Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 12, 1908, Image 8

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... BY THE ...
l. H. tMtnpm cf Alrlt waa
loan Monday.
frank Vhlt--r a ttalrw vis
itor Monday.
Tutu Want Ultl bit sua Lorvn
OVrf Kullilsv.
l. U Taylor made business trip
to Com sills MoniUf.
lUIuh IVirra. a bop man of 8alro,
a In (tilt city Monday.
Mr. Cyrua ltirvlnt
Sunday In HherUan.
ltltsi ovr
A. L. Rl hardson of Hui-na
mi In th 4 city Monday.
Dr. Umsiuip' brother, II. Duganud,
vlnlt.-J hi in over Sunday.
Clint Moor -nt to I'ortUnd Mon
day tnoriiliiE on business trip.
Do You Want to
Sell Your Farm?
Do you want to borrow money on
Write me.
I buy and II. and lend money on
Willamette Valley Farm at lowest
All correspondence confidential.
C. J. Simmon ha moved to town
Mr. liroi ient a few day of liit
with bl fatuity In Ibl city.
MUi JUUy llmkner of Hrlo vUlteU
ber psrout In (hi rlty the t
A. It. Hinkl. a bop man of Port
land. wi In (hi city lb fin l of
111 wwk.
Medanie Untie lorrl and Pet
DaUdnon were tiatetu vUllora one
tint IVrvlval place aross ilw my Uil .
Kit Kluke of Corvalll dine Mon
I. . m a i . t I .
Williird Ireland, of the Monmouth day to pena a tew oayi im reia
country, wai transacting
tieliulna Hutlt-r
(iiie'l CliMriy.
Nut bread at
lr, Ihigaune, ItantUt, over Indo-
ixudencd National liana. If
Oet your heavy winter robe
It. M. Wade A Co. 24 5
Portland bread freib every day at
Irvine' U rot-fry. If
If you want any freih oyitera
Cai't. Skinner. 21-24
Sweater coals, T.'.o to f I 01) at Con
key. Walker A Lehman'. 24-fl
business live In till city.
here Wednesday.
Mr. Clyde William retum.Hl Mon
Failing Bldg., Portland.
Say Many Person Here Can B
Made Hippy Again by Using It.
There Is so much rheumatism here
in our neighborhood now that the fol
lowing advice will be highly appre
ciated by those who suffer:
Get from any good pharmacy one-
half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion
one ounce Compound Kargon, three
ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa-
rilla. Shake these well in a bottle
and take in teaspoonful doses after
each meal and at bed time; also
drink plenty of good water.
It Is claimed tnat there are
few victims of this dread and tortur
ous disease who will fall to find
ready relief In this simple home
made mixture, and In most cases a
permanent cure is the result.
This simple recipe is said to
strengthen and cleanse the ellmina
tive tissues of the Kidneys so that
they can filter and strain from the
blood and system the poisons, acids
and waste matter, which cause not
-only rheumatism, but numerous oth
er diseases. Every man or woman
here who feels that their kidneys are
not healthy and active, or who suf
fers from any urinary trouble what
ever, should not hesitate to make up
this mixture, as it is certain to do
much good, and may save you from
much misery and suffering after a
Our home druggists say they will
either supply the Ingredients or mix
the prescription ready to take if our
readers ask them.
Dee Taylor and wlfo went to Fall day from Alrlle, where iho ha been
City lam week for a few day' visit visiting for a few day.
with friend In hat rlty.
A. L. Huston of Portland pent a
few day of thl week In town. Ha
I a former resident of thl place.
The reading dub of this city met
thl week at the home of Mr. C. I
Fluhard Wednesday afternoon.
John Cooper and wife of Albany
are visiting at the home of the for
mer' brother, J. a. Cooper.
Dr. Duganne went to Portland Ins
Tuesday on a business trip. He ex
pect to be gone only a few days,
Koy D'Arniond spent Sunday with
Itoy Wassan. representative of the HI mother at the Uood Samaritan
Spalding Logging Co.. was In Inde- hospital. She Is Improving slowly.
ivuni4nni K ti ru r nf ih.i .. If
F. ...,w.v ..... ...... Tm....H Vrlitnw f..r ,..r
IIIB, V"" t4 WS
The Independence orchestra went home lit Seattle, Washington. She
over to Dallas Saturday evening to nas oeen vismug relatives nere ior
ok.y for a dance at that place. some time.
