L OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resurre Most Important BOK P L A N FOR PEACE OUT U. 8. Entry Into World Court In Pro­ posed League Partially Indorsed. New York. — The American Peace Award Sunday night announced that plan number 1169 had been adjudged I NEWS** DEMOCRATS PLAN STATE XN BRIEF. DEEP COI IN TAXES ' SUverton.—Sufficient stock in the SUverton Food Products company has been subscribed by local fruit growers to insure them the controlling inter­ Substitute for Secretary Mel- est. This company has been Silver- ton's cannery company for the past Ion’s Bill Offered. few years. Salem.—Selection of a board of ar­ bitration to settle the differences aria* ing between local Journeymen pluinb- ( ers and their employers probably will ; be announced at a joint meeting of the unionists and master plumbers to be Two Per Cent Rate on $5000 and Un­ held this week. der Proposed Loss In Revenue Salem.— The state tax on gasoline and distillate sales in Oregon during Held Not Great. November amounted to $202,697.68, ac­ cording to a report issued by the sec­ Washington, D. C.—A substitute retary of state. To date the tax on fuel oils has returned to the state a proposal for the Mellon tax revision total of $4,869,826.17. plan was made public Sunday by Rep­ St. Helens.—Circuit court. Judge J. resentative Garner of Texas, on behalf the best ot 22,165 entered in competi- tion for the 1100,000 offered by Ed Daily News Items. ward W. Bok. Philadelphia publicist, for the beat practical plan by which the United States might co-operate with other nations to prevent war. In ita essence this plan proposes first that the United States Immedi­ Events of Noted People, Governments ately should enter the permanent court of international justice, indorsed and Pacifc Northwest, and Other by the late President Harding, and. Thing) Worth Knowing. second, without becoming a member of the league of nations as at present Damage estimated close to one mil- constituted, should offer to co-operate lion dollars was done by a fire at the wjtj, the league, under certain condi- Whlting, Ind., plant of the Standard tions, as a body ot mutual counsel. Oil company of Indiana, Tuesday The identity of the author is un­ afternoon. known to the jury of award and policy of himself and the other democrats A Eakin pre8ldinf?’ convened Monday One child was fatally burned, two committee, except one delegated mem­ on the house ways and means com­ morning. The first day was taken up in hearing motions and default cases. others were reported by hospital phy­ mittee. The "high spots” are: ber. The authorship will not be dis­ The second will be naturalization day. Fix normal income tax rates at 2 sicians to be dying and their parents closed until a nation wide referendum per cent on amounts of $5000 and severely burned in Seattle Tuesday Estarada.—While running the edger has been taken to determine whether under, Instead of 3 per cent under night following an explosion of coal saw at the Electric Lumber & Manu the plan meets with the support of $4000, as Mr. Mellon proposes, and of facturing company's mill at River Mill oil in a stove. Americans. This probably will not be 4 per cent under existing law; 4 per Saturday, Elmer Crozier’s left hand The popularity of Vancouver as a until early next month. cent from $5000 to $10,000 instead of wag severed after getting caught in a gretna green is evidently on the in­ Fifty thousand dollars is awarded 6 per cent above $4000, as recom saw. He was taken to Estacada where crease, as 273 more marriage licences the winner Immediately. The rest of mended by Mr. Mellon, and of 8 per Dr. G. F. Midford gave medical atten­ were Issued in 1923 than in 1922. the prize goes to him if the country cent under existing law; 6 per cent tion. Every month in the year showed an gives the plan its support. on all amounts in excess of $10,000 Salem.