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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1924)
« P O P T I i U i \ A lu n 1 L j l Ä Ü & H l i i y 1 1 fo r y o u r pro d u ce Pi'Miand. O t m o i VAUDEVILLE PHOTO FLAYS Compete Chanf# Saturday Adult«. day \Utine«. 2oe; Evpiiinc«. «nr. Con’ inu ou« 1 4o 11 p. m. Chiliirm 10 rent« «11 time« Ö l i t ffiO Y L BIHIDINS SCO UTS OFFERS A MARKET 1 Shipherd’s Mineral Springs H A R O L D BAIN, Manager Caricn. W n M n g to n An Ideal W inter Resort. Special W inter Rate«. Route»— S. P St S Local from Portland to Car- eon, Wash By Auto to Caa< ade Lot ke via C o lum bia H ighw ay By Auto via the North Bank H ighw ay. Hotel— Am erican Plan, Modern Hotel Accom m odations. Bathe—Hot Mineral Baths: Cure for Rheumatism. Liver, K idney and Stomach Troubles: Skin Disease«. Hunting and Fishing.____ F it M e th o d s to F o llo w in P r o d u c tio n o f C re a m S tu dy S c ie n c e o f R o a d s in E le m e n ta ry S c h o o ls Since nt the present time, our farm er* who are milking a few good dairy cow», are generally better fixed, finan cially, than those following almost uny other line. It s<* m* that we should pay particular attention to the han dling of the product, that It may be put ou the market In the beat condi tion possible and thereby bring the biggest returns. Methods which will aid In produc ing a good product: Keep the bam nnd cow* clean. Re move manure from stable twice dally. Wipe udder and flunk» with a damp cloth, before milking. Milk with dry hand*. Into * small top milk pall. Separate while warm, to Insure less waste In the sklmmllk. Wash separator thoroughly aftet each separation. Use a brush rather than a rag. First use warm water and washing powder, then scald all parts thoroughly. Do not separate Into vessel contain ing the cooled cream. Cool freshly separated cream before adding It to previous skimming. Stir cream thoroughly every time a fresh supply Is added, using a stir rer manufactured for the purpose. A cooling tank should be on every farm. Run the water pumped for live stock through the cream tank and then Into the stock tank. Keep cooled cream In a sanitary place which Is cool, sanitary, free from odors and well aired. Cream should be delivered to mar ket at least three times a week In summer and twice In winter. Cream should not be allowed to freeze.—L. K. Crowe, assistant profes sor, animal husbandry, Colorado Ag ricultural college. Tl.e automobile industry is allowing more than ordinary (merest In a bul letin Just Issued by the bureau of edu á L M r -« r cation, Department of the Interior, en titled “ Main Strc -'a of the Nation,” ami Inteuded us a study of projects ou highway truus;>oit for elementary schools. I’rrpared by Florence C. Fox, spe cialist in education systems for th* United States government. It will par ticularly appeal to the children be cause their Ii\es are very close to the highway question; good roads playing an Increasingly important part in Q Write ue for prices an-1 market conditions every child s experience. v j O r l Veal Hogs, Poutry, Fruits. Potztces, One ons, elc. The bulletin shows the remarkably Forty Years in *ht Same Location. Interesting and practical lessons which have been worked out for elementary Eat More Wheat M.iccaroni Spaghetti Ver grades. In arithmetic, for example, a micelli Noodle« Alphabet Freeh Egg Noodle« question such u* this is asked: "if the PORTER-SCARPEI.U MACARONI CO. railroud fare from New York to San Kenton Station. Portland, Oreg*»n. Francisco Is $U>S.1S, how much more, or less, will it cost to motor through the Lincoln hlghwuy than to go by train?” The solutlou Involves prob J. -L Lu. LUI |»opuIar Kates Fire Proof Bui|din|f lems in the cost of gasoline, the wear 14th and Washington Victor Brandt. Prop. Harry Fletcher. Mjrr. and tear of the machine, and the day's living exi>enae en route, as compared Expert examination free—All work guaranteed. Sen tible price«. We specialize in Complete Overhauling and with the cost of