Monmouth Herald VOL. XVI MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, May 30, 1924 No. 39 The Items of Interest At Oregon Normal There is No Land Like Oregon and Only One Willamette Valley On Thursday at two o'clock a health play wa presented by the children of the Training School. This play grew out of a health play, emphasizing the importance of early rising, food play and deep. The program it charge of Ming Smith. On laat Friday and Saturday the Willamette Valley Conference tennis tournament was held on the Normal courts. Schools participating in this tournament were Unfield college, Ta cine and Albany colleges. North Pa ciflc Dental College of Portland and the Oregon Normal School. The Nor mai was represented by Misses Kirschner and Blake, and Messrs uiaser and uraham. Lack of time prevented completion of the tourna ment, but the final match will played here on May 81 by Mr. Claser and the representtive from North Pa cine Dental College. The Normal is In the lead with two matches to its credit, and a win by Mr. Glaser on Saturday will win the tournament. It is planned to hold the tournament here each year as it is event an annua: We wish to acknowledge the cour tesy of the military department of O. A. C. in sending a number of com plimentary tickets to their annual mil- itary tournament held there last Sat urday. Last Friday," during chapel period, Mr. Haig Arklin delivered a lecture in the Normal chapel on the world's greatest artists showing reproduc tions of twenty of the most famous pictures. . .. Kick Proves Fatal John Franklyn , Hiltebrand, a na tive son of Polk county died in the Salem hospital Friday afternoon as the result of being kicked on the head by a bfcrse. After being kicked, Mr. Hlltlbrand walked to the house and after stopping the blood from a small laceratloh near his, left ear,-' started out to resume his work but was per suaded by his mother to remain in the house and lie down. He became unconscious in a short time and died a short time after being received at the hospital. Hemorrhages of the in terior of the head were said to have been caused by the blow of the horse's foot, " Besides his mother, Mrs. Bella Hil tebrand, he is survived by a brother Paul, both of whom live near Green wood in this county. Funeral services were held Sunday.. Automobile Accident Clark Morton, of California, driv ing a lord runabout ran off the paving at the second turn east wjwii yemeroay aiiernoon ana war. severely Injured. He was taken to the Independence hospital. His faco was bruised and he had a broken ui.n with possibly internul injuries. The runabout was not seriously dumngtd Mr. Morton is here with his family visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Matlock who are tho parents of Mrs. Morton Polk County Masons Visit Old Folks Home Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Alice Harriett, daughter of Mr. and Mjs.' E. L. Comstock of this city to Norman Allen at Bend, May 19th. Mrs. Allen, who is a graduate of the Monmouth high school and the Oregon Normal School has taught in expect to get back to Portland until Bend this past winter. the first of September, The visit by Polk County Masons and members of the Eastern Star and friends to the Masonic old folks home at Forest Grove Sunday was enjoyed by all who went. The Polk county group is said to have been the largest that has made this visit for some per iod of time. At the time of the af tcrnoon services seventy cars were parked at the entrance to the grounds and it is estimated that over two hun dred people were present. Tho party arrived before noon and had a basket dinner at the Forest Grove auto camp. Whether it had been polished up for the occasion iaj not related but all remarked on the clean and sanitary condition of the exceptionally fine auto park. Stoves and tables had been cleaned and pol ished. After luncheon all adjourned to the grounds where they looked at the equipment and visited with the inmates. At the devotional hour the follow program was rendered. Selection by Justin's orchestra of Independence. Singing of hynui by audience with orchestra accompaniment. Duet by Mrs. M. J. Butler and Mrs. F. E. Chambers Solo by J. W. Kaufman of Falls City. Address by. Dr. IT. C. Dunsmore of Independence. , , Duet, by Mrs. Helgcrson and Mrs. Bode of pallas. lit behalf of the Past Matron's club of Adah Chapter, 0. E. S. Mrs. M. J. Butler presented a hand worked quilt to the home. Superintendent Rourke received the gift with some appropri ate remarks. A selection by the or chestra followed after which Dr. Dunsmore pronounced the benediction and tho meeting dispersed. Dallas Seeks Annual .State Grange Meeting A feature of the Pomona Grange ut Oak Grove Saturday was the bid put in by Dullas for assistance in getting the