. Country more, hotel aud pootofrioe li. Northern California. A nood money making proposition for a man and bis wife. ThI phu can be bud very reasonable. I have the Mencr residence In Independence for !. Tbhi Is prob- ubly the finest resldeuce property In tbU city. 1 have oilier good rel- deuco properties In town und aoino lu Monmouth for sale. Chas. K. 111.-k. C1IAS. E. HICKS, Real Estate Broker, Independence, ' Oregon. For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I hav tmed Chamberlain's blouiacn und Liver Tablets for some Uniejiiid can testify thut they have done me more good than any tablets ( have ever used. My trouble was u. havy dull feeling after eating. David fc'rve- "an. Kempt. Nova Scotia. These tabl"ts Mi-Midi" n the moiuucli. and Improve thi; dilution. They also regulate tho live" mid l.'vls. Tuy are f.ir uv rl r to piil- but cost nn more. Get a freo sample at r. Kirklnnd's drug storo nnd -ep wlsit a splendid medicine it U School Attendance Above Averse8-- fnnntv Sihoal Superintendent It- C. Seymour of Dallas wa attenditi mhfxil matters In Indepetidelice Saturday. lie. reports that the at-' tendanctf at tlie scliools of the conn-j iv la nhrmt on Dcr cent better than i any previous year. "The compulsory li.tii)ii law is working to good ef fect. " said .Mr. Seymour to a repre sentative of the Enterprise bnturnay... "and has brought out a good attend ance to the schools of the county. All children coming within the com pulsory education age limit are In school, so far as I can find out." NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders A the Independence and Monmouth, Pailway Company will be held at the Independence National Bank in Inde pendence. Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. ni on Thursday, the 31st day of Docenir ber, A. D. 1908, for the purpose ol electing officers and such other busi ness as may properly come before stid meeting. D. W. SEARS, 25-30 Secretary. WOULD KEW8 IX BRIEF. A German battleship of 18,00,0 tons was successfully launched at Kiel, Germany, Saturday. Chief Hump, of Wounded Km?e fame, the last survivor of this im portant fight, died last week at his camp at Cherry Creek, S. D. It is officially announced that a marriage is to take place between the Earl of Granard and a daughter of J. Odgen Mills, of New York. More manufactures were exported from the United States in the- fiscal year 1908 than in any preceding year, aggregating in values three quarters of a billion dollars. Fourteen are known to m dead, three of the Americans, and' 60 in jured as a result of the pnemature explosion of 21 tons of dynamite at Bas Obispo, in the Panama Canal Zone, Saturday. The Government made a profit during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, of $10,541,371 oa the coinage of silver, nickel and ono-cent bronze pieces. This represent the differ enc betwe- i the price- paid by the government tor the metals and their coinage value. Mrs. Cora Whitney, wife of C. William Whitney, of New York, edi tor of the Outing Maganine and one of the best known sporting writers In the country, was granted a divorce with $300 a month alimony at Oma ha last week. Mrs. Roosevelt has received the gifts brought from China by Special Chinese Ambassador Tang Shao Yl. They consist of a very handsome tigerskin lined with yellow silk and said to be one of the largest In ex istence; bolts of beautiful silk, sa bles and silver. The gifts were tak en to tho White Hous. Th Kind You Have Always la u IPX wver w . ....I Vf tonal 7sj7sXaJII . .... . ... ..ii.i .. i:IHrliurit that trifle vrlth nd w.di.rr the hwdth of What Is CASTOR I A (-M.torU 1 a lmnnloM ub.tltut for Ctr Oil. Vr rorlc. lrti mud thl Hjrup. It U MBJ' " conUla. ludthor Opium, Morphine nor othr JUreo uh.Uu.or. It Ke U IU guarantee. It de.troy. rn and nll a rcvrrMinr. It rurc. lhrrht. and M Ind Colic It ndloviM. Tiethlnir Troublea. cur. ton-t imtlon and Flatulency. It a. I ml la tea tho FwhI. Wtota the Stomach and llewrlm glvlnif healthy tu.d natural leci. The Chlldrcu l'anacon The Mother' i rlcnO. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS si Boars tbe Tie Kind You Hate Always Bonglit In Use For TnI ...T.UK M.IMI. The Willamette Light, Power & Water WATER RATES (Water by meter applie to resi dence only.) Residence rate on meter applio to cus tomers only who pay $2.00 and over at the rate of 30c per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER RATE- Ketddonce, 15 cents per K. W. Business houses, .r cents per drop and 5 cent per K. W. Power, rate on application. OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE MAIN 41 She Gourt Resort ar?d Gepnyan hupcb Place KKANK II :OI. LINN, Proprietor 357 State St. Salem. Oregon Pbope 117 LONG'S MEAT MARKET CO l OiNfli I'mprlftiir AH Kinds of Fre.'h and Cu ed Meats Game pd Fish in Season INDEPENDENCE OREGON MAKE YOUR OWN SK1DOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed or alb Proper dot In tablet Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price Fot Hone., Cl, Sbcep, Swtae nd Fowl. They are made from th ctlv prindpl. or tt condned e.sence of th drug. TJiey don't contala Sawdust, Ahe, Cbop Feed or Bran. Ar Jurt i. tfood wheo 10 yttn old a when 10 day old. They comply with all pure drnj law. Ak(or .od trv one SKIDOO Condition TabLet. or 6KIDOO Worn, Kidney, Chicken ChoUra, BlUtcr; Catbartic. Hr.e. Fever, Hot Cholera, Dwtemp.r, Pink Eye, Colic UbleUorLooM Powder, Soavin Cur. or Barb Wire LioUnent. Distributed by TUB BLUE BELL MEDIOINB OO.. corporatedi Capital Stock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota. U. S. A- For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon UNDERTIKINQ Day and night callB promptly attended to. Fine parlor in con nection. An experienced lady assistant. W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the Oregon State Board of Health. BICE & CALBREATH Independence, Oregon Home Phone: Store, 2220; Re. 3121 Preparing Good Road Bill. Members of the Legislative Com mittee of the Oregon Good Roads Association and State Grange, ap pointed at a largely attended state conference, have gone to Portland to ipend a full day, for the third time In the past two months, in order Bought, nutl which hn been - - 1. - Kn Kiailn II ml i r liiii 1H.1 juprvUlon alnra It lufiui. j. . ...... i.,MAli'irutl In till. .T..aa.aruiil" HrO UUl Signature of ' Over 30 Years. " . ' "T- Valley Company at Very Reasonable Rate STOCK FOODS BX USING Tthat they might agree upon such bill as could be brought before the legislature and become a law with out unnecessary delay. Attend the Christmas dance In the opera house. Dance given by the In dependence orchestra.