Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 29, 1908, Image 1

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TM Faculty of th Orsgon AflHcul
tural Coilsgs and Eiparlmantal Sia
Hon Will Work In Conjunction
With Company In Damonatratlona,
f'nmtumii'lnir till) first week 111
November the Southern Pacific com
pany will opcrato a farming demon
iratlnn train over their main and
branch lliita In the Willamette val
ley, tnakln atop of an hour and a
half at aih atatlon. Tho object of
I lie demons! ration traina la to pro
niolo tho aKHculiural condltlona of
tho territory served by their Hues.
Farmers will attend these deinotistra
lion with inurh profit to themselves
and It lit hoped that they will attend
In largo number.
The Oregon Agricultural College ti
working In conjunction with these
demoiiMtratloti and therefore the
beat work of the college will be
how II In artuul practice.
Tho farinliiK demoiiatratloii train la
a scheme of It. 11. Miller. K''ii'ral
freight agent of the company, who
will have personul charge of the
train. It proved no popular on Its
Initial trip Into KaHtern Oregon thut
the company Ih iihmUiik with frequent
roiiucHtH for a return of the train.
II A. llliiHhaw, truvelhiK freight
BK!iit, who was In Independence
Monday arranging for the itinerary
of the ili mount ration train. Bald to a
representative of the Kntprpiine:
"Our object Ih to promote agriculture,
dairying, horticulture, etc., In the vi
cinity of Independence, which Is of
uuch lmporlunce to the Willamette
valley uh well. These demonstra
tion are being made entirely for the
benefit of the farmers. It Is a rare
opportunity for them to obtain the
benefit of tho experience of the pi
oneer workers along these lines. The
train consists of one car equipped I
and devoted to tho demonstration of
agriculture, another to dairying and
live stock, milk testing and separat
ing, another car will be devoted to
horticulture, trult spraying and fruit
packing, and another car will be
equipped with model cow stalls In
which cow will be carried and the
process of milking by machinery will
bo demonstrated. Similar trains
were operated In Eastern Oregon and
Washington during tho past summer
which were of a great help to the
farmers in improving conditions, so
inuch so that frequent requests on
the company have been made for a
repltltion of tho demonstrations. Our
aim Is to assist in improving condi
lions in the Willamette valley. This
train will be run on a larger scope,
accompanied by lecturers well skilled
in their particular fields. The lec
tures will be delivered from the train,
which will arrive ia Independence at
1:55 and will remain at the station
until 3:25, giving an hour and thirty
minutes of practical demonstration
to which farmers are cordially invit
ed to attend."
Every farmer, fruitgrower, stock
raiser or dairyman should attend the
demonstration at Independence Fri
day, November 6th. Your wives also
should come, lest you may not be
able to comprehend all the demon
strations. The women will be inter
ested in many of the demonstrations,
especially in horticulture and dairy
ing, and perhaps, in many of the
other demonstrations.
pocket knives, and about flO worth
of atamp and aiuall rhangn from
the immK offle. N tracn of lh
iillty party ha yet been found.
Th lllckreall Flouring Mill Co. ar
now oporatlng their mill hero. Op
eiatlona have btrn delayed until
now by lack of sufficient water to
run tho machinery.
Frank (ilbaon, of Helllngham.WaNh
liiKtun, la visiting here thla week.
I'eter Cook mad a business trip
to Hal. in Tueaday.
Mra. John Vaughn visited her mo
ther, Mra. J. W. Klrklaud, at Inde
pendence, Wednesday,
Jasper ItoyJson left Thuraday for
Dayton, Ore., where h will bo em
ployed In repairing the achool house.
Dan Mrl'eek waa In Salem on bul-
neaa Wednesday.
Mlaa Ada llyera, our primary
teacher, la quite alck.
Youth' Companion Club Rate
The Youth' Companion and Inde
pendence Enterprise will be aold to
gether thla Fall, the two for 12.25.
Thla I tho beat offer ever made in
connection with the Youlh'a Com
panion. Renewal to that paper will
be accepted with thla paper at that
The prssldsntlal Campaign In Polk
County Wilt Be Closed With the
Republican Rally Which Will Take
Place on Friday Night, Oct. 30th.
to and from tho achool; or they
mut atay lha entire week at the
town a hero the achool la located,
thus belli away from borne the year
when tli prefer to b at houie in
very ininh need ih home influence
All thr reHulta nilchl be ipeud
It would t)M preferablo to build up
fow ironic hlKh achool In different
part of the county.
It. W. KJKK,
i'rlnelpal of Independence I'ubllc
! School.
Notice to the Public.
During the month of NOVEMBER
we will run a peclal train between
Independence and Alrlle; leaving In
dependence 7:30 a. m.; leaving Mon
mouth 7:50 a. m.; returning leave
Alrlle 9:00 a. m.
The following rate on all train
will go Into effect November 1, 1908
Steel Buy Ferry.
