NEWS FRO ON OUT Thae are cry busy daja for Mn mouth people. Kd. Kulh-r la helping P. II, Mulk.'y barveet hla potato. Mra. Clarence Ikiroutiha and dnujth ler, Marguerite, fruiu Kouth lmlM-n dence, were visitors In i n Friday Mr. and Mra. Ir. Hramhamp (if Starton vlalted at the home of lb lattrra parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. II llawlejr, the flrat of he wwi. Madame J. Dornslfu and O. A. Kramer and Mr, and Mra. Kr-d IIM)(M-r atti-nded rliurrh In Monmouth Sunday nUht. I'. II. Aran! u f till place, v. ho la teaching at Greenwood, vtaa home Sunday, returning Monday. The fcmople In tlila vicinity are fin Ishlng gathering In tha potato crop. JliO fUi U iivt heavy but tha qual ity It quit good. While We aay hurrah for JVealdenl Taft we ran not but admit Ml. Aryan a belag la moat popular man In the world today, and wo ahouldn't be urprlaed If ho onma up again, Ilk a "McOlnty," four ytara hence. K. V. Strong'a family went over to Iallai Bunday afternoon In their automobllt". The roada were flna for KUtolllg. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Kogcra of Halm Grove arc having their Infant aoti treated by Ur. Crowley. Mr. and Mra. Clay Taylor nf Oak Grov were pleasant vlnltora In town over Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Thell, who built the home where Kov. V. A. Wood now Uvea, wcr vlaltlng old frlenda in Monmouth the laat of the week. Miss Kdllh Wolverlon of thla place attended the celebration of her great grandmother' ninety-third birthday November 8th at I. M. Klmpson'a on the I,urklamute. The aged ludy Uvea with Mr. Klinpaon, who In her young eat Hon. A fine dinner waa aerved and thn day rry ptraaanily i i Aunt J'alay Mlnipson. aa ah la famtl larly keoan, waa one of Orri'Mi'e a-arlli-ol ploiirara Th bu lMk purl re; I'. H l-aiuhaiy and fou lly of lallae. rratih Muihary and family of l.tii kiamute, l-afn l.tugtiary n.i .f.-, I. a. a:u.i-.n and !!- Woherton DOING CIVCt HORT TALK ON FARMING Dr. Wlthlcomba Talha Inlereetlngty f WlllametU Vallty. In una of Ma abort talka on the farming demonstration train, which la making a tour of the weaiern part of On-goii at preaent, far. Jamea VVI- hyrombo, dlrei'tor of the Oregon K- perlm -lit Htallnu, who liai charge of the following the train, referred Willamette valley In marines: 'The Willamette valley la the great eat valley In the world, consid ered agriculturally. It baa a tillable area of u rea. Only,. Joo gvrea, or JO per vr, a now be ing farmed. Thla valley will aupport a population of S.000,000 people. There la not an acre but will pro duce pniducta to the value of flO a year. When properly cultivated, the annual return from the agricultural producta of the valley will be not ea than a year. "The climate and aoll of the Wil lamette valley are practically Identi cal with thnae of the lain of Jeney. The letter aupporta a very dense population, and thla la brought about by diversified farming and modern methods." -Salem Statesman. S AT THE STATE NORMAL Mra. May IWdm lUhbltt, bead tf the department of tuualc and draalna". ho returned from a two we-ha atay In Portland on Maturday evening. baa reaumed brr tlaaa work la tbs Normal, (taring Mra. lubblit'a ab aeiicn Mist Florence Jioaden bad charge of the court In drawing. MUa Mona Nagle. 'U9. i-tit tbe latter part of tha week at her borne In 8berldan. Mtaa Isla !aughlln baa been oblig ed la return ij her luim at North Vamalll on accunt if I.Iimus, The many fihmlit of Mia l-au.hll.i trust to the great h, r tin-t may be only tempor- Notice to Stttla Up. I hereby glvo notice that I am about to cloae my harnesa ahop bual neaa In Independence. All partica owing mo aro requested to call on or before November 15, 1908, and aetlle their account cither by caah or note. GEO. C. DUNHAM. 4. Independence, Oro No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A ttrong1 man is strong all over. No man can b atronf who it suffering from weak ttomach with lit consequent indigestion, or from tome other disease of the stomach and its associated orftns, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the ttomach it wetk or diseased there it a lost ol the nutrition contained in food, which it the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," whea he doesn't sleep well, hat an uncomfortable feelinf in the ttomach altercating, it languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, be is losing tbe nutrition needed to make strength. Sac m mmm thoald sae Dr. Perce'a Coldta Medical Dlacovery. It core dlmmatta ol roe mtommek and other riant ot.dlieetlom and uutrltlo; It enrlchea tha blood, Inrlioratea tha liver, atronithana tha kidney, aoarlthea tha nerve; and ao GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. Yon can't afford to aocept a itcrtt nostrum at a substitute for thit aon alooholio medicine of known coMrosmoN, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredienti printed on wrapper. M B Ii A. A non-Intoxicant, pure and refresh ing beverage. Brewed from choice malt and hops. Those who USB