Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 03, 1908, Image 2

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For 25 Years
Against Breakage
Drive them together with an ax.
Thev will not break. Do thev sell
for more? No.
We have oh! mora niotal
bods during th past 60
daya than r 11 other 8l'in
firm combined. Why; 1U
cause' our beda appeal to
bed buyer as being better
designed, better finished and
better bargains.
W want to show them to
you, not so much because
we want to sell them, but to convince you that what we say about
the in are facta.
v" ..- -
The House Famishing Co.
177 Court St., Salem, Or.
Farms and City Proptrty
as shown In our new shoo stock, ex
hibit some very desirable shapes in
patent leather, calf and kid. If your
occupation keeps you out of doers all
day we have a solid, sturdy, double-
sole style that Is neat, but very sub
stantial Just suited for the farm
also something lighter for Indoor
wear, while our dress shoes ar mar
vels of grace, beauty and comfort.
Repairing a Specialty.
345 State
Pianos I
Basis of success
Organs of Old and Relia-
O Ki i ble House of Geo.
Sewing Machines c.wiiis
Talking Machine Records Good goods,
P. ,. right prices, posi-
iano and Organ Studies tive guarantee,
Sheet MUSIC and defects (the
oneei iviusic fault of in8tru.
Extras for All Makes of fn0f cheaired
Sewing Machines ! 1
T?f TT1TT T 121 Commercial Street
jL KJ, C LL 11a JL) Salem, Oregon.
PAID CAPITAL, $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and
exchange business.
J. H.
Hawley, Pres. J. B. V. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell, Cash.
F. S. Powell. J. B. cHump. I. M. Simpson.
Diilc Palace Hotel
laMElfr afMlafaf afala
W. Cronor, Proprietor
forefunv Sw&Hed toms. Srccial nrttntlcn to rommcrtUI trad I
I6J aorve, tuoat all In cultivation
Luiklauiuto rlvir runs through the
platf ; ntll- from motor lluw
ftmcva an J i-ruaa fviicfa; wbtal and
oata hair bwn grown tin plans o
la(i. u ik) J hop land or would
mak good walnut farm. Thin
plac belongs to aii old tuau who
baa only daughter with whom be
Uvea and h lfirra to it hia
buaineaa acltlod. f 30.0i) an art.
Two rmldiMHca lu b-t art of Inde-
peiidenct, Itallroad and Monmouth
atrfta, for aale at tlSuO for both
I unit and lot mo show tht'iii to
you. This I on of the d-lrabl
locatlona for a flue homo in Indo-
juMidi'iice. IK'tii-r buy now while
tho owner la In a notion of clUng
21 nr. -a, 4 utlba aouihweat of Mon
mouth, inllo and half from Luck
lamuta mm ion, 160 aira lir cult 1
vatlon, remainder In pasture and
Umber; 3i) acres fir timber, re
mainder oak. Well watered and
fenced, (lood family on-hard, amalt
fruits, grapes, cherrloa, apples and
prunes, pears, etc. Dwelling 24x24.
two stories, new and coat $1000.
Hum 40x.'6, 20 feet hlth and rout
I CuO. 3 hen houses, hog hoiwe,
milk house, meat house, two hay
barn a fur rattle and goats in )aa
ture. Farm is aultable for grain
raining or dairying, or stork nil a-j
Itiit. Would be tine walnut or
fruit land. Price per acre, ll'u.ui).
90 acres, mile and a half north of
Rkkrcall, on county road and rail
road. No improvements. Part of
donation claim recently divided
among heirs. First cluss land
rolling. 60 ucres in cultivation,
balance in pasture and ouk timber.
Can be bought on good terms.
Per acre, $40.00.