W. J. Steele, the hop grower of
Iluena Vista, ha bought the Iluena
Vista ferry. Mr. Bteelo Is doing cou.
aiderahlo remodeling of the ferry and
will fit It up In first class abapo. He-
fore It will ba ready for Inspection it
will be closed down for a couple of
day to put on the finishing touches,
a the saying Is. It will hereafter
be called Steele' ferry.
A Card.
This is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money
if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to
cure your cough or cold. It stops
the cough, heals the lungs and pre
vents serious results from a cold,
Cures lagrippe cough and prevents
pneumonia and consumption, con
tains no opiates. The genuine is in
a yellow package. Refuse substitutes.
1. G. Dove.
Peter Cook's general merchandise
store was broken Into Monday night,
Oct. 19th, and goods to the value of
about $90 were stolen. Among the
articles taken were, three watches,
several rings, fountain pens, razors,
-.Miss Dessle Wren, -who has been
spending a pleasant time with her
auni, Mrs. R. M. omlth, returned to
?ier home In Alsea valley Monday.
The Social Hour Club was enter
tained by Miss Faradlne Doughty on
Thursday afternoon. Jack-o-lanterns
made of pumpkins was a prominent
feature of the decorations.
Would it not be well, you who are
so blessed to acknowledge your par
ents yet alive, to stop and think, of
the mother perhaps who guarded you
so tenderly through childhood. I say
wouldn't It be well to see that she
has the comforts of life yet a little
while longer. "With what measure
ye mete, so Bhall It be measured to
you again."
Mrs. A. N. Halleck went to Phtlo
math Monday to the bedside of her
brother, who had Buffered a paralytic
stroke. Ills name is Miller.
F. E. Finch and Arch Pool have
finished a pantry and laundry room
for H. E. Guthrie's residence, filling
in the walls with sawdust. It is a
neat Job.
Mrs. Will McCready Is up from Mc
Minnvllle visiting with the "folks at
home,"Geo. Boothby's family.
Mrs. Jennie Fuller was a Dallas
visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hewitt depart,
ed on Friday's train to attend a fun
eral. We have not been able to
learn whose It was.
Mrs. Susie Wade of Portland is vis
iting at the home of H. E. Cross of
this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammell of Corval
lis were visiting Monmouth friends
over Sunday. Mrs. Hammell was for
merly Miss Bessie Ireland of this
Mrs. J. B. Wright is visiting with
ber children at Willamlna. '
Mr. and Mrs. William Metzler of
Rickreall were callers in town Sun
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murphy and
child are visiting at his parental
home. Mr. Murphy Is employed by
a Portland firm.
This fine October weather makes
driving an Ideal pleasure, Dame Na
ure beiDg now in her most royal
robe, and with excellent atmosphere
makes it very exhilarating to health
There is nothing more enjoyable than
a ride on the train from Indepen
dence to Dallas via Monmouth or an
automobile, driven not too fast, un
less It would be a good carriage
drive across the country.
The Smith & Radek brick is rapid
ly nearing completion, the brick be
ing furnished by Shew, the local
A great Republican Rally la arrang
ed for tomorrow night (Friday). It
will be the winding up of the presi
dential campaign ao far aa Polk coun
ty t concerned. Two of Oregon'a I Betveen Independence and Mon
foremen! apeakera will be here to I mouth, one way 10c
entertain the audience at the opera Between Monmouth and Dalian
house. Hon. T. J. CJoeton of Port- one way 30c
land and Judge Grant Ii. Dimmlck Between Monmouth and Alrlie,
of Oregon City will be In Indepen- one way 40c
dunce to apeak on thla occasion.
A special program of muaic baa
been arranged. Interesting numbers
will be a aolo by MIhs Lora Craven
and a violin aelectlon, Rubensteln's
"Melody in F," by Chaa. E. Hick
This I the closing of the campaign
Between Alrlle and Indepen
dence, one way 50c
Independence & Monmouth Ky. Co
II. Hlrschbcrg, President
A Boon to Elderly People
Mont elderly people have some kid
and It I quite likely that there will ney or bladder disorder that ia both
not be any standing room left over painful and dangerous. Foley's Kid
when the crowd gets in to hear these pey Remedy has proven a boon to
two good speakers. Better come many elderly people as It stimulate
early and get a good seat. the urinary organs, corrects irregul
arlties and tones up the whole ays
Political Speaker Interrupted. tern. Commence taking Foley'a Kid
Public speakers are frequently in- ney Remedy at once and be vlgorou
terrupted by people coughing. This D. CJ. Dove.
would not happen if Foley's Honey
and Tar were taken, as it cures
cough and colds and prevents pneu
monia and consumption. Tho gen
uine contains no opiates and Is in
a yellow package. iteruse substi
tutes. D. G. Dove.
Was Well-Known Here.
