<9 THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH, OREGON FRIDAY. JANUARY Î8. 1924 * • -3K- ac- :«• •*l ft Jewelry Our reputation for responsibility and reliability protect» you fully in purchasing jewelry. It ia a safeguard of quality and value that assure» laating satisfaction. America's Marvels ft NATURAL .AND OTHERWISE ft By T. T. Maxey ft THE RIVER THAT FLOWS BACK ft WARD ! darling like shadow's in the streams. Squat fgurea of solitary Eskimos The throb of surf upon a desolate beach. Flowers like jewels amoDg the grasses Soft, green mosses starred with tiniest blossoms Glowing red vines dinging closely to Mother Earth. Blue berries hanging fairy bells on ! low bushea W ild cranberries scatter ing red beauty for bird and beast. Tawny grasses and whispering wil lows waving In the wind. A tapestry of rich color in wild solitudes. A daunting of delicate perfume on I g'(bundles sir 1 Gleam of gold, soft tint of copper, , against the sky line Like all normal .»nil well behaved rlvt-rs, the Chicago river carried It* waters from its head toward Its mouth, emptying into Lake Michigan. Tie- building of a drainage canal from dise ia expensive. It merely proves that we have best its head through the ridge that divides the drainage between Lake Michigan spark!«- of silver, dull thread of lead. served the public, and that an ever increasing patronage and the rivers farther west to a con , glint of tin. glow o f garnet— the enables us to carry large stocks and keep prices low. nection with the river system, reiersed | bosom of Mother Earth bursting with this natural und orderly procedure, riches. You will find jewelry requirement» for personal use and with the expected, although astonish Lovely, remote, unknown, an em for gifts best met here. ing result, that the waters of this river plre, superb In tundra and towering now flow from the lake into Its mouth mountain, tonic in purity of crystal and out through its head into the clear air, royal In wealth of exhaust drainage eunal. less possessions.— Christian Science Flowing from Lnktf Michigan the Monitor. Chicago ri'e r runs through the city of I The Jeweler Chicago, separating ns It goes Into BROUGHT BIG TO TIME INDEPENDENCE 296 Main Street OREGON 1 North and South brunches. These brandies, in turn, divide the city Into Showing That Spirit Can Be Trium j three sect lofts or divisions— North, phant Over Bully With Only i West auil South. j 2SS5ESSS2SE5HSZSPS2SSSHSHSSSHSSS2S?SE5HSE5HSHS2SEFESZS2SBSZ5ZS?J3 HSZfTH5j Beef and Muacie. Tile iiiiiiu channel of this river Is about seven miles long, with an aver A Big Man tried to bully a Little age width of Ji1 1 feet and an average depth of 26 feet. Tills channel hus Man. The Big Man was a coward, of been dredged repeatedly until now It course, because he depended upon his is sufficiently deep to accommodate the physical superiority to back his pol largi st freight boats <>|a-niting on the icy. The Little Man. being a Man. Great Lakes This channel Is spanned what there was of him, spoke to the by about thirty bridges, which carry Big Man, as follow s: l u r t order, at Garage "Y o u great big cowardly b e e f! You foot, vehicular, street ear und rail traf Call Phone 2001 think you're a Man. but you're Just a fle over It. Bisecting, as this river does, the beast with clothes on. You haven't n COFFIN 4. EGLESTON QÍ2S25ESHSZSaS2S2SHSHSUSHSHS2SHSZS2S2SHKSHS^S25HSH525aS»«SÍ£rSt525H5ü' business heart of America's second- got as much manhood as a baby louse. largest city, uuturaliy Its hunks are If you weren’t twice as big as I am. | crowded w ith warehouses, factories, you wouldn't take a chance, becauae ments: j coal and lumber yards and grain ele your heart Is afraid, and you’re a Morning worship 11 a. m. coward, and a liar, and a bum. Now, vators o f the largest size The switch Subject of sermon: “ The Supreme Ing trucks of many o f the largest you're going to take It back and apol Offering of Christ” . , transcontinental railroads reach the ogize or I'm going to tell you a lot land side of these industries, so that more of what I think about you. Tffien Endeavor service 6:30 p. m. j the rapid and economical interchange I’m going to drive my fist Into your Evening service and Communion, face. If I can get up high enough to Christian Church , o f traffic and