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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1923)
u»ui iiausm \J of O. Librarv T he M o n m o u t h H erald VOL. XVI No. 17 MONMOUTH, I’OLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1923 T h e re is No Land Like O regon and Only One W illam ette Valley of the property, when it was First National Buys Question Good Faith sale brought home to him that he had Farm Bureau to Hold Christmas Programs City Improvement Bonds Whitman Sisters Die sacrificed his financial interests, he Of Hotel Purchasers which suffered a stroke of apoplexy, from Its Annual Meeting And Family Reunions The First National Bank of this In Auto Accident he continues to suffer. To city was the successful bidder for the that the Kimbles and Fischers The annual meeting of the Polk impiovement bonds which the city- Returning from a Christina» shop A case has been filed in the dis show A ppropriate Christmas exercises offered for sale at the m eeting of the ping knew what they were doing, it is County tour to their home in the exclus trict court involving the title to pointed Farm Bureau has been called were held in the Monmouth churches. council last Tuesday evening. These th at they saw to it that for Januaty ive Wilshire district. Miss Myrtle Beaver hotel building, grounds and W alker out at the Commercial I The Evangelical congregation had a bonds are issued under the Bancroft paid off the $8,000 in m ort Club looms in -1th Dallas, Whitman, 40, and her sister, Miss furniture at Independence. at 10 a. m. on the building and furniture The report of the year's work and j Christmas tree and program Sun- Act to cover the cost of paving the Bessie Whitman. 38, were killed early The action is brought in the name gages j day evening, a feature being a pag when the $15,000 was paid for the of the finances by the executive intersections and the space between last evening when run down by a of W. S. W alker, as guardian of $36,000 property, and by complicat committees will be followed by the e a n t depicting scenes connected with the paving and curb on Monmouth large touring car going west on M. W. W alker, the guardian having ing the title so acted that it election of officers and the adoption the birth of Christ, which were nice avenue, the total am ount being $10,- Eighth street. It was driven by been appointed by Jhe county court will take some have ly conceived and carried out. Spe 322.17. time and involve con of a progiani for 1924. John W. Nicholas of 1415 South ( on Saturday, December 22. As siderable expense, say the least, to Even without the leadership and cial numbers were solos by Ronald Three bids were received for the Gramercy Place. He wm taken into quickly as this case could be filed straighten out the to tangle. Beattie and Eldon Riddell, a reading Clark. Kendall & Co., of custody of the police on a charge of following this A ttorney Oscar Hayter sentim ent against the Kimbles Public stimulus of a county agent for the by Mrs. Frances Snyder, special m u bonds. and Portland hid $100 25 and accrued in m anslaughter. secured from the court a temporary Fischers is said to run strong in In past year, the Faim B unau has car sic by the choir and a series of ex terest and the Lumberm an’s Trust Nicholas, son of Henry E. Nicho restraining order by which the de dependence, where it is felt that ried on extensive campaigns of squir ercises by pupils of the different Company $100.36 while the bid of las, wealthy San Pedro and Eastport, fendants, H arry F. Kimble and they took advantage of W alker’s rel and gopher poisoning the squir classes. Mrs L. A. Robinson, super the First bid National was $100.75. Me., packer, is alleged to have struck Gladys C. Kimble, Albert H. Fischer mental condition and secured the rel woik being quite general and suc intendent of the Sunday School, was Another issue of $10,000 up down the W hitman sisters while they ^ and Irene L. Fischer, from disposing property at less than half its real cessful over the county and the go in chaige. At the conclusion of the outstanding w arrants is to to be take held in were “walking upon a public street.” of the property or removing any of value. There it is predicted that pher cam paign almost eliminating program, Santa Claus appeared and the near future. He was arrested and was later the furniture. this pest from an area of nearly 20,- proceeded to entertain the crowd by purchasers will not make a seri 000 transferred to the County Jail on As told by the petition, it is claim the acres. the distribution of candy to the OREGON POULTRY FUTURE ous effort to retain the property, re The T B testing of dairy cattle was m anslaughter growing out ed that M. W. W alker, the form er alizing 111 BE lUSt l SSKD AT a V ( of the death of charges that the courts will be against started in the county by the farm young folks. the two girls. owner of the hotel, has been incapa them.