i Nt ' X ! N3iJ1k3' W X X 11 - A .- - ' S -r We arc Now well Settled In our new building on Court Ktreot with a larger ami finer toek and better facilities than ever. Come and incjieet the bargains we are nllerinp. ""V ' ILvery Home your home should have a "BucKs" stove or range $1.00 each week. ROCKER An exceptional offering in good hardwood KiH'kcr, cobbler seat, Meel lrcHl arms. A regulur $2.51 vhm CI 40 htodl DINER 1 1 ith iii hii unequalled bargain in a (lining chair, rich golden oak finiidi, genuino Imx scat upholstered ' in leather, panel tmck, rrencn leg, HKK'iftl lift , $3.00 CENTRE TABLE (icnuinu quarter sawed oak, beauti fully j)ililiml, h'iiIIokkI top, lower shelf, Unit leg, Itegular fl.W) hpel'i.il 3.00 LADIES' DESK Golden oak, oval French bevel pluto mirror, liuiHlmiiiiely carved front, French leg, ifri 0 Cf Kpecial at l. JU What sterling is to silver, the fuel saving, labor-saving, long-lasting and beautiful "Buck's" Stoves and Ranges are to stoves. Let us tell you about this great offer and these ex ceptional stoves and ranges today. Take advantage of our Credit System Hear in mind that our ability to extend you credit ia just as great as our abil ity to undersell any other concern in our line. TAPESTRY RUGS Oc nuiiie Mayflower Tapestry Kuk, made for durability and service, in brown, red and greena. All iie in atock. 1j12, regular 114.00, Special . . $10.75 COUCH Nicely upholstered in condoco brown velour, spring edge, ianitary conatruction, beautiful appearance and is lasting in t 1 C f)f) quality. Special P1J.UU GO-CARTS The Sturgiss, made of seamless steel tubing, no wooden parts that are easily broken; the only cart that wheels and all folds with one motion. t1 CO Special piJJV HEATERS We carry a complete line. Any style and price you desire, a good one for (til only PJ.&J AfiF.NTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET COURT ST., SALEM, OREGON GET WISE BUY A HOOSIER AND SAVE KITCHEN DRUDGERY OREGON,, BUILDERS Are you doin what you can to POPULATE YOUR, STATE? OREGON MEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, nechanice, merchants, clerks, people wilh brains, strong hands and a willing heart --capital or no capital. is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through outhern Pacific Co. Lines in Oregon is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be Interested in this state? We will be glad to bear the expense ot sending them complete information about Oregon and Its opportunities COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during September and Oc tober from the East to all poin ts in Oregon. The fares from a few prin. clpal cities are as follows From Denver $30.00 From Louisville $41.70 " Omaha 80.08 " Cincinnati 42.20 ' Kansas City.... 80 00 ' Cleveland 44.76 " Sf. Louis 85.60 " New York 65.00 Chicago $38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID If you want to brine a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount of money with any of onr agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. G. A. WILCOX, LOCAL AGENT, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon H. Hirschberg, Prea. A. Nelson, Vice Pres. C. W. Irvine, Cash. The Independence National Bank Incorporated 1889 Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits Directors: H. Hireohberg, A. Nelson, D. W. Sears, B. F. Smith and J. E. Rhodes. E. H. XACHANB Painter and Paperhanger I have recently located in this City and am prepared to do all kinds of House, Bign.and Carriage Painting, Paper Hanging, Glazing, etc. My prices are reasonable and I guarantee satisfaction. Estimates freely furnished. , Leave Orders with Bice SL Calbreath or telephone Main 49. HOTEL MONMOUTH Monmouth, Oregon Under Meiv Management Rates $2.00 Per Day Free Baths to Guests tkixx or mroaMACE. fcj.ufcl!cn Organization Fosters All rlirl Ttodinr to Hk the Country Oit and I'rotjurou. Tt.f u:! sa i a ptr.r 1 -('" It rt!i !ii Ii tu i!"u- iiJ mil i:;n tw It ( ijr it'fy 1" l i'.i fuiuiA If hn fx. 1 nil erji''it that t if!i-.J i iit.i:. tti ouuJry (rent aul pr-r"U. It ha with thifi iNiple. it baa kept l'it of (hi tliitr, It bat e.r tUxil ready in iiMMitfr an olil i-.l ' or to nil "it Itew in mbi'ii the tmiiif lnt -reni tint eiMinlrjf Un hmhIm! tl nni;fl (lull or tl rlmiiK". It ba .rut A rlian liiilumrl. It lia proieel Amrlinti Inlx.r ly strlns'-nt iniiulra tlun Us It in.fi--leiI tli erHt a tnii.ln.iu aialillily -f tli cuiitry timiiii't diH-larliig In favor of a l iUmimJ. and writing It In th i Ul.-a. Win n the tliii rame It pr.mi l wlaed uiMin ttm tluiw and tne purtunltjr to begin th -iy conatrm: Hon of !be rrest luttimmn final, bus never lieIttid to ume a mmnnllilllty. WUen the erueltiea Culia threatened tli Inleresta of Amer ica tba ItMuibllean party resolved mil an nd la thoM rrueltlea. Wbea truta sprang up It enacted law curb and control tU trunla. Wb coiuineree was at the mercy of the railroad. It provided for a commls! to regulate them. When slilHer were oimrenMed br tranKrtatlon eoinpanit it promptly enacted a rate law. It Uaa met every wnereenry In war or peaee, met It In a wine, prudent and statea mnnllke manner. It I progrenslve wben progrelvetieM mean upbuilding, la cornel-rathe wben conservatls means the roalntenaor of peace, order and prosperity. It bus been prompt without undue haute. Peace aud pros perity at home honor and respect abroad has been. Is now, and always will be lta motto. Republican National Platform. of led 'ted a- id by ki II At t 0V It rein rr- to ea to en CAMPAIGN EIPENDITUKE3. Democratic Party Cannot Claim Un anllled Virtue as to Source of Its Revenues. (From Got. niichea' Toungstown Speech.) "Mr. Bryan also has