travel. Cylinder grinding. In the geography department inter ANDERSON A MAYER GRARAE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE Moved to New Larger Garage, itth and Hoyt. Portland esting lessons are presented which ul- ford Imaginary Journeys over the GOOD EATS A T POPULAR PRICES country's greut highways. Important Rest Room for Ladies. cities are located on the way, and St. Between Fifth and Sixth Streets brief essays written about the national Cafeteria 311 Washington PORTLAND. OREGON points of iuterest in passing. The bul letin gives iu great detail how such Our EMPLOYMENT OFFICE f i rsts our atudenta. We GUARAN- lessons may he prepared. 1 EE our graduates employment Brick-Laying. Plastering. Tile-Setting. Auto-Mechanics. Electricity. Acetylene V. elding. Problems in simple science are * HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOL. 125 N. 5th St.. Portland. Ore. brought out by u study of road build ing, drainage and grading. Lesions iu civics are exceptionally Intere.v ing Send for our aud these Include problems ou fin nc- Free Catalogue Fall lng; bow to obtuln a right of w a y; how boud Issues are cured for, etc. and Winter 1923-24 It will save you m oney when you An Important lesson dculs with the Pleating— Embroidery want Sheej,lined Coats, Leather Coats, Hemstitching. Buttons Covered. sufety question. Every parent Is in Leather Vest«, M ackinaws, Solid L ea S T E M AWS ther Guaranteed Shoes, All Leather terested In this, and the work In 166H Tenth St., Portland B rass L etters on C a n s Leggircrs, Arm y and Com m ercial W ool volved eauuot full to be of help and ATTENTION LADIES Underwear, A ll-W ool Sox, Rubber Boots, and Genuine O. D. W ool Arm y 8anltary Besuty Tailor»— We fix you up, W i l l P re v e n t M u ch L o ss practical use to the young student In Blankets. Satisfaction Guaranteed or we make ail kind»‘ of I lair Good« of your the face of the crowded streets and Money Refunded. combings. Join our hool of B r a il/ Culture. When the owner's Initials or num highw u> s. 400 to 414 Dekurn Bldg., Phone Broadway ber Is painted on his cream cans, they Pci Hand. Oregon. have to he remarked frequently, ns MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade in H weeks. Some pay the marks become dim, due to wash W is c o n s in W i l l R e n u m b e r while learning. Positions secured. Write In order to avoid for catalogue. 234 Burnside street, P ort ing nnd shipping. land, Oregon. A l l Its T ru n k H ig h w a y s this I solder brass letters to the slop BRAZING. WELDING % CUTTING Immediately following a conference ing part of the can. Just below the Northwest Weldiug & Supply Co., 88 1st 8t. neck, writes W. It. Taylor of Mis of the special legislative committee, PERSONAL Merry if Lonely; most euccessful "Horn« souri In the Rural New Yorker. Cop appointed to select '¿,”>00 addition: 1 M aker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli tk 1 That Fit— None Better able; year» experience; descriptions free, per or brass letters can usually be pur miles to the state trunk highway -. di "T h e Successful Club," Mrs. Naah, Box 666. chased at the variety stores, but If vision engineers und the state high CHARGES REASONABLE Oakland, California. way division commission to determine CLEANING AND DYEING finally what ruuds are to be added, Dr. Harry B row n For reliable Cleaning and Dye ing service send parcels to ue. | highway experts will begin work en the 149 Third St We pay return poetage. Inform enormous task of renumbering all of PORTLAND. ORECON ation and prices given upon re- I quest. Wisconsin’s trunk highway system. ENKES CITY DYE WORKS« Almost every trunk highway In Portland, Ore ^ Established 1HL_________________ E V A N G. H O U SEM AN stute will have to he reuutnhered Osteopathic Physician. conform wltii the additions made by GOING T O BUILD? tbe special legislative committee. We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Send Electronic Method o f ABRAM S | us a sketch of the home you want and we will sub- i Under tbe new system there will be mit similar specimen plana. No obligation except fewer short highways nnd more long Phon« Main 2963. to return plans if not suitable. 