—Joseph Carl Krauger and T h « w o r l d la a l l d a r k , o r t h e w o r l d le all* increase over the corresponding month The plan, in brief, as officially sub­ instead of 8 per cent under existing bright. Miss Lillian E. Maxwell, both of Fos­ last year. mitted to the public by the policy law. w e c h o o e e to m a k e It; ter, Linn county, were married “ on O u J r u s b t u aa committee, follows: r d e n la h e a v y , o u r b u r d e n 1« l ig h t . Worried because he was unable to Start the surtax graduation at 1 st aa w e h a p p e n t o t a k e i t ; "I. That the United States shall per cent on incomes from $12,000 to high” here Saturday afternoon, in the A n Ju thaw out the tank of his private water d people w h o g r u m b le and people who words of Judge Kuntz, who performed immediately enter the permanent groan system, Luther Martin, 69, residing at $14.000 Instead ot $10,000 to At the w o rld a n d at e v e r y proposal. the ceremony. The wedding took 640 Van Boren street, Eugene, Or., court of international justice, under as proposed by Mr. Mellon and $6000 W o u l d g r u m b l e a n d g r o a n If t h e w o r l d w e r e place In the capitol dome, more than their ow n the conditions stated by Secretary swallowed a quantity of an antiseptic to $8000 under existing law. The rate W i t h aun. m o o n a n d s t a r s at d i s p o s a l . 250 feet above the ground. Hughes and President Harding in poison Tuesday morning and died at — H a r r i e t S w if t . would increase progressively to a Eugene.—Work of constructing a February, 1923. the Eugene hospital. maximum of 44 per cent on incomes of ten-wire Western Union Telegraph FOOD FOR THE FAMILY "2. That without becoming a mem­ Although gold and silver production ber of the league of nations as at $92,000 and more, as compared with line between Eugene and Klamath the Mellon proposal for a maximum in Alaska declined in value, the min­ present constituted, the United States Falls over the route of the new rail­ T I T HEN a quick dessert is needed eral wealth was increased from $19.- shall offer to extend its present co­ of 25 per cent on incomes in excess way being built across the Cascade V V and the larder seems rather empty 606,365 in 1922 to t20.300.000 In 1923, operation with the league and partici­ of $100,000, and the present maximum mountains by the Southern Pacific try an Orange Shortcake. according to the annual report of Al­ pate in the work of the league as a of 50 per cent on incomes of more company, will start soon, according Prepare a rich biscuit dough, mak­ fred II. Brooks, chief Alaskan geolo­ laxly of mutual counsel under condi­ than $200,000. to J. A. McKevitt, manager of the ing a drop batter and hake in small Increase the exemption of the head gist, now in preparation. tions which are: gem pans. Bake and break open while of a family from $2500 to $3000 and company’s local office. "(a ) Substitute moral force and for a single person from $1000 to Amid shouts from the deputies and Hood River.—The movement of ap­ hot, butter well and heap with orange the galleries of "Long live the repub­ public opinion for the military and $2000. The Mellon plan would con­ ples from here has resumed, following which has been sliced and sweetened lic! Down with the king!” Greece’s economic force originally implied in tinue the present exemptions. the holidays, and at present the Apple un.l allowed to stand. Serve with some orange Juice for the sauce. revolutionary government was turned articles 10 and 16. Fix the deduction allowed on earned Growers’ association, the total re­ "(b ) Safeguard the Monroe doc­ incomes at 33% per cent instead of ceipts of the organization reaching over to the newly elected national as­ Baked Beets. sembly Wednesday by Colonel Bias- trine. 25 per cent as recommended by the 1.496.464 boxes, has on hand only Wash the beets and put them to " (c ) Accept the fact that the Uni­ treasury secretary, and broaden the 270,774 boxes, less than 400 cars. The liras, head ot the revolutionary com bake In a hot oven. When very ten­ ted States will assume no obligations provision so as to include farmers shipments kept up at a more rapid der, peel, slice and serve with butter mittee. under the treaty of Versailles except owning and personally operating their ( rate than usual during the holiday melted and poured over them, season­ In 10-below zero weather firemen by act of congress. ing with salt and pepper. farms and merchants and tradesmen period. fought one of the most destructive “ (d) Propose that membership in who combine capital and personal! Eugene. Eugenes bank deposits fires in recent years In Winnipeg, Candied Sweet Potatoes. which started Tuesday night in the the league shall be opened to all na­ service for the purpose of earning in | show a big increase last year over Boil three medium-sized potatoes