THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH. OREGOK FRIDAY. MAY 2$. 1921 Quality . Service 5 We Have Them The Herald GENUINE MOWER PARTS Use Nothing But the Genuine Genui ine Repairs Enteral a wond-clua Iftanar Saptambari, n tha poal ofltea at Monmouth, Orasun, amlw tha Act of March J. 1S7D. KICHAKD B, SWENSON Editor & Publi.har MONMOUTH, OREGON ISSUED KVERV FRIDAY FRIDAY, MAY 23, 19:24 Subscription Rat One year - $2,00 Six month - . $l.i0 Three month 75 cts Our stock of McCormick and Deering mower repairs is large and complete now but you must come early to obtain your full list. I THOMAS & HORTON k Independence Mccormick leering Dealers No matter what your plans may be we can supply you with best material at lowest prices. Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Monmouth Lumber Company L.W. Waller, Manager Mark Twain said: "There are two times when a man should not speculate. When he can't afford it and when he can." If you feel the speculative "fe ver" coming on, consult a good Banker Practicioner. Let him pre scribe a dose of talk." common sense Consult with one of our officers before your "fever" gets "too high" We may be able to ward off a seri ous "set-back." First National Bank MONMOUTH, OREGON q2 Monmouth Meditations ( IP' The election failed to disclose any ardent desire to place the ideas fof Peter Zimmerman officially before Congress as the ideas of this district and it is also sad but true that Mr. Kubli miscalculated a trifle in sizing up the temperament of the voters of the state. A proper amendment to the feder al constitution would be one prohibit ing congress from meeting and con sidering laws within a year of the time of a general election. It would prevent the passage of much legisla tion designed to catch votes at the expense of the public treasury. A. R. Cadle put up a clean and dignified contest for the nomination for the office of sheriff and although he lost, has acquired prestige that will serve him in good stead at some future time. A-Fishing Did you never go a-fishing On a sunny day in May, When the world with life seemed bursting everywhere? When the dog-wood trees were bloom ing And the red-bird sang so gay, And a thousand forest odors filled the air?. Oh! I do not mean a-fishing With a fancy rod and line, An outfit you've just purchased up in town With hiking suit and leggings, Net and basket all so fine, And gloves to keep your hands from getting brown. But a good old fashioned roaming Like we'uns used to take When boys down 'mongst the clover and the bee. The air was close and smelly wnere we clambered through the brake, And the springtime stretched as far as one could see. With your bare feet scratched and sunburned, And one big toe out of biz From a crack you gave it Just the other day And when again you stumped it It hurt so like Gee Whiz. That well I will not mention what you'd say. With your can of worms or minnows, And your willow pole, you know, And the nickel line you bought at Duncan's store. How that striped cork would bobble, And then out of sight she'd go! That he was a forty pounder you'd 'a swore. Remember how you ate that corn- bread Which for lunch you took along, When your brother finally did decide twas noon? Remember how you clubbed that bull frog, Though your mother oft had said 'twas wrong. Just because he kept a-singing that same tune 7 Remember how the water gurgled. Through the rocks just down below? How the bob-whites clucked and whistled in the corn? How the clustering "sweet Williams" Backed By Klan 4 I ST'j" 1 Edward Jackson, of Indiana, nominee .for Governor on the Re publican ticket, who won by a big majority in the primaries through support given by the Ku Klux Klan. With their peUls all aglow Wafted fragrance out upon the Nhin- ing morn? Ah, life was worth the liviig then, The hours were seldom drear. Die Trouble ambled off uiul let us be. And some of that today mixed in At just this time of year, Wouldn't do it bit of hurt to you an,!' me. Hard of the liuckwooil'i (Continued from Page 11 Attorney general Kuvkeiulall 10:H VanWinkle i:il6. 