distribution of the prod 7:30 p. m. Rev. Lovell, District Sup | nets o f our farms and factories are reach It. And I'm going to take a H. C. Shropshire, Minister. erintendent, will preside and preach. I here carried on quickly und in a big Ucklng If I have to. but I'm going to Phone 1304 be a bigger man than you are. with Sunday Services: The Homelike Society mi ets on ' way. both eyes closed and three ribs g on e! Ttie volume of freight tonnage hati 10 a. m. Bible School. J. \V. Leask, Tuesday afternoon in the parlor of j died by tills short, but constantly busy Aoid If I can't lick you today, Pm go Supt. Classes for all ages. A the church. ing to try again tomorrow, and Pm | little river, bulks astonishingly large Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 7 The records make this immediately ap going to keep on coming back until I’ve special class for Normal Students. jureiit. During a recent 12 months equalised your beef with my brain. 11 a. m. Preaching by H. C. Shrop p. m. in the church. 2,540 vesels arrived in this river and Get t t r On Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. shire. Subject, “ The New Testa The Big Man apologised.— Richmond I 2.547 sailed out o f It. Among other ment Church.” This sermon will be the Presiding Elder will hold the things, tlielr cargoes Included 15.042 T im e s ! ilspstch. Fourth Quarterly meeting. illustrated with a large chart. tons o f binder twine. 11.374,829 bush 6:30 p. m. The Senior, Intermedi We extend a welcome to all. els o f wheat, 11,007,678 bushels of Card of Thanks ate and Junior Endeavor Societies outs. 38.993.738 bushels o f com and We wish to thank the friends for 203.580 tons of miscellaneous freight. will unite in an installation service the many expressions of sympathy .Church Of The Nazarene T h e Chlcngo river 1» nontldal nnd which will be in the form of a wed at the time of our bereavement and probably the most important stream of Rev. C. Howard Davis, Pastor ding ceremony. to those who sent flowers and asisted Its length on earth. Prayer meeting each Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Preaching subject, “ Life at the funeral. (©, 1#J1. W w lrn N»»»p»p»r Union > That we hold a commanding position in the jewelry- business of this community is not because our merchan ft A. L. K U L L A N D E R MAN £ Page 5 Form the Habit of buying Round Trip Pickets The saving made on two trips by purchas ing “ return” instead of “ one way” ticket*, is approximately the coat of one round trip \ o w 's th-y time ticket. to visit J Trips for the price o f 2 California In addition to saving you money, the train can be depended upon to furnish you with Low Safe ami Comfortable Winter set vice, irrespective of rain, snow, ice and other unfavorable weather conditions. Excursions Daily Ride the Train Local Agents will gladly give you any information you may wish regarding fares and train schedules. MONMOUTH TRANSFER Transferring by auto truck and by team, within the city or out of town. f c C H U n C H /tm o im m , 5 8 o’clock. is transparent.” Mr. and M.rs. C. E. Force and Family Revival meetings are now in pro On Strike. and Miss Tina Brown. Wednesday, 6:45 p. m. Choir prac gress in the Nazarene hall over the “ Uxtree ! P ip y ! P ip y ! U x te r !" tice at the church. yelled the lad. “ Bandits all gu out on post office. Rev. A. Wells of Salem Card of Thanks Wednesday evening, Prayer Meet is preaching with Miss Mary Ranat a »trike- I \tree! We wish to thank the friends for ing, 7:30 p. m. Bandits strike— what fo r ?" asked of Portland as song leader and solo the assistance and sympathy shown George and Elmer Andrus of the gent from .lltnpsnn Junction. A young married people's class ist. o us during the sickness of the late “They don’t want the wages o f sin has been organired at the Christian Willamette University are helping. reduced. Mary A. Stine and for flowers at the U xtree! P ip y !'' — Kansas Sunday School, starting next Sun Come and spend a profitable hour City Star funeral. Meetings each evening at day morning. A good teacher has with us. Guy Denting LAND OF BEAUTY AND RICHES been secured and all young married 7:30 and also at 3 p. m. on Sunday. A. J. Denting people are welcome to come and join Everyone welcome. Mrs. Ella Thorp Arctic Alaska Well Worth a