tions. come> | previous years, according to state- Teese & Persse wholesale grocery anti! nearly tender. Peel and slice "(e ) Provide for the continuing Representatlve Garner, in a formal ments Just issued by the three insti- warehouse. Early estimates placed lengthwise. Lay in a shallow pan, pref­ development of international law." statement outlining the m inority's. tutions. At the close of business in erably gluss or earthenware, pour the loss at more than $500.000. The Klihu Root was chairman of the programme, made this reference to j December, 1923. the total deposits over them one to one and one-half origin ot the fire was undetermined. jury of award. Serving with him were the so-called nuisance taxes; amounted to $6.661.442.74 as compared cupfuls of sirup from canned peaches. In renewing Ms demand for a con­ James Guthrie Harbord. Edward M. "There was no reason to single out with $5.8 1 6.9,4.69 at the same time in Dot with two tublespoonfuls of butter gressional investigation of the admin­ 11 use, Ellen Fitz Pendleton, Roscoe one or two of the miscellaneous or 1922, an increase of $ ,‘'0,646.06, more and bake in a hot oven for half an istration of General IVood as gover­ Pound, William Allen White and hour. Raise the heat toward the last nuisance taxes as Secretary Mellon i than 13 per cent. nor general of the Philippines, Repre­ Brand Whitlock. did and propose their repeal without | Eugene.— Fire that started Saturday or brown under the gas flume. sentative Froar, republican, Wiscon­ at the same time carefully analyzing .afternoon at 3:10 o’clock in the work sin, declared Wednesday that such an Baked Onions. Sales to Rebels Halted. the entire mass of these taxes, includ- shop of the Lane Automobile com­ Inquiry also would cover the stock Take one dozen medium sized oslons, ing those on automobile trucks, jew- pany’s garage on Pearl street com- Washington. D. C.— President Cool- cut Into halves crosswise and place in market transactions ot Lieutenant Os lilgo took further steps to aid the elry. candy, stamps on notes, etc., and pletely ruined the interior of the a buttered casserole. Add two tuhle- borne Wood, the governor’s son. offering the maximum of relief.” building occupied on the lower floor spoonfuls of honey or brown sugar, The prince ot Wales, who will leave Obregon government in Mexico Mon­ "Honest and equiiable peace-time by the automobile company and on the same of butter; one teaspoonful May 2 on a trip to South Africa, Is day. signing a proclamation which im­ taxation is the goal of the democratic j the upper floor by the Oregon apart- of salt, one eighth of a teaspoonful of expected to visit all the principal posed an immediate embargo on any party," Mr. Garner said. "The fore- ' ments, entailing a loss estimated be- cayenne or a mixture of white pepper centers south of the Zambesi river. shipments of war munitions to that golng proposals are in pursuance of tween $80,000 and $90,000. and red and bake with no further Ho will engage in a shooting expedl country except with the specific ap- this policy. Resting upon sound eco­ Salem.—County school superintend­ moisture for one and one-half hours. tion In northern Rhodesia before he provai of the government. A fine of nomics, wo believe that they do full ents who have been in Salem the past Serve with strips of buttered toast leaves Africa for home He will be $10,000 or two years’ imprisonment or and equal justice to taxpayers large week grading papers in the recent and garnish with parsley dipped in vlnegai. absent from England about four both nmy be imposed upon convicted and small, individual and corporate, teachers’ examinations completed months. The prince will travel on violators of the embargo. and avoid the extreme view of any their duties Saturday night. Several Banana Salad With Popcorn. Action was taken by the president class. one of the regular liners. hundred papers were graded, and Prepare the bananas, cut Into halves on recommendation of Secretary "W o ask an unbiased comparison of these have been turned over to the The Turkish parliamentary commie lengthwise, roll in salad dressing, then Hughes. No formal statement accom­ the democratic tax proposals with the state superintendent of schools. An­ In nice, well seasoned popcorn. This slon at Angora, which has been con­ panied the text of the proclamation Mellon proposals aud with full con­ nouncement of the results probably Is a salad that the childreu may eat. sidering new fnmlly laws, has decided when it was made public at the state fidence invite the deliberate judgment will he made within the next few days. to recommend the prohibition of po department. of taxpayers and of all the people." lygamy, a Constantinople dispatch do-1 John Day.