1 ai iv ami food commissioner J. 1). Mickle 1211, Harry U. Miller Public service commissioner --Bu.s-selle 845, Ostramler -12.1, Urowu M.1. Representative, 11th district (Polk county ) Uratcher 1:1:;l Fletcher 1081). Representative, Mth district (Polk and Lincoln counties) Fuller IMC i55. District attorney Helgersori 1311, Gregory 1070. County judge Hawkins K2:l, Kirkpatrick 1007. Sheriff Hooker lolS, Cadle 017. Commissioner Crawford 103", Hart 801, Leighton tl:iS. Coroner llenkle ll'Sil, Keeney 1410. School superintendent Wills 1 SOD, Mac ken iU. Tiensurer Hamilton VM2, Howell 870. Nominations for unconlcstoil re publican offices in the eountv follow Frank M. Hobson clerk, Kdgar J. Howe surveyor, Fred J. Itolmnn as sessor. Democratic nominations follow: Senator Mansfield 147, Miller 24f. Straver 302, King 147. Representative V. B. Kwing 217, Punfy 202, ( lark 344. County judge Robinson 432, Peter son 307. Sheriff Richards 281, Ross 448. Democratic uncontested offices fot low: Huth G. Black clerk. Chester C Gardner commissioner. Dr. V. C. Staats coroner, George H. Kurre as sessor. Stella A. Hull treasurer. A. L. Keeney, renublican nominee for coroner was also iriven the demo cratic indorsement by a vote of 05 to 61 over Dr. V. C. Staats. Both names were written in on the ballot Kentucky Celebrates at First U. S. Abbey 45 SSSWsk tl 'I & SjsV ' - ' - ."1" r, ' lift! J" i & i mm a The first abbey on the American Continent, the Trappist Monistary, located near New Heaven, Kentucky, ia the scene this week of a Dia mond Jubilee, participated in by many state and church dignitaries from all over the country. The Right Rev. Edmond Obrecht, Abbot of Getheemani, has served there 25 years. The library is one of the largest and most valuable on the continent. It contains more than one thousand volumes made be tween the tenth and fourteenth cen turie. Student Headquarters Books, Stationery Magazines Special Magazine clubbing rates Cold drinks and Lunches Confectionery and Tobacco MORLAN & SON Monmouth's largest and most complete Confectionery and Book Store You are thm puta! of (vary Houtliam I'iiltlo man. All are sM to aarva In any way to niaka your trip plaaaaat. ..iLL-nu Get a Finer Vacation this way Before you definitely plan your vacation trip, find out about the low summer round trip fares, now effective Mny 22 on Southern Pacific Lines; You'll probably dincovcr that you can do much more than you thought on the money you planned to spend.' With a trip to the East, you can combine a visit to many delightful Pacific Coast re sorts for a surprisingly low additional fare. Or instead of seeing just one vacation "pot, you can prob ably see two or three for about what you expected the trip to one would cost. , Let one of our agenta help you with your plans. He can suggest many added features which might not occur to you. And he'll tell you of a ser vice that makes the trip com plete fine trains, Southern Pacific men who consider you a guest, a Dining Car service that is as economical aa It la excellent. In fact, this entire organization of the Southern Pacific Is anxious to help in every possible way. Take advantage of this valuable assistance. Southern Pacific A. C. POWERS, Agent. Groceries & Provisions Good Goods and Fair Treatment C. C. Mulkey & Son iu iwi ill iwi mam i in k k u in iiiwiiiiiwu ill i nniisji u. r Transferring by auto truck and by team, within the city or out of town. Laava orders at Garag Call Thone 2003 COFFIN & EGLESTON wuiiinwiiniiniiififfia Monmouth Wood Co. All kinds of Dry and Green Mill Wood . 12 and 16 inch and 4-foot lengths Prompt Delivery POLLAN BROS. Props Residence phone 604 " Office with F. K. Skeen mill Pickles, Olives, Salad Dressing Greenwood Cottage Cheese MONMOUTH MAEEET FRED J. HILL, Priipnwr 'The Sign E. B. of the Rose" A R N OLD C C c c c c c c c c c c D G D C D D B B