ASKS DONATION FOR AID SOCIETY DOYS AND GIRLS WANT THANKS' GIVING REMEMORNCC Society Received Last Yr 4?8 Chil dren Polk County Not Represent ed In This Number Institution Subsists on Private Donations. Tin' Wtil k i't I In- I'.ii) k' & l.lrlM A 1. 1 8m lity hint b' li mi well kuoii ihrnUKliiiut Hi" Mini" of Or t;on I lint It U uiiiioitt i ili'N to kIvd any (li'Ulli-il iitcoiuil tf Hi but Tor tli Infni mill Iciii if ihnxi wlm do mil know-, it few rxtractH from tin bint uiiiiiiul report of iin s.k li ly may l Intel i mIIiik. During tin flm nl ''lir JilHt IiiihI I In' Soi'lt'ly fecihed :;7:i children. There were on IimiuI ul I III' lIlM'I'lvllIK I llllc Ml I'l it In imI III" f I rut of tlx1 yuir U'i, tlniH lunkiiiK II"' tot ill iminliir i.I iMItreii 4.:h. (hit of ll.l.i ii ii 1 1 1 1 r 17 Min- fmiiiil pliM i'H to vulk ft. I which, l.'iH were pliirctl In fimlly Intuitu where liny reitlvetl I hill' Itillit-H, hoard iiihI HrhiuililiK. "2 WITc pljlletl (Mil fur legal tli- Hon, !M ere ri'liiimil lo purciitM orj t'l lllllvt M, Wi ll- Hi III III other in-1 III II lltillllH mill I'.' wcle illnclllll Ki-il 1 : at v 1 1 1 k coiiii- of iik' ; making II"' liil iiiiiiiIh i' IIhiOhi of '',Hi, thiiM leaving oil liuiiil h( tin- Kvri'U liK Home tln firm of tlio year M. Out of the iniuilii'r received dining tin JfJir there WIT' 217 lll'W CIlHt'H, of which were boys Mini 70 girls. Tin iivcrnire gj rf tlr.H wit l.7 mill tlic avi'iHKi- iigt m-iUHiK Hi" mi'llt-iee l la liuiiiflla lliiiC li "ii a person buys r-rn-. seat In fliul I In-ill im- iiil ( by mini" piTkon i-Ur, ami tlii-ii. railn-r Hum to miik.1 tin in fi t ui. will ai(i'l oilier seat five row a lnok. la find later Ilia! vim r In mmm oitnr pennies rr .! et ami hav to unm. A iM-mnii wild a laily In not Hmii In a Ii iiiimr fur enjo) Inn a lnw, Ami wbll ar on ihU subject, would Uh'iuit further that less iml In III gallery would be tfpprrt latetl by I In mo Mini wIhIi to liiitr l(i nn i ifully, ItKHIKKNT. i SCHOOL BOA DS J. CONVENE How It Your Digestion. Mm. Mary IHiwIIiik of No. 2JK Mb Ave., Hun Kram Ibio, recotumcinlii it rrliii'ily for uloiiimli troiibli Sli" .MHya:"(ira(ltiiiln for ih wonderful effect of Kleclrle Hitler In a line of Mciii lmllK"Hiloti, ironiit i tbl h Htliimnliil. I am fully comlnceil tliat for motion Ii ami Hut trouble Klectrle Miter in iln lnhi niiiiily on Hi" market toiliiy," Tli Im ureal tniilt unit altera! I v iiii'illi'lii" lml,;ii- llll'H III H K I 1 1 1 . plll'ifles thl lllllllll uinl U "i ;( i lully helpful In all furnm of fi'iiuil" winkiit'HH, f.'lc a( nil ilnix-kIhIh. CONVENTION WILL BE HELD IN DALLAS DECEMBER S. Member of the School Board of the County Will Ditcue Many Impor tant Question, Some of Which May be Considered by Legislature, 15 BAY New Market Opens. Tli" IVoiI""h Mnrki't ojn'iutl fur IiIInI lll'KH HiIh 1111 nil I II k . .Mi'k.irH, lli-ik & i'IhIiih Imt urn oM IiiiiiiIh In t!i" nil-ill iiimki'l lniMiii"N4 uinl wlil i'1v" I ml- 'in! 'f' ii kooiI In.iikil. Mr. Ii"i k In hii oM iIhht In liuli in n (I' III'", llfUlllK lli-l'll (Olllll'l H-ll H'llll lln- SiirllnK marki'l for f! v - yi-trn. Mr. I'liiluirliir romi'H InT" from Snl my uinl l"nn-il lli" irml" of Imt li"i Iiik l Hi" olil roiiniry. 1 MINISTER COMES TONIGHT Youth's Companion Club Rate Tim Youth' C'oniimiioii ami Iinl ji"inl"ii''o . Knli rprlH" will bo hoM lo Ki'IIht llils Kail, Hi" two for J'.' of Iio.vh !i.:i, Th This l tli" b"Ht offT c-vi r mailt In followliiK iouiill"H fontrllmli'il lo t r I n coiimrtton wllli Hie Youlh'a C'om- juiiiiIht: Hukt r ft, lli'iilon .r, Clul- paiiion. Hi iiowuIh to that paper will Nop I, ClurkamiiH :i, C'oluinblu I, Cooh bo accepted with this paper at that I, Crook 2, lloiiKlmt 6, Jut knoii 1, price. JoHephiiio 2, Klamath 2, Ijiiii 12. f .In ii .', Muflieur 2, Mnrlon 5, Multno iiiah 117, Sherman 3, Tllliimonk 5, liilou 2, I'mallllu 5, Wallowa 2, U'iihco U, U'uhIiIiikIimi II, Yamhill C. The work of thu Hoys' & (ililn' Alii Soilety la now bearliiK fruit. Supt. tiurdiicr naya that they r- celvo quite a number of letters and visits from children who were once . In their cure but who now have be- It