THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1924 tiK Ì r í Service Quality * ft * I « * ft ft McCormick Deering Prim- * rose Cream Separator Day ft ft g n u r s d ss M co o d -cla ss m attar S a p ta n b srs. I s « , n tits post u A cs s t M onm outh. Oregon, uniisr ths A rt a t March S. 187«. RICHARD B. SWENSON Editor & Publisher MONMOUTH, OREGON ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1924 ft ft The Herald Subscription Rates One year - Six months • - Three months - - 12,00 $1.00 75 cts Anyone able to detach himself a bit is bound to extract considerable interest in watching the moves now . introduction of vocal music ap­ pealed to us immensely, at the same ' time we tensed that it was neither solemn nor sedate and that a jocular reference to it would be both fitting ; and appropriate. See what follows: In the mail we get a letter from some person who evidently thinks that anything in the jazz line should inspire one to awe and wonder, b u t1 who did not have the courage to sign his or her name to the communication. Since the letter was rather pointless anyway; since there was no differ­ ence o f opinion over this particular entertainment, and since no news­ paper publishes anonymous letters, we leave the rest to the imagination of the reader. Student Headquarters Books, Stationery Magazines Special Magazine clubbing rates Warm drinks and Lunches Confectionery and Tobacco ; MORLAN& SON [T Monni' ,. . •• complete Confectionery and Book Store Don’t forget the Valentine Party i ft *eln* on the at the Christian church. Friday even­ 's» board in Washington. We are, in its ing February 8. sense a government by par­ * freest ties and it natuiaily follows that ft each party must take advantage of the errors and troubles of the oppo­ ft sition. Thin skinned party men are apt to writhe under the punishment, ft and to charge the opposition with being unfair, but they forget the de­ Thursday, Ferbuary 7th, 1924 ft light they had in pressing every On thi« day we will have a factory expert here to explain ¿ o the superior construction and wonderful skimming qual­ ft chance for an advantage when the tables were reversed. For after all, ities of the Ball-bearing Primrose Cream Separator. He ft except in grave cases of emergency EXAMPLE COUNTS FOR MUCH will clean, free of charge any Primrose separator brought ft when public safety demands some­ to our atore that day. If there are any repairs to be made thing different, politics is only a When One Citizen Makes Exterior of j^SHSESESES2S?5E5SSH5aSESESE52SHSZSESESESEE2SESESESESESESESESZSESZS2S2Sj he will gladly install such and explain any points not Home Attractive, Others Will ft game played for the stakes o f polit­ clearly understood about successful cream separation. If Be Found to Follow. ical power; a game of skill perhaps, you are interested in bettering your monthly cream check * * but a game in which chance also en­ it will pay you to attend. A systematic effort has been made ters. * ; | Its ends often hinge, like a trial for several years in Cass county, Tex., * by the home-demonstration agent to in the courts, on the principles of Inspire a greater love for him through % * right and justice, modified by the making it more attractive on the ex­ * ability of opposing council to take ad­ terior us well aa on the Interior. As a IN D E P E N D E N C E , O R E G O N vantage o f every circumstance and rule where one family makes the yard McCORMICK-DEERING DEALERS i % oversight to win for his own clients attructive with plantings and gives the house a fieshenlng coat of paint » i As in a ball game which with varying or whitewash, others In the community fortune has ambled along until the •» •* sa» -a» a « h « < <*> ■ » : » . soon follow. “ psychological” seventh inning is Emphasis has been placed on neat­ reached. Then a batting rally occurs ness and sultuble plantings which the opponents become unsteady, fum would be possible for even the simplest ble and boot the ball and are lost in home. Trlmnesa can he achieved at an avalanche o f hits Champion teams small expense If fences, gates, and have enough cool headed men in their steps are kept In repair. Vines, flow­ ranks who are able to overcome these ers, grassy lawns, trees, window boxes rallies and hurl back the opposition and flower beds cost relatively little If Veteran leaders recall the weakness the members of the family are all will­ ing to do their share In planting and of individual players and play against caring for them. The extension work­ 3 their weakness just as the Democrat­ er has brought out these points In 'SZ5a5E5ZSE52S?5?