THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH, OfcECON FRIDAY, MAY 2i, 1924 Page & Lx Jc : :xxk- 3t x -iocc!: xy :yx::yy ::: Aay Claims The Emerald To thin royal month of Soring has been giv en for a birthstone this regal gem of springtime hue the Emerald. Legend says it insures love and domestic felicity. Fashion places it with Diamonds and Pearls among her most favored gems. So one chooses as a birthday gift in May, jewelry set with an Emerald. It delights by beauty, style and significance. A fine graduation gift also. Come see the exquisite Emerald Jewelry we are showing. HiriKH of Solid Gold exquiNiUly designed X A. L. KULLANDEU The Jeweler INDEPENDENCE 2U0 Main Street OREGON xK xer xx at : xnscisx xx se ;$: : :: :: x: :; : Mb ciiuncii Christian Church II. C. Shropshire, Minister. Church phone 0-105 Home phone 1304 Sunday Services: 10 . m. Bible School. J. W. Leask, Supt. Classes for all ages. A special clans for Normal Students. 1 1 a. m. Preaching hy fj. V. Swan- d. r, Supt'iifitnid(-nt of Minions for Oregon. i:i'A p. m. Senior, Intermediate and Junior Christian Endeavor. 7:S0 p. m. Preaching by C. F. Swandcr. Wednesday 7:.';0 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30, Choir prac- V, tice at the home of Mrs. F. E. Cham- 8 beta. : j vt"yne cordially invited to attend , i ull of these services. I, i i i i EE Spring Shoes Conic in see my new stock of Spring Shoes for men and women. Especial attention is called to the Ladies Spring shoes, Oxfords and Pumps. Ladies Silk and Cotton Hose Men's Silk and Cotton Hose All Kinds of Work Shoes First Class Repairing CHARLES M. ATWATER Post office block Phone 6802 3E Fire and Accident Insurance Liability and Surety Bonds G. W. CHESEBRO Monmouth Oregon Swiss Cows Wrestles for Title V .1 a... . . a.' view r, l An annual wrestling tourney for cows Is held at Martigny, Switzer land, which is attended by thousands of farmers from all sections. The cows wrestle until one trots off in defeat. The final winner is crowned queen and given choice grazing pasture for one year. Photo hows the final tussle for the title. "IT MADE ME YOUNG AGAIN" The Champion Says Elderly Housewife Praising Korex Compound "I did not have vim enough to sit down and do sewing," says Mrs. G. Amer of Camden, N. J., "but after taking korex compound I am ever so much better. Now I can do three times as much work in one day as I could before. I am 62 years old but korex has made me young again." Thousands the world over are now using this wonder compound and many are the, enthusiastic re ports telling of ,. restorations to tho splendid vigor and vitality of prime man and womanhood. Speedy sat isfaction is reported even in ob stinate cases of long standing and the benefits are rsaid to be complete and lasting. Those seeking relief from premature old age, low gland ular activity,; lessened vigor, weak ness after flu,: nervousness and poor circulation, Will be interested in learning that .the American distribu tors have arranged for korex to be sold in Monmouth at Perkins Phar macy. Just ask for korex. 3 Ijj j L7 7K f til? a f f ; O t ' SI i i Jack Dempsey, as he makes-up for his movie acting, slicks back his hair and dolls up with grease paint but he can't hide that won derful fighting physique. Baptist Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prof. Homer O. Dodds, Supt. Preaching morning and evening by Professor Williiim James Sly. Morning subject, "Marvels of Di vine Mercy"; evening subject, "The Passing and the Permanent in Life." At the evening service there will be a Hpecial song service with music fur nished by the Linfield College Octette conducted by Miss Anna Lavinia Iieebe, Teacher of Voice. The Oc tette will also sing at the Young Pi.oples' Service and take part in the exercises. This will probably be Dr. Sly's last Sunday here as the new resident pastor, Rev. J. V. Cabeen is expected to preach next Sunday, June 1. Young Peoples' Society at 6:30. All are cordially invited. Evangelical Churct Louis C. Kirby, Minister Mrs. L. A. Robinson, Supt. The following are the announce ments: Sunday School 10 a. m. Our Men's Bible class is growing larger. We welcome others to join it. Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject "Christian Stewardship". This will be the second sermon on this subject. Evening service 7:I0 p. m. Subject of sermon. "The Storv of Mt. Carmel". The Homelike society meets in th parlor of the church on Tuesday after noon. Choir rehearsal in the church Wednesday 7:30 p. m. ' Mid-week service Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. We extend a welcome to all. ' Church Of The Nazareue George Andrus, Pastor Preaching services each Sunday at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting each Thursday at 8 o'clock. Everyone welcome. Christian Science Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Sunday morninz servica at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday. May 25. "Soul and Body." Meeting Monmouth Christian Men's Brotherhood. Date Sunday, May 25. Place: Baptist Church Parlors. Time 2:30 p. m. Topic The National Education Bill in Congress. Speaker President Landers. The topic should be of interest to all citizens of the community. With an interesting topic and a capable speaker may we expect a large at tendance? The Committee. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all for kindly assistance and sympathy, to the sing ers and for flower at the time of the funeral services of Mrs. A. S. Mitch ell. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Mitchell Mrs. Beckley, Mrs. Haley, and Mrs. Pember ELKINS Elmer Olden was in Monmouth Tuesday. Mr. J. R. Galbreath of Jefferson spent a few days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harman. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tedrow were Salem visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Marks were Dallas visitors Sunday. Mr. Harry Blodgett transacted business in Monmouth Tuesday. Mr. Fred Scholl was in Independ ence Tuesday. Mr. T. A. McEldowney Sr. and son, Frank visited friends Sunday in Scio. Mr. and Mrs. LeFurgy motored to Salem Tuesday to remain a few days. Several from this community at tended the McKee Jersey sale Tues day. Mrs. A. Z. Tedrow visited her sis ter, Mrs. Sarah Rittner in Monmouth Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. J. Marks of Canby visited his brother, C. C. Marks Saturday afternoon. Edwin Johnson, third of a gang of youths who have camped for the past month near the city park in Dallas, and supported themselves by petty thievery, while they disported in idleness about the town, was sen tenced to 60 days in jail and a $25 fine by Justice of the Peace Coad, this week for the theft of a hog. He was arrested by City Marshal Chase, who had already landed the two companions of the lad, Kenneth Brochtel and John Hill. Our Bargain Column We will have a limited number of May haUhed O. A. C. White Leghorn baby chick? for sale at greatly re duced prices. Young's Electric Hatchery. 3t-36 For Sale Canned fruit, lawn mow er, new screen door, some furniture, and 8m all tools. Moving away. Mrs. J. R. Hartzell Fischer Piano For Sale Beautiful Fischer piano like new. Will sacrifice for immediate sale. Easy terms to an established horn. For full particulars - address Geo. C. Will Music House, Salem Ore. 2t For Sale By Guy II. Deming Re altorHomes, City lots, 5, 10, and 20 acre tracts, good soil, close in. Can sell Homes in City for small payment down, balance like rent. Is it not better to own your home, than a bunch of rent receipts? : We have large and small farms, fully equipped. Also good dairy and stock farms. Fine orchard land close to Monmouth, the State Normal School town where our future teach ers are being trained. Write or call. Will be glad to help you in locating. Guy Deming, Mon mouth, Oregon. . '-. Money To Loan i n Plenty of it at 6 per cent, on city property. Pay us back like rent. Loans quickly made if title is good. Long time loans on farms 6 per cent and 6H per cent. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oiegon Bid. Salem, Ore. WANTED Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women, and children. Elimi nates darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heathers, silks. INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLS, Norristown. Pa. 10t-21 FOR SALE 21 acres, 1 miles from Normal, well improved at $6500. I have some good building lots and other property .on good terms. 7 room modern house with 7 lots, cheap at $2500 cash. 10 acres, close in, good six room house, barn, poultry and brooder house and hog house, fruit and ber ries. About 4 acres clover, balance garden and grain hay. Horse and cow and some tools. All for $4000. Some terms. 10 acres joining above, all in grain hay. , Can be added to at $1500. I have lots in all parts of City. Al so stock and grain farms, all sizes. Come in and look over my list. F. K. SKEEN House known as the Sacre house for Sale. Inouire of J. J. Williami-25 Wanted Bids on 200 oak fence posts 6 feet long. , A. H. Craven Guaranteed Hemstitching and ri coting Attachment Fits any sewing machine. $2.50 prepaid or C. O. D. Circulars free. LaFlesh Hemstitch ing Co., Dept. 2, Sedalia, Mo. Let me mend your furniture or file your saws. J. W. Howell 4t 4 il 5r Think Of Your Home Then Of This Sale The Most Liberal Offer Ever Made on '. the Westinghouse Electric Ranges Just think ; for the small down payment of $8.00 and easy monthly payments you can enjoy all the advantages of electric cookery. This exceptional sale which lasts but 45 days, May 15 to July 1, is your opportunity to buy and own a wonderful Westinghouse Electric Range With each 3-19B Range purchased during this special sale we give absolutely FREE a $6.00 pure sheet aluminum cooker seta nest of three pieces and a covered kettle. Also a beautiful $11.00 Electric Percolator of 7-cup capa city. Be sure to attend our ' COOKING CLASSES T V "The Range with the C ONLY $8.00 D OWN and Easy Monthly Payments ock" 1 May 28, 29 and 30 Beaver Hotel Dining Room, Independence 2 to 4 P.M. iii. j Miss Grace Bogue, Home Economist of the Westinghouse Company will conduct these classes. Come and see how economically and efficiently you can cook on the "Range with the Clock". It will save you many weary hours in the kitchen. "Westinghouse In Every House." ,:- MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. This Sale Also in Progress in All of Our Branches mi