Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 22, 1908, Image 1

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Lono Hours on tho Farm Eight
Hour In tho Foronoon and Eight
In tho Afternoon Drlvo Young
Man to Sotk Oth tr Employment
An Indiana farmhand has written
m letter to President Roosevelt about
tho work which tho Country Llf
Oommlmilon la carrying on. The
President ha turned the letter over
to the Country Llf Commission and
tho CoininUalon haa asked the farm
hand to write aome more.
"1 have been a farmhand Just long
enough." says the President's cor
respondent, "to learn tho cause of ao
many aona and dauhtrs and well
meaning farmhand leaving tho beau
tlful farm and country and going to
tbe city. A lack of order and system
on the farm and too long hour for
a day M what la driving the best
mind from the farm to the city and
bop. What can we expect of
band, or the farmer'a wife and her
icrterity. In the way of Intellectual
d vt l I'liient when they get out of
their beds at 3:30 in tho morning and
work from that time until 8 or 9 p.
m.? And no attention paid to the
sanitary condition of the homo, and
necessary conveniences on the farm
for doing the farm work with the
KttHt lubor and time."
This man has given tho Country
Life CommlHHlon some very Interest
Ing first-hand Information about rural
conditions and recommendations
based on a long experience In farm
work and farm life, lie haa worked
for all kinds of farmers, good and
bad, he says, and he hus always had
his eyes open to detect the causes of
their success or failure. He has
drawn his own conclusions and sets
them forth In downright, straight-forward
fashion. Education pays In
farming, he says. The farmer who
plans out his work and carries It
through In a systematic, business-like
manner, JuBt as the city man does,
will be able to shorten the hours of
labor. J "So many farmers measure
everything on the farm from the
standpoint of muscle," he continues,
"and are extreme In some things
and slack In others. I decided sev
eral years ago that life Is too short
to work for Peter Tumbledown
"Now, Mr. President," he writes,
"you can take this for what It is
worth. , I have not given you half of
my experience." The Country Life
Commission has written him that his
suggestions are so useful that they
hope he will send more.
Compel tho farmer to be a busl
noun man." he says "Go Into the
homes of some of the farmers and
the so-called farmers and ascertain
how they live, and learn of their
methods of doing the business
which they are engaged. And you
will be surprised what a variety you
will find. Ascertain what they read
and what stress they put on the lit
erature that comes into their homes
(if any comes) bearing on the busl
nesH thev are engaged In. See what
per cent study their business.
"Give me the educated farmer as
a boss and the educated farmhand as
a hand. When I come in contact
with a hand or farmer that studies
his business I find him advancing,
and it Is a pleasure to work for such
"The majority of the farmers are
eight hour men, that Is, eight hours
In the forenoon and eight In the at-
ternoon. Eight or ten hours on the
farm cannot well be adapted In all
cases, but It need not be from four
teen to sixteen hours. If the family
arise every morning at 5 o'clock and
the wife and daughters attend to the
household duties, and the farmhands
and sons attend to the chores and
go to the field at 7 o'clock and work
until 11 or 11:30 and go to the field
again at 1 and keep at it until 6
o'clock, and go to the house and eat
the supper and then do the evening
chores, they, have done a farm day's
work. Regular hours for work, and
regular hours for meals, and regular
hours for sleep, and regular hours for
rest and recreation, with plenty of
standard papers and books, Including
iho best agricultural paper an
book, and full fulfil In (iod. and
Kutid grub I wanted.
"Tim family should rise at five
o'clock on Bunds? morning a well
on week days, and do tho neeeasarj
Hominy morning chore, and then go
to church and show the business man
In the city that Sunday on Iho farm
doe not roiuttNt In changing the
stock from one field to another, or
lulling It, or unloading a load of hay
that was brought In on Saturday
"Coming to the meals at the meal
hour make It easy on tho wife so
the can arrange her household duties
In order, a can also the husband his
farm work.
"Men of worth and standing In the
shop and city tell me that If order
and system were used on the farm
they would go back to the farm. If
the farmer want to keep hi sons
and daughter on tho farm he must
not lenglhen the hours for a day's
work at both ends. Limit tho hour
of work on tho farm to twelve or
thirteen with pay for overtime, and
freedom to the hired man on Hun
The Country Life Commission wel
comes letters like this, because as
Prof. L. II. Bailey, chairman of the
commission, recently pointed
of the objects of the Investigations
of the commission will be to obtain,
as fully as possible, the opinions of
both farmer and of their hand con'
cernlng the question of farm labor
and the condition of hired help. It
la likely that whun the Country Life
Commission rescue Indiana In the
tour of the country which It will
make early next month It will en
deavor to get Into personal ; touch
with this letter writer.
Harper' Boom Northwest.
Harper's Weekly Is plaunlng a ser
es of artlclc-s on the Pacific North
west to appear In early Issues, and
J. K. Mumford, one of America's
most prominent magazine writers, is
personally gathering the data now.
