PPPP1IQ1P Jll N ILP1UI1 11 JLJiii &HKJ1LJ I N I ) K ! ' K N I ) K N C K , OKEGON, I'HUHSDAY, DKCKMHKR 3, mm. NUMIJEK 27 F1KTKKNTII YKAK. FIGHTS FOR THE PEOPLE I llua ami hope thlr atay will be both pluaaanl and prolltablM. TU abov U taken from a Kelaey v II l, California, paper and rf'T to la con of our lownanmn, J. II. Culllna B. F. JONEI rati UIT against EXPRESS COMPANIES Platform of B. F. Jon. Indipndn, Ora., Ih-c. 2. lion. Aaa Itoblnaon, Recorder of the t'liy of Independence; ltnr Sir, 1 hereby accept the now Itiatlun for the of fit e of Mayor of the Chargaa that Rataa Art Unjust, Un-lc'lty of Independence, aa tendered mo raaonabl and Unfair Rauroaai,t u,0 cilUviia' Mooting held on the Commlaalon Hat Caaaa Under Ad- j7tn ,jay 0f November, l!oS. vlaement at Pretent Tim. I Not having been a candidate for the office, and not being present at the meeting, and not wlahlng to tula- . . a . II .a ... . . I. - t . . D. F. Join rHurnwl Alonaajr irwiu una nnyunu, j umui iv w.hw lur uio . I - . I . I . . 111.. ... I u Salera wbero h haa been iryuig wj urioiiy aiaie my puamvu vu vnj caae bofor the Railroad CommUnlon. affair, thon the voter will not be Mr Jonia filed two case before tlm deceived. -.m minion: one asalnal tne taunt, jai. i ueiievo in iuumripi ou Ex ores Company, operated over the ehlp. id... ,,f (he O. R. at N. Company. 2d. 1 believe In tho cliy havlug a and one aualnat Hie Will Fargo fcx- good water and aewcrage ayateni ,., ronmaiiy. operated over all the 3d. believe In enforcing all city .. . . i . ,l.. I ,i l . 1. . .!.,. Hue In Oregon, oil Hie grounua wii I oruinanrea, or ii uu um- mi mv ihi-lr charge are unjust, unreason- bo repealed. iblo and unlawful. That the mayor and council The caae agalnat tho Pacific tx- men carry out the wlabea of tho po- pre Company wa beard on Novem- tliloner if they are the majority of ber 18th and l under aavieiucuii ..ne citizen oi jnuepeuuuucv. with tint Railroad Commlaalon. Hie 5th. I will If elected to the office 000D ROADS CONVENTION MONSTER MEETING IN INDEPEN DENCE MONDAY. Every Bualneaa Houae In Town Will Cloi During Seaalon of Good Roada Convention and All Farmer of th Country Will Attend. The good roada bulldera will be In Independence Monday. It will be the blgxeat meeting ever held In Inde pendence. You will come to aee the great gathering. Will the opera hotme be big enough to hold the peO' plot It will be aomelblng to be long remembered. Something of the Importance of the meeting la told In tho following toi ler, which haa been aent to almoat everybody in Uila end of the county: "Independence, Oregon, December 2, 1908. Dear Sir: A convention haa been called to meet In the opera bouae In thla city at 1 o'clock, Hon caae axalnHt the Well Fargo Kxpreaa of mayor, endeavor to carry out these day, December 7, 1908. This conven- ....,.,v heard on the 30lb. and prlnclplea and ahall at all time won non la cauoo. ior me purpose oi ui after the plaintiff. U. F. Jonea, bad for a greater Independence put In hi evidence the attorney for the expreaa company filed a moiion i dlamlaa tho caao on the grounda that tho plulutlff had not proven that the r.iuy w..r iiiiluuful and uniiiHt. Tho Respectfully, B. F. JONES. cuaalng method and to create aentl ment at the coming aeaalon of the legislature to secure legislation for Improvement of the public highway of Polk county and the atate at large. Marked for Death 'Three yeara ago I waa marked I for state appropriation for road work. Railroad Commission took the case for death. A graveyard cough was for a atate road supervisor, and for ..,H..r ..ivisemeiit and ordered the ex- te.-irlug my lungs to pieces. Doctors legislation looking to the employment . ...i. . .1... ..,,m. I ,.