393' i Yamhill at Tenth. Portland. Ore highways, with several numbers over O. M. A K E R S lapping each other ou the main trav D**l*tiin* and Drafting. 511-12 Couch Building. Poitland, Oregon. eled through routes. Wherever it la possible highway ex perts will plot routes direct from im Set of * 0 00 The Union Pacific has just received portant centers. There will bn no Teeth, «PO from the pre-s a new pocket edit’on in change, however, In the syticin or We guarantee material dexed map of the Pacific Northwest, plan of marking the trunk highway and workmanship. which is perhaps the most complete Brass Lettering on Milk Can. Painless extraction of system. and convenient map of Oregon and teeth. 50c. 20 years in Washington ever published. A copy the «am# location. U. S. DENTISTS. All highway maps are to be reprint 246V* Wash not to b e obtained they can b e cut ed und revised following the new al will be sent free Co any address by Wm. ington cor. Second, Portland, Oregon. from a piece of sheet brass or copper location of main highways, but this McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Pittock Block. Portland, Oregon, upon with a pair of tinner's sheurs nnd a will probably not come until late In receipt o f request by card or letter. narrow chisel. Letters or figures made tbe spring. It will make main routes W J of aluminum will not do, as they ure easier to follow, for it will cot be nec very difficult to solder. Cuns so essary to «witch off from one highway COITES. SEDANS. TOURINGS. ROADSTERS marked can always be easily identi to the next on a long Journey. Motor Easy Terms Used Fords Boujrht and Sold FARNHAM A WILLIAMS. INC.. fied and thus loss will be prevented. ists will be able to enter the state On Building Material. Roofir* Paper. Paints. Side (Two Stores) East Side. Varnish, Lumber. Lath, Nails, Shingles. Doors. 23 Nor. West 11th St. and 211 Grand Ave.. Portland, Th* lids should be stenciled or marked on one highway and follow that clear Windows, and Plumbin* Supplies. New and Second Hand. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. to correspond. through the state or to their destina DOLAN WRECKING & CONSTRUCTION CO. GLASSES WILL SAVE YOUR EYES tion. Exi*»rt fitting at lowest prices. All Office St Yard. 460 Belmont St.. Portland. Ore. Ship Your Cream Often Mutual Creamery Co., Portland Page Portland, & Oregon____ TT/^v-j-ril KJ a*] 1 KJCXL 1 1 Most Homelike Hotel in Portland Real Franklin St Washington Do You Want a Job? INFORMATION , DEPARTMENT (torn to M t it right." Tends Toward Development. To be thrown on one’s own re sources Is to be cast on the very lap of fortune; for onr faculties undergo a development, and display an energy of which they were previously unsus ceptible.- Franklin. Not Able to Function. Chivalry may not be dead, but there are tim es-In elevators, trolley ears and other places of public resort— when It appears to be In a comatoso condition. Near East Folk Lore. In the Near East among people who have little book learning folk lore has a wido circulation. U rame down through many generations and tho proverbs gathered In the centuries re flect much of the ancient philosophy and cynicism of the Orient. New Pacific Northwest Pocket Map CUT FLOWERS It FLORAL DESIGNS Claike Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. W e started our w eekly auction sales W ednesday, Nov. 21st. Ir you have a n y thing to consign in horses, mules, cattle, harness or wrasrons, also farm implements, you can ship direct to the North Portland D orse A Mule Com pany. W ire, write or phone Em pire 0121, and we will give you prompt attention. North Portland Horae Mule Co , No. Portland, Oregon. W e S p e c ia liz e in Hide-*, Pells, Wo«', Mnluir, Tallow. Cascara, Orctca Cape Rook Coat ileus. Horse Hair Wrftefor Shipping Tags A latent Price List P o r tu n o H ide & W ool C o . rnnum. itt VMM m u il form. cues :» Branch at Pocatello, Idaho styles of Glasses. Lenses duplicate 1 fn>m broken pieces. Mail in your bro ken fflasse«. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwitz. 223 First St.. Portland. Ore. D a ir y C o w Is N ece ssity , C la im s F lo r id a E x p e r t L a r g e M ile a g e Is A d d e d feed prices continue to soar, and BUY THE B5T HORSE COLUR MADE t o F e d e r a l-A id H ig h w a y s All lon g rye straw stuffed. the price of land Increases, so will the ( F r « i - » : e d by t h « I ' n i t e d St«t**« D e p a r t m e n t Insist on having the collar dairy cow replace to a very large ex o f A g ricultu re.) w ith the “ Fish” Label. If Federal-aid roads totaling 8,820 you r dealer does not handle tent the beef ateer, the sheep, and the this brand collar, write to us pig aa a producer of human food," says niilea were completed during the fiscal direct. .I'>hn M. Scott of the I'niverslty of year ending June 30, 1923, bringing P. SH A R K E Y S l SON Florida experiment station. “ And the total of federal aid roads com 53 Union Av., Portland, Ore. about the only rival tbe dairy cow has pleted to 20,.r>bd miles. Tlie mileage completed during the year Is classified North Portland H orse A Mule Co. will Is the busy hen.” hold w eekly auction sales at the Union The dairy cow nnd the hen are the as follows: Stockyard«, North Portland, < i W ed nesday at one o ’clock. If you have any only two farm animals that produce thing to sell In horses, mules or milch cow*, or harness and wagons, we would good, nourishing food day after day, Graded and drained • be glad to solicit your business, as we when properly cared for. They pro Hand clay ....................... Gravai ......................< are alw ays In touch with buyers. vide foods that are Indispensable In a ta r hound m * c « d « m B itu m in o u s m a c a d a m • the home. B itu m in o u s c o n c r« tf .. “ What Is home without milk and «’onernt« ........................ .. Powdered eggsT” asks Mr. Scott These items nnL ......................... ! enter so largely Into the preparation Bridgea •*•••••».......... of food for the family, the cow mean T.ral ...................................................... * * * * * WAX ing life Itself to thousands of chil The projects under construction at O'v«— —-r>nr>t*i OH-tln jr fn- dren. the close of the year amounted tsh to karl or aoft-woud “ We ow# the cow and the hen a debt floors. to 14,772 miles and were estimated NO ACID. CREASE OR that can be paid only by giving them D ti»r. the very best of care that they may at .i5 per cent complete. In addition Yo-jr rlrannat ha, ft. If produce the maximum amount ot to the 20.J130 mile» completed and th* not. m l u. , tarn pa. ?5c food,” s a y s Mr. Scott. And neither of 14.772 miles under construction there for (X..-pound packae* CLARKE. them are now receiving the attention were at the close of the year a num WOODWARD 'bat will be theirs when their full ber of projects approved but not yet place] under construction, the aggre DRl C CO. value Is realized. Portland. Oregon. gate length of which, was 6,917 miles. "A » “LITE-FOOr DANCE FLOOR mr SEN D T O D A Y U r FREE book containing inior- matxvB YOU shook! bar* on rectal conditions; «1 m bow I GUARANTEE to cure you* Plies or refund yonr loo. C H A S . J. D E A N . M.D 2ND AND M i n i m N RGRTIAND ORICON M f N T i C N ' THI S CAPC Q W-« g >4 W hiT lN Q Diseases of Fowls. When a fowl sneezes, waters slight S c h e m e o f T e x a s F a r m e rs Captain Stays at W heel When Vessel Goes Down ly at the eyes and nostrils, and the face f o r B u ild in g G o o d R o a d s puffs up, this indicates a common cold. A settlement of wkle-twak# farm Huffalo.