jVrE3LiA.S pronounce It. absolutely the best mild, non-Intoxicating drink on the market. Ask your druggist for It. Also for sale at the local soft drink establish ments. For prices write Salem Brewery Association SALEM, - OREGON. PEOPLE'S MARKET flECrv & pitUBflCtfER, Proprietors Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season Phones, iorm 610; Bell 693 Main Street Independence, Oregon ary and that ahe may r. turn to grad uate with her class In February, Two new aludenta recently enrolled are Mtaa llatel Jewell of Koaeburg and Mr. K. J. Hedrh k of Drain. Ilotb are ripcrlenced teacher and Mon pioulb welcome tli' m as member of ber atudetit bod. Mlaa Agnea Campbell, '01 of O. A. C, pent the weekend at her homo In Monmouth. Mis Campbitll baa been elected one of tbe aatoct- ate editor of tbe Junior Annual, '09, of O. A. C. I'rln. I It. Traver of the Training Sihool attended the annual Institute of Clackamaa county at Oregon City November 4, t and 6. Mr. Traver re port the Institute aa one of the moat NUcccMMful ho ever attended. About SOO teachers weru In attendance. Mr. Traver spend part of thla week In Tillamook at the annual Inatltute there. Thc'Wo mal Courier will bo laaued nbuot the 1 1 rat of IX-cember. Staff meet Inn aro being held and tbe first laus promlae to be a "winner." Tbo first football game of the Nor mal aeunoii wbs played on the college campua on Saturday, Nov. 7, with a tjwn team from Independence. Nei ther team waa In the best trim, ow ing to lack of practice, but they man-anr-d to bold each other to a store of 0-0. Tbe Normal does not main tain a regular team thla year owing to IU probable detraction from the Normal class work. There will prob ably bo another game or two, how ever, the next one with Dallas. The Delphian Society boasts the largest membership of the societies. The meetings are spirited and the members are striving for honors on the school debating team. The pro gram for last Friday night roliows: Song Society. Hidden Biography Kthel Eakln. i Violin Solo Leto Wolverton. Recitation Dorothy Prescott. Reading, "The Celebrity" Esther Larson. Funnygrams Lillian Anderson. iKrog chorus Frogs. (?) Reading Shirley Dorsey. Solo Susie Hoffman. Song Society. The Normal Society entertained the Vespertine and Delphlans "right royally" In the gym on last Satur day night. The evening was delight fully passed with the program and games. The program was: . Address of Welcome D. C. Henry, president of Normals. Remarks P. M. Stroud. Reading Lester Lindsay. Quartet Messrs. Henry, McNeill, Ground and Arant. Funnygrams Francis Phelps. Duet Messrs. McNeill and Ground. Address Irwin W. Montague. . Ice cream waa served, "two-and-a-half cones apiece!" Who will dare say the Normals do not know how to entertain? Long live the Normals! CHARTER GIVES PRIVILEGE 357 State Street Telephone 1 1 7 The Court Resort and German Lunch Place FRANK H. COLLINS, Pror.. SALEM OREGON (Continued from first page.) think very much of one. With kind regards, ' we remain, yours sincerely, SALEM BREWERY ASS'N, ' F. O. Deckebach, Vice-President." November 4, 1908. Sections from the charters are quoted : Section 26. Provided that the city council shall never deprive Itself of the right to regulate and adjust such rates so that the same may be reas onable for the services' rendered, at least once In every period of two fears: To license, tax, regulate and restrain bar rooms and tippling hous es, and all places where spirituous, vinous or malt liquors are sold. Pro vided (as usual). ' Section 50. All former acts incor porating the city or town of Indepen dence and all acts amendatory of such charter, and all acts Inconsis tent herewith, are hereby repealed. February 21, 1903. ' Patronize ' our -advertisers. They are the people are making the En terprise the paper It is. Japaneese Goods We have just added a nice line of Japanese Chinaware. We have had so many calls for nice small presents, inexpensive and at the same time something handsome and useful that we were prompted to put in this line, ranging in price from 10 cents up. Cups and Saucers Sugar and Creamer Vases Pitchers, Toothpick Holders, Plates, Etc. Don't pass us up when you want a nice pres ent. We have them from the least to the greatest. ' Yours for Holiday Goods 0. A. KRAMER Leading Clothier SELLING OUT AT COST Entire stock consisting of Harness, Whips, Blankets, all kinds of strap work, all goods used in harness and saddle making, and Leather Goods must be closed out. I am positively going out of business, and will sell the stock at actual cost. This is an opportunity for farmers to buy their horse goods at actual cost. It will not be their privilege to again have such a chance, perhaps, in a lifetime to buy at such low prices. This sale will last only until the first of December. My stock of goods must be sold by that time as the shop will be closed on that date. Other business demanding my at tention makes it impossible for me to contin ue the harness shop in Independence. George C. Dunham The Harness Man I