V gndfpmdfure gutfrprsif. utd wvrkly from IadewiltucOr r.u CIim. K. lllcka, PulHtr and Proprietor. Knurts at Indepeadonee, Ore, poej oftir m cond-oU. Miller Subscription. $1.50 Per Yai POLK COUNTY LEADS You people ho are looking for desirable country la which to build bome. do not be deceived. Land about Independence are without any doubt the richest la productiveness of the entire Willamette valley weans omethtng when It la aald that Independence la the hop center of the atate of Oregon. It mean that thta country has more land adapted to the culture of hop than any aectlon of the valley and everybody know that bop land la the cream of the coun try. Soil that will grow hop will aro iv anything. ""here la not the allghteat doubt that Polk county would lead every her aectlon of the atate In dairying were the people to turn their atten Uon to that pursuit, and they will wake up to the opportunities of the 1 1 in eg and devote themselves to it very soon. It will be the pursuit of first Importance In Oregon within the next few years. The establishment of the Swift plant at Portland will do this for dairying. It will require many hundreds of cattle dally to supply the Swift plant when in operation. It will mean a better market for stock on this coast than we ever had. The saving of freight rates over the Rocky moun tains will add to higher markets on this coast. Thre is a likelihood of the markets of Portland, Oregon, be ing higher than any other point in the United States. Why not. when the Swift plant is in operation with their deep water advantages for ex porting purposes. Home builders should not overlook these important points. First, they should come to Oregon, and then to Polk county, the country of rich soil. A tou la Judged very largely and jot Interest. the reputation of the community la I Cornelius and Frank WarkenUn are given out aUaya by the traveling I Uniting at the home of inelr 'parent fraternity of the country, and morel Mr. and Mr. C. II. Warkeiuln of especially by ahow companies. vf 1 811 Creek. They Intend lo leave course It la not Important to try to I for Half in In a few daya bold the good opinion of companies nun have little or no reputation, i Bch Htadachs. out it is essential to tne reputation TnU distressing dlea result of a city that reputable romtantea a disordered condition of the give out a favorable opinion of a tIomach. and ran be cured by taking town. It i significant anen gooa chamberUln'a Btomaeh and Liver company says that they do not make Tiuieta. Get a free aample at P. M Independence for the reason that It Klrkland a drug store and try IL I not a good show town. Uood com n - 1 k l..k . I .1.. ...... ,t..n .... I . . """" ' 1 INTCRESTINQ SCHOOL REPORT anouia uo paironixea for mis reason Superintendent Stymour Submits Ri port of County School. and for the further reason that we I do not want to patronise any other kind. The management of the op era house has been very select In contpanlea of late and It la the duty j of the realdenta of Independence to patronise them. Either that or burn The aehool superintendent of Polk the opera house. We can't afford to county. II. C. Seymour, haa aubniltted have a bad reputation given us by h following report of the school theatre companies. of the county to the Independence Enterprise for publication. It la a Bryan' atraw votea. which were very interesting report. following taken in every art of the country is the report for the month ending easily fixed him out for the White winner so. 19US. House, but that vote must have been Number of school in session. .. .58 taken with aoine of our SO centa iwya Ulna Total wheat atraw grown in the good old No. of pupils remain Roosevelt administration days. month .. ass U4 192 No. of new pilplls re- Mind Your Business) glsterlng during If tou don't nobody will. It is month 841 7 1587 your business to keep out of all trou- No. of pupils leav ble you can and you can and will Ing one school and keep out of liver and bowel trouble entering another if you take Dr. Klng'a New Life school 10 9 19 Pills. They keep biliousness, mala- No. of puplla having ria and Jaundice out of your system. been dropped and 25c at all druggists. then readmitted ..31 33 64 , Total No. registering RICKREALL. Muring year 1270 1192 2462 Mrs. B. F. Lucas and daughter. No. of pupils drop- Mira. left the first of the month for Peo aur'n mo. ... si a to Salt Lake City, where they will vis- - ol UP"B u .cioi,... - . ta ...i,. maiuing uci .su ...na -ovo SUGGESTIONS TO OR EGON IANS If the American Field can but pre vail upon the rising generation of hunters to be sportsmen in the truest sense of the term; to hunt for recreation and pleasure instead of for a big bag: to be satisfied with a day's outing even before the legal limit has been secured; to kill only for themselves and their nearest friends and not for market; to give every. game animal and game bird a fair show for its life, it will feel that It has accomplished at least a part of lta mission, and that the time spent In making the paper what it is has not been spent in vain. The Associated Students of the University" are planning to make the Oregon Weekly, the University news paper, a' semi-weekly instead of. a' ; weekly. The change, if made, will probably take place about the time of the Christmas vacation. Since the number of students in the University Jias become so large, news matter is much more abundant. Earl Kllpa trick of La Grande is editor-in-chief and Dean Goodman of Pendleton is business manager, Mrs. John Vaughan and children N'o. of pupils on rog. visited at the home of her mother. wer since oegin Mrs. J. V. Klrkland, In Independence Wednesday. Dan McPeek made a-business trip to Salem Wednesday. W. W. Rowell was in Dallas on business Thursday. A number of our young people at tended the masquerade skating