THF M O N H O CTH H ARALD. MOS*MOUTH OREGOV P t| « 2 FR ID A Y Y F B R U 'A R Y 1. 1924 flv- A '« l - b L s M and rt. -(u«u «iropped •* ; h* hearth a*-.rt y Laae«s:ble. A* they Uy there z**ping for breath the p in e e r * o a u fi ring u|x* theta with her ax and they >>U»e<J their brother* --a the >>araey to the H ippy UuLt.aj Groaada The *©!e aarT;Tor o f the n r party si,. old hare been convinced by n w that thia cabin r u “had medicine." Bat he evidently n i t ' t He crawled ti rough the broken door and spratig at the white woman. There wa* no time to swing the ax for a deadly Mow. As the aatage seized her she drew the keen edge o f the ax acre-« hit face. Laying the flesh open to the bone. This w ss too moch for the warrior. With a i.owl o f pain he r^n fr-m the cat in and bounded into the woods And when he returned to the Indian town o f ChllUcotbe he told his people —S "t without admiration— how the terrible “1--ng-knife squaw" had de feated his war party with nothing but an a x ¡NOUN'S THRILLING YARN ABOUT SNAKE FIGHT Cherokee Brave Declares Joint Reptile Attached Tail of Rat tler and Fled to the Hills. Consci once-Struck Woman Pays Fare 10 Years Later Wichita, Kan.—O useleoce 1» a re lentless creditor. This li why a woman entered the Rock I*! and paseenger offices here several days ago and said to the po.% •■eager agent: “ Mister. I am here on a peculiar mission. I came to pay for my two children's tickets which I ah- .1-1 have bought ten years ago I wasn t a Christian then and I lied about the children * ages The amount was *7.23." Mr. Keyes, the agent, told her to forget about the Incident. The woman waa per*iateut and he wrote the gen era! ; s--«nger agent of the road, who •old him to collect *4 28. The woman refused to be satisfied until ah# paid the full *7.23. She then told him how she bsd lied numeroue times before the Joined the church end how the now was paying off all debt* of honor Montreal Man to Build $3,COO Home for His Hens Paul Smith. N. T.—Dr. W. L. Mc- Dimgald of Montreal Is going to mltl- ga*e the ruggednew* of life In the wil derness both for himself and for hla hens, pigs and cow*. A *8.000 chalet Is to be erected for the hen*; the pigt. It la thought, will be content with a *2,000 bungalow that 1* being con structed for them. A community bouse for the cow* is being put up at an ex pense of *3.000. A living room for the owner it being lidded to Doctor Mc- Dougeld'a farm at an expense o f *50,- 000. Other campers also are adding the little convenience# of civilisation to their cabin*. B . F . Sw ope C . A . Sw ope Lawyers 210 Oregon Building OREGON A ssociated — Thomas Brown SAI.EM A. M A R A N 7 R eliab le Fire in s u ra n c e and Surety Bonds OFFICE HOURS 2 to 6 P. M. PHONE 80S B. F. B U T L E R D e n t is t Post o ffice bldg. Monmouth Oregon D R . F. R . B O W E R S O X PHYSICIAN U SURGEON PHO NE NOS. OFFICE HOUSE ¿3*3 33«J H. W . M O R L A N Notary Public Blank Deeda, M ortgages, Etc. W o o d S a w in g per cord Hard wood, twice cut, 90c " 3 times in two $1.15 Fir. twice in two80c: 3 cuts $1.00 S e th s m i t h , Phone 3 2 0 5 St- Paul.— William Cfco'et*. a full- blooded Cherokee Bring on Spavinaw creek. In the Flint H. 1 dis trict of the old Cherokee nation, aad a reputation for veracity that was un challenged until he related this an^ke story. But now— well, here’s Bill's story: Two Men Die in Attempt He was fishing along Spavinaw creek when his attention was sttratted to Save Chl'd's Kite One door east o f the Odd Fellows by a commotion behind him. Investi Enola. Pa.—Attempting to save a gation disclosed a big rattler and a child's kite, which became entangled Building. Up To Date Joint snake In deadly combat. Choleta in some wires near their borne, Clar waa curious as to the outcome, but In ence Rider and Frank Snyder were Electric the Spavtnaw country rattlesnake oil electrocuted Rider was using an Iron Restaurant la a specific fo r rheumatism, lumbago, rod to disentangle the kite, and Sny Tables for ladiea. Give us a trial. chilblains and the like, so Choleta der was bolding his arm when the rod C. E. Fetzer took matters into bis own hands and hit the wire. killed the rattler. Then he cut off Its head and tail. Wait 38 Year* for Honeymoon. The Joint snake which had been Piqua. O.—After 38 year* of mar Efficient Service Courteous Treat fighting for Its life laj scattered In ried life, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. ment several directions on the ground, ac Sch saelln of Plqua will take Uietr cording to Bill. and. true to It* nature. postp* ned honeymoon trip. The A L KEENEY It set about trying to connect the scat couple wa3 married May 12, 1883. At Funeral D irector sod Licensed tered fragments. But In Its burry. that time Mr. Schusselin was making Choleta said, the Joint snake picked *10 a w eek. Emb&lmer 1 up the tall of Its enemy Instead of Its Calls Promptly Answered Day own. It was well that was the last I Big Truck End* Rejoicing. or N igh t fragment, for the Joint snake was too New York.