(!. In kuln ma an I hnna tlflrl fllt I Of Htnt and COUIltV criminals On the press company 10 mmm" iu tii..u w i - - mission a statement of their earn- when my husband got Dr, iu I., nreirnn. -N'w Discovery," say Mrs " I. . . .. . - . rr. 1 l . . I . .tf .,.1 . . A . . ptr ln kommnw n.t.K tha I.. .lbl,, n( IA rnS.'H to a re tro- '.VWIiaiUS. OC VSC, n.y. lUO hij. cwuv.icu iu nm in no. iu; ".in m- 114 I .... .. , I .1.1. .....nl.illn. In .Iii4n Dtfl. i..i.iilv if this tmner Mr. Jones aoso nejpeu mo biiu impruvt'iuuiH .7 "'ft"""""" ... - ,n -u- "Th rates in Oregon are kept on until I bad gained C8 pounds benefits to Polk county a hundred per cent higher than they In weight and my health waa fully purpose It is Intended to hold a mon- are in the state of Indiana, Mlssou- restored." This medicine holds the sier convention in mis cuy on me . i '... ,! Texas and the world healing record for coughs and above date. Every business house of Jnress coiuDUuies are putting up a cold and throat and lung disease. Independence will be closed on this hard baltio to maintain these rates, u prevents pneumonia. Sold under date during the time of the meeting They have a number or tiuiia omcuiw guarantee ui mi uiumlw hero from New York and their best j $1.00. Trlul bottle free. legal council is hero to assist their Portland attorneys .Personally, I have no grievance against the railroads or the express companies," continued Mr. Jones.-but as a representative of tbo.peopio i want to see that they got a square deal. If the express companies are DOc and EVEN CARRIERS HAVE TROUBLES to allow business men to attend the convention. Tile state Is becoming very much aroused over the importance of good roads and meetings are being held In all parts of the state where the subject is being discussed. This is ne of the paramount questions be fore us at this time. Good high ways will do more toward securing new homeseekers . to the Willamette valley than any other one thing, charging the people unjust, unreason able and unlawful rateB.whleh I be lieve they are. then it is the duty of the railroad commission to find and he twQ rura, mal, carrler8 out of lands through which they traverse, fix reasonable rates." Arch Parker and J. P. Dickinson, 00 rads enhance the value of the Independence, were lounging about in whll re Sreat 8urc f con Drosecutlng . ,...,, u, ., venlence to the farmers as well. It oMnmev. is assisting Mr. Jones in .. nnn RSt week wlth should bo a duty of the state to as the cases. long, glum faces after a day's cold 8lt this matter, and these meet- their routes. They were U'B wnicn are oeing neia in au pans o., moona c,i lire intenaea to create a sentiment trip over ... turn Daa H af Parrvdaifl. fd KiniiHRtnfl' wava 4. hnmo nf the bride's par- L,.hVwla, seeking to lmorove on the tn that "Section. It is urgent upon ents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Perry, on comtort8 attendant on their arduous fveiy farmer to attend this meeting, t.u I,..., K.mi,p, acth. at 2 P.m., hMpS. On these cold, danuv foggy lendInK hu Jnfluence for better roads occurred he marriage of their daugh- day8 lt ls very trying on the car- " askance m tne mac ter Miss Viola, and Mr.-Hugh woni rlera t0 find a box in which mere ; V, o. .ram r.o..l.l offlcUv U q i nf pennies that have to be lno principal speaaer ai mis con Zr "fished" out and letters requiring vention will be Judge John Scott of D . .... ... saiem wnn win ho nsiBiafoii wirr The bride was taBtlly dressea m stamps. Their lingers get so numo 1110 unuo . ' . , j . ., . lmana and eharta exnlnlnlnir thA varl ..... u.i. .irMod in ner nauu rrnm tha enm mat n is almost bu ' r wnue '"-;-... Varn. m t ,,, n n nonn, r, ous plans of building roads and their a beauumi uoug.uu,. t ----- .. , v r - - . . ,.,u riressed n Ln, h a preat. conven ence and approxlmate cost Per mue' tions. iub ft.""" " . ' : - .