much to say with retard to corrupt practices and mmonlcn expenditures. But be omits to clve due credit to the Republics narty for what it has accomplished with regard to these Important reforms. an accomplishment the more notewor thv In the lleht of Mr. Bryan's relter ated criticisms of contributions to Re- nubllcan campaign funds. In the State of New York a Republican Legislature In 1900 passed a statute prohibiting corporations from making any political contributions directly or indirectly, and providing that officers, directors or tockholders participating in or con sentlng to the rlolatlon of the law should be guilty of a criminal offense And I know of no more drastic statute in this country with regard to the pub HeltT of campaign contributions and for the prevention of corrupt practices than that passed in New lorK unaer Republican auspices. These were not promises of an opposition party seek ing power, but enactments ty a party in nower securing genuine reforms. Proper recognition must, of course, he given to the patriotic Democrats wno supported these reforms, but they were pnaeted bv a Republican admmistra tlon. Congress has also legislated against political contributions by cor porations. Purity of elections and free opportunity for the uncorrupted expres sion of the nooular win ne at we iouu rtntion of every reform and cannot be tnn csppfnllv safeguarded. And there should be federal legislation securing proper publicity of and accounting for campaign contributions in connection with federal elections. But it must fairly be recognized that the skirts of r,atthr nartv hare been clean. If we search Mr. Bryan's following we shall find not a few who have sinned, and also those who, if we may judge from hoir local activities, are still unrepent ant. The Democratic party cannot claim unsullied virtue either with re gard to the source of its revenues or its readiness to receive tnem. Dallas Steam Laundry Best "Work Guaranteed Basket leaves Tuesday 6pm and returns Friday Olee Robinson jgent Independence, Oregon LABOE IN DEMOCRATIC STATES Coal Miner In Alabama Subjugated Into Cringing Dependencies. That there's a "rift within the lute" of the Gompera proposition to deliver the labor vote of the country to Dem ocracy is becoming more apparent. While Mr. Bryan and Mr. Gompers are making special appeals to labor, neither refers to the deplorable condition of laber in the Democratic South. Mr. John P. White, for six years president nt the Iowa United Mine workers, ana now one of the national officers of the TTnlred Mine Workers Asociation, who investigated mining labor conditions in the South, is not so reticent. In a re cent address to Local Union No. 97 of Alhia. Iowa, he told of persecutions of labor in Alabama where a coal miners' strike was in progress. He is reported as saying: "The miners of Alabama have been subjugated until a majority bave become cringing dependencies. Al most daily some of the laboring men of that State were mercilessly shot down for daring to assart their rights as American citizens. Ninety-one members of the Mine Workers' Association were thrown into jail without baying com mitted any crime other than becoming members of the organisation." Ala bama is a State absolutely under eoa- trol of Bryan Democracy. ! k I- HKH irr, 51. 1). i'hyait'lun and ttuwoa OKe In Coopvr tinlMinjr, faomt 3 i. it 3. ((lii idiur.. 0 a, tu. tu 12 lit. ti'l '4 to 6 p, in. Culls nhatteretl mghl nit tlav. IIGMKH UjIHJE N... 4. IC ol P 3 "A Mirry Mom. night la K. of 1. Hall. w. HM.rrf.n, K.Haml 8. B. F. JONES a rioitsn Y-A 2- LA w yuTAiiy I'VJtuc Olfiin utir ln,Coojr j!lk IN DKI'KX UKNCK, OKKUOW MATTISON & HART. CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS Next door to Knox Grocery INDEPENDENCE, ORE W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. ...Dentist... fUlalaM EilmelioB Uooyr Building. (nJepenilenoe, Orego THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF McMlnnulile, : : : : Oregon Chat. Gregory, Jlgt., Dallas. Ore. California Medicated Soap The bl for re, chapped hnda dandruff, iaiect .Unit, nod porno n ofc. Mrs. J. W. Richardson. Sr. Alien l. Monmouth St., Independence Or. Launch Independence Plye bet wee u ludependeuce tnd Pal em daily except Sunday. PaweDger and freight business solicited. Leave Independence : 9:30a. m. Leave Halem : 3 .16 p. ru. Geo. Skinner - Skipper Farmers Feed and Hitching Shed Jones Big New Barn Teams 10c, Saddle Horse Se Rigs as well as teams kept ia the dry. Horses boarded bv day, week or month. J. N. JONE5. US G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore, garble and Granite Monuments and Head stones Cemetery work etc. I will sell Real Estate But I will list only property that can be sold at a reasona bly low price. Don't ask me to list yours if you want the -earth for it. It will move if; your price is right. Chas. E. Hicka D. TAYLOR BARBER Bath Room in Con nection C STREET Independence, Ore. $25 REWARD. I will pay $ 25 reward for the recov ery of one Moline wagon, 3 J in. axle, which was taken from my place about three weeks ago. Compliance with this notice will save trouble to the party who now has the wagon. Th law will be invoked if reduced to th extremity. H. WONDEK, 9-24 tf MONMOUTH, ORE. Polk's Gazetteer. A business directory or each city, town and Til laro in Oregon and Washington, giving a descript ive sketch of each place, together with the loca tion and shipping facilities and a classified direc tory of each business and profession. B, L. Folic A Co., Inc., Seattle. TRESPASS NOTICE. Hunting is strictly forbidden on the Stewart place. Trespassers will b prosecuted. MRS. M. W. 8TJSWAKX 10-29 . S. E. CARMACK.