THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH, OREGON FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1021 Fare 2 n I'iS til h yyikirlirliil Silvcrtown means highest quality-, low cost, long service, and finally Tremendous satis faction. . . . Goodrich ilvertown CORD Graham & Calbreath kst in THE LONG RUN" Your storage battery can be tised for lighting the filaments of 199 tabs by connecting the bat-' iti;ry c!ip.s to only two of the cells which will givg 4 volts, the COR RECT operating voltage. For Ihi volt tubes the clips must only con nect 1 cell of the battery. It is advi3itbl, however, to change the el!?.'i rrom one cell to the other every few days, in order to drain th'j battery evenly. This is rec ommended when you wish to use dry ceii tubes in some experiment. Don't worry bo much about "summer static " Think about your B battery. " The trouble may be r. m rrn SAY Yoo souPboneM y Mc8 K S -w "xs opp "rHAT 1 i VktW .O HAT YOO RB IN OUR tESstvI TOWN N a . fetS -f hfM Tastes JSl tilfCSfsS. VjECt) Good wtei You' S RrSw ' AUTOCASTER thats 5urb soe yqii lemon A SyvELL Punch thby I T . HAVE HERB I A I THAT S A 1 ) BTTHEYHpuTON"r V ? ) V F,SH BOWL ( SOME CyPS S Ut y AROUND SO A A m &uy Can f a I ft " i -cy- i " ' cr- o I ' i . rftCvitovt J?A.DXG j May Day Baskets i flh Vi v' . nFVP f I SV v i J I ' , - - M The best photograph taken of Mrs. Coolidge since she became mistress of the White House. She rewarded the little tots for their Way Day thoughts wi'.h a motherly kiss and a loving hug for each. T Well" Able" to" fake Care of Ford Millions 110 P: ft Edsel Ford, son of Henry Ford, who ts every day taking on additional responsibilities, in the active management of the Ford in dustries, has inherited the keen business mind of his famous daa, iay industrial' giants, who recently had the opportunity to stidy h'oa in action. Photo is a recent picture of Edsel Ford and his wife. thcra. A voltmeter, reading from 0 to 50 volts should be in your home to test your batteries. Sum mer heat lowers the life of B bat-, tery. When it runs down from heat it gives forth noises which are mistaken for static. Renew the battery and, presto! no "static." A ground clamp or wire cannot be soldered to a water pipe until the water has been drained out of it. Use a prick-point clamp on the water pipe and solder the ground wire to the clamp. According to the Radio Labora tory of the Washington Bureau of to First Lady TfaSn I ran1 Standards, No. 14 solid, bare, cop per wire, or larger sizes, is best for outdoor antennas. Stranded wire, though stronger, has greater resistance and hence lower signals. Fifty to 1E0 feet, direct from the set to the highest point available at the distant end is recommended. - As the static season approaches a loop atrial will be found the best. It eliminates, static and interfev ence. America's Marvels NATURAL AND OTHERWISE By T. T. Maxey WYANDOTTE CAVE The demand for gunpowder during the war of 1812 was so pressing tlmt Urge quantities of the nitrous enrth In the caverns of the Huffs nlomt the Ohio river In Indiana and Ohio were used for manufacturing saltpeter. One cave was so productive tlmt It II heir to the name Indiana Saltpeter live. Later this whs changed to Wy andotte Cave, After the war the manu facture of saltpeter became unprofit able. Little attention was paid to this cavt until It was noted that entile were fond of licking the nulls and floor. Investigation showed tlmt a frosting of natural epsom salts cov ered extensive arena la this under ground wonderland. Also, that wheu removed, this frosting rapidly reap peared. Sulphate of lime, plaster of purls, and niter also were found here. Subsequent explorations brought to light the astonishing fact that In size this rave all but rivaled the Mam moth Cave of Kentucky. The outstanding characteristics of Wyandotte Cave, In which it Is said to excel all other American caves, are the unusual bigness of Us corridors and vaulted chambers, unbelievable quantities of fallen rock, and the masslveness of Its stone columns. The "Pillar," upwards of a mile from the entrance, a magnificent col umn 25 feet tull and IS feet throiiKh, Is one of the show places. Another spectacular formation, Columbian Arch, Is an almost perfect tunnel, half circle In shape, and 75 feet long, Near one end Is a "chunk" of limestone, estimated to weigh more than 500 tons, which loosened and dropped from overhead no one knows bow long ago. The Senate Chamber measures 150 by. 000 feet, Its terraced sides of lime stone culminating In a great dome. From the center of this room there rises a great pile of rock. From the top of this rock pile an enormous fluted column of satin spar extends to the roof above. Almost a perfect circle In shspe, 71 feet around, this mastodontc pillar Is said to exceed In slxe any like formation In any cave In the world. Certain sightless animals muke their home In this cave. Thousands of bats which may be observed hanging head down from the roof, make their winter homes In Odd Fellows Hall. This great chamber Is 00 feet wide, 210 feet long, and 60 feet high. Wyandotte Cave, formed among the rugged hills In Crawford county, Is near the point where the Blue river flows Into the Ohio. (A, Ull. Weatirn Nwpapr Union.) Haw French Use Skimmed Milk. It Is said that In France 20,000 quarts of skimmed milk a day nre used for making substitutes for horn, Ivory, amber and such like things. Tho casein In the milk Is precipitated by chemical process and then mixed with formaline. This produces galallth, or petrified milk, a hard, elastic, Insolu ble substance that is easily worked The French dairy experts think that the demand for the skimmed milk for this purpose wlU be great enough to Increase the profit to the buttennaklng business by producing a ready market for the by-product. " mm " mimm I III II i