D f?lllllNiijiiMiiifN-iiiMiiijiMiiiiiilTrr YOUR IRON BED IS HERE Our carload fore, havo just finished unloading a large car of Iron Boda. Now la tha lima for you to brln9 your want. In thla Una to tha Furniture Mart. If you with to aava money. Wa buy dlract from tha factory In carloadt, theraby reducing fralght rataa and saving tha Jobbers' profit. Wa glva you tha bene fit of thla aavlng In addition to our am. II margin way of a.HIng; bt.ld.a giving you battar quality for lata monay, wa off.r you larga aaaortmanta to a.I.et from, thua wa hava aarnad tht confldanca of tha paopla. Don't fall to taka advantaga of our monay aavlng prices not only on Iron Bads, but on all Una. of house furnlshlngs. 6ea a faw of tha na 1909 patterna on display In show window. 1 ifyflMrig Come .over on the next boat r YOUR fCREDIT rGOOD UJ 1 lit J HOUSE FURNISHERS And take home a new bed L. HEWITT, M. I). I'livdlclun and Surgeon Office In Cooper Building, rooms 2 and 3. Oilice lioiirt. 9 a. in. to 12 ui. and 2 to 8 p. iu. Call answered niglit and day. ?& 8D0INGS AT THE McMlnnvllU, : : : : Oregon Chan. Gregory, Jigt., Dallas. On. STATE NORMAL HOMER LODGE No. 4ft K of P a Meets every Mod. night In K. ot V. Hall, M Uoetz, U. C J, W. Richardson, K.R an.l 8. 0. F. JONES jA TIOIINE Y-A T-LA IV NOTARY PUBLIC Office npttulra ln4Cooper Blk INDEPENDENCE, OREGON W. Bl ALL IN, D. D. S. ...Dentist... alBlen Extraction Cooper Building, Independence, Oregoa Launch Independence Plya betweeu ludependeuce and Pal jeni daily except riunday. Paimeiiijer and freight business solicited. Leave Independence : 9;S0a. m. Leave Salem : 3;15p. ui Geo. Skinner - Skipper Dr. J.L. Callowa.y Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the American School of 0tMpathy, Kirknvllle, Mo. under l)r. A. T. Still, found er of the science. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Phenm 791 Rooms 7 Jh 6 COOPER BLOCK INDEPENDENCE, ORE JOHN BRAMBERG Plastering nd general muaon work. Htone, Brick and Conorete work. INDEPENDENCE, OR. Estimates free on application. On Saturday evening, November 14, Mr, Sparks of Forest Grove enter tained a good-sized audience In the Normal Assembly Hall. Mr. Sparks is a clever chalk-talk artist and his ready humor, . accompanied by his doft use of -crayon, greatly pleased those present. At the close of the program the platform was thronged with the ever eager souvenir hunter. The proceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to The Courier. not Justifiable." Affirmative, Misses Spencer, Scott and Baker; negative, Misses Robinson, Galbreath and Mc Clay. The decision was in favor of the negative. The society enjoyed addresses by Prof. Brlggs and the critic, Miss Shearer. The Delphian had an especially in terestlng program, details of which are given below: Song Society. Current events Grace Hawley. Recitation Sadie Ruggles. Reading, "The Celebrity" Millie Addison. Solo Fae Strlckler.. Funnylsms Hazel Dunahoo. Debate, "Resolved that class spirit is detrimental to school life." Af- A feature of Saturday evening's - flrmatlve, Misses Mabel Ellis, Oleo California Medicated Soap The befit for sore", chapped bunds dandruff, limeet minus and poison ouk. v jMrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr. Agent. Monmouth St., independence Or. GAS H PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE BY THE BUTLER PRODUCE CO. I. W. Dickinson s LIVERY and PEED STABLE Good turnouts and careful drivers R.E. DUGANNEf R.M.D. DENTIST f Graduate of N. P. D. C PHONE M 121. INDEPENDENCE FRAMES U 11 I 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TCNTH T. PORTLAND, ONCOON WRITE FOR CATALOG Tks School that Plaett You in a Otod Position program, not on the bill, however, was the appearance of the Normal foot ball squad. Although