Is not often that the amuse fomo of w, and 'hese visits are nient lovers of this city have an op very pleasant, as It shows that In I port unity lo see a first-class theat many cases the children turn out to rical attraction. There are several bo nootl and useful citizens who oth- reasons for this, but the principal t-rwlao ' would bo a care and expense one Is: Independence Is known as to the community. a poor show town. The people of The donations from the public this city have been gulled so often neb oo Is of the state and from prl- by barnstorming aggregations that vate citizens makes It possible for they have formed the habit of staying the management to care for the away from the theatre altogether children who come under Its guaru- The consequence Is that only Inferior ianshlp in the modt economical man- companies can afford to stop here. ner and also reed and clothe tnein The Alcazar Stock Company Is an perhaps better than any other lnstl- exception. No better organization tutlon In the stale, and the Society travels In the West. It visited In now appeals to all thoBe who have dependence several weeks ago, know- the welfare of dependent children at lug that the chances were against heart to subscribe toward this ex- "good business," but the management cellont Institution this Thanksgiving, hoped that the reputation gained by Money, provisions of all kinds, fruit, the company during the first engage' vegetables,, or Indeed anything that ment wotild assure good attendance is of use in a household, is very ac- In the future. The Alcazar Com ceptablo. The railroad companies pany will give Independence another and steamboats have kindly consent- trial tonight, Thursday, November 12, ed to deadhead all donations sent producing the splendid comedy, "Our to the Society at Thanksgiving if Minister." This play was presented plainly marked "Boys' & Girls' Aid In Dallas Monday night, and the Ob Society, Portland, Oregon." All com- server of that city has the following munlcations should be addressed to to say of the performance: the Superintendent, W. T. Gardner. "Our Minister," the play given by The Receiving Home is on the the Alcazar Stock Company at. the East Ankeny car line and the man- Woodman Hall last night, was, al ftgement earnestly invites all inter- most without , exception, declared by tfst.ud persons to visit the Institution those who were present to be the lit any time. All its workings are best that had yet been put on in this open to the Inspection of Interested city by the company. Dallas, so porspns.. If you want a boy or girl long harrassed by transient compan- to raUo, apply as above. les, producing Indifferently poor plays The County Advisory Board for In a more Indifferent manner, should this county are as follows: H. S. consider itself fortunate In securing Butz, president; Mrs. Dr. Mahr Hay- a place at least In the circuit of a ter, treasurer and secretary; D. P. company that possesses real and pro- gtouffer, J. G. VanOrsdell and Mrs. nounced merit, and should insure it- O. L, Hawkins. Seven Year of Proof, "I have had seven years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased condi tion of throat, chest or lungs," says W. V. Henry of Panama, ' Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungs, and the early stages of consumption Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold un der guarantee at all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. self against the possibility of losing Its new company, by extending it a large and steady patronage. RESIDENT MAKES OBJECTION Fall to Hnd Reservation of Seat Already Purchased. To the Editor: In the spirit of kindness I wish to suggest to the management of the opera house that more care should be observed In State of Ohio, City of Toledo, SB Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he 's senior partner of the firm of F J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm viil pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case (f catarrh that cannot be cured by Pall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (SEAL.) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stli atlrn. A convention of the members of llie hi lionl bourds of the county of I l'i ilk Im in take place In Dallas In i ember f, ut lb" court houm. This) iiiim'IIiik will be of mure than orilln- j my Impiiiiiiiiei- In the hi IiooIh ut the j minify, for tin ri-BHiiii that this I lb" year if llie meeting of the leglM- lalui'e of lli" hi ii i ami I her" ure a fi'W lleHl'llm Wllll'll HllOlllll b" iIIm ciihsi i lii (me tli" i,i HHidli of the leg Ihln'iiri' ,V i pii seiiiiilive of every Kilio j liuiiiil i.i ill' (Utility slioiiltt at tend ii" iiit' ii ie,, im tin m ii mi al lowance of J, i' ' roiiiieiiKiii Inn In g.J tuvvulil OXpeimi it III til" Hip. A l)Ht of III" suliji'i'ts whlili will be illiuiii-seil ai iIiIh mei'ilim lit herewith printed. If there r any oilier mile Jitm or mat t vr any member of Ml ll(in) lllllllll lll'lll'W'tt I'HKI mini to cnlii" up lir illmii.'-niuii Ml this lil'-et-iri In- mIi on I rl notify Superintendent Seyliiour i.ot later Hum November 20. Sillie'lhe Hileiess nf til" Hi bonis of! lb" comity ii n iil lo a gnat extent upon the lnti resl of the school of ficers of llie futility, it is hoped that thin meeting will bo largely attended. The resolutions of this body have in tin' past had a good deal of -weight with the it-Miniatures of the male. Following Is tli" list of mibjeils to come up for cousitlerulion: ('oi)ipiilhory edncut ion law. I'liion IIIkIi Schools. Methods of apportioning school fluids. Int-reaHlng the state school fund. The unit of administration. Supervliiion. The county treasurer should be made ox-offlcio achool district treas urer. Publication of school laws. Creation of a county high school i fund. District board meetings. t cm I Vi-Vlli 15 per cent off Steel Ranges 20 per cent off Cast Cooks Just think, we ofFer you a six hole steel range with high closet and reservoir for $32.00, with a 15 per cent discount, making it cost you only $27.20. Where can you do so well? To every customer who buys a stove, whether it is a heater, range or cook stove, vc are going to give a $1.50 14, oz. nickel plated copper teakettle for 93c Id per cent discount on all heaters with a paper lined stove board thrown in. We have heating stoves to suit your price. Come and look them over. We have cut prices on the above goods and we are going to offer in connection with them something for you to cut with, viz. Cissors, all sizes, - 25 per cent of! Butcher Knives, - 25 per cent off Razors and PocKet Knives 33 off , ' .. it at f rv it.' . j -. 'vs - f. Cold and Croup In Children. "My little girl is subject to colds. says Mrs. Wm. H. Serlg, No. 41 Fifth St.. Wheeling. W. Va. '"Last winter she had a severe spell and terrible cough but I cured her with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy without the aid of a doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many times from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup." This remedy Is for sale by P. M. Klrkland. ANTIOCH. Harvey Guthrie of Monmouth was an Antioch visitor the past week. Charles Osborne of Black Rock is having his house repaired here. Mrs. E. Ftshback and daughter, Lettie, visited with Mrs. Geo. Heck of Independence Friday. Dick Ogle helped Allen Towns to spray his apple trees Saturday. Pern Lewis and Blanche McKinney were guests of the Fishback home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. , Geo. Sullivan and daughter, Bessie, of Falls City visit ed her mother and family, Mrs. E. Clarke, Friday. O. M. Lehman has the posts on the ground for a new wire fence. Geo. Bingham, lately of Idaho, was In our vicinity last week. Geo. Swearingen has purchased a grindstone. He expects to do some wood cutting this fall and winter. Mr. Mumma and son Paul of Mon mouth were here Monday on busi ness. A Valuable Tip. After exposure or when you feel cold coming on take a few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and it will xpel the cold from your system. It ares the most stubborn cougLs and colds, and prevents pneumonia. D. G. Dove. Please note our window display of the cutting goods i Remember, fifteen days only, commencing November 13th and ending November 28th in order to get the goods at the price named, they must be bought at the time specified so make this opportunity yours and buy now. R. M. WADE & COMPANY W. E.Craven, Mgr. , Independence, Oregon ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous in Independence. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly In times of danger. Backache is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kid ney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. A. J. Wood of 250 Cottage St., Sa lem, Ore., says: "Kidney and blad der trouble has been my complaint and about two months ago became so bad that I was obliged to do some thing to ease the suffering. It bo thered me mostly in the morning. The too frequent action of the kid ney secretions was very annoying and embarrassing. I had known peo ple who had received the best of re sults from Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box. Before I had used one box, I was completely free from every symptom of the trouble. The kidneys were regulated and my gen eral health became better. I can hardly express the good opinion I have of Doan's Kidney Pills for cases of kidney complaint or backache." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 23-24 NOTICE. Notice to the Public. .Notice is nereby given that my wife, Margaret Millage, haying left my bed and board I will not be re sponsible for any debts Incurred by her, in this city, Salem or else where. Merchants of Salem please take notice. Dated at Independence, Oregon October 22, 1908. 21-24 WILLIAM MILLAGE. Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was- applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at all drug gists. By the provisions of Chapter 229, Laws 1907, Page 409, notice is here by given that in sixty days from the date of this notice it will be unlaw ful for stock to run at large, under penalty of $10.00 for the first of fense and $20.00 for each and every subsequent offense, to be recovered from the owner of the stock in Civil Action in the name of the State of Oregon before a Justice of the Peace of the precinct in which such owner or keeper, or either of them, may reside; and such penalty shall be for: the benefit of, and when collected ! paid into, the common school fund of the County in which such action is brought within sixty days after ! such animal Is proved to be at large. ; Dated this 10th day of November,, E. M. SMITH. 24-26 County Clerk. Closing Out Sale We wish to dispose of our entire stock of Cook Stoves, Tinware, Enameled Ware and House Furnishing Goods at once. We quote you as follows: Enameled Ware 10-qt. Enameled Dish Pan 35c. Sale price .... .... ....25c 14-qt. Enameled Dish Pan 50c. Sale price 35c 17-qt. Enameled Dish Pan 60c. Sale price 40c Tin Boilers, usual price '85c. Sale price 65c Galvanized Boilers, usual price ,$1.00. Sale price 75c Tin Boilers, copper bottom, usual price $1.00. Sale price 75c Tin Boilers, copper bottom, usual price $2.00. Sale price ..$1.50 Tin Boilers, large and heavy, usual price $2.25. Sale price .... ...$1.65 Tin Boilers, large and heavy, usual price $3.00. Sale price . .$2.20 Tin Boilers, large and heavy, usual price $3.50. Sale price $2.70 We have a fine assortment of twenty kinds and sizes. Our stock is at present complete, but will not remain so very long at the above prices yraa 17-qt. Tin price 35c. Sale price Dish Pan, regular 20c 14-qt. Tin price 25c. Sale Price Dish Pan, regular 15c Granite Iron Pie Plates 10c. Sale price .. 5c No. 9 Granite Iron Jelly Cake . Pans 10c. - ., Sale price .. 5c No. 10 Granite Iron Jelly Cake Pans 15c. Sale price , 10c No. 10 Enameled Fry Pan, 30c. Sale price .... .. 20c 10-qt. Enameled Water Pail 50c. Sale price 35c Fine line of dairy pails at less than the cost of manufacture. We are wanting to dispose of everything. The above prices are only samples of what our whole stock is going at. We offer it all at prices which cannot be duplicated, including bur imported high-grade Stransky & Wipperman good s. Spencer Hard ware SALEM, OREGON Co.