— Two hours after setting frightened to assemble any more. foot on American soil, David Katz, Prices Reasonable Every movement caused the rattles to eight year* old, lay in a hospital with PHONES 9821 and 9822 sound, and the Joint snake, apparently hi* body crushed. David and hla moth believing R was still pursued by the er came from Poland to llv* with Independence, Ore. enemy, set out across the hhls like Davkl'a brother* her*. A truck ran greased lightning. over the Immigrant. IT’S H E R E r~ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ! TALES OF THE O L D F R O N T IE R i Br ELMO SCOTT W ATSON | 1111. *M t»n N**r»i-xje*r 1,'ak.R 1 THAT TERRIBLE "LON G KNIFE SQ U AW " MONG the ploneera who rroaaed the Appalachians to seek new home* In the West st the close o f the Revolu tion wss s man named John Merrill, who settled In what la now Nelson county, Kentucky. That country was •till aa moch a "Dark and Bloody Ground" aa It had been when Daniel A p .- .: r first visited u and tlie f e i i of their number to'cra w l through. Mr». an Indian attack ever hovered over Merrill immediately seized an ax and (he Isolated cabins of the settlers and with thin weapon she killed the first feeir stockaded fort* But Nelson was Intruder. He had scarcely rolled to R e type o f man not easily daunted one aide when another entered to meet ■ ti he waa fortunate in having for the same fata, aa did a third. A fourth, kla mate a woman o f remarkable unwarned by the fate o f his fellow*, Mrv-ngth and courage. was the next victim and by this time One evening in 1787 Merrill was i the Indians realised the futility of arouaed by the barking o f his dog and further attempts. when he opened the door to see what The three survivors then climbed to waa the trouble he fell with his arm the roof o f the cabin with the Inten and leg broken by the bullets of a tion o f gaining entrance by dropping band of seven Indiana. As he dropped down through the huge chimney. But to the floor he cried to his wife to Mrs. Merrill was at resourceful as dose the door. she was brave. She seized a feather Then the savages attacked the bed, ripped It open and threw It upon planks with their tomahawks and soon the smoldering coals In the fireplace. made a hole large enough for one Instantly a cloud o f smoke surged up BISHOP'S 2 FOR THE PRICE OF SALE A Ten Days Sale of Clothing, Shoes, Fur Plus $2.00 One Lot of 500 Suits nishing G oods, b egin n in g Wednesday, Feb’y 6th Taken from our regular stock models for Men and Young Men, light, medium and dark colors in plain or novelty weaves, sizes 35 to 46. Suits priced regu lar at OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF $30, $35. $40, $45, $50, $55 Men’s Suits and Overcoats ON S A L E FO R 10 D A Y S at Is included in this sale without reserve; all colors, weights, materials and sizes will he on sale for ten days at prices that mean saving worthwhile. Let us show you. Regular Regular Regular Rcfnlar Regular Regular Regular Kegulai Regular $25 $30 $35 $40 $15 S5n $55 Suits now Suits now Suits now Suit> now Suits now Suit» now Suits now Suit* now $05 Suits now ........................... ..................... ............................ ......................... ................ $19.So $23.85 $27.85 » l v*> $35.85 $433*5 $ 17 >5 $51.85 2 FOR THE PRICE of For instance: Buy one suit from this lot at the regular price and get another suit or overcoat of the same value for $2.00. Pair up with a friend if you like and both profit by this offer. All Men s separate Trousers at during this sale. Regular $4.00 Trousers .............. Regular $4.50 Trousers Regular $5.00 Trousers Regular $6.00 Trousers . Regular $7.50 Trousers Regular $9.00 Trousers Special $3.15 <*i v> v : $735 capital, unequaled buying facilities and thoroughly trained sales force. We are now prepared to the Public as never before. serve C. P. BISHOP Boys’ Knicker Suits Lot No. 1— 53 Boys’ 2 Pant Knicker Suits Ages 6 to 17 yrs. Regular prices $8. $8.50 and $9. Sale P rice ................................... Ages 6 to 17 yrs. Regular prices $10, $12.50 and $15. Special....................................... $6.95 $8.95 Plaid A ll V irgin Single Blanket, Wool $5.45 Men’* Dre»t Oxford*, fcrovrn and tan only, value* to $10. $4.8o <Hb. light gray double Blanket*, fancy g ir d e r , aixe 72x84. Special «M l S me with 2 pair pants, ages 6 to 17 years Regular values to $15. Sale Price ............ $11.95 Entire Stock of BOYS’ KNICKER SUITS Regular $12.50 Suits now ....................... $10.00 Regular $15.00 Suits now ........................... $12.00 Regular $17.50 Suits now ............................ $14.00 Regular $20.00 Suits now ....................... $16.00 Regular $21.50 Suits now ...................... $17.20 Men's black and brown Dress Shoe*, staple last*, regular $7.50 to # 1 0 . --------------------------- $ 4 .5 0 Prices ample Men's Dress Shoes AH W ool Camp Blankets, Special, par pair F ancy Clothing and Woolen Mill Store Inc., With Lot No. 3— 35 Boys’ Knicker Suits Pendleton Bed Blankets Men’s Trousers of Bishop's 1 -ot No. 2— 18 Boys* Knicker Suits PLUS $2.00 4lb Having Reorganized under the name $5.95 • , Mb white al! virgin wood doub le Blanket*, site 7 0x82.. .111.7$ • B oy*' Dress and Heavy Shoe*. Sepcial ___________ ______ 8 3 . « Pure V irg in W ool. fW l ••** tingle Blanket*, silk bound; Block pla% . all sixes, . - *7-3« All Men's and Boys’ High Cut A m i . Le*» 20 per cent Men’s Underwear Mcu'* light weight Shirts and Drawer*, regular 81.00 value 55c each M e»'* fine Me»'* heavy gray Shirt* and Drawer*, regalar #1.25 valu* ‘ i 85c each Merino Tart W o»l gray I «ion Suit*, regular #3.50 vai»«. Special $1.95 BISHOP’ S CLOTHING and W OOLEN MILLS STORE, Inc. Salem, Ore. A - ------ - _ ■ - ■ ■ ■ e .i — ■> I