Tomorrow, night Hon. R. R. Butler
will address Independence people
on the political issues of the day.
Mr. Butler is one of the good speak
ers of Oregon and has met with
crowded houses In all parts of the
Btate where he has delivered ad-
resses. Special arrangements have
been made for an Interesting pro
gram and a good time Is assured to
all who will come out. Come out
and bring the children. There will
be something for thefr enjoyment as
well. A special invitation Is extend
ed to the women.
CEMSCR 1, 108.
Big Fruit Men of tho Entlro North
west Will Attend This Convention
Exhibit of Oregon's Best Fruit
From All Section Will Bo Mad
Another step was taken In the cel
ebrated case of the Krebs Hop Co,
vs. Llvesley, et al, when the supreme
court granted a restraining order yes
terday enjoining the defendants from
execution of judgement received In
superior court for collection of money
on a hop contract. The supreme
court at the same time gave itself the
power to enjoin using liberal con
struction of the statutes.
Dealing as It does with a hop con
tract, great Interest is shown In this
case by the farmers of Marlon coun
ty, from which court it was appealed.
The judgement amounted to $4048.
The suit started asking for advance
payment of a hop contract and judg
ment was awarded. Contention was
made before the lower court that the
money should be paid before the de
livery of hops and was sustained.
The plaintiffs alleged that there
had been no delivery or tender of
the heps and that they were sold to
other parties and that defendants
were insolvent. The restraining or
der enjoining from execution of judg
ment was issued temporarily until
the hearing. . . , . . .
Mr. Orchardlst, da you know that
now Is the time to select that choice
fruit which I to make your section
a name for tho production of first
clime fruit "a good as Hood Rlv
er?" Do not wait till Christ ma and
then complain because people arc
talking of your neighbors' fruit and
not of yours. Make up your mind
now to capture some of the cups and
awards to be given by the Oregon
'.Slate Society. Write Jas. 11. Reld,
of MllwMuklo. Oregon, for a list of
prize, ai.d then sav your best fruit
for competition In , one or more
This I the greatest meeting and
exhibit ever held in Portland and you
will n ;ver cease regretting It If you
fall to be In evidence at that meet
ing and have your best fruit entered
In the running. The society will
keep your exhibit in cold storage,
fno. If you wish it write to Mr. Rel
as to details.
We are not ready to announce the
program yet, but we will have some
of the best talent In the country and
th'i whole event will be an epoch
u.iking occasion in the history of
North west horticulture.
A score or more of splendid cups,
medals, awards and ribbons will be
ai signed to the winners in the vari
ous classes and you ought to take
home some for the credit of your
faction as well as Jor your own per
sonal (pleasure.
It will do you a world of good to
moot Ce big fruit men from British
Columbia, Montana, Idaho, Washlng-
on, Oregon, California and outside
points. One of the interesting feat
ures of the meeting will be a ques
tion '. box. If you have a Question
that you deBlre answered by the
convention send It in and designate
who shall answer it if you wish a
particular person to consider it. Let
us have the questions- early, so that
all may have a chance to sea what is
Delegates from all parts of this
northwest region will obtain reduced
rates on the railroads and "Horticul
tural Week" in Portland will be a red
letter day for the fruit growers of
the Pacific Northwest, December 1
to 5, 1908.
Polk County Valuation.
Following Is a slatenxnt of valua
tion iiimJo out from tbe assessment
roll fur 1S0 by the county asses
sor, C, 8. Graves, a publlnhed In
tho Ori'goultn this week. It gives
tho following summary of valuations
and Ibn gross valuation of all the
taxable property In the county. The
summary will bo subject to slight
revisions by the Board of Equalisa
tion, which meet this week, but the
changes will not have any appreci
able effnet on the total of the valua
Tillable land. 116.626 acres. I3.27M60
Non-tillable land, 329,856.62
acres 3,364,850
Improvements on deeded or
patented land 127.690
Town and city lot . ... .. 289.240
Improvement on town or
city lot 621.940
Improvement on lands not
deedfd or .patented
Railroad bed (73.67 miles) . .
Telegraph and telephone
line (178.&0 miles) ....
Railroad rolling stock ....
fit -?iiu' osts, engine and
manufacturing machinery.
Merchandise and stock In
trade 227,106
Farming Implements, wag
ons, etc.,
Notes snd accounts
Shares of stock
Household furniture
Horses and mules (4843) ..
Cattle (7674)
Sheep snd goats (35,576) ..
Swine (3946)
Dogs (09) ..
k 141,005
Gross val. all property $10,079,430
For Chapped Skin
Chapped skin on the hands or
face may be cured in one night by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is
also unequalled for ' sore nipples.
burns and scalds. For sale by P. M.
Had a Close Call.
