Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 05, 1908, Image 4

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    gndrprudrucf utfrprjif.
IUhI rrkly from Imti-nlvcaOr-(fio
l liiui. K. Hick, I'ubli.hrr and Pro
Kntentd l lodfix-odmif, Or,
Oftir u MkindflaM mutter
Subscription. $1.50 Per Year
Kven la far Mexico the
wasteful klauKhlcr of gam baa at
tracted the attention cf th govern
xmmt, says the AuiiTkao Kiel J. a:ul
measures are now biing consldirtd
for the better protection of game tu
thai couutry. Th wanton slaughter
of mountain sheep in that country
baa aroused th Mexican government
through suggestion of sportsmen of
California. The mutter was laid bo
fore President Dlai who at once di
rected that steps bo taken to " put
an Immediate end to the wasteful
laughter." The ciluinx came lust
June when the Los Angeles Times
printed an account of two men and
a woman who went from the United
States to the region east of Magda
len 11a jr. prosecuting the hunt Into
the mouth of May, the lambing sea
son of the mountain sheep. 1 hey
slaughtered seventeen sheep. some
of which were females, with lambs
by their sides.
As an Initial step, on September
5th, an executive order was promul
gated through the official laud agen
cies of Lower California, prohibiting
the hunting of big game without writ
ten permission from the government
Jt Mexico.
There Is a suggestion in this to the
country of Oregon as to better pro
tection for our game. It Is now
stated that Chinas are so well clean
ed out in the valley of the Willam
ette that It Is a rarity that one is
seen. Huntsmen should be limited to
one or two days' shooting and to not
more than two birds. The Dirus
should not be allowed to become ex
tinct. The same should apply to all
game In the state.
"mk k-hhI" a theatre attending
community. Tb company I estab
lishing a circuit of town at which
they will play regular return en
gttKements. Independent' Is about to
bo left out. It would b too bad tf
fii.iiiKU euercy In tbeatrf lovers can
not be stirred up to bav this compa
ny Include Independence In their
circuit. Let's give them a good house
next Tuesday night.
Youth's Companion Club Rat
The YcutVa Companion and Inde
pendence enterprise will be aold to
gethr this Kali, the two for $3 25.
This is (he best ofier ever made In
connection with the Youth's Com
panion. Kenewals to that paper will
be accepted with this paper at that
prlct .
Daisy Hat Bssn. Dsngtrous In
Watched FlfUsn Ysars.
"Kor fifteen years 1 have watched
the working of Hucklena Arnica
Salve; and it has never failed to cure
any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which
It was applied, it has saved us many
a doctor bill." says A. r . liaruy oi
Kant Wilton. Maine. 25c at all drug
Notice to tho Public.
Notice Is hereby given that my
wife, Margaret Millage. having lift
my bed and board I will not be re
sponsible for any debts Incurred by
her, in this city. Salem or else
where. Merchants of Salem please
take notice.
Paled at Independence, Oregon,
October 22, 1908.
Mind Your Businessl
If you don't nobody will. It Is
your business to keep out of all trou
ble you can and you can and will
keep out of liver and bowel trouble
If you take Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They keep biliousness, mala
ria and jaundice out of your system.
23c at all druggists.
The coming mass meeting- to be
held in this city tomorrow night
means a great deal for Independence.
The establishment of a union high
school by Independence and Mon
mouth offers one of the most ad
vanced steps In the history of school
ing facilities in Polk county. It
means the investment of a large sum
of money far the advantage of our
people. It should be the duty of ev
ery citizen to discourage anyone who
attempts to throw cold water on
such a laudable proposition and they
should do everything in their power
to promote it. In seeking a country
in which to build homes, schooling
facilities are the first consideration.
We are lining up, in the establish
ment of a union high school, a com
munity attractive to home builders.
ILet us do the thing that we will not
be ashamed of in the future.
Albany Apple Fair.
For the Albany Apple Fair, which
is to bo held in Albany November 10
12 Inclusive, the Southern Pacific wll
give round trip rates from points on
its line to Albany and return. Rate
from Independence will be $1.40.
Dotherlxht thing at the right tlmo.
Act quickly In times of danger.
Hat-kach Is klduey danger.
Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly.
Cure all dlstresRlng. dangerous kld
uey Ills.
Plenty of evldenc to prove this.
A. J. Wood of S.'.u Cotlag St., 8a-
lem. Ore., says: "Kidney and blad-
dir trouble hat been my complaint
and about two uioniht ago became to
bad that 1 was obliged to do some
thing to ease the suffering. It bo
thered me mostly In tbe morning.