State Grange next year. The Pomona went on record as favor ing this proposal which is backed by the Dallas commercial club. Another feature of the meeting was a talk by Miss Marvin, state librarian who has recently returned from a trip through Lurope. She described con ditions as she saw them in Europe and was especially interesting in her description of Turkey. She believes conditions there are misrepresented in this country and ays the Angora government is doing juht what Americans are doing at the present moment trying to preserve their country for themselves. When through an interpreter she asked a County Students Come For Track Contests The third annual track meet for the schools of Polk county takes place Saturday. All events are scheduled to occur on the Normal campus. I he days program starts sharply at eight oclock with tennis. At 10 o clock occurs the typing contests. yuoits will be played before noon. Dinner for those who wish it will be served in the basement of the Ev angelical church. Immediately after dinner the track Highway Work Progresses work was resumed on the laying of concrete on the West Side highway yesterday after a shut down of a couple of days for repairs. With the aid of their new concrete carrier th construction company is making con siaerably faster progress than the made last year. The carrier is made out of a Fordson tractor which shovei a dump conveyor ahead of it. The- average over five hundred feet a da now when they work. The pavine o the south of the Luckiamute has bees completed and yesterday morning th north end of the cut showed abou 600 feet laid. They have also im proved the means of getting grave. which is being hauled by trucks ove: Odd Fellows Award Honors in Contests and field meet events take dace. The program which is tn tho public includes 50 and 100 vard dash. the oId "ht of way ot the L & M cs, half mile run, and a series of other railroad- By usin the back streets races, including hurdle and relay n , Monmouth they only use the pav aiso javelin throw, pole vault, shot 8 relurn tnP w tne river. put, baseball throw, high jump, dis cus, and broad jump events. Firemen 1fl Tnl i vwv v -liiauluk Battle to Falls Citj I he oratorical contest will prominent Turk what they planned to place in the evening at irht do with the A.m.ri'nns ho um'AaA and I tAftv ...v.i.,1. .:n .1 ' " ....... 1 . n11j1.11 win occur tne Dresenta-. v. , , said: "You can have them if you want tion of awards, ribbons and cup. Pres- Jr " t0 d ' them. - i(w T.nHr. -in -,. I..;.?. hard ame t0 ,ose- If. but what' Mia. Marvin's vivid nersonalitv and ti. the use of iffing. It was a battl her faculty of close observation com- The Normal school not only fur -lined tn mnltH hor dvnantmnalln I .1 H.1J -j .... - v -""""" me neia ana courts lor tho nn. interesting. tests but also all official, fnr tho a;k aiaie urange which convenes at the ferent events. ..... t Danes thlK fmnincr a-prilf ia nftrnftino-I H.f-:..i : ... .... e 1 lucuiunai services win no haii in u . . . ... I a.? . . . the interest of local Grangers. It is the Normal rhfl-pl f-m "3 " e,gn.ln. Ior a"er the Fa City Png acgree teams and Valley lodge - iiA - ... - - """"" ""S"1 m T. T 01 The last meeting of the Odd Fel lows' Countv Vittitirii. ---,,!.,.: - . mju.iRtUJi, which was held at Falls City Toes day night was one of the most inter esting of the year. A double friendly contest has been in progress through the Winter and Spring and final deci sions and award were made at this time. A silver troohv was nro.ont- ed to the Ballston lodge for the high est record of attendance. The attend ance contest was comparitive being based on the roll of membership of each lodge. The following is the nffi. - cial standing: Friendship lodge, Dallas, 149.6 Plumb Valley Lodge, McCoy, 157.5 Normal lodge, Monmouth, 132 Falls City Lodge, 155.5 Ballston Lodge, 225 Valley Lodge, Independence, 87.2 Normal lodge has the lars-est mem bership of any lodge in the countv and while it usually led in attendance t . was a battle "k "le meetings us average was com- from start to finish and at no time Paritively low. Independence with until the tenth was the result sure. ew from degree work contesting Seven innings went by without a 8b0Ut the middle of the season which score on either side and it was only "suited in a falling off of interest.1 luck that got Monmouth its run in There were but three Sets tf trm- Hiui.,lcu W imvu puny travel vogetn-i lownspeople are invited to attend er as a caravan, leaving the north these services, which start t swoi the btate House in Salem at o'clock. nme oclock, Monday morning. The State Crange convenes Tuesday morning. Among local people who will attend the Grange are Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stockholm. Alumni Day