—Capital Journal. ble of transacting his own business bureau and during the past year The Christian church Christmas Facts useful in determ ining the He was released on Friday by for the past several months. While High School Players more than 8000 cattle have been program was held Monday evening future of the poultry business in Or Judge Robert A. Scott on $10,0U0 under the direction of Mrs. F. E. egon are being gathered by mem bond. he was in this incapable condition it Win From Independence tested. The Nativity of Christ bers of the O. A. C. poultry staff. According to witnesses, the two is claimed that the defendants named The work done in these three pro Chambers. was presented in a series of tableaux Comparative cost of egg produc women were thrown nearly a hundred heretofore induced him to agree to Nobody thought that it was pos jects, not to mention several others sell the hotel building, grounds and sible, Independence folks are still of nearly equal importance, has made impressive by colored lights tion in this state and others, prices feet by the impact of the heavy ma furniture for the sum of $15,000, trying to explain how it happened, more than justified the existance of and a varied program of music and j ithe T-etaoin cmbfwe sharo o chine. readings. When the program was of eggs in the leading markets of The two sisters, inseparable since bureau in the county. whereas it is asserted that it was the truth remains that the M. H. the The farm continuation concluded Santa Claus made his ap the country, standard feed rations, op childhood, were struck down by the of these projects easily worth $36,500. Securing the but S. basketball five, doped to lose by a and the adoption of others no less pearance and superintended the dis eration of certified hatcheries, regis automobile as they stepped from the option to buy at this price the de two one score, upset the dope pot, im portant offer a big opportunity tribution of presents and treats from tration of breeding stock and func curb at Eighth and Catalina streets, fendants, it is alleged, sent to P ort and to won a margin of one basket for future work. the Christmas tree. tions of the state poultry association their arm s burdened with bundles of land and there secured from the from their by Independence rivals. are some of the points covered in the Christmas toys and gifts for rela Pacific Savings £ Loan association The game was one of, if not the The annual Christm as tree of the tives, but a few blocks from their study. Airlie Pioneer Woman a loan of $18,000, giving m ortgages most Burkhead family was held this year interesting game that the Nor home. They lived with their widow Results of this survey will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R on the entire property for the sum. mal gym has ever seen, as well as Buried Last Monday at Crofoot. Christm as eve was spent available fofl consideration by the ed mother, Mrs. H. D. Whitman, and W ith the $18,000 defendants are one of the closest ever played on a alleged to have paid M. W. W alker local floor. Never for a moment Ann F. Staats, a native Oregonian opening packages, listening to a well poultry section of the economic con brother, H. S. Whitman. pioneer resident of Airlie died prepared program and chatting ference to be held at the state college Although severely mangled, one of the $15,000 purchase price and as was the outcome sure. The lead went and the sisters remained alive until she sumed possession of the hotel, put from side to side and only by two at her home there December 22nd. Later in the evening an oyster suo Januaty 23 to 26.. She was born in Yamhill county, July was placed in an ambulance to be ‘Solution of the many problem that ting the extra $3,000 they secured to lightning plays in the last few m in 4th, 1849 and has lived in the Airlie per was an interesting event. Mrs. lushed to the hospital. Both vic have arisen in the last few years as Crofoot was also hostess at the an their own use. utes of the game did Monmouth district nearly forty years. She was nual Christm as dinner. Those pres a result of the heavy increase in poul tims, it was found had suffered frac Following the filing of the deeds cinch the victory, and even then In daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ent for both occasions were: Mrs try and egg production needs care tured skulls as well as numerous and bill of sale involving the transac dependence threatened seriously sev a Burns, residents of Yamhill L. R. Burkhead, Ranie Burkhead, Mr. ful thought,” says the committee in other injuries. tion the relatives of M. W. W alker eral times before the whistle blew. county. pioneer She is survived by two and Mrs. M. M. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs chaige of the conference. The mother was prostrated by the got busy, and so did the defendants. Independence High School has what Mrs. F. M. W aters of Vern Leneve, Mr. and Mrs. G. R O rigon imported eggs by the car news of the tragedy.—Los Angeles The deal was made on December 13, looks like the makings of a wonder daughters, Airlie and Mrs. L. A. Hecker of Al Gtaffoot, Georgia and Louranie Cro lot recently but sent 100 car lots out Examiner. and a few days later both Kimble and ful team , but it !s lacking both in bany; sons—Willie Staats of A ir foot and Bernice Harvey. of the state only last year. M tuns to Fischer transferred to their wives all practice and experience. Even as it lie and two Roscoe Staats of Independ enable Oregon producers to compete ( h h k I Showing Made In their interests in the hotel and prop stands, great credit is due, both to ence; two sisters—Mrs. A Christm as reunion and golden on even terms with producets of the B. F. Smith Bed Cross Roll Call erty, and are accused of having re the Monmouth team for the fight of Lewisville and Mrs. Phya Daily wedding anniversary were features moved from the hotel a piano and they put up and to coach Zeller who of Portland. Funeral services were of a family party held at the home of east and midwest will be sought. Famous for its "bred to lay” stock Mrs. M. A. Young, Polk County other furnishings of the value of has trained them. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bihl at Rickreall Oregon is now called on to find a Director for the A. R. C. Roll Call, held at the residence near Airlie on $1000. In addition, it is set up, the nds in the following report of the Monday, December 24 at 11 o’clock, on Christm as day. The golden wed way to protect its reputation from s* defendants are trying to sell the nit-rnhership drive for 1923: M t ding anniversary was that of Lyon l-rfidge Elects Rev. H. Charles Dunsmore of Inde unscrupulous advertisers. property, and have had quite a num At a m eeting of Lyon lodge, A. F. pendence Valsrtz, $207.00, officiating with A. L. Kee and Mrs. J. E. Ragsdale, who were The enormous five million dollar Cready, chaitm an. Mrs. R. L Mc- ber of persons in Independence as and A. M. in Independence W ednes ney as undertaker. Burial was in the married at Pearsal, Texas, December poultry business in Oregon in en prospective buyers. day night the following officers were family plat in the English cemetery 23, 1873, and the family party eon- titled to government aid in control Monmouth, $120.50, Mrs. Cletus Plaintiff therefore asks th a t the elected or appointed and installed:— sisted of their children and grand of diseases that constitute a limiting Butler, ehuirman. deed and bill of sale to the property Howard Morlan, W. M.; A. L. Keeney at Airlie. children. Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale factor, the head of the college depart Independence, $70.50, Mrs. A. L. Loganberry Situation Discussed be set aside as having been secured S. W,; A. A. Justin, J. W.; H. Hirsch- moved to New Mexico in 1901 and to ment believes. Some 20 to 26 vet Kullander, chairman. by fraud; that defendants be en berg, treas.; Ira Mix, secy.; J. G. Approximately 7000 acres are de Oregon in 1923. They were happy erinarians Airlie, $27.00, Miss Maude Mc work on dairy cat Daniel, joined from selling the property or McIntosh, S. D.; W. J. Mulkey. Jr. voted to loganberry production in Tuesday in having their children tle diseases are in at Oregon he points out. Falta chairman. any p art thereof; that M. W. W alker J. D.; Robert Smith, S. S.; Roy Kul- Oregon. This state produces 85 per around them. The Christm as dinner Many problems as great City, $15.00, Mrs. Hazel as these Courier, chairm be decreed to be the owner of the en lander, J. S.; J. B. V. Butler, Jr., cent of the loganberries grown in the included turkey and wedding cake. will he considered in the leading an. and tire property; th a t p la in tiff recover tiler. The first meeting of the new United States. Dallas,0, Committee consisting of Present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. farm activities of Oregon at three membeis of the American from the defendants the $3000 they year will be held January 9 when the Growers are confronted with the Ragsdale and baby of Dallas; Jesse special Le secured from the m ortgage company m aster mason degree will be twice alternative of pulling up many of Ragsdale, wife and two children of the conference. gion and Commercial Club. above the purchase price of the! conferred with the new officers in their vines or increasing use and Rickreall; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bihl Expenses incurred in making drive, property; that a receiver be appoint-! charge. There will be- a modest ban m arket for this especially adapted and five children of Rickreall, Ches including transporiation, advertising, ed