-5?.5? sasZ5ZSZ‘^5'a5E5SSHSHSZ5S£2SE52SE52S252S25ZS2SZSZ5? ic senators are striking at Denby encouraging the rural people to Im­ 'TZ5Z5HSESHSaSE52SESESE5E5c!5E5E5ESESHSHSES2SESH52SE5ZSE52SZ525a and Daugherty. Real ability is tested prove the outsides of their homes. I by adversity which develops resource The United States Department of fulness and physical stamina. Four Agriculture has received a report stat­ years ago quite similar attacks were ing that since home beantitication work Liability and Surety Bonds being launched against the Wilson started In the county four years ago administration to which the assaults there has been the greatest Interest In l a resulted in rout and disaster. It will a better understanding of artistic plant­ ing. Instead of the former lilt or ui;ss S be interesting to note whether a sim­ color masses of flowers, there Is con­ G ilar fate will fall to the Republicans siderable harmony. Many yard and in the coming campaign. box plants are seen everywhere, even jg Monmouth Oregon g In the poorest negro homes. There has îÏHS?S12.cE5E5ESESE£25dSESÏ!S2StS2SHSE5ZSESESE5ESESESE5ESP5ZSESÏSHSESaKES2S; been an annual flmver show at the “ I shot an arrow into the air” said Hughes Springs community. This year Longfellow, “ It fell to earth I knew there was both a rose show and a not where.” And it may be added chrysanthemum show in the county. that when it comes to launching Several women are making a successful news item in the air there is no telling business of selling boxes, plants, slips, where it will land nor what will be its •eeds, vines, and rustic stands. In N o matter what your plans may be we reception. Jnst to illustrate! Once cases where It has not been possible on a time and in another place the to paint, the home has been white­ can supply you with best material at lowest washed. More homes are being re­ editor observed a gang o f telephone modeled. painted, and screened than men at work placing poles, and doing prices. PERHAPS BURGLARS OR A FIRE •ver before. the work with amazing deliberation HAVE NOT VISITED YOUR HOME, BUT and lack of team organization. For Bird Protaction Good Insurance. IF THEY SHOULD COME THEY instance, one huge pole was planted The bird-lovers of Brandon, Man.. in four different locations before its Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, WOULD GET ALL YOUR MONEY AND • re enjoying this summer the fruit of final resting place was reached. This their forethought by arranging with Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. VALUABLES. DO NOT BE ONE WHO inspired the reporter to break into the authorities to have the fair­ rhyme as follows: grounds set apart as a bird sanctuary. LOCKS THE STABLE AFTER THE Estimates cheerfully furnished. It is admirably ndapted, by Its abun­ Behold the pole, the cedar pole; HORSE IS GONE. PUT YOUR MONEY dance of trees, skrutdiery, and lakelets, Observe its resting place today; WHERE PREPARATIONS HAVE BEEN to attract and retain a great variety Tomorrow it may wander off of birds: and as they fltvd themselves MADE FOR PROTECTING IT NOT ON­ And rest a space across the way. safe within Its precincts more and LY FROM FIRE AND BURGLARY, BUT Behold the man, the limber man. more will take advantage of the situ­ Who leans, unaided, on the fence, ation. This 1« an example— fortunate­ FROM YOUR OWN EXTRAVAGANCE. L. W. Waller, Manager ly not alone— of w hat should' be done And every time he moves it costs IT WILL BE SAFE IN OUR BANK. by every community that can offer the His grasping bosses, fifty cents. PLACE YOUR DEEDS AND VALUABLE birds