—The steel tug Craig was Lone. Captain Roneker s b udj was When accompanied by a rattling in the ers near Lindsay, Tex., have a scheme throat, the trouble Is bri.nchltls. Diffi>e<l anj ».ink in the Niagara river Dot recovered. for road building. On one farmer's TLe Zillah, loaded with lunnber and cult breathing Indicates pneumonia. place Is a gravel pit that fnrnlabea oppoglte the Grand Island ferry nd- Ing by the steamship Zfflah, o f Hay tornio: the barge Hinge, was ■bout to I Canker In the mouth n e m diphtheria. good gravel In abundance. Tills farm p«M a 1 oe to tbe Craig when the fug C ity , llic h . er Itm iW ri free the gravel for road- When Duck Eggs Don't Hatch. Captain Frank Roneker. Jr., of Ton- ran uiifrxpFTtedljr coder her t•OW. The bulhling ¡ivjrpeaea» while the other When the eggs from a certain pen of rammed on the K>rt aide a'.vanda, stuck to the helm and went Cm lf Sacks d . n t fiat' ll *'■:!, t a trouble farmers grad.) ip the roadbed* and down with his ship vhen the tug 8Dd 4» »•nt doua irnmedUfelj. '« • i the work la Divi*rs are attempting to recover often may be corrected by (hanging tha corar leitd It hasn't foot anything ex heeled over from the Impact. Howard male to another pen or by Introducing Slover, fireman, and I-e« Kropp, engi Capta u Uoneker a budjr from the pilot cept a lid 's tlni'«snd labor, and there a new leader. neer. were rescued by the ferryboat ho: are no faxes to par. « Love of Argument. “ Why is betting an almost exclu sively masculine habit?'* an exchange inquires, and a cynical correspondent answers: "Men choose betting as a means of stopping an argument; wom SCOUT CAPTURES BANDITS en never want an argument stopped." That boy scouts sre practical — Iloston Transcript. workers for community law and onlei Is shown in the recent vigorous goon Progress. turn of Scout John Watkins of 1'hila The man who is ready to give pledge delphla who, after uu exciting chase on foot, trolley car and automobile, that the opinion he will hold tomorrow- trailed three burglars aud cuuscd the will be precisely the opinion he holds today has either thought very little, arrest of two of them. Scout Watkins first learned of the or to little purpose, or has resolved bandits' activities when Morris Cohen to quit thiuking altogether.—Helen proprietor of a drug store which tin Hunt Jackson. boy was passing, rushed from hi» shop, shouting h* hud been robl>ed The Nuisance in the Triangle. states a Philadelphia “The men had entered the store uud A Georgia Judge says the ouly safe had taken $00 from the proprietor» “ triangle” for a man to get mixed pocket and a gold watch und chain up with is u wife, a pipe und a dog. They then forced the druggist to tin I That's all right, and we tried It out cellar, took $80 from the cash regts once, but for the sake of peace we ter, and left the store, on the run. Th. had to g. t rid of the- dog.—Detroit scout noticed them first ns they passed him, and s few moments Intel Free Tress. when Cohen emerged and desert led Opinion Held by Too Many. what had occurred, the boy stui ted h pursuit. "Something ought to be done about “ Once he nearly caught up to the everything,” said an ironic philoso bnndits, but helpless to do anything single-handed, kept them In sight pher. Hut what accounts for so many until he would see s policeman. At thinking they are Hamlets and ex snotber point In the chase Watkins claiming with him: "The time is out Jumped on the ren- of a passing auto of Joint. O, cursed spite, that I was mobile. Fighting i he men boarding a trolley, the boy J inped from the auto and hung ou br . of the cur until he Two Kinds of Polygons. saw two po> men, to whom he A portion of a plane bounded by a called. They .curded the car and Watkins identified tw o o f the burglars. broken lino Is called a polygon, or, in The third could not be found. On other words a many-sided figure. A the floor of the car, near where the polygon that has nil its sides and all men hud been seated, the police found its angles equal is known as a regular the money and two pistols. The polygon. Triangles, squares, hexagons, burglars were taken to the police sta etc., are polygons. j tlon.” Scout Watkins recently saved the Why, of Course. i lives of three small children when a team of horses attached to the wagon A young woman in distress writes: In which the children were riding, be "W e sont out sixty wedding invita came frightened und ran away. Wal tions and only nino presents have been kins leaped on hn< k of the wag- n an I. roceived. What shall wo do?” How grabbing the reins, brought the nnl unresourceful you young people are! niuls to a stop. Get busy and rush out a follow-up let- tor.