-sneakers will nlsn ha nresent and nventlonal black. The newly nar- would show mucn ieiiow leeung u - - -- , ' 7 rle, counle left on the evening ' ln the patrons of the routes would think "T.S. II , ' of this and wouia try to maae it easier for the carriers. If they e would buy a quantity of stamps at a time it would enable them to stamo all their mall matter, or if ,m, wild crane and holliv; u-- they run out, they might put the Quite a number of, Highlanders ai der an arch of the same the bride money in an envelope so that the tended the basket social given at Bu ,, rnom Btood supported by Mr. carriers would not have to get out of ena Vista last Wednesday evening. HUU 6IUU11I ' . . . . , . i A Ml.. Mill, llnv. and Miss Cora Jjam- their rigs to pics up me yeiiuieo """'-s nicm liiuim nn.- for their home near Perrydale, county, where they will reside. Only the immediate friends C contracting parties were preset The home was beautifully talnment of those in attendance will b' arranged for." HIGHLAND. nivdfl Perry berg, as bridegroom and bridesmaid, which get away from them The table was furnished wun u beautiful bouquet by Mrs. Rogers. Forest Grove Times. Buys Store at Kelseyville We take pleasure in announcing that Charles Collins, who, with his wife, came here some two or three months ago to take charge of the Owl Drug Store, has bought the busi ness and will become a permanent resident here. Mr. Collins is a grad uate of the Portland, Oregon, School of Pharmacy, and also holds diplomas In Washington and California, ana has had twelve years experience. He la a young man of pleasing address, bright, intelligent, accommodating and of good habits, and we believe win become popular with our citizens and build up a good business. Mrs. Col lins is a woman of quiet, dignified bearing, though thoroughly eocial.and ls already making many friends. We heartily welcome Mr. and Mrs. Col ander, Joe Anderson, Gail Alexander, A little tin box to put pennies in Henry and Vern McElmurry and C would solve the problem. The car- E. Nash, who took an active part in rlers could easily secure the pennies the sale of the baskets, from a little box. Try something of Parker is certainly coming into the hto Unit nnd se if vou can't helD limellr' t as it was the scene last tho -nrriers nut. Wednesday of a small sized wreck. A heavy laden freight train was cross- Beware of Frequent Colds. ing a cattle guard when the iron A succession of colds or a protrac- braces near the front end of a car ted cold is almost certain to end in loaded with lumber gave way. Timb ehronic catarrh, from which few per- ers were torn from the car and the sons ever wholly recover. Give every cattle guard was demolished ana cold the attention it deserves and track torn up. After hard labor the you may avoid this disagreeable dis- crew succeeded in sidetracking the ease. How can you cure a cold? disabled car, Whv not trv Chamberlain's Cough Gail Alexander was an Independ- Remedy? It ls highly recommended, ence visitor Saturday, Mrs. M. White df Butler, Tenn., says, Harry and Ed Valllere were trans Several years ago I was bothered acting business in Independence Sat with my throat and lungs. Someone urday. told me of Chambeerlain s Cough rea Haman left Monday ror iroui- Remedy. I began using lt and lt re- dale, where he expects to work in a lieved me at once. Now my throat meat shop, and lungs are sound and well." For Our school had certainly ought to sale by P. M. KIrkland. or for but month, aa hav nidt an avra In att.-ndam e of 99 9 p r cunt. llpnry and Orn MrKluiurry wvr lmli'pntlnre vlaltor Saturday. C. K. Nah apent Friday. Saturday and Similar with tila paronia at Hu ii a VUta. i'rtrr Khaf.