30 acres three utiles from Indepen
dence: 130 acrea In cultivation;
good fir and oak timber on place;
house, barn, granary, small orchard
and two good wells and spring in
pasture. Per acre $30.00
172 acres three miles from Indepen
dence; all in cultivation; 85 acres
in clover, rest in grain; all cleared
and fenced with woven wire, house
with six roou.B below; barn, granar
ai,d a dug well and spring. Best
I buy. Pri.e per aero $o0.00
53 acres one mile from Indepen
dence; all cultivated and fenced;
no Improvements. The place will
be sold for $3000
600 acres four miles from Dallas
50 acres In cultivation; quarter
mile from rail road; enough axe-
handle grub oak to pay for the
place; six-room house; Ideal dairy
and goat ranch. Per aore ..$20.00
28 acres adjoining city limits of In
dependence; all la cultivation, one-
third acre In strawberries and oth
er fruits on place; two-story house
flv rooms below; dug well with
abundance of water; large barn
and chicken bouse; woven wire
around place, also cross fences,
3000, including household furniture
and farm implements. A bargain,
102 acres one mile from Indepen
dence; fenced with woven wrle
and well Improved; cross fences
of woven wire. This is a real
farm. All in cultivation except 15
acres in timber and pasture; large
8-room house; barn 40x60; other
outbuildings, such as machine
sheds, chicken houses, etc.; living
water on place and good dug well
Per acre $100.
215 acres, two miles from Indepen
dence Is another of the good farms
near Independence; level, but with
17 feet drainage in half mile; 205
acres in cultivation, rest in good
oak timber; new barn 40x56; chick
en houses and other buildings; a
young orchard of 115 trees Just
coming into bearing, also old or
chard; has good well, windmill and
tower, with water piped to house;
good fences and cross fences, cow
barn 40x44, granary, etc. Can be
bought for $60.00 an acre.
102 acres, seven miles south of In
dependence, one mile from two
school houses; 45 acres in cultiva
tion; young orchard of 100 trees
eight years old; 25 acres of oak
and fir timber on place; living wa
ter runs through corner of place
7-room cottage built last year, good
barn 50x34; place fenced with wo
von wirg; telephone goes vith
place; after October 1st will have
to buy crop that is seeded to get
possession. Price for this place
22 acres, two and one-half miles from
Independence; rolling, good land;
14 acres in cultivation; house has
three rooms below, upper rooms
not finished; barn 20x30; good well
with plenty of water; fenced with
barbed wire and woven wire; good
spring on place. Place cost $50
ia grubs and stumps. Can be
bought for $1300.
53 acres, one and one-half miles from
Albany, in highest state of cultiva
tion; 27 acres in Baldwin and
Johnathan apples; young orchard
in all kinds cf fruit and two acres
in berries; orchard is in first-class
shape; Baldwins bad seven boxes
apples to irwi thla teaauu; ll
acrea in clovar paitura; bars!
4ti45; dwelling la I room bouaa;
good well with water In buuta;
lhre crop would pay fur plao. I
httuated on atop 1'laia tan ta
buught for !W00 and balanca
one uma at aix per cent. itic
33 13 acrea, on and on half nilleal
from ludependouia, bottom land;
tna bop yard of 10 acrea on It;
bent quality oitlou land; 30 acrea In I
cultivation; all fenced; old build-
in K a. A good buy. Place van b
bouht for $4000.
S lota, beautifully situated In Iiidcpuu
dence. All or part of them will ba
aold cheap.
9 room hoiiM aud three Iota In Inde
pendence; lurgo aepllc tank; bt
and cold water aud bath; electric
light a aud telephone; barn, fruit
aud berries; range aud linoleum
will with pluce, $;'J00.
lood 7-room houae and 8 Iota; barn.
chicken bouao aud wood houne.
Ault treea, atrawberrlea aud auiall
frnlta. In Independence, $850.
10 room Iiouho aud two dealrablo lota
in lllll'a addition to Independence.
Iturn 12x16, abed ou two atdea.Kood
chicken house and wood ahed; full
Krown bedj; fenco in front. Splen
did buy. Terms. $1500.
room house, with lionets and two
lota, in Damon & Haley'a addition
to Monmouth. Outside ilty limits.
Heat well water in Mouuioulh;
chicken Iiouho, wood houae, fruit
trees; house is old b"t la very
comfortable. $400.
Country store, hotel and poxtofflce In
Northern California. A good money
making proposition tor a mail aud
his wife. This place can bo hud
very reasonable.
'2 lo
... -
ALruiiuLsrkH cTiirT
(ln U SuMtxlH aallkwa d
Ironioifs Diih'illonrWyl
V58 ami iwuconuwi txiaw
Ojiiunibiruhme nurrtacraL
For Infanta nnJ Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Boars tho
A perfect IUmr try for Ctrofyi
I loit . Sour Stnnu'h.PUrrliuri
nesi AiULoss otSleep.
ricSiitiW Sitfnafurt of
GuLranted undVr tlaTTbJ
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Real Eatate Broker,
Independence, Oregon.