Visit by with the others. We believe you will enjoy the the Tourist Tirsd of Ordi Sealed Bid» Wanted The Dorcas Society will meet with services and receive benefit from nary Travel. Sealed Bids will be received by Mrs. Chambers at 2 o’clock, Tuesday, them. Great, wind-swept tundras. Far School District No. 13 up to February January 22nd. 1st for forty cords of ash wood, and away in lonely grandeur, sharp peaks Everyone cordially invited to at Baptist Cburcb o f snow-crowned mountains. Silent twenty cords of fir wood, same to be tend all of these services. ut in four foot lengths not over six Sunday School at 10 a. m. lakes among the hills. nches in diameter, and to be deliver- Ptarmigan flying like snow, drifting Prof. Homer O. Dodds, Supt. d to the Raid district at the High Dr. William James Sly, acting pas clouds. Fox and hare with soundless School building not later than August Evangelical ChurcL t#eps among the bushes. Reindeer 1st, 1924. tor, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 browsing on silver-gray moss. Louis C. Kirby, Minister Fish It F. E. Chambers, Clerk p. m. The morning subject will be: Mrs. L. A. Robinson, Supt. Money To Loan “ The Children in the Stewardship Sabbath School 10 o’clock Plenty of it at 6 per cent, on city with offering taken for Last Sunday was a record making of Love” , property.— Pay us back like rent.— The Farm Home at Corvallis. Sunday for our Church. The Sun Loans quickly made if title is good In the evening there will be a day School showed a decided gain in Everybody love* a baby and Long time loans on farms—6 per attendance and interest. We have special song service. everybody wants a baby abun ~ent and 634 per cent. a live Superintendent who ia putting i here are many Young Peoples’ Society at 6:.'10. i dantly roousL G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg her energies into the work. The Salem, Ore. 2:30 p. m. First meeting o f the i young children to whom Normal Class was again the Banner Christian Brotherhood of Monmouth I For Sale or Lease -A good brick Class with an attendance near fifty. building on a good business cot.ier. All are cordially invited. The morning attendance was about See Boothby. the largest since the new pastor has Fine Herd of Well Bred Cows at been here. The main auditorium Christian Science private sale, 15 in the herd, half of was full from every angle. After Wednesday evening meeting at k hem registered. Heifers from best the sermon the pastor and Official o'clock. given in small portions at intervals during dams. Sold on premises o f the late B u d of the Church extended the fel Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. each day, would be an important factor I. M MacDonald. lowship of the Church to seven adults, Sunday morning service at 11 in overcoming malnutrition and starting three men and four women. Our to r Sale— St. Helen's Incubators them well on the road to robuit- A » o’clock. Church ia now fully united and with ness- Every drop o f S o o t t '» good as new. J. M. MrCaleb. Subject for Sunday, January- 20 fc'.he aid of the Holy Spirit and the co *’* pare, rich noanehment. the a kind that build* etrength and U /f operation of the various depart - 1 “ Life” . Stock Carrots for Sale at $7.50 per promotee healthy growth. -y l mcnta of the church, we are planning I ton. Buyers must furnish contain- l ‘Hdr ,n Thrtvo o is S o o t t ’» | Let me mend your furniture oi ers. Walker Canning Company. to move forward. k—a A U uwbc , Ji. /. M Ü J. w . Howell 4 3t. The following are the announce- file your saws. Independence. Increase Baby's Strength SC0 TTS EMULSION Giant Leviathan Aground in New York Harbor More than twenty tugs In New York hart it went to the aid of the great Leviathan wh*n a atrong el.'» tide threw the “Queen of the Seas" In'o a mud beak. With all of their puffing and tugging the big b.wt could not be freed nntU evening when the rising ftC* lifted her. Now the It S. Shipping Board announces the 1-evuttMQ will be laid up until Match uudergola* repaita to reversing turWces wbkb were the cause of tl»e taldM S JOHN M. SCOTT Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific School Supplies C an dy and F resh Fruit Holsum bread P. H. JOHNSON ft Good to be Sure Better to be Insured Be^t to be insured in the H A R T F O R D Fire Insurance Company Accident and Indemnity Company C h am bers & P ow ell Agents For Sale— Asli and Oak cord wood, Notice for Hid» for Cord Wood delivered. C. J. Lehman, Suver, Notice is hereby given that the Phone 1210. 