-r tella ua that h U till 4-onvttrilnf John Compton'a tuk and anil limber Into tordwood. Jo Loundrc began plowing- on the Ireland plara Tu-aday. Clint Ague, who haa been away Waiting, returned a week ago Sun day. If a at ran iter ahould happen thru h.rn Juki now be would think that all the young men and many of the older onct were studying aatronomy by lb way they are watching the KMllth. We understand that Fred Feather- atone has ordered a hundred dollar tump puller. That certainly look aa though Kred Intended cleaning up his farm. I Mr. Agee'i mother la now spending a fw weeka with him here. Work on the Ireland farm is pro- greaslng rapidly a there were five teama plowing today (December 1) and more expected tomorrow. Thjy are rushing the work, a their walnut tree will aoon arrive and they want to fiuUh the work while this good weather la8t. Once more we aee the pleasant and mlllng countenance of Joe AndeMjn on our mall route. Mr. Dickinson ha a vacation of two week and Mr. An derson Is tilling his place. We understand Frank Valllere In tends setting bis farm out in fruit trees and berries a very profitable undertaking. Henry Dickinson was In Indepen dence on business Wednesday. Mr. Simons came up from Salem Tuesday to visit his son here and returned Wednesday. Miss Edith Alexander left Monday to stay with her aunt, who is quite sick, near Wellsdale. She will return Friday. Quite a number of our young 'Highlanders' took in the show at ndependence Wednesday night. " WANT TEN ACRE TRACT I have a customer for a ten acre tract of land. If you have a good piece of land with no improvements and suitable for haying purposes and is not spotted I have your man. must be good land and I must have information not later than Saturday morning. Better telephone to me. How about that five acre tract advertised for last week? I have not found the land. If you have telephone to me and If you haven't the kind that I want may be your neighbor has. TeJI him about it. Chas. E. Hicks, Agent. A Personal Appeal. If we could talk to you personally about the great merit of Foley's Hon ey and Tar, for coughs, colds and lung trouble, you never could be in duced to experiment with unknown preparations that may contain some harmful drugs. Foley's Honey and Tar costs you no more and has record of forty years of cures. P. M. KIrkland. Independence Boys Outclassed. Indenendence and Corvallis foot ball teams contested on Hill s Ball Park on Thursday afternoon. In this game Independence was outclassed in every particular, weight, trciniug, etc. It is claimed the Corvallis team out weighed our boys by at least twenty- five pounds to the man. A large at tendance was out to see the game. The score was 16 to 0 in favor of Corvallis. The Corvallis boys staid over to attend the Thanksgiving dance in the evening. Type for Sale. The Independence Enterprise has 150 lbs. new body type for sale. Used less than six months. Will sell it for half cost price. Write today about it. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. The intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured be placed on the county roll of hon- by it. For sale by P. M. Kirkland. u) rr. -IN- Men's & Boys' Clothing Wev'e just selected from our regular line of Clothing 120 Men's Suits and we have placed them on our bargain tables at 20 to 30 per cent reduction in price to close out broken lines. All sizes, 35 to 44. 190 Young Men's Suits at 20 to 40 per cent reduction . . . Over 200 Boys' Knee Pants Suits at 20 to 40 per cent reduction. Mi Store SALEM, OREGON HAfi A SALEM, OREGON OUR EXHIBITION of Christmas Merchandise is great spick and span new goods from the best manufacturers of America and Europe. New Dress and Waisting Silks, new Wool Suitings in the new directoire materials. We are showing the lates New York craze: the EmpressNippon Coats Also all the new styles in Directoire Suits, sheath Skirts, silk Petticoats, fine Furs, silk Umbrellas, kid Gloves in all shades, fancy neck wear and Ruchings. We show the strongest line of up-to-date new merchandise shown in this part of the world and at prices you cannot beat in Chicago or New York.