JUrs. Ada L. Croom. the widely
known proprietor of the Croom 'Ho
tel, Vaughn, Miss., says: "For sev
eral months I suffered with a severe
cough, and consumption seemed to
have its grip on me, when a friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discov
ery. I began taking it and three bot
tles effected a complete cure." The
fame of this lifesaving cough and
cold remedy, and lung and throat
healer is world wide. Sold at all
druggists. 50c and $1.00. , Trial bot
tie free.
Political Speaker Interrupted.
Public speakers are frequently in
terrupted by people coughing. This
would not happen if Foley's Honey
and Tar were taken,, as i it, 'cures
coughs and colds and prevents pneu
monia and consumption. - The gen
uine contains no opiates and is in
yellow package. Refuse substi
tutes. D. G. Dove. -
The possibilities of the news,
paper field in small cities are
shown to some extent by the
rapid growth of the. Indepen
dence Enterprise during the
past few months under the able
management of Chas. B. Hicks,
a former member of the States
man force.
Since , assuming charge, Mr.
Hicks has built up the subscrip
tion list, done away with "ready.
print patent insides, furnishing
an eight-page paper teeming with '
live local news and advertise
ments of "merchants ' from Inde
pendenceiSalem, and the sur
rounding towns. He now carries
about five times as much paid
advertising matter as formerly,
and has tadopted a 'strong 'editor
ial policy.
Mr. Hicks is just- now install
ing j a Mergenthaler Junior , lino
type machine of the latest model,
something attempted by few' coun
try weeklies in the United States.
Hen. F. H. Scrlbner, president of
the Wisconsin Buttermakers Associa
tion, but more especially honored in
the Pacific Northwest as the breeder
of ""Loretta D" (oelonging to the W.
S. -X.add Estate, Portland, Oregon),
the cow that won first prize in the
hundred and twenty day milking test
at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904,
has said:
""There Is no spot in our great
United States that can excel Oregon
and Washington in dairying. This is
my conclusion after spending six
weeks In the former state and thor
oughly Investigating several of her
baautiful valleys, and after an ex
tended trip through Washington. I
wJsh to say to the dairymen and far
mers of this section, relative to Its
dairy possibilities, that I fear they
don't fully appreciate the wonderful
opportunity here for the raising of
fteds best adapted to the dairy in
dustry, and the excellent climatic con
dLtlons for the growth and develop
ment of stock. You should here
reach the climax of productiveness.
Mr. Scrlbner's Wisconsin farm of
eighty acres supports, under his skill
ed management, ninety head of stock.
Thomas Strain of Monmouth was
In this neighborhood the first of the
William FIshback made a business
trip to the county seat Wednesday,
Chas. Osborn of Black Rock was
visiting friends here last week.
Roy Clarke, who has been visiting
his sister, Mrs. Retta Hamer, of Sa
lem, returned home Sunday.
Joe Brown of near Alrlie was here
Saturday buying goats. "'
Joe Housman and family - of Mop-
mouth -were guests of i Mrs. Hous-
man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bosley,
Sunday. .1 I
Mrs. W. H. Mack has gone on an
extended visit ' with relatives in Min
nesota. x ; i
! 6.' mV Lehman and family of Mon
mouth have moved to Mrs. Bressler's
place. '' ': "v "' :"' ' , ' '
Our school teacher, A. J. SbipW,
attended the teachers' institute last
week at Dallas.
Moving Pictures of Merit and
Illustrated Songs
Only Theatre in Polk County
rerformances every evening at 7:30 and Matinees
Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons
Sewing Machines .
Talking Machine Records
Piano and Organ Studies
Sheet Music
Extras for Ail Makes of
Sewing Machines
Ranis of success
of Old and Relia
ble House of Geo.
C. Wills
Good goods,
right prices, posi
tive guarantee,
and defects (the
fault of instru
ment) repaired
free of charge.
121 Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon.
Home Furauhingi, Wall Paper
A line of Hardware, Tools and Kitchen Utensils, Stoves and Ranges
Telephone 947 Main 285 N. Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON
Salem's Up-to-Date Store Is
Here With the Goods
The grandest assortment of Beautiful Fall Merchandise that was ever
seen in this city. You can see style, fashion and beauty in every ready
made garment and piece of goods shown. Remember we are the makers
of low prices. (.
rv r l
Lress Ljooqs ana
Our assortment is great and our
prices cannot be btat. Fall Suitings
yard 25c, 85e, 49c, 66c, 76c and up,
Dress Silks
In a grand assortment of styles and
patterns. Yard, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c
ana up.
Hosiery and Un
In Fall and Winter-weight at special
Low Prices. 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c arid
If you want the best values in Salem
Outing Flannels,
Blankets, Comforts
i and Flannels
icome to the CHICAGO STORE.
Trimmed Hats
now selling for $1.50, $2.50
$2.95, $3.50 and up.
Women's Tailor Made
Garments and -
at Wonderfully s
J,, . Low Prices. , ;
SUITS: $8.50, $10.50,
$12.50, S14.50 and up.'