The too frequent action of the kid
ney secretions was very annoying
and embnrrasMiug. I had known, peo
ple who had received the best of re
sults from Doan't Klduey lills and
I procured a box. Ilefore I had used
one box. I was completely free from
every symptom of the trouble. The
kidneys were regulated and my gen
eral health became better. I can
hardly express tbe good opinion 1
have cf Doan's Kidney Pills for cases
of kidney complaint or backache."
For sale by all dealers. Price f0 J
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Uni
ted States.
Remember the name Doan's and '
take no other.
23 24.
Let everybody in Independence at
tend the play "In Dixie Land," which
-comes to the opera house in this
city Tuesday, November 10. It has
heen only through the earnest sol
icitation of some of the Independence
people that the Alcazar Stock Com
pany has consented to return to give
this town another - opportunity to
The Tables Turned.
The amenities of political cam
paignlng are amusingly Illustrated by
a story told by a Southern Congress
It appears that during the course
of a stuuiD speech delivered some
years ago by John Sharp Williams
in Mississippi he was interrupted by
a sudden yell from a man In the aud
"I have been robbed by plckpock
"I did not know that there were
any Republicans present," promptly
suggested Mr. Williams,' in order to
get .a laugh.
"Oh, there ain't, there ain't!
roared the unhappy man. "'I'm the
only one! " November Lippincott's.
Colds and Croup In Children.
"My little girl is subject to colds,'
says Mrs. Wm. H. Serlg, No. 41,
Fifth St.. Wheeling. W. Va. "'Last
winter she had a severe spell and a
terrible cough but I cured her with
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy without
the aid of a doctor, and my little boy
has been prevented many times from
having: the croup by the timely use
of this syrup." This remedy is for
sale by P. M. Kirkland.
Jk quart bottle of CENU1NE ml'
CYRUS NOBLE direct to you 1X
M all charge paid to the near- lp .
est railroad exprea. office, x&
The recent rain delayed the farm
ers from plowing for several days.
Pearl Klshback returned from a vis
it to Carlton and Dayton Saturday.
Jay Clarke Is working for Jay
Powell of near Monmouth.
Geo. Bennett has moved to Cress-
well, Lane county. James Goodman
took a load of his goods as far as
Albany Wednesday.
Levi and Henry Lehman were Mon
mouth visitors Saturday.
Allen Towns purchased some fruit
trees from Mr. Beezley of Falls City
Miss Mae Duignan, the Sunny
Slope teacher, visited her folks at
Perrydale over Sunday.
Seven Years of Proof.
"I have had seven years of 'proof
that Dr. King's New Discovery is the
best medicine to take for coughs and
colds and for every diseased condi
tion of throat, chest or lungs," says
W. V. Henry of Panama. Mo. The
world has had thirty-eight years of
proof that Dr. King's New Discovery
is the best remedy for coughs and
colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever,
bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungs,
and the early stages of consumption.
Its timely use always prevents the
development of pneumonia. Sold un
der guarantee at all druggists. 50c
and 11.00. Trial bottle free.
The recent rains have stopped the
fall work for a few days.
Some of the early sowed vetch and
cheat Is growing nicely.
John Frlesen and Josephine Schultz
of Salt Creek were married last Sun
day. They received many nice and
useful presents.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Friesen cele
brated their silver wedding on the
first of November. Their friends
oined in wishing the couple many
more years of happy wedded life.
Frank Friesen of Polk Station lost
a valuable horse last week.
The road supervisor has been
dragging the roads in this - vicinity
the past week.
A good many of the young folks
assembled at the home of Bernhard
Friesen on Hallowe'en and enjoyed
themselves playing games and eating;
ice cream and taffy.
You must have the best guaranteed to be absolutely pure aged in wood and
We buv CYRUS NOBLE direct from the distillers have boutht !t for 44 year.
Don't let them sell you something else "just as food."
Buv the best it's the cheaDest in the loni run. Bottled br the distillers.
Guaranteed to the United States Government and to you to contain nothing except ';
pure straight aged whiskey.
For the first time since 1864 (44 years) in such sections as the public is unable to
purchase CYRUS NOBLE we will sell you direct 4 quart bottles for $4. 9a
No danger of refilled bottles but the GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE the betti
made, the best selling brand in the whole world.
W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 1 05-1 07 Second Street. Portland. Ore. r
W. J. Van Schurrer & Co Prtbd. 0rt-
Farlotrd plekK find $4.90 for which pleaac scad mt at once by espnaa, prepaid, four quarts
P.O. Ad.
John Washington Townsend, who
died at his home near Buell, Oe
to'oer 19, 1908, was born in Missouri
in January, 1832. He crossed the
plains In 1847, settling in Polk coun
ty, where he resided almost contin
uously to the time of his death. Was
married In 1854 to Miss Lettie E.