V.ofA Nelson went to Albany Tues
day to attend the apple fair which
was lit-lc: In that city this week.
Miss Florence Burton left on Tues
day on her way to Portland where
she will spend
Pearl Hedges. Dee Davidson, Hank
and Dick Mattlson returned from
their mountain trip on the McKemle
the first of this week.
Mrs. George Conkey and Opal Mc-
few days with city Devitt went to Dallas Sunday. Mrs.
Conkey returned Sunday evening, but
Opal will remain a few weeks with
her parents.
Pearl Percival came from Hood
River Monday evening. She will vi
sit here a few- weeks and then go to
Men Past Sixty in Danger.
More than half of mankind over
sixty years of age suffer from kidney
disorders, usually enlargement of
prostate glands. This is both pain
ful and dangerous, and Foley's Kid
ney Remedy should be taken at the
first sign of danger, as it corrects
irregularities and has cured many old
men of this disease. Mr. Rodney
Burnett, RocKport, Mo., writes: "I
suffered with enlarged prostate gland
and kidney trouble for years and af
ter taking two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Remedy I feel better than I have
for twenty years, although I am
now 91 years old." D. G. Dove.
Rowena Sperling went to Portland
Monday afternoon, where she will at
tend the Behnke-Walker Business
W. W. Rowell, manager of the
RIc-kreall Milling Co., was a caller
on the Enterprise office Tuesday.
He brought in a load of White Lily
flour which is being handled by Ir
vine's Grocery.
Miss Maud Tharp is recovering
nlcelv from the effects of the ooera-
passed through here Friday on her U(m gne recentIy underwent for ap-
Mlss Allle Butler ' of Monmouth
way to Portland for a
In that city.
week's visit
Mka R.ihe Damon went to Corvallis office. Her many friends are much
Wednes-Wy to attend the foot ball Pleased to see her out again.
game which took place at the College
camptm in that city.
A good pair of Heading tela
es 1.00 at Kramer's. tf.
New line dress good Just In at
Conkey. Walker A Lehman'. SI 5
Do not overlook It. M.
stove sale which only
Wade Co.
last fifteen
:i r.
llest line men's work shoes In In
dependence at Conkey, Walker &
Lehmun'i. 24-3
New shipment pure white long ft-
1 1 bre cotton. Just In at Conkey. Walker
Lehman's. 24 5
You will not tnl-iH It If you buy a
kiii k of White Lily flour. For ul at
Irvine's Grocery. 24-31
The White Lily flour, product of
the Klckrcall Milling Co., Is for sale
at Irvine Grocery. 24-31
Pleasant, sure, easy, safe little liv
er PHIa. are DeWitt's Little Kurly
Risers. Sold by D. G. Dove.
Whips, horse blankets, brushes and
curry combs can now be had at R.
M. Wade & Co'. 24-5
To exchange S-rooiu flat In Port
land for small farm or other property
For Information call at this office, tf
For sale HorBe power hay buler.
or Information call on S. Muhleman,
Independence, Oregon. Phone CCi. tf
Use De Witt's Carbollzed Witch Ha
zel Salve It Is healing, cooling and
leanstng. It la especially good for
ilea. Sold by D. G. Dove.
Sewing machines, needles, oils and
extras; repairing a specialty. Go to
II. II. Jasperson, who will try his
best to please you. tf
limitless Main, fjlil r liiimlti
llusinoM I party liii . , , , 1..V) tr month
Itesi.leno Main IM r nioiilli
ltenileuc0 t party line , I S3 wr month
Residence 4 rty line 1.U0 r month
lk set 2.M5 eitr vr month, furiiihl only on
tuities lines.