—Supervisor Reid of the So far as known, however, the Mr. Garner said the democrats Malheur national forest announces a Clares. If this recommendation is ap ' < (&). 1123. W > »t * r n N e w s p a p e r L 'n lo o .) Washington government has no exact would give wholehearted support to proved, nobody will be allowed to take a ---------O--------- I information as to Intended sales of "many good features" of the Mellon I meeting to be held In Canyon City a second wife without "urgent need’’ | ! January 16 in the interest of sfock- i arms in the United States to Mexican programme, particularly the provisions and the wife of the erring husband rebel factions beyond the Inquiry aimed at more efficient administration growers and other persons interested will be entitled to a divorce. | through the department of Justice re- of the revenue law and to close up in the forest reserves. Grazing Exam­ Merchant ships to the number of celved from the De la Huerta agent avenues of tax evasion. He added, iner Dalton, who has charge of general 6046 passed through the Panama ca in New Orleans concerning purchase "the general idea of readjusting down­ supervision of the appraisal work for Dai during the year 1923. figures avail j and assembly In New Orleans for ship- ward of normal rates and surtax rates. this division, and J. E. Snow, presi­ able Wednesday show. They paid ap ( ment to the Yebel forces of arms and In many instances, together with re­ dent of the Grant County Stockgrow- i ers' association, will attend. proxlmately $22.961.000 In tolls. The | ammunition, duced rates on Income derived from Albany. — Although risking an in- record In both number ot ships and personal service, is excellent.” ' junction, the county court decided to aggregate lolls for the first calendar Former Beauty Suicide. ! proceed with the 1924 tax levy under year, which ended July 1. already has Japanese Crew Saved. New York. The body of Mrs. June j the old budget law and in doing so been broken and new marks now have Diamond Brown, one-tirte beauty and Cordova. Alaska —Thirty members published the budget in Albany news been set for the calendar year's traf wife of Dudley P. Brown, reputedly of the crew of the Japanese freighter i papers Saturday. A public hearing on ftc. wealthy New Yorker, has been in the Kyosei Maru were taken from the dis- the budget will be held January 26 Texas state officers Tuesday were morgue unclaimed since Christmas al>le«l vessel approximately 2600 miles , This procedure is about a month over- holding a warrant charging violation day, it was learned Tuesday. Mrs. off the coast of Washington at 7 A. M. tjUp but unless someone enters a suit I of the state game laws against Irvin Brown, who before her marriage was j Saturday by the President McKinley | against extending the tax after the j Cobb, New York writer, said to be on 1 June Diamond Waters of Edwards- , he crilft then Was apparently j f a r in g the court will proceed under a hunting trip in Texas. The warrant vili *** | abandoned to sink. The derelict still the old lawr. charges that two year* ago Cobb se­ poison Christmas eve. If the body| was floating, according to wireless Grants Tass.— A mammoth redwood, cured a hunting* license under the remains uncinimeli It will be buried ri ports received here from the Presi­ measuring 23 feet across the butt and | name of J. It. Davis and that he oh ! In the potter’s field dent McKinley, which is proceeding 70 feet In circumference, was cut this I I s I m A a $2 resident license when he to Yokohama week in the Redwood forest, near , should have had a $15 non resident Dog Faithful in Death. Crescent City. Cal., on the Redwood | license. Men Adrift Four Months. Marshfield. Or.