McUariken. Eleven children were
corn to them, six of whom survive
him: Mrs. Hannah Dickey of Sheri
dan, Jesse of McMinnville, Mrs. Anna
Reed of Buell, and Mary, Mabel and
Nellie at home. He was a member
of the Baptist church from early life,
and also a member of Amity Lodge
No. 2, A. F. and A. M., which order
performed the last rites at the ceme
tery, just north of Dallas.
Mrs. Frank Laws died at her home
near Dallas Thursday, and the body
will be taken to Bellvue for inter
ment Friday afternoon. " She had
been HI for some time.
The Pacific Coast Handle and Mfg.
Company filed articles of incorpora
tion at Salem last week. Their prin
cipal office will be at Dallas; they
will have a capital stock of $5000.
Btebop's Ready Gtilereti
Arc made for men who
dress well and who insist
upon having garments of
unusual style and excep
tional quality .
Suits, $10 to $35
Overcoats, $8.00 to $30
Raincoats, $10.00 to $30
wiaiMf ar ta or
MICMACka, rum 4 CO.
ft, ft. v
Sakni W
eokti 111
Salem, Oregon.
Store j
Monuments carved from soundest and handsomest of native and foreign granites and
marbles. The highest quality of material and workmanship is my fixed policy. I have
on hand a large stock finished ready for lettering of which I can make quick delivory.
I have, besides, on the sea and coming by rail many others that will arrive in time for
Fall delivery. Prices uniform and as low as any reliable house on the coast
Salen? Granite & Marble Works
W. W. MARTIN, Proprietor
239 Liberty Street, SALEM) OREGON
Iiablic A.Tiction Sale
Having sold the farm, I will close ut at Public Auction at my residence near Lewlsvllle, on the Luckiamute,
ot 9:30 o'clock a. m., the following property:
3 horses, 1 mare and 5-months-old ctit, 4 cows will be fresh in December, 12 steers and hulfers fat for beef,
4 spring calves, binder (been run 4 years), mower (new), shoe drill (13 shoes), 16-inch sulky plow, 14-inch
walking plow, 10-inch walking plow, double shovel plow, spring tooth harrow, Mitchell wagon (3V4 spindle),
buggy, 2 sets harness with breeching, platform scales (1200 lbs.), hand truck, a quantity of wheat, oats and
hay, 6 bedsteads and 6 wire springs, 3 bureaus, 4 tables, 10 chairs, wool bed, 2 excelsior beds, 2 cooking
stoves, 2 heaters, cooking utensils, 8-ft. cross-cut saw, 7 fifty-gal. barrels, and many other articles.
TERMS OF SALE Under $10 cash; on sums of $10 and over a credit of ten months will bo given on fur
nishing a bankable note drawing 6 per cent interest, payable at the Dallas National Bank in Dallas, Oregon.
3 per cent discount for cash on all sums entitled to credit. FREE LUNCH AT NOON.
E. PI. Hosner, Auctionee:r
and Edward Gerllnger, Mornay Athey
and W. D. Myers are the Incorporators
Mrs. W. H. Robertson of Mon
mouth is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Brown in this city, and on Mon
day while descending the steps at the
latter's residence, slipped and fell,
spraining her arm, and cutting her
lips by falling on the edge of the
sidewalk. So severe were the In
juries that Dr. McCallon had to take
several stitches in her lips. Mrs.
Robertson about a year ago suffered
a stroke of paralysis, but is recov
ering this nicely.
How is Your Digestion.
Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8tb
Ave., San Francisco, recommends a
remedy for stomach trouble She
.says .-"Gratitude for the wonderful
effect of Electric Bitters in a case
of acute Indigestion, prompts this
testimonial. I am fully convinced
that for stomach and liver troubles
Electric Bitters Is the best remedy
on the market today." This great
tonic and alterative medicine invigor
ates the system, purifies the blood
and Is especially helpful In all forms
of female weakness. 50c at all druggists.
That the city of Independence, El
eanor Black and William Black are
not entitled to a certain piece of pro
perty in that vicinity Is alleged in a
complaint filed In the circuit court
Saturday by executors of the Tilmon
Ford estate. The plaintiffs are W.
M. Kaiser and Angle L. Warren. It
Is alleged that C. H. Idleman first
owned the land and gave a mortgage
to Tilmon Ford for the consideration
of $4000. It Is now claimed the note
for the mortgage has never been paid
as well as a large sum of Interest,
but nevertheless Idleman disposed of
the property to Eleanor Black, who
in turn sold to William Black, and
that later a quit claim deed was giv
en to the city of Independence for a
'portion of the land to be used as a
pipe line for a watering trough. Now
the executors of the Ford estate de
sire to have all three titles to the
property declared invalid In favor of
the estate as holder of the mortgage.
Salem Statesman.
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