— Exchange. A SCOUT'S POINT OF VIEW the to Save 25 to 5 0 Per Cent OltECON MATTERY CO. e ilnuui Avenue. 1'hoiM*. k u t lini. PORTLAND. OREGON iCouUuctsd by Nations! Council of th* bo Scouts of America.) GLASSES USED FORDS $ B A TTE R IES $ 1 0 b tir v; a . . A - • • V . — ^ The scout movement carnes a boy back to nature and teaches him not only how to take car* of hirv.sslf in meeting all conditions of the open, but alto to observe and appreciato'th* great out-of-doors. "HOME CF BOY SCOUT HEROES" Cotniopolls, Wash., bn* good elul.ii to the name—"llom e of Hoy Scout Heroes.’* Within a period of four days two boys recently made heroic rescues In the Chehalls river and su»ed lives. Scout Hurtoii Ke< :i, tfi / . years of age, Is one of the life -aver*. According to the story of three wit nesses, Keegan swum half-way across the liver and resoned a ten year-old crippled lad who had become weak ened In an attempt to *wlm the river. Keegan was standing on the dock when the younger boy, who hud Just reached midstream, suddenly felt Ids strength leaving him and called for help. Tho scout Immediately Jumped Into the river and reached the lad as he was sinking. Keegan started to swim toward shore with the boy. He became exhausted before he reached the end of hie long Journey end sev eral other boys helped him. The crippled lad was In a semi conscious condition when he was placed on tbe bank of the river, but first aid ud ministered by his scout rescuer re vived him and be was taken to bis home. Tbe second hero. Scout Mila Luke, also rescued a drowning |>erson. Fred Kaffelson, from the Ghehalis when the latter fell off the Costnopoiis city dock. BOY &COUTS AID COMMUNITY It Can’t Be Done. Because ono has seen a hundred of the parades, celebrations and great doings of life, he should not belittle them and discourage those who have seen but few; anyway, he can’t. Stray Bits of Wisdom. Every day Is n gift I receive from heaven; let us enjoy today that which It bestows on me. It belongs not more to the young than to me. and tomorrow belongs to no ono.— Mancroix. Things Men Like. What is hack of all these acquaint ance stunta, the smile nnd laughter- provoking games, and this everlasting singing? Men like stunts, men like to play, men like to smile and laugh, and men like to sing.—Joseph A. Turner, The English Language. The Kogllan language la said to con sist of*700.000 words, but nearly half are either obsolete or scientific, sel dom used In conversation. It has been calculated that nlne-teaths of our words are of Saxon origin. Fighting Rats In London Subways. Rats are faught relentlessly on London's underground railway; when one is seen special rat catchers are sent after It. The rats some out for tbe grease on the rails.—London An swers. Red Cross Rt J I A valuable community good (urn was BALL BLUE recently perfomicd by six troops of Ogdfi, Utah, In fighting a large for krrp.Rf. M w lly I ' mi 4 lor low '< *«KU l i o n . •h*<-«* and pillow est fire advancing In a canyon aom*- mlles f'oru the city. Within one hour 1 r s Vao HFUNKE-W AIKEK after a d *tre-i call had rea< led a out Are i n w tB iew ! b u s i n e s s c o l l i r.« bAdqosrters. tfie boy» were on their Is Ika M n n t , moot perfectly a eu ip p-d way, armed with shoveis and axes. (maina** Training School In th* Nnrtb- w**L Kit yoeraaTf far a hither position At 8:30 p. m. the scouts reached tbe with nto-a money. Perm anent poattloos a«« : red o ur «;Did ie tro Ore area, and by 10 p. m , after beroic W rite for aatnlnu — » ou rla a n o k*a' work, they had tbe flames under con Portland trol. The boys then stood gnard to N o . 1, 1924 P. N. U. put eut any stray