THE MONMOUTH HERALD, M O N M O U T H . OREGOV H tID A v . N O '.T V B V . 30, 1921 p «n • ¿ZS2S2SHSZ5ZS2S?5ÏS2SZS2525H5Z52S252S252£ZSZ5^S’Y é J» The Herald Quality C a te re d u M condn Have You Seen attar uth l e t g i Mercé I. UT* Young People’s Meeting 6:45 P. M. Wednesday evening 7:30 Prayer, j and Bible Study service. All are welcome to any of these | service*. RICHARD B. SWENSON Church Of The Nasareue Rev. C. Howard Davis, Pastor Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 P. Editor & Publisher OUR W IN D O W DISPLAY TAKE the TRAI N COMFORT and SAFETY plus DEPENDABILITY M Prayer meeting each Thursday at 6 o’clock. George and Elmer Andrus of Wil lamette University will preach on al ternate Sundays. Everyone welcome. OUNCDgMS Christian Church ing Reunions around the Family Table there is nothing more pleasing and serviceable than a fine Carving Set. We have extra good sets at very reasonable prices for your selecting*and our kitch en helps in roasters, kitchen cutlery and cooking utensils will give you pleasure in their everyday usefulness. We would be pleased to show them to you. Thomas & Horton 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Ruth P Adams of -he Near East Relief will . peak for us- Mrs. Adams is said to be one Independence of the best speakers in this work. Monday evening, regular monthly meeting of the church board. Tuesday evening will be the regu lar monthly business meeting and ¿S25Z5HSa5ESESZSESE5E5ZS2S252S25E52SE5ZS25E5Z5ZSZSaSE5ZSi5ZSZSZSZSE52' conference o f the Bible School officers and teachers. -----------------* ------------* * - = '5 Wednesday evening, Prayer Meet ing, 7:30 p. m. II Good to be Sure Better to be Insured Be& to be insured in the Thursday evening Choir practice from 7:30 to 8:30 at the home of Mrs. F. E. Chambers. Fire Insurance Company Accident a nd Indemnity Company Chambers & Powell Agents 33 Efficient Service f ourteou* Treat- mart A. L. KEENEY Funeral Dirac1« and Licensed Eanbalmer Call» Promptly Answered Dsy or Night. Prices Reasonable phones 9821 AND 9822 Monmouth A Independence AutuBu- TIME SCHEDULE Bus leaves Train leaver Monmouth Train Independence } 7.10 A. M. To Portland 7.38 9.45 A. M. To Portland 10.0 To Corvallis 10.26 111.60 A. M. To Corvallis 12.13 2 40 P. M. To Portland 3.12 3.33 1 2.40 P. M. To Corvallia 6.10 P. M. To Portland 5.38 6.45 P. M To Corvallia 7.15 Raymond E. Derby, Phone 1504 Prop W ood Sawing per cord SAFETY PERHAPS BURGLARS OR A FIRE HAVE NOT VISITED YOUR HOME. BUT IF THEY SHOULD COME THEY WOULD GET ALL YOUR MONEY AND VALUABLES. DO NOT BE ONE WHO LOCKS STABLE THE AFTER THE HORSE IS GONE. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE PREPARATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR PROTECTING IT NOT ON LY FfO M FIRE AND BURGLARY. BUT FROM YOUR OWN E X T * W A G A NCR IT WILL BE SVFF. IN O l'R BANK. PLA< E YOUR DEEDS AND VALUABLE papers in our safety d e p o s it BOXES To PORTLAND Low Round Trip Fares to other points Roomy, well-heated and ventilated equipment makes traveling on the Southern Pacific a pleasure. You know that irrespective of rain, fog, »now or other unfavorable condi tions, the train can be depended upon —that efficient and courteous Southern Pacific men will look after your com forts. Ask agent fo r a Southern Pacific time tables and for information regarding fares, ete. or write JOHN M. SCOTT Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines (Formerly Windmill) E. A. Weddle, Prop. Ladies’ and Children’s H A IR CUTTING Tub and Shower Baths Evangelical ChurcL there is nothing that will compare with tile or brick. The appearance of such a house is always attractive and it holds its selling value better than a frame house. Drain Tile in all Sizes. Ask us about them. Central Clay Products Co. \ Rsl That Didn't Smell After Being Dead for 3 Months. “ I swear it was dead at least 3 months,” said James Sykes, Butcher, Westfield. N. J. “ We saw this rat every day. Put a cake of RAT-SNAP behind a barrel. Months later my B a n tu t Church wife asked about the rat. Remem Sabbath School at 10 A. M. bered the barrel, looked behind it. Preaching service at 11 A. M. and There was the rat— dead, not the 7:46 P. M slightest odor.” Three sizes, 35c, 65<r Prof. Wm. J. Sly of Linfield Col $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by lege will occupy the pulpit. PERKINS PHARMACY Next week is Denominational week and the morning subject will be on Notice o f Final Settlement The Relation of the Church to World 1« Notice is hereby given that the un Work. dersigned, administrator of the es In the evening, the third of the tate of Eleanor Jane Smith, deceased, has filed his final account in the Coun series on miracles. Miracle o f Busi ty Court of the State of Oregon for ness, will be the subject. Polk County, and said County Court has appointed the 17th day o f Decem ber, 1923. at the hour of i0 o’clock in the forenoon thereof, at the County- Ito Û R x h S fa Court room ire the City o f Dallas, Or egon, as the time and place to hear and srttle said final account, and any objections thereto, if any exist.