hmmmmmtm . i in unr.H nn European agents of Southern Pacific company who have Just made' it Tlslt to Oregon In order to get a better knowledge of Its attractions. They will "sell" the stute In Europe. Fntm left to right are V. Mylrea of Liver pool! G. Ruhr, Hamburg) V. Mercllo, Genoa H. Deswldt, Paris, snd ' It. G. Bonsor of London. , ' " 0 REOON Is to become still better known to travelers and busi ness men of Europe. ciSSm Five European representa tives of Southern Pacific company have just made a trip through Oregon in order to better acquaint . themselves with the scenic attractions and. eco nomic resources ' of the state. With this more Intimate knowleag of the state they will be In a belter position to serve both the interests of Oregon and those of Europeans in carrying out their duties with the ratlrooa com pany. Having been In Oregon they can more accurately and eaa!i7 fur nish Information to people planning to come to the United States, 07 who ship or receive freight to or irom the state. The foreign agents have been (pend 0. A. C. Man Tests Milk The following is a letter received I. 600 per c. c. 4.9 by Young Brothers Dairy in regard 2. 800 per C. c. B to some samples of milk sent to the 3. 1500 per c. c. 4 0 Intension depui tmetit of O. A. C. for If these are representative samples listing. of your milk supply you ought to be The report of tho threo samples of congratulated for the tests show ex milk submitted to us on April 110, is cellent quality from a bacterial as follows: standpoint, also from a buttcrfat Hneteiiul mint Fat content content standpoint. YOUNG BROTHERS DAIRY Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing Men's Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters Ladles' Suits, Dresses, Sweaters Give me an order and be convinced. T. J.WEDEKIND Monmouth Ore. GENUINE "BULL" ror 0 fit A SAG You can roll 100 Cigarettes SorlsCmts Wood Sawing per cord Hard wood, twice cut, 90c " " 3 times in two $1.15 Fir. twi-.-e in two 80c; 3 cuts $1.00 Harold Smith Phone 402 Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down" condV tlon will notlc that Catarrh bothers them much more titan when they axe In Kuoti health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local ulseuae, It la greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. 1IAUVS CATAHIIH MEDIC1NB con slats of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, anil ttha Internal Medicine, a Tunic, which aaalsts In Improving the General Health. Bulil by driiRKlBls for over 40 Years; V. 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Why the Wind Blow. Wind Is air In rapid motion, cnused. by chnnges In pressure. When air be comes heated It Is dlsplnced by cooler nlr, and these currents nt different temperatures leave "pockols" of space Into w hich nlr rush t'. ing a month visiting various sections of the Pacific coast served by South ern Paclflu, accompanied by L. H. Nutting of the company's New York office. They traveled during the day light hours only so that the members' of the party could get a good Idea of the character of every section visited. The " visit of the European repre sentatives of the Southern Pacific i expected to be of Importance In Im proving the business relations . be tween the Pacific coast and the coun tries of Europe. It Is said to be the first time that a transcontinental rail road has brought Its foreign agents here for an intensive study of local conditions. , ' -. Members of the party are V. Mylrea of Liverpool; O. Ruhr, Hamburg; V. Merello, Genoa; H. Desmldt, Paris, and R. O. Bonsor of London. & oass ILJJ F. K. SKEEN Real Estate and Rentals Oflice K. Main St.. opposite to Hank Building B. F. Swope C. A. Swopc Lawyers 210 Oregon Building SAI.EM OREGON Associated Thomas Brown A. M ARAN! Reliable Fire Insurance and Surety Bonds OFFICE HOURS 2 TO 6 P. M. PHONE 605 B.F.BUTLER Dentist Poat office b!dg. Monmouth Oregon DR. F. R. BOWERSOX PHYSICIAN O SURGEOS PHONE NOS. OFFICE HOUSE S303 3302 H. W. MORLAN Notary Ihiblic Jl'atfk Deeds. Mortgages, Btc Efficient Service Courteous Treat ment A. L KEENEY Funeral Director and Licana.d Embalmer Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night Prices Reasonable PHONES 9821 AND 9822 Independence, Ore. IT'S-HERE One door cast of the Odd Fellows Building. Up To Date Electric Restaurant Tables for ladies. Give us a trial. C. E. Fetscr -aryij-uLauw iJVjl. ni-wniim maa Monmouth & Independence AutoBus iiuiiu SCHEDULE Bus leaves Train leaves Monmouth Train Independence 0.40 A.M. 9.45 A. M. 9.45 A. M. To Portland 7.08 10.0:1 10.25 12.13 .2.22 3.4S 6.38 To Portland To Corvallli To Corvallis To Portland To Corvallis To Portland 1155 A. M. 1.50 P. M. .'1.25 P. M. 5.10 P. M. 6.45 P. M. To Corvallis 7.15 Raymond E. Derby, Phone 1504 Prop SUMMONS In the Circuit Court nt to ott Oregon for Polk County. Lena Thomas Plaintiff vs. Delbert Thomas Defendant To j Delbert Thomas, the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeits irom the ' date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail so to appear and an swer or otherwise plead . for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for. the 'relief prayed for in the complaint to wit that the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved and for such, other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable in the premises. .' . , This summons is ordered to be servedupon you by , publication for six full weeks in the Monmouth Her ald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in Polk County, Oregon, by an order made in the above entitled suit by" Hon'. Asa B. Robinson, . County ; Judge of Polk Countyy Oregon made on the 28th day of March,' 1924. ; Date'of first publication April 4, 1924 Date of last publication May 16, 1924 HOLMAN & HARCOMBE Attorneys for Plaintiff Postoffice address Dallas, Oregon