, 11. I). Thlclxon has started his iiano
line cnglneto plowing with four plows
attached. They claim that they can
plow on an average of ton acres a
day with the rig.
Mrs. Nell Unit of .Mrllo has been
visiting her fclsur, Mr.:. Martin, dur
in.t the pa:it w.;ek.
.trchle i rowu and f.iu.iiy and bis
brother, Alf l;rown, aud family, spent
Thanksgiving with relatives near Sll
The G. W. D. C. gave another one
of their delightful dances at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ilidenhour last Sat
urday night.
John Young departed last Sunday
for Portland.
Remember the shooting match at
Greenwood on December 23d.
Mr. and Mrs. Knowles and their
daughter, Cora, and Mr. and Mrs. M.
Martin spent last Sunday at J. T.
Pete Boilcs and family have mov
ed on their farm at Moleally.
Ben Dunn came put Irom aet
and spent Thanksgiving "with Jobi!
few of the G. W. D. C. mem
bers attended a Thanksgiving party
in the Masonic Hall at RIckreall.
uememner the snooting match on
December 23d.
The Willamette Valley Company
Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rates
WATER RATES (Water by meter applies to resi
dences only.) Residence rate on meter applies to cus
tomers only who pay $2.00 and over at the rate of 20o
per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month.
Residence, 15 cents per K. W,
Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 5 centa per K. W.
Power, rates on application.
For that Dull Feeling After Eating.
I have used Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets for some time, and
can testify that they have done mo
more good than any tablets I have
ever used. My trouble was a heavy
dull feeling after eating. David Free
man, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These
tablets strengthen the stomach and
Improve the digestion. They also
regulate the liver and bowels. They
are far superior to pills but cost no
more. Get a free sample at P. M.
Klrkland's drug store and see what
splendid medicine it Is.
She Court Resort aj?d
Gernpan Ltupcb Place
F It A NK II. COLLINS, Proprietor
357 State St. Salem, Oregon Phor;e 117
Frank Shythes spent Sunday with
his family.
Pete Womer of Michigan is visiting
friends in this neighborhood.
Mrs. James Grant has been very
111. Dr. Butler was called twice to
her bedside the past week.
We hear there is to be a shooting
match at Jesse Yost's this week.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Vehr
of Portland is not to be with us.
Report of Pedee school, District No
6, for the month ending November
27: Those who were neither absent
nor tardy are: Alta and Sammie Ed
wards, Precious Irwin, Wayne Hanna,
Clarence, Hattie and Joe Kinsey,
Blanche Lacey Mildred and Willie Oh
man, Mabel and Hazel Yost, Wilbur
and Elsie Bush, Elmo and Arthur
Mrs. Fred Ritner, Teacher.
C. . LO S G, Proprietor
AH Kinds of Frefh and Cured Meats
Game and Fish in Season
Crush and mix In feed or (alt Proper dote In tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
f Horaea, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowl.. They ara made from the active principle or the
condensed euence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Aabea, Chop Feed or Bran. Ar. li.rt
aa food when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure dru laws. Aik for
and try once 8KIDOO Condition Tablet., or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, CWck Chol.n!
Bliater, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Ho Cholera, Distemper. Pink Eye. Colic tabllt.or Lo. "wdSS
Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE on
incorporated; Capital Stock $300,000.00; Wateitown. South Dakota. U. S. A- W,V"W" OW"
For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon
More people are taking Foley's
Kidney Remedy every year. It is
considered to be the most effective
remedy for kidney and bladder, trou
bles that medical science can devise.
Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects ir
regularities, builds up worn out tis
sues and restores lost vitality. It wll
make you feel well and look well. P.
M. Kirkland.
Day and night calls promptly attended to. Fine parlor in con
nection. An experienced lady assistant.
W. L, BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the
Oregon State Board of Health.
Independence, Oregon Home Phone: Store, 2220; Res. 3121
Committeeman Makes Western Visit.
Congressman William Lorimer of
Chicago, member of the river and
harbor committee, is making an ex
tended visit to many of the important
harbors of the Pacific Coast. He
gave the Columbia River especial attention.
Guilty of Counterfeiting.
Passing counterfeit money is no
worse than substituting some un
known worthless remedy for Foley's
Honey and Tar, the great cough and
cold remedy that cures the most ob
stinate coughs and heals the lungs.
P. M. Kirkland.