defeated at Albany they were apparently very much "stuck up" and sympathy proved to be out of order, for on Sun day morning all "injuries" had quite healed. The game was played with Albany High School, resulting in the downfall of the O. S. N. S. team 10 6. The contest took place on the Albany College field and a large crowd was present. The only scores were made in the first half, Mon mouth scoring her highest almost at the start. Albany won by round end plays, and through advantage of her sprinter, Beeson, halfback. The Mon mouth lineup was: R. E., E. Sacre; R. T., E. Montague; R. G., J. Bogynv ski; Center, G. Dunham;. L. E.,j A. McNeill; L. T., E. Arantj L. G.; G. Ground; F. B., D. Stump; Quarter, A. Sacre; L. H., Phelfcs; R. H., E. Riddell. ' The most prominent feature of the society work now centers about the debating teams. Each Friday even ing finds a debate on the programs, preparation for which is being made weeks ahead. It is hoped that some Shore and Mary Murphy; negative, Misses Blanche Goodwin, Grace Fu gate and Jessie Hyde. The negative won. Judges: Shir ley Dorsey, Mr. Fargo and Miss Jewitt. Mr. Fargo's talk was greatly en Joyed and appreciated. The name of Hazel Jewett was voted upon and accepted. The pupils of Miss Whitehouse's room, 3d and 4th grades of the train ing school, are preparing a musical play to be given at Christmas time. The title is "Peggy's Dream" and the cast Includes Mother Goose char acters and a fairy and brownie chor us. The players will be in costume and the entertainment will be given in the Normal Assembly Hall. The three grade rooms below the eighth have each won a half holiday by regular attendance. All are now eagerly planning for the half day on the afternoon before thanksgiving The 7th and 8th room has the larg est enrollment and are also working for this holiday. COTTAGE HOTEL Mrs. J. F. Staiger, Proprietor Special attention to Commercial and College Organizations. Telephona sod menagcr tarrica al kotaL Ort 1 " 160 Court Stoat Tekpkoo. 209 1VW sjalClTlj JT,' ji . glotbinoSlcanec Pressed and Repaired next door to City Restaurant, 01 street Independence Oregon Appointment of Administratrix. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed able debaters will be put out for- the administratrix of the estate of Henry Dr. G-. E. Mills Ueterinary surgeon . Phone: Office 158, residence 443. Office at Newt Jones' Livery Barn. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Normal team. The program of the Vedpertines last Friday evening was as follows Roll Call Quotations from Robert Burns. Reading (selected) Miss White. Character sketch, "The Ayrshire Plowman," MIbs Rasmussen. ' Vocal solo Miss Spencer. Recitation Miss Shore. Reading Miss Weston. . , . Funnylsms Miss Weston. Song Vespertines. Debate, "Resolved that the policy of the United Statea Government concerning the forest reserves is' Truman Baughman, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Polk county. Now therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at Independence, Polk county, Oregon, with the proper vou chers, on or before six months from date hereof. Dated August 14, 1908, at Dallas, Oregon, . . MRS. MART B. DORNSIFE. Administratrix of the estate of Henry Truman Baughman, deceased. Date of first publication, October 22, 1908. 21-26. THE NOBLE D. A. MADISON, Prop. Corner Commercial and State S.treet SALEM, OREGON Pianos . . I Basis of success O rg a I! S ot Old and Relia- . - . . - , . ble House of Geo. Sewing Machines cwms Talking Machine Records od goods, right prices, posi- Piano and Organ Studies the guarantee, - 4 si a i and defects (the She MUSIC fauu of instru- Extras for All Makes of f irSch Sewing Machines I J 77 TTTT T 121 Commercial Street OxSOe Oe UU lLtLif Salem, Oregon. ! I (