car nival at Dallas Tuesday evening. Hon. C. N. McArthur of Portland Ik visiting relatives here this week. No Case on Record. There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or consumption after Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Contains no opl ates and is safe and sure. D. G Dove. . nlng of year not registered in any other school 1235 No. of pupils that have been register ed in some other school No. of pupils over 4 and under 6 No. of pupils over 6 1160 2395 No. of .pupils over 9 No. of pupils over 12 No. of pupils over 14 10 9 19 11 10 21 357 309 666 341 321 662 253 256 509 273 264 537 ! EAST DALLAS. The farmers are alj busy these days. There is some sickness reported in this neighborhood. R. T. Pierce is building a goat shed. John" Neufeldt of Richmond, Tex as, has arrived and intends to locate here. Rev. P. R. Aschlermann, of Col fax, Washington, is holding protract ed meetings in the Mennonlte churchy at Polk Station. Total 1235 1160 2,'!95 No. of days taught during month 16 Whole No. of days attend ance 34892 Whole No. of days absence . . 1537 Whole No. of times late 298 No. of pupils neither absent nor late 1431 Average No. of pupils belong ing 2276 Average daily attendance .... 2181 Per cent of attendance 95.8 No. of visits by parents .... 67 No. of visits by members of school board 17 No. of visits by county super intendent 12 The following schools were placed on the roll of honor for attendance, having made a per cent of 95 or more: Many of the farmers attended the Daiias, Smithfield, Peedee, Bridge- demonstration train at Dallas last port( Ballston, Monmouth, Scroggins, Friday and say they saw many things Kffilimr, we mail boxX jlB to-day II Jlf I I I II HI i; I all charge, prepaid to the W III I in.. -2 We are the oldest and best known strictly Wholesale house in the Northwest. For 44 years continuously in business right here in Portland. We are now making a radical departure. In such localities where you are unable to purchase CYRUS NOBLE we are going .to sell direct and save you money. No more danger of refilled bottles. No more danger of not getting the real thing. quart bottle, packed in plain all charge prepaid to the oeret railroad expreu office for Pure -old honest whiskey bottled by the distillers. Every bottle guaranteed. Inquire of any bank or trust company in Oregon as to our standing. w. j. Van schuyver & co. DISTILLERS AGENTS EjubWdl864 105-107 Staui St, PortUnd. Orem I I CUT AT TMt UNC AN. MMt TOMT W. J. Van Scbuyrer & Co NHtuJ Oratoa CENUIN CtttUS NOBLE. P.O. Attn C Ward, Perrydale, Fairview, Goose neck (100 per cent), Cockran, Oak Point,' Elkins, Independence, Brush College, West Salem, Spring Valley, Harmony, Upper Salt Creek, Lin coln, North Dallas, Enterprise, Suver, Etna, Greenwood, Fir Grove, Sunny Slope, Oakdale, Guthrie, Falls City, Cherry Grove (100 per cent), Oak hurst, Highland, East Dallas, Black Rock. The following schools were placed on the roll of honor for having had no tardies during the month: Polk Station, Gooseneck, Butler, Up per Salt Creek, Rlckreall, Antloch, Enterprise, Suver, Etna, Concorti, Highland. Parents, school officers, teachers, and all friends of the schools, please look over this report and if you see any way in which you can help to better the condition of the school in your community, please do so and I am sure that you will receive the thanks of the children. Respectfully yours, H. C. SEYMOUR, School Superintendent. How to Treat a Sprain. Sprains, swellings and lameness are promptly relieved by Chamber lain's Pain Balm. This liniment re duces inflammation and soreness so that a sprain may be cured in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. For sale by P. M. Kirkland. For Bale or trade, three-year-old mare, or 'win trade for good milk cow. John Robbins, Independence, Oregon. 22tf. My tailored Arc made for men who dress well and who insist upon having garments of unusual style and excep tional quality tf J6 ve Suits, $10 to $35 Overcoats, $8.00 to $30 Raincoats, $10.00 to $30 MICHAELS-STERN TINE C LOTH I NQ Alia, art a c Mimri k. , Satan w i eeie Salem, Oregon. rail Store BIG SHOE CLEARANCE SALE Monday, Nov. 16 to Wednesday, Nov. 25 To keep the standard floating high overall, we are compelled to clear all broken lots and keep our stock' in that bright, clean condition that has made Price's the popular Shoe House. Big Factory Mistake Sale of Men's Shoes The factory In making up a large quantity of $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Shoes have made a mistake in the finish and this lot was not up to the standard of the Price Shoe Co., so after corresponding with the factory they have ordered us to sell them out at a great reduction rather than have them shipped back to the factory. SEE THIS LINE BEFORE YOU BUY. These are not old out-of-date Shoes, but new, up-to-date stock, direct from the factory, including brok en lots out of our regular stock. Every pair having the Price Shoe Co. label on them must pass the most rigid inspection and have attained the highest, mark of superiority known to the Shoemaking world. Shoes of all leathers go into this sale, Velour Calf, Box Calf, Patent Colt, Patent Kid, Vici Kid and Wax calf, in every width and all of the latest toes. $3.50 and some $4.00 Men's Shoes, $2.50 4.00 and some 5.00 Men's Shoes, 3.50 2.50 and some 3.00 Men's Shoes, 1.95 A large lot of heavy work Shoes at $1.95 and $2.45 and a large lot of high tops and heavy Shoes, rang ing from 3.50 to 7.00,broken sizes go at big reductions. 13.50 and eome $4.00 La dies' Shoes $2.95 $4.00 and some $5.00 La dies' Shoes .. .. .. .. $3.35 $5.00 and some $6.00 La dies' Shoes $3.95 $1.00 Ladies' and Gents' Spats 75c TflE PillCE SGOS Children's Shoes at large re duction. A great many other bar gains that we are unable to quote prices on hers.