^ Dated and first published Novem ber 16, 1923. Last publication Dec 14. IRA C. POWELL. Administrator o f the Estate of Eleanor Jane Smith, d e c e a s e d . B F. Swope, attorney 210 Oregon Bldg , Salem. Ore.______ _ The United States Weather Bureau fore casts an early fall and winter for 1923. If you are planning fall building or construc tion work you should take advantage of these fine fall days. No matter what your plans may be we can supply you with best material at lowest prices. Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Monmouth Lumber Company L. W. Waller, Manager S dns B o a stin g meats a n d fam i B a k in g a p p le*. tomatoes, potatoes First National Bank MONMOUTH, OREGON Officer* - IRA. C. POWELL, PUB* J. B V BUTLER. Vies P u a F. E. CHAMBERS, C ashi « « ; C. C. POW ELL. A sst C ashier Diractars—J B. V. BUTLER. C hairman ; WM RIDDELL, I. M SIMPSON. G. A. CONN. D R RIDDELL. IRA C. POWELL On sale Fri., Sat. A Sun., limited toTue. INDEPENDENCE BARBER SHOP Everyone cordially invited to at tend all of these services. The Women's Missionary Society will meet in the basement o f the Christian church the first Friday in One door east o f the Odd Fellows December, the 7th. A full attend Building. ance of the members is desired. Up To Date Dues will be collected at this time. E l e c t r i c By order o f the President The Annual Bazaar given by the Restaurant Give us a trial. Dorcas Society of the Christian Tables for ladies. C. E. Fetzer church, will be held December 8 at the building formerly occupied by the Miller s Store. Each of the follow ing booth s will have a choice lot of H. W . MORLAN articles in their line: Notary Public Fancywork Blank Deeds. Mortgages, Etc. Handkerchiefs Aprons Baby’s Articles up to six years. BU ILDING TILE Dolls Made in Monmouth Flowers (Potted plants) make the best and most Candy Dinner will be served beginning economical building mater at 11:30. Price 60 cents. Keep In long the date in mind and Come Early! ial you can buy. Saturday, December 8 wear and low cost of upkeep Louis C. Kirby, Minister 90c Hard wood. twice cut. Mrs. L. R. Robinson, S. S. Supt. Sabbath School 10 a. m. " 3 times in two $1.15 B. F. Swope C. A. Swope Fir. twice in two80c: 3 cuts $1.00 Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, “ Passing the Lawyers Seth Smith, Phone 3205 Loaf” . 210 Oregon Building Junior and Senior Endeavors meet SALEM OREGON Let me mend your furniture or at 6:30 p. m. Associated—Thomaa Brown J. W. Howell 4t file your saws. Evening service in charge of Mr. Handsaker who will speak o f his ex perience in the Near East. Mid-week service, Wednesday 7:30 p. m. The Homelike Society meets on Tuesday in the church parloi. The Missionary Society will also meet at this hour. Independence, Ore. On sale daily Limit 15 days $ 3.15 IT’S HERE H A R T F O R D & $ 3.75 va riation S cience Wednesday evening meeting at 8 I o'clock. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Sunday morning servics at 11 | o’clock. Subject for Sunday, December 2, •’Ancient and Modern Necromancy. I alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De- j r.ounced.” H. C. Shropshire, Minister. Phone 1204 Sunday Services: 10 a. m. Bible School. J. W. Leaak, Card of Thanks Supt. Claases for all ages. Alsc We wish to thank those who in dif a special class for Normal students. ferent ways assisted us in the time A short Than kt giving program of our bereavement. will be given at thi», time, cons ¿ting H K. Sickafoose and Family. of recitations, and songs. A special offering will be taken for Home Mis sions. A. M ARANT 11 a. m. Preaching by H. C. Shrop shire. Subject, ‘ God wil. jpply all R e l i a b l e F i r e i n s u r a n c e your needs.” and S urety Bonds OFFICE HOURS 2 TO 5 P. M. 6:30 p. m. Both Senior and Junior PHONE 805 Christian Endeavor. At this season of the year with the Home Com Low Round Trip Fares reduce the cost o f travel C A T A R R H A L DEAFNESS la often caused by sn inflamed con ditio« o f the m u cou s lining o f the Eustachian Tub* SVbon this tube la Inflamed you have a ru m b lin g aound or im perfect hearing t'nlena the Inflammation can be reduc ed. y o u r hearing may he de stroyed forever H A L L / 8 C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E wilt d o w hat w e claUn for It—Md your «vetem o f Caw j r h or l e a f nee* caused by Catarrh. H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M ED ICIN E has bee n successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Tears. Sold ti y all druggists T. J. tJhem y A O»., Toledo, O. C o o k in g e n tir e m e a l at o n e time C o ld Pa*.à cann in « a n d preaer%tn( B aking brea d . mile, Nsauu P o e t to t fr y n g and rendering T he W ear-Lver** Koasfer m a y he used for •o m a n y p u r p o s e ! h r s id c i roa stin g that it is o n e o f the m o s t ECONOMICAL utensils that a h o u s e w ife ca n have — o n e that can be t \ L R \ J a y th r o u g h o u t many years oi s e rv ice a n d a! wavy in su re better-cooked* better- tlax oreJ fo o d s . Get yours TODAY. MONMOUTH HARDWARE J EL W inegar, Proprietor