5tl2 County Court of Polk County, Ore gon will accept sealed bids at the Slab wood for sale. Dry mill office of the County Clerk for Polk at Dallas, Oregon, on or be- wood delivered. Pollan Brothers, County i'ore January the 18th; .»aid bids to be Phone 604. 4t for furnishing 80 colds of first class, dry fir wood to be delivered at the County gravel bunkers on the For Sale No 85. 5 Room house, 2 lots, in II. V. Link Ranch, near Pedee, Ore gon. j good location. Price $2,000.00. A sufficient delivery to be made in No. 50. 5 lots, fruit and berries. A time for beginning operation of good barn. Located on paved street. giavel bunkets this spring, and said $1000. Terms. delivery to continue as needed. No 52. 4 room hou»e, barn, chicken By order of the County Court. house, 3 cowi, 1 calf, cream separator, Dated at Dallas, Oregon, this 31st 70 chickens, 6 shares in r a w day of December, 1923. creamery, ensilage cutter, located on Floyd D. Moore, highway. $3350. _____ County Clerk No. 54. 4 acres 6-room house, fruit & berries. Near Normal. $2200. terms RATS No 73. 11 acres. 4-room house. Mod They waste, ern conveniences. Fruit for fumily use Are dangerous pests. Close in. $6,000. Terms on half. destroy and poison things that are No. 76. 10 acres. A splendid 6 room house. Barn and other buildings. Team GOOD •vagtin and harness, cow, 70 chickens, TO cream separator, hay. All o f the feed. 20 minutes walk to town. $4000. terms E AT No. 77. 13 acres. 4-room house, barn But when you feed them RAT SNAP Located 1 mile southeast of town. Price $3500. Will take in exchange —and they crave for it au • cat does Monmouth or Salem dwelling proper catnip— it is absolutely GUARoT.. • ty to $2000. With the above the fol lowing is included: team, wagon, and TEED to rid you of all rats and harness. 8 tons hay, 75 chickens, mice. cream separator and farm implements Wm. COOK & Sons G. T. BOOTHBY. Real Estate say “ we are pleased to state we con H all's Catarrh M e d icin e sider RAT-SNAP is, without doubt. Those who are In a "run down" condi | tshe best Rat and Mouse extermina tion will notice thm Catarrh bothers tor we have ever used. It does ALL them mu'h more than when they are In wood health. Thla (ai t proves that while you claim— and more too.” Three Catarrh la a local disease, It Is greatly Sizea—26c, t»5c, $1.25. RAT-SNAP Influenced by onstltuUonal conditions. H A L L S CATARRH MEDICINK «on- slats of an Ointment which Uutrkly will Kill Monmouth A Independence AuloUus TIME SCHEDULE flus leaves Train leavee Monmouth Train Independence 7 08 6.40 A M To Portland 10 03 j 45 A. M. To Portland 10.25 9.45 A. M. To Corvallie 12 13 Relieves by local application, and the 11 55 A. M. To Corvallis Internal Medicine, a Tenh. which assists 2 22 In 1 r9 p. M. To Portland Improving the General Health 3 48 Sold by by d drugs'*!» (or r o over (0 Y 1 eara 3.25 P M To Corvalln r u g g la ts (o v e r *> r . 3. Chaney a Co.. Toledo. Ohio. 5 38 5.10 P. M. To Portland 7 15 6.45 P M. To Corvallie Old ( srpeta Made New Raymond E. Derby. Phone 1501 Prop We weave old carpets into rugs, NP • * * - « ■ « I weave rag carpeta without seam*, 1 THE ERA CLINIC ft renovate mattresses and feather pil lows, and buy old carpets. Will call I t »4 State St.. Salvia. Ore. for your work. • ltldknoee, lovatF and measure, Ladies hand made scarfs in wool or from a drop of blood, any dis .ilk and wool. ease active or latent Salem Carpet and Rug Work» We purify the blood and cure, Address for pricee, E. J. Potts. by radiations of electrons (not Baker Apartments, Salem. Ore. electricity), »5 per rent of ad- v eared cancers, lobercaloeis. Practically new Electric Vacuum goiters, diabetes, female and Cleaner». See these before buying digestive orders, etc. Eureka $ .0 00, Hotpoint $25.00 Write I 143 Court St , Phone 1118 M, Malern. Write for pamphlet. Oregon. •» * • » * ■ » ' » * * THEM and leave no smell. Sold and guaranteed by PERKINS PHARMACY Now is the time to have your screens made and to figure on .vour work for the summer. See or write *G. A. Nestler Shop between Hotel and telephone office.