Richard Scott of Mllwaukle. grand
master as wen as trustee or tne oau- rhe republican rally at the opera
fellows home at Portland, died at his house last Friday night was oue of
home Monday mornirg from heart the bg successes of the campaign
trouble. Me wad b-' years or age. Mr Butler demonstrated himself equal
Came to Oregon In 1870. Owned t0 the OCCa8ion and his speech was
some of best dairy stock In state. listened to bv a laree audience with
spellbound attention. From the talk
Albany Apple Fair. which he gave It is evident that he
For the Albany Apple Fair, which hB one of the. coming pillars of the
is to be held in Albany November 10- gtate.
iz inclusive, tne boumern t'acinc will Tne xaft-Sherman Club were fortu
give round trip rates from points on nate ln having the assistance of Miss
us line to Aiuany ana return. Kate namon for a recitation and Miss Lora
from Independence will be $1.40. Craven to sine one of her beautl
ful songs. The audience thundered
Concerning the County High School, applause of her song and owing to
It seems that the proposition of tne lateness of the hour the chairman
establishing a county high school is wa8 compelled to allow her but one
to be submitted to the voters of Polk Boag Mlss Craven will delight the
county next Tuesday. There has audience with another song at the
bw:n much lively discussion of this comlng meetlng Friday night
lmpuiant. question tnis week, and a A dance followed the speaking and
fow of the leading citizens have ask- It was wejj attended and heartily en
ed me to .make a statement of my h&yed.
While I am heartily ln favor of
high schools, I am not in favor of the
organization of a county high school
in counties where there are several
small towns, as is the case ln the
Willamette valley. The 'county is too
large a unit. I might be in favor of
a county board of control of high
Schools, or the county as the unit of
taxation for high school purposes, but
the location of one' high school in
the county does not seem to be. the
wisest plan. If the county has but
one high school, one of three things
Why Colds Are Dangerous
Because you have contracted ordin
ary colds and recovered from them
without treatment of any kind, do not
for a moment Imagine that colds are
not dangerous. Everyone knows that
pneumonia and chronic catarrh have
their origin in a common cold. Con
sumption is not caused by cold but
the cold , prepares the system for the
reception and development of the
germs that would not otherwsie have
found lodgement. It is the same
with infectious diseases. Diphtheria,
must happen: either many will be , . , , i .
,i ..t i fi 1. . I., . ,i '
ing high school; or they will be too
many , hours away from home In go
ing the long distance twice a day
Mr. C. L. Starr, Secretary of
Board of Regents of the Normal
Schools, who reads the Indepen
dence Enterprise, commenting on
the general appearance of the pa
per, said on a recent call on the
editor: "The Independence En
terprise Is by far the best paper
ever published in the town. A
town and community is judged
more exactly by the newspaper
published in it, and the business
energy of the town by the amount
of advertising carried in it by its
merchants. The streets and other
municipal improvements are all
good advertising but unlike the
paper, they are not seen in all
parts 1 of the state as is a good
newspaper. I venture your paper
Is seen and commented on in" all
sections of Oregon. Your paper is
a credit and would be in any community.
cough are much more likely to be
contracted when the child has a cold.
You will see from this that more real
danger lurks in a cold than in any
other of the common ailments. The
easiest and quickest way to cure a
cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. The many remarkable
cures effected by this preparation
have made it a staple article of trade
over a laru par? of the world. For
sale by P. M. Kirkland.
Notice to the Public.
Notice is hereby given that my
wife, Margaret Millage, having left
my bed and board I will not be' re
sponsible for any debts Incurred by
her, in this city, Salem or else
where. Merchants of Salem please
take notice.
Dated at Independence, Oregon,
October 22, 1908.
New shipment Warner's Rust Proof
Corsets in stouts, slims and .regular
forms. The corset you can wash.
Conkey, Walker & Lehman's. 22-23
Moving Pictures of Merit and
Illustrated Songs
Only Theatre in Polk County
Performances every evening at 7:30 and Matinees ;
Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons j
Sewing Machines
Talking Machine Records
Piano and Organ Studies
Sheet Music
Extras for All Makes of
Sewing Machines
of CM and Relia
ble House of Geo.
C. Wills
Good goods,
right prices, posi
tive guarantee,
and defects (the
fault of instru
ment) repaired
fre of charge.
121 Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon.
Houaa Furnuhingi, Wfl Ppet
A line of Hardware, Tools and Kitchen Utensils, Stoves and Ranges
Telephone 947 Main 285 N. Commercial 8treet, SALEM, OREGON
Salem's Up-to-Date Store Is
Here With the Goods
The grandest assortment of Beautiful Fall Merchandise that was ever
seen in this city. You can see style, fashion and beauty in every ready
made garment and piece of goods shown. Remember we are the makers
of low prices.
uress Ljooos ana
Our assortment is great and our
prices cannot be bat. Fall Suitings
yard 25c, 35o, 49c, 65c, 75c and up,
Dress Silks
In a grand assortment of styles and
patterns. Yard, 25c, 35o, 49c, 65c
and up.
Hosiery and Un
in Fall and Winter-weight at special
Low Prices. 19c, 25c, 35c, 49o and
If you want the best values in Salem
Outing Flannels, ,
Blankets, Comforts
and Flannels
come to the CHICAGO STORE.
Trimmed Hats
now selling for $1.50, $2.50
$2.95, $3.50 and up.
Women's Tailor Made
Garments and
. at Wonderfully
Low Prices.
SUITS: $8.50, $ 10.50,
$12.50, $14.50 and up.