- The loyalty of highway. The tree, which was 300 A committee of prominent Ixmdon dog to Its mate as well as to Its mas Provider e. K I - After being adrift (**« tall, was the largest ev- r . v clergymen and eminent medical au ter was demonstrate! here when an at sea in a disabled schooner four the sawmill operating in that vicinity thorltle* appoint, d by the ;trh bishop automobile ran d..wn and kille.I one of , months, during which time four of |t will fur- - ’ . i: ot Canterbury aff. r the lambert con 1 a pair of ..min. Saturday night at|their companions died of beriberi, enough to keep the mill.running t r ference in 1920 to study the relation Millington. Passers by took the body. Frank Correia and John Iaizaro have three days and it will furnish a cargo ship of religion and healing has made of the dead dog to the aide of the arrived here from Claim. Brazil. The for two steamers of the size now en a repoA in which it is understood to Toad and the mate has stayed wtth It j three masted schooner William !!. ferine the Crescent City harbor. It The young lady au ner dr look to a clergyman t& do what la a p< r t d the incident, after having fed j here IW ember 13. 1922. for the Cap* containing SOM feet of lumber, could mads with skirts « x .m ! an above the physician’s or a surgeon's duty to do " the an al. having seen Its constancy‘ do Verde Islands, was wrecked at the be erected from the lumt^r cut from ground, sad she w a ders how she's going to ltk# It after the recent cot­ ♦ i.s report Is to he published short!) for nearly two days. I Brazilian port. j this single tree. ton shortage COMPILED FOR YOU E X E M P T IO N IS HIGHER 'HuXu* 7vu M E N Y OU M A Y M A R RY By E. R. PEYSER Hat a Man Like This Proposed to You? Symptoms: Well bred, sweet smile when he occasionally turns it on. Very successful, gloomy, unenthusiastic. Has decided views, only has room for his own; he likes you only because you think he Is always right. Doesn't like theaters, "they’re too long,” concerts he thinks are “for weaklings," he’s "so sorry for the d—n fools who act or sing or play.” “ Movies are all right If there's no vaudeville or Cheap music.” He plays golf, but thinks It "an old man's game,’’ good enough to get some outdoor nlr. Work is his pas­ sion. Good to his mother and family, no use for anybody else. IN FACT The only way to get his atten­ tion is to be part of his house­ hold. Prescription for His Bride: T\ Forget your own pet points iy L of view. Learn to amuse yourself. Absorb This: TWO OPINIONS IN ONE HOUSE OFTEN RESULT IN TWO ESTABLISHMENTS. f © by M c C l u r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d i c a t e > Something to Think s i bout b j F. A. W A L K E R SELF-CONTROL simple process of practicing ■“ self-control is as benetu-ial as it is astonishing. In a little while those of us who succeed in obtaining mastery of our emotions, our glib tongue, *ur strutting pride and our iudolence, find ourselves in a new world. We wonder at the agreeublene-s of our friends, the loveliness of the ten­ der blossoms, and the thousands of beautiful things all about us which heretofore we have passed without no­ tice. At last we have succeeded In pull­ ing an old mask from our face ami we are able to smile. We have in some ways found a grain of faith—faith in ourselves and in our intimates. We are changed and the whole world is changed with ns. We soar on the wings of the dove. We have risen high above the bogs and quagmires. We have come from a state between sleep and w aking. Our vision is clear. Our mind is alert, appreciative, con­ siderate and kindly disposed Our thoughts tly straight to the mark, never diverted by ill-humor or a vio­ lent rush of hot blood. In some indescribable manner a bur­ den has slipped from our galled shoulders, and we are buoyant, happy, unconquerable. The ruling forces of the universe have taken hold of ns, while other and lower forces are losing ground. Affection, sentiment and compass* n have become parts of our disposition. The control of impulse has grown perfect through the supremacy of *nr higher motives. We are enslaved no more by the harpies of passion. The simple opera­ tion of self control, the careful and continuous exertion of will-power has set ua free. Where formerly we moved abont with dour face* we now go with beam ing smiles where ia other days we were me« with rebuffs we »re gfsen cl eery receptions and eacouis^ememr. The strong, sunny parts of natnre which we have by supreme effort de­ veloped are ours, and we are keeping step with the victors, sure of victory for ourselves in tl>« faith that lllumin ate* our wav. ctijik A kT M r C V b X b V IB A M f V