anything of the sort. This is The whole crew invaded the news­ not only one more argument for the PAPERS IN OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT paper office. You might think they general policy of setting aside park BOXES. came to wreak vengeance and proba­ spaces within or near even a small bly slaughter the whole force! Not town, bait It has the additional value so. They were pleased, tickled, their of setting up a permanent destructive vanity was touched. It seems a fel­ agent against the armies of insects Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters low workman had been discharged that prey on village gardens and city Ladies’ Suits, Dresses, Sweaters the day before and they thought he parka aa well as on the crops of the was the butt. They bought all the rural agriculturist. Many birds is the beet Insurance. M O N M O U TH , OREGON Give me an order and be convinced. extra copies there were in the shop and sent marked issues to their The Old Gardener Says. Off .cert —IRA. C. POWhLL. P res . J. B. V. BUTLER. V ice P res . friends. rm it trees in the home garden are T. J. W ED EKIN D Monmouth Ore. F. E. CHAMBERS, C ashier ; C. C. POWELL, A sst C ashier Here is the contrast: At the com­ worth more attention than they ever mercial club banquet last week we were before, because the country’s Director* J H V B U T IJR , CHAIRMAN; WM. RIDDELL. took genuine enjoyment in listening •apply of froit la not keejdng pace I. M. SIMPSON. G. A. CONN. D. R. RIDDELL. IRA C. POWELL It la advisable to to the music by the jax* orchestra. with the demand Its novelty and its clever variations keep careful watch of newly set trees and to rub off nny buds which stnrt at a point where branches obviously will ■at he wanted. Tills thumb pruning, j New C c ru a n Chancellor W as W ar Plotter Her you come to us for relief. aa It 1* -called, can be kept up ad­ £ Dr rtj/r.rica F. Albert, wbo la vantageously TVr several years, and • new cabinet In Ger- W e can make you comfortable. ao other cutting will be needed unless T n e v « an t ju e e m * c o m * ii'xpy ,ii li>U a privy coun­ branches have developed which cross cilo r to tb- German Ministry of CVCLE« - - 0WT I sell nothing but good shoes. No paper soles in each other or which have been broken. the Interior, and became one of —-dll change. m ostly t R Y * cycl « s ! m> stock. Call and look them over. the lest-kuov’ c Germ ana in Amer- l<-a He came to New York aa the Oils, Polishes, Shoe Strings representa»'.’ v A the “Central Has Dsns Splendid Work. Purcbaala* O m p a c y a n d took Dr W. A McKeever's dream of Heavy and Light W eight Socks charge of the Gerfi'u propaganda making Aio etican cities and commu- which srst d.*rec.Ad ;ta Are against Gloves and Notions ■Itiee hegVer place* In which to live American newspapers and then brought, w doten new school buildings, All Harness Goods left I am selling at Cost upon the Govern,.vent Itself a hs’ f di ren community welfare cert ! Later hla force* result <* to eva- First Class Repairing ter 'oulld ngs aa many new city halla. ! aion of American neutrality law a. thousatv la of beautiful lawns, mile« «¡id Anally to open defiance and violation. It waa proved that he of pave j streets white ways and more < advanced money, from the Ger than Í fty playgrounds and parks to P ost office block Phone 6802 man Government to Dr. Rumiey title« ,n Oklahoma durlnî the better | to help buy the New York Eve- eltlew contest conducted there In 11*24 uing Mali He baa held many im- under his direction, according to Bliss iwrtant Germ in posts, and at one Ket'y state editor of the Dally Okla- J , Mine waa Am a-oador to the U S bom* n. Can you afford to be without the Herald at 4c per issue C bm im m i Groceries & Provisions Good Goods and Fair Treatment “ ¡ k m C. C. M u l k e y & Son I Thomas & Horton [UMBER ‘ ‘The Sign of E . B. the Rose” A R N O L D Fire and Accident Insurance G. W . CHESEBRO SAFETY Monmouth Lumber Company Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing First National Bank If Your Feet Trouble Onde -Jqbpy yjbsfo CHARLES M. A T W A T E R § I