Tuesday, June 10, is Alumni Day. In ton, Savage drove out the local's Ith summing up of points Normal nlnelfirst hit nnri in thoi'v nnlo ... I lod?c o-fnon tin.. t j v..w. v.ijj luu. I - b.vvm MUUViB 111 bWO UC- llughes, the firemen's pitcher had K'ees and one each to FriendshiD and been in trouble at several times dur-jValley lodges. The following are the ino tho cromA Kiit VA 1 ... - 1 1 I norppnt. cram in V - t J last hKphll omp t,- .? uee j----... .v". ueRrees: . ... . " )uu out oi tne noie witn tnei I,cuuou,p -o yo.3 o was played at Amity last .,,;. we nf .nmo ovti 1 Normal os 9 ok o mg but in the last of the ninth he vaey 96 95.6 Next Monday will be the last day two went out th tyin ley lodge, S. L. Stewart of Plumh run came over when Hargett dropped Valley lodge and Ray Henton of the a ball that was easier than many he Ballston lodge. had been stopping eisily. ' This is the second time. Falls City When the locals went out easily in J "as entertained the visiting associa- HIGH SCHOOL The season Friday. The score was 11 to 9. favor of Monmouth. in 97 97.6 of regular class work. The examin- The annual business meeting will auons wm De held on Tuesday and take place in the afternoon and fol- Wednesday. On Thursday the an lowinir this, at 5:30. hnrmt nual Plcn'c will be held at Eickreall. be held in the Odd Fellows new hall. GamesJof Jva"ouf klnds ,are being their half of the tenth, everybody tion this season and entertainment The program to the public will beF " , "a. !ne aay.w"1 De one 01 knew that it was all over for Huehes' of this sort seems to be something 1 -i. n xv . . 2 Penp.r&I rplnilvinO1 A. thA hamnn nfp nf I . . . . I.. . . given at a:io tne same evening ml- pitching had lost its deceDtlVe ni - wey are Ion of doinc. ' Tho vplmma ti. a , ii 'rv . tt- Aitie- The winning run came as the to the Urge crowd of visitors was The Annual Polk County, High , Jmat ,,, ... ,.v". ! chl .i. .j sij " - ""i"s Ui l'OMra a"u " uraiimenia at B"u occurrs -afo Wnw' th Inco nt . i . ji:v nn tho M.l cvl M C-. -I ' " " ueuoera- A Z ' . ;' A feature of the game was thr I ttions left nothing to be desired. uy i,u., oi. i program xor tne fielding of the Iocal infieWj SUpleI Officers for the ensuing year were ton at first, Underbill at second and elected as follows: Ray Henton of the u . icmna wuiuincuia Rrp tonhn.hor ot chov roonf I Rullatnn lo-o the Normal chapel, with Judge II. H. Belt, of Dallas as speaker. The Civic and Commercial Clubs of Monmouth are making arrange ments to provide living accommoda tion for the Alumni visitors. All graduates of the school are urgently requested to return and enjoy Nor mal hospitality again. !pAMM"TTyiine qUitS C0"teSt less and at third had only one Hayes of Dallas I, m. . . error attached to his name. Only J. A. Richter of president. Charles vice president, and on nr r. i a . . . . - . I o mt. xu., urewipuwry contest ioi- v.u vrmt in tllo Won Medals Rodney Stewart is the proud pos- essor of a gold medal won in the De clamatory contests at Dallas Satur day for the championship of Polk His honor was won the seventh and in A Judge's Vacation Judge Charles E. Wolverton of the Federal court in Portland left Tues day on a long Eastern trip. He goes first to New York pity where he will j County grades, hold court until July 9. Then with , by being first Mrs. vvoiverxon ne sans lor ioiuion eighth grades. Florence Hochberg where he has an official session foiof Monmouth won a similar honor by be held plovnn Hnra That r.vtr hio Biimmnt ' r. .. .l. .... I .. uciNK nisi, among tne nun ana sixtn o t : .:n il: :n . av o r. m. ..... lu......v..w ..... jnuu tuiivusioms. wmer meaai win- be spent in Paris and on a visit to ners were Bruce Short of Dallas who the battlefields of France and a visit won . in the first and second grade to Italy ana otner places, lie does not contest and Bernard Wattenbereer of Dallas was forcibly impressed into another year of his successful management of the secre- whose energetic Independence who was first in the third and fourth grades, Only I A v.. u- j: i.i.-I " " ,'l .UWOu u.c wuiuK ox troprues gavage gobbled jt up. won in me various contests. A Athi fot, ,.,. n, it I i.rnf.. ik vii cuuuay evening, June 1st, at lih:.A :;. ,!,. fK rJf, , ri,.0 Bw,fuK o l l. l.. tt:. d-i i t. i - ""J -""Ji o u .ki. accai- , were retired on three pitch- work as president has been very much aunate service will be held.m theLj k.n .j j... . ' sw-nnH-oi r,w Tt. a . aur,n ine year ae- ....6w.v. V...-1V.... o.ii.iuu if tho 11 -nnM h.vo h.Hov orlclinpH . ro.oloi-n ...111 - .1 1 1 T -! I v. I W " wm u- (F .v xvev. aoeen, weU as thy fiede(, the h The trophy von fcy t,, . t f""ul "x ",c ! VUUI.U. u-.- - far J,fl..--t ro Tl,. rpmnin in thoi. -.o.i-- . r-t - . . 1 - . vv..v - 1 f-wovoaivi. 