to conduct the hotel during the quet during the course of the even- crop. telephone, postage, etc., $25. ter A rthur of New Mexico, Mr. and A thorough analysis of the logan Mrs. T. J. Wedekind and two daugh pendency of the action. i n r _______ _______ Native of York State berry situation will be made at the ters of Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs. Moss W. W alker, who has been declared incompetent to transact his Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Sickafoose had agricultural economic conference to .1. E. Ragsdale. Dies in Independence : ; business, is one of the best known their Christm as dinner with Mrs. J. be held at the state college, January- Russell Jam es W right, a retired Mr. and Mrs. William Riddell Jr. ta 23 to 25. men in the county. Following the Dornsife. farm er, resident of Independence, were hosts for a Christm as dinner died at his home in that city last unday. The Christm as decirations week. Funeral services were held arranged for the holidays gave a chapel with Rev. H. C. Dunsmore hcery brightness to the home, officiating. Mr. W right was born •«vex* i overs were laid for Mr. and Mrs. POST-CHRISTMAS CARTOONET1TES in W rightsville, Louis county, N. Y., Milton Hoyser and little son, Ilooert ComptUd E. W. P ickard August 9, 1850. He had lived in In ( lark of Salem, Mrs. Bernard Phillipi dependence for the past eleven years. .f Marshfield, Percy aud Eldon Two brothers survive, S. P. W right Riddell and the hosts. of Grand Junction, Colorado and W. DISASTERS Mrs. Pernie Johnson and her E. W right of Clifton, Colorado. Mr. laughter, Mrs. Loraine McWilliams Jan . t —'T w en ty p a rs o n s k ille d In c o l and Mrs. W. E. W right attended the of lirldg« a t K elao, W ash if Ashland are spending the holidays lapse Burial was in the Odd n a t D aw son. funeral. lsiting with relatives in Monmouth N r M e b . e n I — to m M b ine e d a e n x d plosio Fellows cem etery. Deceased was killed U 0 m en E xplosion kn m in e n e a r C u m b e rla n d . never m arried. killed 10 m en Mr. and Mrs Vern Leneve of B. F C.. T w e n ty - tw o p a tle n le and Marshfield drove up from that cit> th re e e b a t t II— e n d a n t s k illed In In s a n e a sy lu m Hr# on W a rd N ew T urk. -aturdav to spend the holidays with M arch t F Inland. i f te e n m in e ra killed In a t A rista, W Va ,er parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Har blast M arch 14— One h u n d re d a n d n rty ,ey. They brought with them Miss G reek s o ld ie rs d ro w n e d w h e n t r a n s A lex a n d re s u n k Roberta Ballard. They plan on port A pril il- —BIx h u n d re d p e r s o n s killed by tidal w i v e s In C o rea in<1 J a p a n trating back home today. May 1« -F lood a n d « re p a r tly de y e d H oi Bprlnna, Ark Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hampton and a lro May 17 S e v e rs e a r t h q u a k e a t Q uito mall daughter of LaGrande spent E cu Sev a d o n r t y - t h r e e k ille d In b u r n i n g ol hnstm as at D. M. Hampton's and achoolhouee a t C lev elan d. 8 C. f t fo r ZERO u n e 10— D is a s tr o u s floods In K a n s a s Mrs. Hampton and daughter have re O k J lah o m a a n d C o lo rad o .Y earua^ ta o r e . He p o rts re ce iv ed of e a rth nained for the week. Supt. Hamp q u J a u k n e e s 18- on is in Portland attending the state ished In F e ra is In w h ic h 8,000 p e r 77»« /«//*>-w- wAc Jot crìi J u n e 17— M ore e a r t h q u a k e s In F e ra l* eachers conclave. He ia a member 8.000 A D -V E R -T IÍE , >f the state committee on text books. J u n e killed 10— Ml E t n a In v io len t Orup ta le iJt** rcor*. tlo n . s e v e ra l to w n s d e s tro y e d n In coal m in e a* Mrs. Uillie Tallmadge of Portland R . e A m u m ( e re 10- r. E W x yo p lo sio k illed to men. A u« I I — T errlflc ty p h o o n a t H o n « was the week end guest of her konff laughter, Mrs. Bertha Hall and son, lives. d e s tro y In« vesaela. p ro p e rty a n d 21 M illion d o lla rs ' d a m a « e Robcit. On Monday all went to A u « by flu id In A r k a n s a s v allsy. Colo Portland to spend Christm as and don* rado. Sept I nt .ake in the sessions of the state Area d e s tro F y a e r d t h q s u o a i r l e a o f a n d T o k r e y s o u lta and T o a o h a m a an d o t h e r elite*. 188,000 eachers’ meeting. killed 0— N ina f 'n lte d fltatee de W ilmer Powell was home frofh «tr flept yera and <-nr liner w recked on coast of s o u th e r n C aliforn ia In fo«; >7 Summit to spend Christman With e s lost his brother Perry he is running a liv flept IS— T y p h o o n a n d floods k illed In J a p a n farm in Benton county and both boys 8.000 flept 17—H lxty b lo ck s o f B erk eley. can not leave at once. Perry will C al- d estro yed by Or*. (Continued on last page) spend New Years on the home place. I ta Chronology) | o f the Tear 1923