Hour Attention Una
Ileen Drawn.
olteii to mhii liiiina slier t4i
Inmates twnifil lo Ihi tiavlug III
lium of llielr lives. VoU t'SV.
cli.utillrn Mlalml )" coulil .4V
such a J"Hy good itiii at iNir
Iioiim You ran lolly vnonli
Oi-o nf our lilkl.iir liiaeliinc will
furnMi any klml of eiiterlslnii rnt
Villi ilenl re. Hli.p III slid M- W lint at
wi allh of enjoyment It will sllord
247 Cwiiiiiieii'lkl HI reel, Hsletn, Or.
A. C MAC.I Jt.1. IWfiM
Standard Liquor Co.
pendicltls. She was down town last
Monday and called at the Enterprise
Wood for sale Second growth at
$3.50, old growth 14.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
The Tennessee Jubilee Singers gave 143, tf4-2
a very entertaining performance at
nut in fir frtr H iriarf -wl frlitnrlu
pov uMiiorri UqvpB MnMinn. me opera nouse in iaia cut msi oai-
.... . . nrnvtrla thum with tha haul rriHoa
viiu win nrpph r the Christian uraay nignt. me auenaance was me - -
church next Sunday morning at 11:00 largest that has been shown any com- and caskets Jasperson keeps them
a. m. Everybody welcome. Panv m many nionths past. The com
puny is bo wen Known aim u mm- v. Avanana,a imtlo-H
vuanes unruue., iiom re. D.aBB, oughly enjoyed by everybody in this ,in O,moh m.,i,in
Cn Mfnml n ia 1 tuifino at tha hnmo nf I .n. t a 1 - & i I '
cuy mat oiuy un miiiouiiceiueiii. n ia1ra r,alnnllir Try
i.i. iu iiio. .iiiiu iu mm i;n.jr .ui neceggary (Q get tne people out to
week. Mr Gardner expects to locate near them.
in Oregon.
An enthusiastic meeting of the La
dies' Aid Society of the Methodist
When You Sit Down To
a Meal
In th'n retiirnl von srw pure It will I
excellent s to fonil. iHMtklnir anil aervine.
The nrriviiiillnir iesk for themselves,
anil tli" bill of for tells mutely uf line
eating at Mule i-rii-e Come In sni tiring
n friend or (wo llig. You will si be
be pleased.
White House Restaurant
Wm. McGilclirut 6c Son, Propiielort
It today on our guarantee. We know
what it will do for you. Sold by D.
G. Dove.
If you Intend buying anything in
the overcoat line this season come
in and see what we have and you
need look no further. Conkey, Walk
er & Lehman. 24-5
We are showing a specially fine
line of men's extra pants, for the
winter season, In beautiful patterns
and of the best quality at Conkey,
Walker & Lehman's 24-5
Wm. Bevens, who engaged in rais
lng potatoes this season, met with
good success and now has 2000 bu
shels for sale at his place five miles
north of Independence.
Lucile Burt of Portland came up
Monday evening to visit friends here
and in Monmouth for a few days.
Stimulation Without Irritation.
That Is the watchword. That is
what Foley's Orino Laxative does.
Cleanses and stimulates the bowels
wUhout Irritation in any form. D. G.
Jot Lrfants and Children.
Ttf Ktr.d Yea Have Ahrays Ecugtt
3ars tha
-ifuvtnr of
Fresh cow for
Hartley Mulkey.
Apply to
R. M. Wade & Co.have bought the
stock of merchandise of George Dun
ham. It is the intention of Wade &
Company to put In a complete line of
harness and to have a repair shop
in connection.
W. C. Richardson, who for a num-
ei of years resided in this city.died
suddenly at his home in Portland af
ter a short illness Wednesday morn-
lrg. He was an uncle to J. W. Rich
ardson of this city.
On account of sickness, Mrs. A.
W. Stansberry returned from Pendle
ton sooner than she expected. She
is improving slowly. Her daughter.
Bertha, from British Columbia, is
with her during her illness.
Zed Rosendorf this week sold his
stock of dry goods to Stanley & Jack
son of Eugene. It is the intention of
the purchasers to move the goods
to Eugene. Mr. Rosendorf will con
tinue to reside in Independence.
Mrs. M. J. Miller depjartd Tuesday
on her way to Winona, Washington,
where she will spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Lievsay.
Mrs. Miller had been visiting at the
home of Mrs. Charles E. Hicks in this
Mr. and Mrs. Groves Picket and
children of Nanton, Alberta, passed
through Independence Wednesday en
route to Corvallis. They are much
pleased with the mild and agreeable
climate of this valley and will probably
locate near here.
Try Kodol today on our guaran
Episcopal church at Independence t Tak. lt ... llttle whlIe
was neia inursaay anernoon at me that is all you will need to take,
residence of Mrs. P. H. Drexler. Ihe iodol digests what you eat an
society Is preparing for its annual make8 tne tomach sweet. It is sold
chrysanthemum fair to be held in the hy p q Dove,
near future. The ladles expect to
make this year's fair eclipse former Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
entertainment nf th vind Thev will moves the bowels gently. Contains
be m-ateful for any assistance from no opiates. It is pleasant to take,
friends of the society.