1U1 a 1 CO! ne commencement r.xercises win l i.;i;.,. h; -,t. l: .- i. .. t .. , . , . it". mc u"iv w mi. wiicii uits au biiu win uc .uixwciiuvfu xor Jiext yrar. nn Krinow Aireninc. limn Kfh I . . ... ... .1 . . . , ...f " , ' neded, perhaps with a weeks practice 1 he county association has proved the game with Turner will show a highly beneficial in promoting f el different result. Undoubtedly, too, lowship beyond the walls of the indi a friendly croud would help them get vidual lodge. It has proved effective back into the winning column. The in minimizing the sectional feeling of moral is obvious. 1 the county and no rivalry has thus far been engendered other than at theh Christian Church The Normal School Orchestra will play on that occasion. Farewell The Homelike Society atid Worn an's Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon in the church parlors. A large number of members and friends were present. . We were pleased to have Rev. Kerby with us and appreciated his talk on the mis sionary work of the church. Besides being the regular meeting day of the societies it was also a re ception for Mrs. L. A. Robinson, our faithful Sunday School superintend ent for the past year, who leaves us in a short time forNew York, and Mrs. L. A. Kerby who goes on an ex tended visit . to her parents in the West Indies. During the Social Deputy Sheriff Senter was in Mon-1 friendly wav moutn Saturday inquiring ii anyone here had missed one or more type writers. He stated that the Portland police had taken up one L. E. Mc- Cardle who had "three typewriters which he could not account for. As A Picnic For Father t The Mothers' Club is planning a picnic for the fathers, the mothers and the rest of the family to be held at Rickreall on the afternoon of he had recently be,en in Monmouth Wednesday, June 4. Mothers are inquiry lor missing was made here. typewriters I asked to bring baskets for a picnic I supper. ' Carl , Tetherow of Monmouth has been, nominated for secretary of , the American Society of Mechanical En gineers at O. A. C. Election will be soon. Student members of the or- Will Build a Residence F. K. Skeen reports the sale of the last lot owned in Monmouth by W. E. Smith, to Miss Nellie M. Brown of Garibaldi, - Ore. This lot is located hour, homemade ice cream, cake : and aniation who be in . Portland on Monmouth Avenue, south of Act lemonade were served by the host esses, Mrs. Baun, Mrs. ; Comstock, and Mrs. Conklin. Tuesday evening are invited by the state chapter to the regular ban quet in Multnomah hotel. erman street and Miss Brown plans to build a residence on it. Delegates to the Odd ' Fellows' Grand Lodge at Hood River who went were Clares Powell and H. K. Sicka- A plate glass window on the Odd Fellows building, fronting on Knox foose and to the Rebekah Assembly street was broken by a pebble thrown were MrsT J. E. Winegar, Mrs. C. J. by the wheels of a passing truck yes Stanton. Mrs. H. K. Sickafoose and terday. This accident is similar to ltLS:LZ:dZm Tacheron also bought 7 feet front i viia wmin. w ui.ui" w uivi w v--v Real Estate Guy Deming reports . having sold a homesite on Knox street, just north of Main, for Oren McElmurray to Miss Nellie M. Brown of Garia- baldi, Who contemplates building a residence in the near future. Paul did and profitable time. Ion from the McElmurry property. Many from here attended the mil itary tournament m Corvalhs last Saturday evening. They report a very enjoyable program with special emphasis on the fireworks although the evening was colder than it might have been to make an outdoor per form ance attractive. H. J. Aebi of Suver has succe'eded Ivan Loughary as secretary of the Luckiamute rural telephone system. While F. B. Smiley's car was park ed in front of the hotel Saturday ev ening, the front of it was run into by a car driven by Silas Coats, Jr. Both cars were damaged, the front wheels of the Smiley car being just about annihilated. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Cabeen arrived Wednesday and and have taken pbs- session of "The House by the Side of I been up in July. Since he has been At the last meeting of the Board of the Christian -church a, call to stay indefinitely as pastor was ex tended to ; Rev. H. C. Shropshire. Mr. Shropshire's time would have the Road", Mr. Cabeen is the new Baptist minister and comes from Red mond where he has been for the last five years. . , - 1 '. F. E. Murdook who was under the weather with a disordered liver for a few days last week is back on the job again this week. . . here his energy , and capacity have been very much in evidence and the action of the church officials indicate that his services are appreciated. Extensive plans are being made to welcome the alumni back to the Nor mal School during Commencement Week.