(Continued from first page.)
this demonstration produces 540 lbs,
of butter per annum and the Ayr
shire cow 400 lbs. The process of . ,
.... . . . . . castei ji iimiiieia,
miiKing witn tne machine was clem
onstrated. The subjects of horticul
ture and agriculture were also treat
ed In a thorough manner. The dem
and children especially like the taste,
so nearly like maple sugar. Sold by
D. G. Dove.
While Mrs. M. W. Wallace is in
the East, Miss Leora Shank will have
charge of her millinery business. On
Mrs. Wallace's return she will bring
her Spring stock of goods from the
Whenever you have a cough or
cold, Just remember that Foley'i
Honey and Tar will cure it. Do not
onstrations in the horticultural work risk your health by taking any but
were instructive and much interest the genuine. It is in a yellow pack-
was shown by all those who attend- age, D. G. Dove,
The special train left Independence
at 3:45 on its way to Corvallis, Ore.,
where the next demonstration was to
be held.
By the provisions of Chapter 229,
Laws 1907, Page 409, notice is here
by given that in sixty days from the
date of this notice it will be unlaw
ful for fctock to run at large, under
penalty of $10.00 for the first of
fense and $20.00 for each and every
No. 100 all silk taffeta ribbon, black
and colors, only 30 cents the yard
This is a good stiff ribbon, and will
stand well in large bows, making
specially good thing for hair, ribbon
Conkey. Walker '& Lehman. 24-5
No one Is immune from kidney
trouble, so just remember that Fo
ley's Kidney Remedy will stop the
irregularities and cure any case of
kidney and bladder trouble that
not beyond the reach of medicine.
D. G. Dove.
I have the Messner residence in
subsequent offense, to be recovered independence for sale. This is prob
from the owner of the stock in Civil ably the finest residence property In
Action In the name of the State of I this city. I have other good resi
Oregon before a Justice of the Peace dence properties In town and some
of the precinct in which such owner jn Monmouth for sale. Chas, E
or keeper, or either of them, may Hicks,
reside; and such penalty shall be for
the benefit of, and when collected We have Just received a ship-
paid 'into, the common school fund ment of the latest styles in Ladles'
of the County in which such action Handbags. We carry the largest var
is brought within sixty day after lety of any store in the county. We
such animal is proved to be at large. I guarantee our goods, aa the manufac-
Dated this 10th day of November, turer guarantees them to us. Come
lav8. aud be convinced. Our price are
E. M. SMITH, I right. Geo. Dunham, leather goods
24-26 County Clerk. dealer. Independence, Oregon. 9-24tf
U N S E Hfe
Smut Mscs'ln offers th ruder of this ppr th brat opportunity
of Iho yar
$3.00) ALL FOR
rRFF with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75pte book
rns.C In four colors with I3 WeeUrn views.
iiHfi for nvoi nasty 1 to Bn or monrf far roa lo hip Raw Fors mm
' -w ahull Ml hftmu- WvltA fill Vi m Harfca U.uww Hhlnnlsa 1'.
kmEkmU our
t tnlBf 00 Um sub) inr writ a. IllusinUat all Par AalWli.
n. Trap. Omm Uwi How Md whr lo Ire, fca to Boo m
Kxxriaiufkadla. frit. $. To ear oaatnmri. II Ift. MMm tann4 tal
Bait tod IorT attract ftaimali to lrpa. $l.tO or b4tl, Ship tout
-wtlsijiMrtjKios. Brwt
wm hum eaeieruw im
Tkreo-Bsttea NereHy
Ovarcoat, No. 40
The Part You Don't See
of a suitmore particularly the
coat is the most important
element of fine tailoring.
In an Ed. V. Price suit or overcoat
it is the basis of neatness,
durability, honest construction
and superior workmanship, which
means the garment is as
Good As Can Be Made
out of high grade materials and
the world's best tailors, working
with the most up-to-date
equipment. '
Suit or overcoat from your choice
of 500 fine cloths, according to
direct or modified style, made to
fit and satisfy you perfectly, for
half, or much less, the charge of "
any local tailor.
Clothes for Men Who Care"